Research Article
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Preconcentration of Cu(II) Using Isonitrosoacetophenone Anthranoylhydrazone Modified Silica Gel

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 141 - 149, 31.12.2017


In this study, highly selective and efficient adsorbent, isonitrosoacetophenone anthranoylhydrazone

modified silica gel, was prepared and applied for separation and preconcentration of Cu2+ ion in water samples.

Cu2+ ion and other metal ions were determined by Inductively Coupled Plazma Optical Emission Spectrometry.

The influences of analytical parameters including pH, amount of adsorbent, sample volume, eluent volume, type

of eluent etc. on the quantitative recovery of Cu2+ were investigated. The effects of some alkaline, alkaline earth,

some metal ions and anions on the recoveries of Cu2+ were also examined. Optimum pH value for the adsorption

of Cu2+ was pH 5. 2 mL of 0.5 M H2SO4 solution for Cu2+ was found to be satisfactory for the quantitative elution.

Limit of detection and limit of quantitation was calculated as 0.265 μg L-1 and 0.803 μg L-1 for Cu2+ respectively.

It was observed that adsorption behaviour of Cu2+ ions was fitted to the Langmiur adsorption isotherm better than

the Freundlich isotherm. In order to validate the accuracy of the method for determination of Cu2+ ion, certified

reference material (ground water-BCR 610) was used. The determined values were in good agreement with the

certified values. Proposed separation and preconcentration method was applied to spring, tap and sea water samples.

The recoveries of Cu2+ added to water samples were in between 82-93%.


  • Akl MAA, Kenawy IMM, Lasheen RR, 2004. Originally modified silica gel and flame atomic absorption spectrometry: employment for separation and preconcentration of nine trace heavy metals for their determination in natural aqueous systems. Microchemical Journal. 78: 143-156.
  • Alexandre G, Prado S, Airoldi C, 2001. Adsorption, preconcentration and separation of cations on silica gel chemically modified with the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Analytica Chimica Acta. 432: 201–211.
  • Bartyzel A, Cukrowska EM, 2011. Solid phase extraction method for the separation and determination of chromium(III) in the presence of chromium(VI) using silica gel modified by N,N_-bis-(_-methylsalicylidene)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediimine. Analytica Chimica Acta. 707: 204-209.
  • Botes PJ, 2003. Investigation of mobility of trace elements in river sediments using ICP-OES. University of Pretoria, MS Thesis, Pretoria, 144 p.
  • Bulut VN, Demirci H, Ozdes D, Gundogdu A, Bekircan O, Soylak M, Duran C, 2016. A novel carrier element-free co-precipitation method for eparation/preconcentration of lead and cadmium ions from environmental matrices. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. 35: 1709-1715.
  • Camel V, 2003. Solid phase extraction of trace elements. Spectrochimica Acta Part B. 58: 1177–1233.
  • Cheng H, Wu C, Shen L, Liu J, Xu Z, 2014. Online anion exchange column preconcentration and high performance liquid chromatographic separation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry detection for mercury speciation analysis. Analytica Chimica Acta. 828: 9–16.
  • Goswami A, Singh AK, 2002. 1,8- Dihydroxyanthraquinone anchored on silica gel: synthesis and application as solid phase extractant for lead(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) prior to their determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Talanta. 58: 669-678.
  • Gouda AA, 2014. Cloud point extraction, preconcentration and spectrophotometric determination of trace amount of manganese(II) in water and food samples. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 131: 138–144.
  • Gup R, Giziroğlu E, 2006. Metal complexes and solvent extraction properties of isonitrosoacetophenone 2-aminobenzoylhydrazone. Spectrochimica Acta Part A. 65: 719-726.
  • Gupta K, Sutar AK, 2008. Catalytic activities of Schiff base transition metal complexes. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 252: 1420-1450.
  • Hartmann G, Schuster M, 2013. Species selective preconcentration and quantification of gold nanoparticles using cloud point extraction and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta. 761: 27–33.
  • Huang X, Chang X, He Q, Cui Y, Zhai Y, Jiang N, 2008. Tris(2-aminoethyl) amine functionalized silica gel for solid-phase extraction and preconcentration of Cr(III), Cd(II) and Pb(II) from waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 157: 154-160.
  • Kumar S, Dhar DN, Saxena PN, Kanpur IIT, 2009. Applications of metal complexes of Schiff bases-A review. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 68: 181–187.
  • Li Q, Zheng H, Zhu Z, Tang Z, 2014. Electrodeposition as a preconcentration and sample preparation technique for trace selenium and tellurium determination by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Analytical Letters. 47: 843-854.
  • Mandlate JS, Soares BM, Seeger TS, Vecchia PD, Mello PA, Flores EMM, Duarte FA, 2017. Determination of cadmium and lead at sub-ppt level in soft drinks: An efficient combination between dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Food Chemistry. 221: 907–912.
  • Mizuike A, 1986. Preconcentration techniques for inorganic trace analysis. Fresenius Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie. 324: 672–677.
  • Ngeontae W, Aeungmaitrepirom W, Tuntulani T, Imyim A, 2009. Highly selective preconcentration of Cu(II) from seawater and water samples using amidoamidoxime silica. Talanta. 78: 1004-1010.
  • Prado AGS, Tosta AH, Airoldi C, 2004. Adsorption, separation, and thermochemical data on the herbicide picloram anchored on silica gel and its cation interaction behavior. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 269: 259-264.
  • Shamsipur M, Ghiasvand AR, Sharghi H, Naeimi H, 2000. Solid phase extraction of ultra trace copper(II) using octadecyl silica membrane disks modified by a naphthol-derivative Schiff’s base. Analytica Chimica Acta. 408: 271–277.
  • Singh AK, Gupta VK, Gupta B, 2007. Chromium (III) selective membrane sensors based on Schiff bases as chelating ionophores. Analytica Chimica Acta. 585: 171-178.
  • Soylak M, Unsal YE, Tuzen M, 2011.Spectrophotometric determination of trace levels of allura red in water samples after separation and preconcentration. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 49: 1183-1187.
  • Tezcan R, Tezcan H, 2007. Metaller Kimyası; Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, Türkiye, 288 s.
  • Varbanova EK, Angelov PA, Stefanova VM, 2016. Study of 3-Ethylamino-but-2-enoic acid phenylamide as a new ligand for preconcentration of lanthanides from aqueous media by liquid liquid extraction prior to ICP-MS analysis. Talanta. 160: 389–399.
  • Venkatesh G, Singh AK, Venkataramani B, 2003. 8-Hydroxyquinoline anchored to silica gel via new moderate size linker: synthesis and applications as a metal ion collector for their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination. Talanta. 60: 1141-1154.
  • Wei GT, Yang Z, Chen CJ, 2003. Room temperature ionic liquid as a novel medium for liquid/liquid extraction of metal ions. Analytica Chimica Acta. 488: 183-192.
  • Yu HM, Song H, Chen ML, 2011. Dithizone immobilized silica gel on-line preconcentration of trace copper with detection by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Talanta. 85: 625-630.
  • Zouab X, Cuic Y, Changa X, Zhua X, Hua Z, Yanga D, 2009. Silica gel surface modified with sulfanilamide for selective solid-phase extraction of Cu(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II). International Journal of Environmental Analytial Chemistry. 89: 1043–1055.

İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 141 - 149, 31.12.2017


Bu çalışmada, oldukça seçici ve etkin bir adsorban olan izonitrosoasetofenon antranolhidrazin ile modifiye
edilmiş silika jel hazırlanmış ve su örneklerinden Cu2+ iyonlarının ayırma ve zenginleştirilmesi için uygulanmıştır.
Cu2+ iyonu ve diğer metal iyonları İndüktif Eşleşmiş Plazma Optik Emisyon Spektrometresi ile tayin edilmiştir.
Cu2+ iyonlarının kantitatif geri kazanımı üzerine pH, adsorban miktarı, örnek hacmi, eluent hacmi, eluent türü vb.
analitik parametrelerin etkileri araştırılmıştır. Cu2+ iyonlarının geri kazanımı üzerine bazı alkali, toprak alkali, metal
iyonlarının ve anyonların etkileri de incelenmiştir. Cu2+’ın adsorpsiyonu için optimum pH değeri pH 5’dir. Cu2+ için
2 mL 0.5 M H2SO4 çözeltisi kantitatif elüsyon için uygun bulunmuştur. Cu2+ için gözlenebilme sınırı 0.265 μg L-1,
tayin sınırı 0.803 μg L-1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Cu2+ iyonlarının adsorpsiyon davranışı, Freundlich izotermine göre
Langmiur izotermine daha iyi uyduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Cu2+ iyonunun tayininde metodun doğruluğunu göstermek
için sertifikalı referans madde (yer altı suyu-BCR 610) kullanılmıştır. Belirlenen değerler sertifika değerleri ile
uyumlu olduğu bulunmuştur. Önerilen ayırma ve zenginleştirme metodu kaynak, çeşme ve deniz suyu örneklerine
uygulanmıştır. Su örneklerine eklenen Cu2+ iyonlarının geri kazanımları % 82-93 aralığında bulunmuştur.


  • Akl MAA, Kenawy IMM, Lasheen RR, 2004. Originally modified silica gel and flame atomic absorption spectrometry: employment for separation and preconcentration of nine trace heavy metals for their determination in natural aqueous systems. Microchemical Journal. 78: 143-156.
  • Alexandre G, Prado S, Airoldi C, 2001. Adsorption, preconcentration and separation of cations on silica gel chemically modified with the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Analytica Chimica Acta. 432: 201–211.
  • Bartyzel A, Cukrowska EM, 2011. Solid phase extraction method for the separation and determination of chromium(III) in the presence of chromium(VI) using silica gel modified by N,N_-bis-(_-methylsalicylidene)-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediimine. Analytica Chimica Acta. 707: 204-209.
  • Botes PJ, 2003. Investigation of mobility of trace elements in river sediments using ICP-OES. University of Pretoria, MS Thesis, Pretoria, 144 p.
  • Bulut VN, Demirci H, Ozdes D, Gundogdu A, Bekircan O, Soylak M, Duran C, 2016. A novel carrier element-free co-precipitation method for eparation/preconcentration of lead and cadmium ions from environmental matrices. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. 35: 1709-1715.
  • Camel V, 2003. Solid phase extraction of trace elements. Spectrochimica Acta Part B. 58: 1177–1233.
  • Cheng H, Wu C, Shen L, Liu J, Xu Z, 2014. Online anion exchange column preconcentration and high performance liquid chromatographic separation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry detection for mercury speciation analysis. Analytica Chimica Acta. 828: 9–16.
  • Goswami A, Singh AK, 2002. 1,8- Dihydroxyanthraquinone anchored on silica gel: synthesis and application as solid phase extractant for lead(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) prior to their determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Talanta. 58: 669-678.
  • Gouda AA, 2014. Cloud point extraction, preconcentration and spectrophotometric determination of trace amount of manganese(II) in water and food samples. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 131: 138–144.
  • Gup R, Giziroğlu E, 2006. Metal complexes and solvent extraction properties of isonitrosoacetophenone 2-aminobenzoylhydrazone. Spectrochimica Acta Part A. 65: 719-726.
  • Gupta K, Sutar AK, 2008. Catalytic activities of Schiff base transition metal complexes. Coordination Chemistry Reviews. 252: 1420-1450.
  • Hartmann G, Schuster M, 2013. Species selective preconcentration and quantification of gold nanoparticles using cloud point extraction and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta. 761: 27–33.
  • Huang X, Chang X, He Q, Cui Y, Zhai Y, Jiang N, 2008. Tris(2-aminoethyl) amine functionalized silica gel for solid-phase extraction and preconcentration of Cr(III), Cd(II) and Pb(II) from waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 157: 154-160.
  • Kumar S, Dhar DN, Saxena PN, Kanpur IIT, 2009. Applications of metal complexes of Schiff bases-A review. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. 68: 181–187.
  • Li Q, Zheng H, Zhu Z, Tang Z, 2014. Electrodeposition as a preconcentration and sample preparation technique for trace selenium and tellurium determination by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Analytical Letters. 47: 843-854.
  • Mandlate JS, Soares BM, Seeger TS, Vecchia PD, Mello PA, Flores EMM, Duarte FA, 2017. Determination of cadmium and lead at sub-ppt level in soft drinks: An efficient combination between dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Food Chemistry. 221: 907–912.
  • Mizuike A, 1986. Preconcentration techniques for inorganic trace analysis. Fresenius Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie. 324: 672–677.
  • Ngeontae W, Aeungmaitrepirom W, Tuntulani T, Imyim A, 2009. Highly selective preconcentration of Cu(II) from seawater and water samples using amidoamidoxime silica. Talanta. 78: 1004-1010.
  • Prado AGS, Tosta AH, Airoldi C, 2004. Adsorption, separation, and thermochemical data on the herbicide picloram anchored on silica gel and its cation interaction behavior. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 269: 259-264.
  • Shamsipur M, Ghiasvand AR, Sharghi H, Naeimi H, 2000. Solid phase extraction of ultra trace copper(II) using octadecyl silica membrane disks modified by a naphthol-derivative Schiff’s base. Analytica Chimica Acta. 408: 271–277.
  • Singh AK, Gupta VK, Gupta B, 2007. Chromium (III) selective membrane sensors based on Schiff bases as chelating ionophores. Analytica Chimica Acta. 585: 171-178.
  • Soylak M, Unsal YE, Tuzen M, 2011.Spectrophotometric determination of trace levels of allura red in water samples after separation and preconcentration. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 49: 1183-1187.
  • Tezcan R, Tezcan H, 2007. Metaller Kimyası; Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, Türkiye, 288 s.
  • Varbanova EK, Angelov PA, Stefanova VM, 2016. Study of 3-Ethylamino-but-2-enoic acid phenylamide as a new ligand for preconcentration of lanthanides from aqueous media by liquid liquid extraction prior to ICP-MS analysis. Talanta. 160: 389–399.
  • Venkatesh G, Singh AK, Venkataramani B, 2003. 8-Hydroxyquinoline anchored to silica gel via new moderate size linker: synthesis and applications as a metal ion collector for their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determination. Talanta. 60: 1141-1154.
  • Wei GT, Yang Z, Chen CJ, 2003. Room temperature ionic liquid as a novel medium for liquid/liquid extraction of metal ions. Analytica Chimica Acta. 488: 183-192.
  • Yu HM, Song H, Chen ML, 2011. Dithizone immobilized silica gel on-line preconcentration of trace copper with detection by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Talanta. 85: 625-630.
  • Zouab X, Cuic Y, Changa X, Zhua X, Hua Z, Yanga D, 2009. Silica gel surface modified with sulfanilamide for selective solid-phase extraction of Cu(II), Zn(II) and Ni(II). International Journal of Environmental Analytial Chemistry. 89: 1043–1055.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Kimya / Chemistry

Gülşen Güven

Hakan Can Söyleyici This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2017
Submission Date June 5, 2017
Acceptance Date August 3, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 7 Issue: 4


APA Güven, G., & Söyleyici, H. C. (2017). İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 7(4), 141-149.
AMA Güven G, Söyleyici HC. İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. December 2017;7(4):141-149.
Chicago Güven, Gülşen, and Hakan Can Söyleyici. “İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin Ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 7, no. 4 (December 2017): 141-49.
EndNote Güven G, Söyleyici HC (December 1, 2017) İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 7 4 141–149.
IEEE G. Güven and H. C. Söyleyici, “İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 141–149, 2017.
ISNAD Güven, Gülşen - Söyleyici, Hakan Can. “İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin Ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 7/4 (December 2017), 141-149.
JAMA Güven G, Söyleyici HC. İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2017;7:141–149.
MLA Güven, Gülşen and Hakan Can Söyleyici. “İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin Ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 7, no. 4, 2017, pp. 141-9.
Vancouver Güven G, Söyleyici HC. İzonitrosoasetofenon Antranolhidrazin ile Modifiye Edilmiş Silika Jel Kullanılarak Cu(II) İyonunun Zenginleştirilmesi. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2017;7(4):141-9.