Investigation of the Effect of Sequential Dam-Break Problem on the Elastic Structure Located Downstream with a Fluid-Structure Interaction Method
Year 2020,
Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 2659 - 2667, 15.12.2020
A. Ersin Dinçer
Abdullah Demir
In the present study, a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) method developed by the authors is tested for an idealized sequential dam-break problem. In the proposed method, fluid part is modelled by smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and structure part is modelled by finite element method (FEM) and the coupling between fluid and structural domains are implemented by contact mechanics. Reservoirs having same geometry are positioned without interspace. The change in capacity usage of the most higher dam is investigated The effect of dam-break flow on an elastic structure located at the downstream is tested in terms of the deformation of the structure and the pressure distributions of the fluid. In addition, free-surface profiles and velocity distribution of fluid are presented.
- Adami S, Hu XY, Adams NA, 2012. A Generalized Wall Boundary Condition for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (21): 7057–75.
- Anderson JD, (1995). Computational fluid dynamics: the basics with applications. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Mc Graw-Hill.
- Attaway S, Heinstein M, Swegle J, 1994. Coupling of smooth particle hydrodynamics with the finite element method. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 150 (2-3): 199-205.
- Bathe K, Chaudhary A, 1985. A solution method for planar and axisymmetric contact problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 21: 65-88.
- DeVuyst T, Vignjevic R, Campbell JC, 2005. Coupling between meshless and finite element methods. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 31(8): 1054–1064.
- Demir A, Dinçer AE, Bozkuş Z, Tijsseling AS, 2019. Numerical and experimental investigation of damping in a dam-break problem with fluid-structure interaction, Journal of Zhejiang University, 20 (4):, 258-271.
- Demir A, Dinçer AE, 2017. MPS ve FEM Tabanlı Akışkan-Yapı Etkileşimi Modelinin Çoruh Nehri Üzerindeki Ardıl Baraj-Yıkılma Problemine Uygulanması. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi, 90(312): 1–6.
- Dinçer AE, Bozkuş Z, Şahin AN, 2016. Effect of Downstream Channel Slope on Numerical Modelling of Dam Break Induced Flows. In Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change - Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of the International Association of Hydroenvironment Engineering and Research, Belgium, July 27-29, 2016.
- Dinçer AE, 2017. Numerical investigation of free surface and pipe flow problems by smoothed particle hydrodynamics, METU, PhD Thesis (printed).
- Dinçer AE, Demir A, Bozkuş Z, Tijsseling AS, 2019. Fully Coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics-Finite Element Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems with Large Deflections, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 141(8): 081402-081415.
- Fernandez-Mendez S, Bonet J, Huert, A, 2005. Continuous blending of SPH with finite elements. Computers and Structures, 83: 1448-1458.
- Fourey G, Hermange C, LeTouzé D, Oger G, 2017. An efficient FSI coupling strategy between Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Finite Element methods, Computer Physics Communications, 217: 66-81.
- Fourey G, Oger G, Touzé DL, Alessandrini B, 2010. Violent Fluid-Structure Interaction simulations using a coupled SPH/FEM method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 10: 012041.
- Groenenboom PHL, Cartwright BK, 2010. Hydrodynamics and fluid-structure interaction by coupled SPH-FE method, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48: 61-73.
- Hirsch C, 1988. Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows. Volume 1, Wiley-Interscience publication.
- Hu D, Long T, Xiao Y, Han X, Gu Y, 2014. Fluid–structure interaction analysis by coupled FE–SPH model based on a novel searching algorithm. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 276: 266-286.
- Liu GR, Liu MB, 2003. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics: A mesh-free particle method. World Scientific, Singapore.
- Lobovský L, Botia-Vera E, Castellana F, Mas-Soler J, Souto-Iglesias A, 2014. Experimental investigation of dynamic pressure loads during dam break. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 48: 407-434.
- Long T, Hu D, Wan D, Zhuang C, Yang G, 2017. An arbitrary boundary with ghost particles incorporated in coupled FEM–SPH model for FSI problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 350: 166-183.
- Monaghan J, 1992. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 30 (1): 543-574.
- Monaghan, J, 1994. Simulating Free Surface Flows with SPH. Journal of Computational Physics, 110(2): 399-406.
- Zhang Z, Qiang H, Gao W, 2010. Coupling of smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite element method for impact dynamics simulation. Engineering Structures, 33: 255-264.
Ardıl Baraj Yıkılmasının Mansapta Bulunan Elastik Yapı Üzerindeki Etkisinin Yapı-Sıvı Etkileşim Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi
Year 2020,
Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 2659 - 2667, 15.12.2020
A. Ersin Dinçer
Abdullah Demir
Bu çalışmada yazarlar tarafından geliştirilen bir yapı-sıvı etkileşim yöntemi idealize edilmiş ardıl baraj yıkılması problemi için test edilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda geliştirilen yöntemde, sıvı kısım yumuşatılmış tanecik hidrodinamiği (smoothed particle hydrodynamics - SPH) ile, katı kısım ise sonlu elemanlar (finite element – FE) yöntemi ile modellenmiş ve katı ile sıvı arasındaki akupaj, kontak mekanik kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aynı geometrideki ardıl barajlar aralarında mesafe bırakmaksızın yerleştirilmiştir. En yüksek konumdaki barajın doluluk oranındaki değişim dikkate alımıştır. Yıkılan barajların mansaptaki elastik bir yapıya etkisi hem yapının deformasyonu yönünden hem de akışkandaki basınç dağılımları yönünden test edilmiştir. Ayrıca serbest akışkan yüzeyi profilleri ve su hızı profilleri de çalışmada sunulmuştur.
- Adami S, Hu XY, Adams NA, 2012. A Generalized Wall Boundary Condition for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (21): 7057–75.
- Anderson JD, (1995). Computational fluid dynamics: the basics with applications. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Mc Graw-Hill.
- Attaway S, Heinstein M, Swegle J, 1994. Coupling of smooth particle hydrodynamics with the finite element method. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 150 (2-3): 199-205.
- Bathe K, Chaudhary A, 1985. A solution method for planar and axisymmetric contact problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 21: 65-88.
- DeVuyst T, Vignjevic R, Campbell JC, 2005. Coupling between meshless and finite element methods. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 31(8): 1054–1064.
- Demir A, Dinçer AE, Bozkuş Z, Tijsseling AS, 2019. Numerical and experimental investigation of damping in a dam-break problem with fluid-structure interaction, Journal of Zhejiang University, 20 (4):, 258-271.
- Demir A, Dinçer AE, 2017. MPS ve FEM Tabanlı Akışkan-Yapı Etkileşimi Modelinin Çoruh Nehri Üzerindeki Ardıl Baraj-Yıkılma Problemine Uygulanması. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi, 90(312): 1–6.
- Dinçer AE, Bozkuş Z, Şahin AN, 2016. Effect of Downstream Channel Slope on Numerical Modelling of Dam Break Induced Flows. In Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change - Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of the International Association of Hydroenvironment Engineering and Research, Belgium, July 27-29, 2016.
- Dinçer AE, 2017. Numerical investigation of free surface and pipe flow problems by smoothed particle hydrodynamics, METU, PhD Thesis (printed).
- Dinçer AE, Demir A, Bozkuş Z, Tijsseling AS, 2019. Fully Coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics-Finite Element Approach for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems with Large Deflections, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 141(8): 081402-081415.
- Fernandez-Mendez S, Bonet J, Huert, A, 2005. Continuous blending of SPH with finite elements. Computers and Structures, 83: 1448-1458.
- Fourey G, Hermange C, LeTouzé D, Oger G, 2017. An efficient FSI coupling strategy between Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Finite Element methods, Computer Physics Communications, 217: 66-81.
- Fourey G, Oger G, Touzé DL, Alessandrini B, 2010. Violent Fluid-Structure Interaction simulations using a coupled SPH/FEM method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 10: 012041.
- Groenenboom PHL, Cartwright BK, 2010. Hydrodynamics and fluid-structure interaction by coupled SPH-FE method, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48: 61-73.
- Hirsch C, 1988. Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows. Volume 1, Wiley-Interscience publication.
- Hu D, Long T, Xiao Y, Han X, Gu Y, 2014. Fluid–structure interaction analysis by coupled FE–SPH model based on a novel searching algorithm. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 276: 266-286.
- Liu GR, Liu MB, 2003. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics: A mesh-free particle method. World Scientific, Singapore.
- Lobovský L, Botia-Vera E, Castellana F, Mas-Soler J, Souto-Iglesias A, 2014. Experimental investigation of dynamic pressure loads during dam break. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 48: 407-434.
- Long T, Hu D, Wan D, Zhuang C, Yang G, 2017. An arbitrary boundary with ghost particles incorporated in coupled FEM–SPH model for FSI problems, Journal of Computational Physics, 350: 166-183.
- Monaghan J, 1992. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 30 (1): 543-574.
- Monaghan, J, 1994. Simulating Free Surface Flows with SPH. Journal of Computational Physics, 110(2): 399-406.
- Zhang Z, Qiang H, Gao W, 2010. Coupling of smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite element method for impact dynamics simulation. Engineering Structures, 33: 255-264.