Research Article
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Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 1666 - 1673, 01.09.2020


Effects of the electric field and impurity position on the 2p-excited state self-polarization and binding energy of the electron-impurity in a spherical quantum dot are investigated as a function of the dot radius using variational approach. According to results, turning point of 2p-excited state binding energy changes with the electric field strength and position of impurity in the spherical quantum dot. Self-polarization and binding energy between the 1s-ground state and 2p-excited state of a hydrogenic donor impurity in SQD are presented as a function of the dot radius for different electric field value and impurity positions. Obtained numerical results show a good agreement with the literature.


  • Akankan O, Erdogan I, Akbas H, 2006. Spatial electric field effect on the self-polarization in GaAs/AlAs square quantum-well wires. Physica E, 35 (1): 217-221.
  • Baskoutas S, Terzis AF, 2009. Binding energy of hydrogenic impurity states in an inverse parabolic quantum well under static external fields. The European Physical Journal B, 69: 237-244.
  • Bastard G, 1981. Hydrogenic impurity states in a quantum well: A simple model. Physical Review B, 24(8): 4714-4722.
  • Bella RSD, Navaneethakrishnan K, 2004. Donor binding energies and spin–orbit coupling in a spherical quantum dot. Solid State Communications, 130 (11): 773-776.
  • Brandi HS, Latge A, Oliveira LE, 2002. Magnetic-field and laser effects on the electronic and donor states in semiconducting quantum dots. Journal of Applied Physics, 92 (8): 4209-4213.
  • Branis SV, Li G, Bajaj KK, 1993. Hydrogenic impurities in quantum wires in the presence of a magnetic field. Physical Review B, 47 (3): 1316-1323.
  • Brown JW, Spector HN, 1986. Hydrogen impurities in quantum well wires. Journal of Applied Physics, 59 (4): 1179-1186.
  • Bulut P, Erdogan I, Akbas H, 2014. Binding energy of 2p-bound state of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a GaAs/Ga1_xAlxAs spherical quantum dot under hydrostatic pressure. Physica E, 63: 299-303.
  • Chuu DS, Hsiao CM, Mei WN, 1992. Hydrogenic impurity states in quantum dots and quantum wires. Physical Review B, 46 (7): 3898-3905.
  • Erdogan I, Akankan O, Akbas H, 2006. Electric and magnetic field effects on the self-polarization in GaAs/AlAs cylindrical quantum well-wires. Physica E, 33 (1): 83–87.
  • Erdogan I, Akankan O, Akbas H, 2006. Binding energy and self-polarization as function of energy density in GaAs/AlAs quantum well wires. Physica E, 35 (1): 27-32.
  • Erdogan I, Akankan O, Akbas H, 2013. Simultaneous effects of temperature, hydrostatic pressure and electric field on the self-polarization and electric field polarization in a GaAs/Ga0.7Al0.3As spherical quantum dot with a donor impurity. Superlattices and Microstructures, 59: 13-20.
  • Esuanu N, Niculescu EC, Bureleanu LM, 2009. Simultaneous effects of pressure and laser field on donors in GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs quantum wells. Physica E, 41 (8): 1386-1392.
  • Fraizzoli S, Bassani F, Buczko R, 1990. Shallow donor impurities in GaAs-Ga1-x Alx As quantum-well structures: Role of the dielectric-constant mismatch. Physical Review B, 41 (8): 5096-5103.
  • Ghazi HE, Jorio A, Zorkani I, 2013. Impurity binding energy of lowest-excited state in (In,Ga)N–GaN spherical QD under electric field effect. Physica B, 426: 155-157.
  • Greene RL, Bajaj KK, 1985. Binding energy of the 2p0-like level of a hydrogenic donor in GaAs-Ga1-x Alx As quantum-well structures. Physical Review B, 31 (6): 4006-4008.
  • Hassanabadi H, Rajabi AA, 2009. Energy levels of a spherical quantum dot in a confining potential. Physics Letters A, 373 (6): 679-681.
  • Johnson NF, 1995. Quantum dots: few-body, low-dimensional systems. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 7 (1): 965-989.
  • Kang S, Yang YC, He J, Xiong FQ, Xu N, 2013. The hydrogen atom confined in both Debye screening potential and impenetrable spherical box. Central European Journal of Physics, 11 (5): 584-593.
  • Mese AI, Okan SE, 2004. Binding energy of relativistic hydrogenic impurities in cylindrical quantum well wires under an applied electric field. Physica Status Solidi B, 241 (15): 3525-3531.
  • Mese AI, Cicek E, Erdogan E, Akankan O, Akbas H, 2017. The effect of dielectric constant on binding energy and impurity self-polarization in a GaAs–Ga1-xAlxAs spherical quantum dot. Indian Journal of Physics, 91(3): 263-268.
  • Montenegro NP, Merchancano STP, 1992. Hydrogenic impurities in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum dots. Physical Review B, 46(15): 9780-9783.
  • Okan SE, Erdogan I, Akbas H, 2004. Anomalous polarization in an electric field and self-polarization in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells and quantum well wires. Physica E, 21 (1): 91-95.
  • Özmen A, Yakar Y, Çakır B, Atav Ü, 2009. Computation of the oscillator strength and absorption coefficients for the intersubband transitions of the spherical quantum dot. Optics Communications, 282 (19): 3999-4004.
  • Rezaei G, Mousavi S, Sadeghi E, 2012. External electric field and hydrostatic pressure effects on the binding energy and self-polarization of an off-center hydrogenic impurity confined in a GaAs/AlGaAs square quantum well wire. Physica B, 407 (13): 2637-2641.
  • Sivakami A, Gayathri V, 2013. Hydrostatic pressure and temperature dependence of dielectric mismatch effecton the impurity binding energy in a spherical quantum dot. Superlattices and Microstructures, 58: 218-227.
  • Sadeghi E, 2009. Impurity binding energy of excited states in spherical quantum dot. Physica E, 41 (7): 1319-.1322
  • Sadeghi E, Rezaie GH, 2010. Effect of magnetic field on the impurity binding energy of the excited states in spherical quantum dot. Pramana-Journal of Physics, 75: 749-755.
  • Sucu S, Mese AI, Okan SE, 2008. The role of confinement and shape on the binding energy of an electron in a quantum dot. Physica E, 40 (8): 2698-2702.
  • Tangarife E, Duque CA, 2011. Simultaneous effects of hydrostatic pressure and electric field on impurity binding energy and polarizability in coupled InAs/GaAs quantum wires. Physica B, 406 (4): 952-956.
  • Tsaousidou M, Butcher PN, 1997. Phonon-drag thermopower of a ballistic quantum wire Physical Review B, 56 (16): R10044-R10047.
  • Ulas M, Cicek E, Dalgic SS, 2004. Electric field effect on the binding energy of a non‐hydrogenic donor impurity in a cylindrical cross‐sectional quantum well wire. Physica Status Solidi B, 241 (13): 2968-2974.
  • Ulas M, Erdogan I, Cicek E, Senturk Dalgic S, 2005. Self-polarization in GaAs-(Ga, Al)As quantum well wires: electric field and geometrical effects. Physica E, 25 (4): 515-520.
  • Villamil PV, Montenegro NP, 1999. Excited-States and Infrared Transition Energies of a Donor Impurity in a Disc-Shaped GaAs Quantum Dot under the Action of an Applied Magnetic Field. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11: 9723-9730.
  • Villamil PV, Cabra C, Montenegro NP, 2005. Shallow Inpurity and Transition Energies in Cylindirical GaAs-Ga0.6Al0.4As Quantum Well Wires under Applied Magnetic Field. . Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17 (): 5049-5058.
  • Wang S, Kang Y, LiLi X, 2014. Binding energy of the ground and first fewexcited states of hydrogenic donor impurityin a rectangular GaAs quantum dot in the presenceof electric field. Superlattices and Microstructures, 76: 221-233.
  • Zhu JL, Xiong JJ, Gu BL, 1990. Confined electron and hydrogenic donor states in a spherical quantum dot of GaAs-Ga1-xAlxAs. Physical Review B, 41 (9): 6001-6007.

Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot

Year 2020, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 1666 - 1673, 01.09.2020


Effects of the electric field and impurity position on the 2p-excited state self-polarization and binding energy of the electron-impurity in a spherical quantum dot are investigated as a function of the dot radius using variational approach. According to results, turning point of 2p-excited state binding energy changes with the electric field strength and position of impurity in the spherical quantum dot. Self-polarization and binding energy between the 1s-ground state and 2p-excited state of a hydrogenic donor impurity in SQD are presented as a function of the dot radius for different electric field value and impurity positions. Obtained numerical results show a good agreement with the literature.


  • Akankan O, Erdogan I, Akbas H, 2006. Spatial electric field effect on the self-polarization in GaAs/AlAs square quantum-well wires. Physica E, 35 (1): 217-221.
  • Baskoutas S, Terzis AF, 2009. Binding energy of hydrogenic impurity states in an inverse parabolic quantum well under static external fields. The European Physical Journal B, 69: 237-244.
  • Bastard G, 1981. Hydrogenic impurity states in a quantum well: A simple model. Physical Review B, 24(8): 4714-4722.
  • Bella RSD, Navaneethakrishnan K, 2004. Donor binding energies and spin–orbit coupling in a spherical quantum dot. Solid State Communications, 130 (11): 773-776.
  • Brandi HS, Latge A, Oliveira LE, 2002. Magnetic-field and laser effects on the electronic and donor states in semiconducting quantum dots. Journal of Applied Physics, 92 (8): 4209-4213.
  • Branis SV, Li G, Bajaj KK, 1993. Hydrogenic impurities in quantum wires in the presence of a magnetic field. Physical Review B, 47 (3): 1316-1323.
  • Brown JW, Spector HN, 1986. Hydrogen impurities in quantum well wires. Journal of Applied Physics, 59 (4): 1179-1186.
  • Bulut P, Erdogan I, Akbas H, 2014. Binding energy of 2p-bound state of a hydrogenic donor impurity in a GaAs/Ga1_xAlxAs spherical quantum dot under hydrostatic pressure. Physica E, 63: 299-303.
  • Chuu DS, Hsiao CM, Mei WN, 1992. Hydrogenic impurity states in quantum dots and quantum wires. Physical Review B, 46 (7): 3898-3905.
  • Erdogan I, Akankan O, Akbas H, 2006. Electric and magnetic field effects on the self-polarization in GaAs/AlAs cylindrical quantum well-wires. Physica E, 33 (1): 83–87.
  • Erdogan I, Akankan O, Akbas H, 2006. Binding energy and self-polarization as function of energy density in GaAs/AlAs quantum well wires. Physica E, 35 (1): 27-32.
  • Erdogan I, Akankan O, Akbas H, 2013. Simultaneous effects of temperature, hydrostatic pressure and electric field on the self-polarization and electric field polarization in a GaAs/Ga0.7Al0.3As spherical quantum dot with a donor impurity. Superlattices and Microstructures, 59: 13-20.
  • Esuanu N, Niculescu EC, Bureleanu LM, 2009. Simultaneous effects of pressure and laser field on donors in GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs quantum wells. Physica E, 41 (8): 1386-1392.
  • Fraizzoli S, Bassani F, Buczko R, 1990. Shallow donor impurities in GaAs-Ga1-x Alx As quantum-well structures: Role of the dielectric-constant mismatch. Physical Review B, 41 (8): 5096-5103.
  • Ghazi HE, Jorio A, Zorkani I, 2013. Impurity binding energy of lowest-excited state in (In,Ga)N–GaN spherical QD under electric field effect. Physica B, 426: 155-157.
  • Greene RL, Bajaj KK, 1985. Binding energy of the 2p0-like level of a hydrogenic donor in GaAs-Ga1-x Alx As quantum-well structures. Physical Review B, 31 (6): 4006-4008.
  • Hassanabadi H, Rajabi AA, 2009. Energy levels of a spherical quantum dot in a confining potential. Physics Letters A, 373 (6): 679-681.
  • Johnson NF, 1995. Quantum dots: few-body, low-dimensional systems. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 7 (1): 965-989.
  • Kang S, Yang YC, He J, Xiong FQ, Xu N, 2013. The hydrogen atom confined in both Debye screening potential and impenetrable spherical box. Central European Journal of Physics, 11 (5): 584-593.
  • Mese AI, Okan SE, 2004. Binding energy of relativistic hydrogenic impurities in cylindrical quantum well wires under an applied electric field. Physica Status Solidi B, 241 (15): 3525-3531.
  • Mese AI, Cicek E, Erdogan E, Akankan O, Akbas H, 2017. The effect of dielectric constant on binding energy and impurity self-polarization in a GaAs–Ga1-xAlxAs spherical quantum dot. Indian Journal of Physics, 91(3): 263-268.
  • Montenegro NP, Merchancano STP, 1992. Hydrogenic impurities in GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum dots. Physical Review B, 46(15): 9780-9783.
  • Okan SE, Erdogan I, Akbas H, 2004. Anomalous polarization in an electric field and self-polarization in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells and quantum well wires. Physica E, 21 (1): 91-95.
  • Özmen A, Yakar Y, Çakır B, Atav Ü, 2009. Computation of the oscillator strength and absorption coefficients for the intersubband transitions of the spherical quantum dot. Optics Communications, 282 (19): 3999-4004.
  • Rezaei G, Mousavi S, Sadeghi E, 2012. External electric field and hydrostatic pressure effects on the binding energy and self-polarization of an off-center hydrogenic impurity confined in a GaAs/AlGaAs square quantum well wire. Physica B, 407 (13): 2637-2641.
  • Sivakami A, Gayathri V, 2013. Hydrostatic pressure and temperature dependence of dielectric mismatch effecton the impurity binding energy in a spherical quantum dot. Superlattices and Microstructures, 58: 218-227.
  • Sadeghi E, 2009. Impurity binding energy of excited states in spherical quantum dot. Physica E, 41 (7): 1319-.1322
  • Sadeghi E, Rezaie GH, 2010. Effect of magnetic field on the impurity binding energy of the excited states in spherical quantum dot. Pramana-Journal of Physics, 75: 749-755.
  • Sucu S, Mese AI, Okan SE, 2008. The role of confinement and shape on the binding energy of an electron in a quantum dot. Physica E, 40 (8): 2698-2702.
  • Tangarife E, Duque CA, 2011. Simultaneous effects of hydrostatic pressure and electric field on impurity binding energy and polarizability in coupled InAs/GaAs quantum wires. Physica B, 406 (4): 952-956.
  • Tsaousidou M, Butcher PN, 1997. Phonon-drag thermopower of a ballistic quantum wire Physical Review B, 56 (16): R10044-R10047.
  • Ulas M, Cicek E, Dalgic SS, 2004. Electric field effect on the binding energy of a non‐hydrogenic donor impurity in a cylindrical cross‐sectional quantum well wire. Physica Status Solidi B, 241 (13): 2968-2974.
  • Ulas M, Erdogan I, Cicek E, Senturk Dalgic S, 2005. Self-polarization in GaAs-(Ga, Al)As quantum well wires: electric field and geometrical effects. Physica E, 25 (4): 515-520.
  • Villamil PV, Montenegro NP, 1999. Excited-States and Infrared Transition Energies of a Donor Impurity in a Disc-Shaped GaAs Quantum Dot under the Action of an Applied Magnetic Field. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11: 9723-9730.
  • Villamil PV, Cabra C, Montenegro NP, 2005. Shallow Inpurity and Transition Energies in Cylindirical GaAs-Ga0.6Al0.4As Quantum Well Wires under Applied Magnetic Field. . Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 17 (): 5049-5058.
  • Wang S, Kang Y, LiLi X, 2014. Binding energy of the ground and first fewexcited states of hydrogenic donor impurityin a rectangular GaAs quantum dot in the presenceof electric field. Superlattices and Microstructures, 76: 221-233.
  • Zhu JL, Xiong JJ, Gu BL, 1990. Confined electron and hydrogenic donor states in a spherical quantum dot of GaAs-Ga1-xAlxAs. Physical Review B, 41 (9): 6001-6007.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics
Journal Section Fizik / Physics

Ali İhsan Meşe 0000-0002-3901-590X

Publication Date September 1, 2020
Submission Date April 7, 2020
Acceptance Date May 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Meşe, A. İ. (2020). Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 10(3), 1666-1673.
AMA Meşe Aİ. Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. September 2020;10(3):1666-1673. doi:10.21597/jist.715796
Chicago Meşe, Ali İhsan. “Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10, no. 3 (September 2020): 1666-73.
EndNote Meşe Aİ (September 1, 2020) Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10 3 1666–1673.
IEEE A. İ. Meşe, “Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1666–1673, 2020, doi: 10.21597/jist.715796.
ISNAD Meşe, Ali İhsan. “Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10/3 (September 2020), 1666-1673.
JAMA Meşe Aİ. Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2020;10:1666–1673.
MLA Meşe, Ali İhsan. “Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 3, 2020, pp. 1666-73, doi:10.21597/jist.715796.
Vancouver Meşe Aİ. Electric Field Effect on Excited State Binding Energy and Self-Polarization of a Hydrogenic Impurity in a Spherical Quantum Dot. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2020;10(3):1666-73.