Research Article
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The Suitability Map Determination for Solar Power Plants: A Case Study

Year 2018, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 97 - 106, 30.12.2018


Today, the solar energy is one of the renewable energy sources (RES) which is the most important

and inevitable part of our lives. Every day the number of the solar power plants (SPP) is growing exponentially. The

determination of the most suitable place in terms of environmentally, economically and socially for these plants is

very important. In some cases, even ignoring one important criteria can create important damages.

The aim of this study is proposing the criteria determined as missing in the literature and the criteria affects the

installation of the solar power plants, finding the importance weighting values of these criteria and determination

of the suitability map for solar power plants with the help of the geographical data related to the criteria. The fuzzy

analytical hierarch process is used in weighting of the criteria, the Geographical information systems are also used

in data processing. For this purpose 14 main criteria and 70 sub-criteria are determined according to the opinion of

experts related to the topic, surveys and studies in literature. At the end of the study, the suitability map showing the

most suitable, suitable and disallowed regions are obtained. This study will be helpful to the researchers with a wide

range criteria that will result more accurate, environmental, economic and social solar power plant siting studies.


  • Aydin NY, 2009. GIS-Based Site Selection Approach for Wind and Solar Energy Systems: A Case Study from Western Turkey, ODTU, Fenbilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi.
  • Aydin NY, Kentel E, Duzgun S, 2010. GIS-based environmental assessment of wind energy systems for spatial planning: A case study from Western Turkey. Renew Sustain Energy Rev.,14:364–373.
  • Aydin NY, Kentel E, Sebnem Duzgun H, 2013. GIS-based site selection methodology for hybrid renewable energy systems: A case study from western Turkey. Energy Convers. Manag., p. 90–106.
  • Baban SM., Parry T, 2001. Developing and applying a GIS-assisted approach to locating wind farms in the UK. Renew Energy., 24:59–71.
  • Charabi Y, Gastli A, 2011. PV site suitability analysis using GIS-based spatial fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation. Renew Energy, 36: 2554–2561.
  • Choudhary D, Shankar R, 2012. An STEEP-fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework for evaluation and selection of thermal power plant location: A case study from India. Energy, 42: 510–521.
  • Defne Z, Haas K a., Fritz HM, 2011. GIS based multi-criteria assessment of tidal stream power potential: A case study for Georgia, USA. Renew Sustain Energy Rev., 15:2310–2321.
  • Demircan S, Aydin M, Durduran SS, 2012. Finding optimum route of electrical energy transmission line using multi-criteria with Q-learning. Expert Syst Appl. Elsevier Ltd, 38:3477–3482.
  • Effat HA.2013. Selection of Potential Sites for Solar Energy Farms in Ismailia Governorate, Egypt using SRTM and Multicriteria Analysis. Cloud Publ Int J Adv Remote Sens GIS, 2:205–220.
  • Eroğlu H, Aydin M, 2015. Optimization of electrical power transmission lines ’ routing using AHP , fuzzy AHP , and GIS. Turkish J Electr Eng Comput Sci., 23:1418–1430. Geymen A, 2017. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi Kullanılarak Su Havzalarındaki Arazi Kullanım Değişikliği ve Çevresel Etkilerin İzlenmesi : Elmalı Havzası Örneği, Iğdır Üni Fen Bilim Enst Der., 7:171–181
  • Hansen HS. GIS-based Multi-Criteria Analysis of Wind Farm Development. ScanGIS’2005. 2005;75–87.
  • Heo E, Kim J, Boo K-J, 2010. Analysis of the assessment factors for renewable energy dissemination program evaluation using fuzzy AHP. Renew Sustain Energy Rev.; 14:2214–2220.
  • Houston G, Johnson C, 2006. EPRI-GTC Overhead Electric Transmission Line Siting Methodology. Georg CA Georg Transm Corp.
  • Janke JR, 2010. Multicriteria GIS modeling of wind and solar farms in Colorado. Renew Energy, 35:2228–2234.
  • Kengpol A, Rontlaong P, Tuominen M, 2013. A Decision Support System for Selection of Solar Power Plant Locations by Applying Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS: An Empirical Study. J Softw Eng Appl., 6:470–481.
  • Küçükönder H, Efe E, Üçkardeş F, 2013. Çok Ölçütlü Karar Verme Yaklaşımlarından Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci’nin Hayvancılıkta Kullanımı, Iğdır Üni. Fen Bilimleri Enst. Der.,3(3);91-98.
  • Mari R, Bottai L, Busillo C, Calastrini F, Gozzini B, Gualtieri G, 2011. A GIS-based interactive web decision support system for planning wind farms in Tuscany (Italy). Renew Energy, 36:754–763.
  • Monteiro C, Miranda V, Ramírez-Rosado IJ, Zorzano-Santamaría PJ, García-Garrido E, Fernández-Jiménez LA, 2013. Compromise seeking for power line path selection based on economic and environmental corridors. IEEE Trans Power Syst., 20:1422–1430.
  • Özdağoğlu A, Özdağoğlu G, 2007. Comparison of Ahp and Fuzzy Ahp for the Multi- Criteria Decision Making Processes With Linguistic Evaluations. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilim Derg., 6:65–85.
  • Ramirez-Rosado IJ, Miranda V, Zorzano-Santamaria PJ, Garcia-Garrido E, C. LAM, Fernandez-Jimenez, 2005. GIS spatial analysis applied to electric line routing optimization. Ieee Trans Power Deliv., 20:934–942.
  • Sánchez-Lozano JM, García-Cascales MS, Lamata MT, 2014. Identification and selection of potential sites for onshore wind farms development in region of murcia, Spain. Energy., 73:311–324.
  • Sánchez-Lozano JM, Teruel-Solano J, Soto-Elvira PL, Socorro García-Cascales M, 2013. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods for the evaluation of solar farms locations: Case study in south-eastern Spain. Renew Sustain Energy Rev., 24:544–556.
  • Schmidt A, 2009. Implementing a GIS methodology for siting high voltage electric transmission lines. Pap Resour Anal;11.
  • Sliz-Szkliniarz B, Vogt J, 2011. GIS-based approach for the evaluation of wind energy potential: A case study for the Kujawsko–Pomorskie Voivodeship. Renew Sustain Energy Rev.,15:1696–1707.
  • Tegou L-I, Polatidis H, Haralambopoulos D a, 2010. Environmental management framework for wind farm siting: methodology and case study. J Environ Manage., 91:2134–47.
  • Uyan M, 2013. GIS-based solar farms site selection using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in Karapinar region, Konya/Turkey. Renew Sustain Energy Rev., 28:11–17.
  • van Haaren R, Fthenakis V, 2011. GIS-based wind farm site selection using spatial multi-criteria analysis (SMCA): Evaluating the case for New York State. Renew Sustain Energy Rev., 15:3332–3340.
  • Voivontas D, Assimacopoulos D, Mourelatos A, Corominas J, 1998. Evaluation of renewable energy potential using a GIS decision support system. Renew Energy. 13:333–344.
  • Yildirim V, Nisanci R, 2010. Developing a Geospatial Model for Power Transmission Line Routing in Developing a Geospatial Model for Power Transmission Line Routing in Turkey. FIG Kongresi, 11-16 Nisan, Sydney, Avustralya.

Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama

Year 2018, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 97 - 106, 30.12.2018


Günümüzde güneş enerjisi, hayatımızın en önemli ve kaçınılmaz bir parçası haline gelen yenilenebilir

enerji kaynaklarından (YEK) biridir. Her geçen gün dünya üzerindeki güneş enerji santrali (GES) sayısı katlanarak

artmaktadır. Uygulama sayısı artan bu santrallerin çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal açıdan en uygun yer tayinlerinin

yapılması oldukça büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bazı durumlarda santral kurulum yerini etkileyen bir önemli kriterin

bile göz ardı edilmesi oldukça büyük zararlara neden olabilmektedir.

Bu çalışmanın amacı, literatürdeki çalışmalarda eksikliği tespit edilen ve GES kurulumunu etkileyen kriterlerin

önerilmesi, GES kurulumunu etkileyen tüm kriterlerin birbirlerine göre önem derecelendirme değerlerinin

bulunması ve kriterlere ait örnek bir çalışma alanında coğrafi veriler yardımıyla GES için uygunluk haritasının elde

edilmesidir. Kriterlerin ağırlık değerlerinin bulunmasında Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi (FAHP), verilerin

işlenmesinde de coğrafi bilgi sistemleri kullanılmıştır. Bu amaçla 14 ana kriter ve bu kriterlere ait 70 alt kriter

konuyla ilgili uzman görüşleri, anketler ve literatürdeki çalışmalardan yararlanılarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın

sonunda, çalışma alanında GES’ler için en uygun, uygun ve izin verilmeyen yerlerin gösterildiği uygunluk haritası

elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışma, GES’lerin yer tespitinde daha doğru, çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal GES santrali

kurulumunu netice veren geniş yelpazedeki kriterlerle araştırmacılara faydalı olacaktır.


  • Aydin NY, 2009. GIS-Based Site Selection Approach for Wind and Solar Energy Systems: A Case Study from Western Turkey, ODTU, Fenbilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora tezi.
  • Aydin NY, Kentel E, Duzgun S, 2010. GIS-based environmental assessment of wind energy systems for spatial planning: A case study from Western Turkey. Renew Sustain Energy Rev.,14:364–373.
  • Aydin NY, Kentel E, Sebnem Duzgun H, 2013. GIS-based site selection methodology for hybrid renewable energy systems: A case study from western Turkey. Energy Convers. Manag., p. 90–106.
  • Baban SM., Parry T, 2001. Developing and applying a GIS-assisted approach to locating wind farms in the UK. Renew Energy., 24:59–71.
  • Charabi Y, Gastli A, 2011. PV site suitability analysis using GIS-based spatial fuzzy multi-criteria evaluation. Renew Energy, 36: 2554–2561.
  • Choudhary D, Shankar R, 2012. An STEEP-fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS framework for evaluation and selection of thermal power plant location: A case study from India. Energy, 42: 510–521.
  • Defne Z, Haas K a., Fritz HM, 2011. GIS based multi-criteria assessment of tidal stream power potential: A case study for Georgia, USA. Renew Sustain Energy Rev., 15:2310–2321.
  • Demircan S, Aydin M, Durduran SS, 2012. Finding optimum route of electrical energy transmission line using multi-criteria with Q-learning. Expert Syst Appl. Elsevier Ltd, 38:3477–3482.
  • Effat HA.2013. Selection of Potential Sites for Solar Energy Farms in Ismailia Governorate, Egypt using SRTM and Multicriteria Analysis. Cloud Publ Int J Adv Remote Sens GIS, 2:205–220.
  • Eroğlu H, Aydin M, 2015. Optimization of electrical power transmission lines ’ routing using AHP , fuzzy AHP , and GIS. Turkish J Electr Eng Comput Sci., 23:1418–1430. Geymen A, 2017. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi Kullanılarak Su Havzalarındaki Arazi Kullanım Değişikliği ve Çevresel Etkilerin İzlenmesi : Elmalı Havzası Örneği, Iğdır Üni Fen Bilim Enst Der., 7:171–181
  • Hansen HS. GIS-based Multi-Criteria Analysis of Wind Farm Development. ScanGIS’2005. 2005;75–87.
  • Heo E, Kim J, Boo K-J, 2010. Analysis of the assessment factors for renewable energy dissemination program evaluation using fuzzy AHP. Renew Sustain Energy Rev.; 14:2214–2220.
  • Houston G, Johnson C, 2006. EPRI-GTC Overhead Electric Transmission Line Siting Methodology. Georg CA Georg Transm Corp.
  • Janke JR, 2010. Multicriteria GIS modeling of wind and solar farms in Colorado. Renew Energy, 35:2228–2234.
  • Kengpol A, Rontlaong P, Tuominen M, 2013. A Decision Support System for Selection of Solar Power Plant Locations by Applying Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS: An Empirical Study. J Softw Eng Appl., 6:470–481.
  • Küçükönder H, Efe E, Üçkardeş F, 2013. Çok Ölçütlü Karar Verme Yaklaşımlarından Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci’nin Hayvancılıkta Kullanımı, Iğdır Üni. Fen Bilimleri Enst. Der.,3(3);91-98.
  • Mari R, Bottai L, Busillo C, Calastrini F, Gozzini B, Gualtieri G, 2011. A GIS-based interactive web decision support system for planning wind farms in Tuscany (Italy). Renew Energy, 36:754–763.
  • Monteiro C, Miranda V, Ramírez-Rosado IJ, Zorzano-Santamaría PJ, García-Garrido E, Fernández-Jiménez LA, 2013. Compromise seeking for power line path selection based on economic and environmental corridors. IEEE Trans Power Syst., 20:1422–1430.
  • Özdağoğlu A, Özdağoğlu G, 2007. Comparison of Ahp and Fuzzy Ahp for the Multi- Criteria Decision Making Processes With Linguistic Evaluations. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilim Derg., 6:65–85.
  • Ramirez-Rosado IJ, Miranda V, Zorzano-Santamaria PJ, Garcia-Garrido E, C. LAM, Fernandez-Jimenez, 2005. GIS spatial analysis applied to electric line routing optimization. Ieee Trans Power Deliv., 20:934–942.
  • Sánchez-Lozano JM, García-Cascales MS, Lamata MT, 2014. Identification and selection of potential sites for onshore wind farms development in region of murcia, Spain. Energy., 73:311–324.
  • Sánchez-Lozano JM, Teruel-Solano J, Soto-Elvira PL, Socorro García-Cascales M, 2013. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods for the evaluation of solar farms locations: Case study in south-eastern Spain. Renew Sustain Energy Rev., 24:544–556.
  • Schmidt A, 2009. Implementing a GIS methodology for siting high voltage electric transmission lines. Pap Resour Anal;11.
  • Sliz-Szkliniarz B, Vogt J, 2011. GIS-based approach for the evaluation of wind energy potential: A case study for the Kujawsko–Pomorskie Voivodeship. Renew Sustain Energy Rev.,15:1696–1707.
  • Tegou L-I, Polatidis H, Haralambopoulos D a, 2010. Environmental management framework for wind farm siting: methodology and case study. J Environ Manage., 91:2134–47.
  • Uyan M, 2013. GIS-based solar farms site selection using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in Karapinar region, Konya/Turkey. Renew Sustain Energy Rev., 28:11–17.
  • van Haaren R, Fthenakis V, 2011. GIS-based wind farm site selection using spatial multi-criteria analysis (SMCA): Evaluating the case for New York State. Renew Sustain Energy Rev., 15:3332–3340.
  • Voivontas D, Assimacopoulos D, Mourelatos A, Corominas J, 1998. Evaluation of renewable energy potential using a GIS decision support system. Renew Energy. 13:333–344.
  • Yildirim V, Nisanci R, 2010. Developing a Geospatial Model for Power Transmission Line Routing in Developing a Geospatial Model for Power Transmission Line Routing in Turkey. FIG Kongresi, 11-16 Nisan, Sydney, Avustralya.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği / Electrical Electronic Engineering

Hasan Eroğlu 0000-0002-7233-5569

Publication Date December 30, 2018
Submission Date June 4, 2018
Acceptance Date August 27, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 8 Issue: 4


APA Eroğlu, H. (2018). Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 8(4), 97-106.
AMA Eroğlu H. Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. December 2018;8(4):97-106. doi:10.21597/jist.430615
Chicago Eroğlu, Hasan. “Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 8, no. 4 (December 2018): 97-106.
EndNote Eroğlu H (December 1, 2018) Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 8 4 97–106.
IEEE H. Eroğlu, “Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 97–106, 2018, doi: 10.21597/jist.430615.
ISNAD Eroğlu, Hasan. “Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 8/4 (December 2018), 97-106.
JAMA Eroğlu H. Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2018;8:97–106.
MLA Eroğlu, Hasan. “Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 4, 2018, pp. 97-106, doi:10.21597/jist.430615.
Vancouver Eroğlu H. Güneş Enerji Santralleri İçin Uygunluk Haritasının Elde Edilmesi: Bir Uygulama. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2018;8(4):97-106.

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