Research Article
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Investigation of Adhesion and Multi-pass Scratch Test Behaviour of Magnetron Sputtered Diamond-Like Carbon Films

Year 2018, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 209 - 217, 31.03.2018


Diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films are now widely spread over a wide variety of base materials

due to their low coefficient of friction, high hardness, high abrasion resistance and chemical inactivity. An

important aspect of such coatings is the adhesion of the coating to the substrate. In this study, The DLC films were

coated on the inconel substrates with magnetron sputtering method using TiN and TiCN interlayers to increase the

adhesion and to obtain higher strength. Structural, mechanical, adhesion and fatigue-like behaviors of the films

were characterized. X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were used for structural

and chemical analysis of the films. To intevtigate mechanical properties, adhesion and fatigue-like properties of the

films, micro-hardness test, increasingly loaded scratch test and 100,250 and 500 cycles of multi-scratch tests were

applied to the films. The microhardness of the film dtermined as 39.8 GPa. According to the adhesion tests, the first

critical load value of the DLC film was determined as 22 N and the film maintained its strength on the substrate

until the load of 25N. According to the results of the multi-scratch test, it was observed that the DLC films grown

by the TiN-TiCN interlayer could be held on the substrate even at the end of 250 cycles.


  • Banaszek K, Januszewicz B, Wołowiec E, Klimek L, 2015. Complex XRD and XRF characterization of TiN-TiCN-TiC surface coatings for medical applications. Solid State Phenomena, 225.
  • Bewilogua K, Wittorf R, Thomsen H, Weber M, 2004. DLC based coatings prepared by reactive d.c. magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 447–448; 142–147.
  • Chen K. W, Lin, J. F, 2009. The study of adhesion and nanomechanical properties of DLC films deposited on tool steels. Thin Solid Films 517; 4916–4920.
  • Chowdhury S, Laugier M. T, Rahman I. Z, 2004. Characterization of DLC coatings deposited by rf magnetron sputtering. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 153–154; 804–810.
  • Gayathri S, Kumar N, Krishnan R, Ravindran T. R, Dash S, Tyagi A. K, Raj Baldev, Sridharan M, 2012. Tribological properties of pulsed laser deposited DLC/TM (TM=Cr, Ag, Ti and Ni) multilayers. Tribology International, 53; 87–97.
  • Geng S, Zhang S, 2002. Onishi, H. XPS Applications in Thin Films Research. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 17; 234 .
  • Hongxi L, Yehua J, Rong Z, Baoyin T,2012. Wear behaviour and rolling contact fatigue life of Ti/TiN/DLC multilayer films fabricated on bearing steel by PIIID. Vacuum, 86; 848–853.
  • Jelínek M, Smetana K, Kocourek T. Dvořánková B, Zemek J, Remsa J, Luxbacher T, 2010. Biocompatibility and sp3/sp2 ratio of laser created DLC films. Materials Science and Engineering: B Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, 169; 89–93.
  • Kang, S, Lim H. P, Lee K, 2015. Effects of TiCN interlayer on bonding characteristics and mechanical properties of DLC-coated Ti-6Al-4V ELI alloy. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 53; 13–16.
  • Kovacı H, Yetim A. F, Baran Ö, Çelik A, 2016. Fatigue crack growth behavior of DLC coated AISI 4140 steel under constant and variable amplitude loading conditions. Surface and Coatings Technology, 304; 316–324.
  • Lima-Oliveira D. A, 2012. Adhesion Studies of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Deposited on Ti6Al4V Alloy after Carbonitriding. Open J. Met. 2; 1–7.
  • Masripan N. A, Nor O, Kenji U, Noritsugu K, Hiroyuki T, Takayuki I, Shigeru, Koji, 2013. Hardness effect of DLC on tribological properties for sliding bearing under boundary lubrication condition in additive-free mineral base oil. Tribology International 65; 265–269.
  • Mérel P, Tabbal M, Chaker M, Moisa S, Margot J, 1998. Direct evaluation of the sp3 content in diamond-like-carbon films by XPS. Appl. Surf. Sci. 136; 105–110.
  • Noda M, Umeno, M, 2005. Coating of DLC film by pulsed discharge plasma CVD. Diamond and Related Materials, 14; 1791–1794.
  • Ohana T, Nakamura T, Suzuki M, Tanaka A, Koga Y, 2004. Tribological properties and characterization of DLC films deposited by pulsed bias CVD. Diam. Relat. Mater. 13; 1500–1504.
  • Samano E. C, Soto G, Olivas A, Cota L, 2002. DLC thin films characterized by AES, XPS and EELS. Appl. Surf. Sci. 202; 1–7.
  • Segura-Giraldo B, Restrepo-Parra E, Arango-Arango P. J, 2009. On the influence of a TiN interlayer on DLC coatings produced by pulsed vacuum arc discharge: Compositional and morphological study. Appl. Surf. Sci., 256; 136–141.
  • Shahsavari F, Ehteshamzadeh M, Naimi-Jamal M. R, Irannejad A, 2016. Nanoindentation and nanoscratch behaviors of DLC films growth on different thickness of Cr nanolayers. Diam. Relat. Mater. 70; 76–82.
  • Siow P. C, Ghani J. A, Talib R. J, Ghazali M. J, Che Haron C. H, Characterization using XPS and XRD of Ti(C,N) coating properties for cutting tool applications. InterCeram Int. Ceram. Rev. 64; 287–290.
  • Voevodin A. A, Capano M. A, Laube S. J. P, Donley M. S, Zabinski J. S, 1997. Design of a Ti/TiC/DLC functionally gradient coating based on studies of structural transitions in Ti–C thin films. Thin Solid Films 298; 107–115.

Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması

Year 2018, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 209 - 217, 31.03.2018


Elmas benzeri karbon (DLC) ince filmler sahip oldukları düşük sürtünme katsayısı, yüksek sertlik, yüksek
aşınma dayanımı ve kimyasal inaktiflik özelliklerinden dolayı günümüzde çok yaygın olarak çok çeşitli taban
malzemeler üzerine kaplanmaktadır. Bu tür kaplamalarda önemli olan bir husus ise kaplamanın taban malzemeye
olan adezyonu/yapışkanlığıdır. Bu çalışmada DLC filmler inconel taban malzeme üzerine adezyonu artırmak ve
daha yüksek dayanım elde etmek için TiN ve TiCN aratabakalar kullanılarak magnetron sıçratma yöntemi ile
kaplanmıştır. Fimlerin yapısal, mekanik, adezyon ve yorulma benzeri davranışları karakterize edildi. Bu çalışmada
filmlerin yapısal ve kimyasal analizleri için X-ray difraktometre (XRD) ve taramalı elektron mikroskopu (SEM)
kullanıldı. Mekanik özellikler için mikro-sertlik, adezyon ve yorulma benzeri özellikleri için ise artan yüklü çizik
test ve 100, 250 ve 500 çevrimlik çoklu-çizik testleri filmlere uygulandı. Filmin mikrosertlik değeri 39.8 GPa
olarak tespit edildi. Adezyon testlerine göre DLC filmde kritik yük değeri 22 N olarak belirlendi ve 25N yüke
kadar film taban malzeme üzerinde dayanımını sürdürdü. Çoklu çizik test sonuçlarına göre TiN/TiCN aratabaka ile
büyütülen DLC filmlerin 250 çevrim sonuna kadar çok iyi dayanım gösterdiği gözlenmiştir.


  • Banaszek K, Januszewicz B, Wołowiec E, Klimek L, 2015. Complex XRD and XRF characterization of TiN-TiCN-TiC surface coatings for medical applications. Solid State Phenomena, 225.
  • Bewilogua K, Wittorf R, Thomsen H, Weber M, 2004. DLC based coatings prepared by reactive d.c. magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films, 447–448; 142–147.
  • Chen K. W, Lin, J. F, 2009. The study of adhesion and nanomechanical properties of DLC films deposited on tool steels. Thin Solid Films 517; 4916–4920.
  • Chowdhury S, Laugier M. T, Rahman I. Z, 2004. Characterization of DLC coatings deposited by rf magnetron sputtering. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 153–154; 804–810.
  • Gayathri S, Kumar N, Krishnan R, Ravindran T. R, Dash S, Tyagi A. K, Raj Baldev, Sridharan M, 2012. Tribological properties of pulsed laser deposited DLC/TM (TM=Cr, Ag, Ti and Ni) multilayers. Tribology International, 53; 87–97.
  • Geng S, Zhang S, 2002. Onishi, H. XPS Applications in Thin Films Research. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 17; 234 .
  • Hongxi L, Yehua J, Rong Z, Baoyin T,2012. Wear behaviour and rolling contact fatigue life of Ti/TiN/DLC multilayer films fabricated on bearing steel by PIIID. Vacuum, 86; 848–853.
  • Jelínek M, Smetana K, Kocourek T. Dvořánková B, Zemek J, Remsa J, Luxbacher T, 2010. Biocompatibility and sp3/sp2 ratio of laser created DLC films. Materials Science and Engineering: B Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, 169; 89–93.
  • Kang, S, Lim H. P, Lee K, 2015. Effects of TiCN interlayer on bonding characteristics and mechanical properties of DLC-coated Ti-6Al-4V ELI alloy. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 53; 13–16.
  • Kovacı H, Yetim A. F, Baran Ö, Çelik A, 2016. Fatigue crack growth behavior of DLC coated AISI 4140 steel under constant and variable amplitude loading conditions. Surface and Coatings Technology, 304; 316–324.
  • Lima-Oliveira D. A, 2012. Adhesion Studies of Diamond-Like Carbon Films Deposited on Ti6Al4V Alloy after Carbonitriding. Open J. Met. 2; 1–7.
  • Masripan N. A, Nor O, Kenji U, Noritsugu K, Hiroyuki T, Takayuki I, Shigeru, Koji, 2013. Hardness effect of DLC on tribological properties for sliding bearing under boundary lubrication condition in additive-free mineral base oil. Tribology International 65; 265–269.
  • Mérel P, Tabbal M, Chaker M, Moisa S, Margot J, 1998. Direct evaluation of the sp3 content in diamond-like-carbon films by XPS. Appl. Surf. Sci. 136; 105–110.
  • Noda M, Umeno, M, 2005. Coating of DLC film by pulsed discharge plasma CVD. Diamond and Related Materials, 14; 1791–1794.
  • Ohana T, Nakamura T, Suzuki M, Tanaka A, Koga Y, 2004. Tribological properties and characterization of DLC films deposited by pulsed bias CVD. Diam. Relat. Mater. 13; 1500–1504.
  • Samano E. C, Soto G, Olivas A, Cota L, 2002. DLC thin films characterized by AES, XPS and EELS. Appl. Surf. Sci. 202; 1–7.
  • Segura-Giraldo B, Restrepo-Parra E, Arango-Arango P. J, 2009. On the influence of a TiN interlayer on DLC coatings produced by pulsed vacuum arc discharge: Compositional and morphological study. Appl. Surf. Sci., 256; 136–141.
  • Shahsavari F, Ehteshamzadeh M, Naimi-Jamal M. R, Irannejad A, 2016. Nanoindentation and nanoscratch behaviors of DLC films growth on different thickness of Cr nanolayers. Diam. Relat. Mater. 70; 76–82.
  • Siow P. C, Ghani J. A, Talib R. J, Ghazali M. J, Che Haron C. H, Characterization using XPS and XRD of Ti(C,N) coating properties for cutting tool applications. InterCeram Int. Ceram. Rev. 64; 287–290.
  • Voevodin A. A, Capano M. A, Laube S. J. P, Donley M. S, Zabinski J. S, 1997. Design of a Ti/TiC/DLC functionally gradient coating based on studies of structural transitions in Ti–C thin films. Thin Solid Films 298; 107–115.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Makina Mühendisliği / Mechanical Engineering

Hikmet Çiçek 0000-0003-3038-4466

Publication Date March 31, 2018
Submission Date July 20, 2017
Acceptance Date September 8, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Çiçek, H. (2018). Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 8(1), 209-217.
AMA Çiçek H. Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. March 2018;8(1):209-217. doi:10.21597/jist.407877
Chicago Çiçek, Hikmet. “Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi Ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon Ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 8, no. 1 (March 2018): 209-17.
EndNote Çiçek H (March 1, 2018) Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 8 1 209–217.
IEEE H. Çiçek, “Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 209–217, 2018, doi: 10.21597/jist.407877.
ISNAD Çiçek, Hikmet. “Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi Ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon Ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 8/1 (March 2018), 209-217.
JAMA Çiçek H. Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2018;8:209–217.
MLA Çiçek, Hikmet. “Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi Ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon Ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 1, 2018, pp. 209-17, doi:10.21597/jist.407877.
Vancouver Çiçek H. Magnetron Sıçratma Yöntemi ile Büyütülen Elmas Benzeri Karbon Filmlerin Adezyon ve Çoklu-Çizik Test Davranışlarının Araştırılması. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2018;8(1):209-17.