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Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 539 - 549, 01.06.2022



  • Ağaoğlu YS, Ayfer M, Fidan Y, Köksal İ, Çelik M, Abak K, Çelik H, Kaynak L, GülşenY, 1987. General Horticulture. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications: 1009, Ankara-Türkiye.
  • Alp Ş, Yıldız K, Türkoğlu N, Çığ A, Aşur F, 2010. Reproduction of Old Garden Roses in Van with Different Steel Types. Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20(3): 189-193.
  • Bao F, Shen J, Brady SR, Muday GK, Asami T, Yang Z, 2004. Brassinosteroids Interact with Auxin to Promote Lateral Root Development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 134: 1624-1631.
  • Çoban Ö, 2014. Effects of Brassinosteroid Applications on Some Physical And Biochemical Properties and Secondary Metabolite Accumulation in Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) Under Salt Stress. Süleyman Demirel Universty Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Master Thesis (Printed).
  • Eraslan D, 2019. Effect of Some Ambient and Treatments on Rooting of Rosehip (Rosa dumalis L.) Hardwood Cuttings. Tokatgaziosmanpasa University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Master Thesis (Printed).
  • Ercişli S, 1996. A Study on Selection Breeding and Propagation by Cuttings of Rosehips (Rosa Spp.) Growing Naturally in Gümüşhane and Its Districts. Atatürk University, Institute of Science and Technology, Doctora Thesis (Printed).
  • Ercişli S, Güleryüz M, 1999. A Research on the Possibility of Propagation of Some Rosehip (Rosa Spp.) Types with Hardwood Cuttings. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23: 305-310.
  • Ercişli S, Güleryüz M, 2005. Rose Hip Utilization in Turkey. Proceedings of the I.International Rose Hip Conferance, Acta Horticulturae, 690: 77–82, https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.690.10 (Date of access: 15 December 2021)
  • Eşitken A, Karlidag H, Ercisli S, Turan M, Şahin F, 2003. The Effects of Spraying a Growth Promoting Bacterium on the Yield, Growth and Nutrient Elements Composition of Leaves of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L. cv. Hacıhaliloğlu). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 54: 377-380.
  • Goto M, 1992. Fundamentals of Bacterial Plant Pathology, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0-12-293465-0, pp. 339, California-USA.
  • Güneş M, 2013. Rosehip. Berries Fruits. Tomurcukbag Ltd. Sti. Education Publications No:l, sf 423-457, Kalecik/Ankara,
  • Güneş M, Şen SM, 2001. A Study on the Reproducibility of Some Rosehip Types (Rosa spp.) with Wood Cuttings. Garden, 30:(1–2), sf.17–24.
  • Güneş M, Eraslan D, 2021. Effect of Some Growing Media and Treatments on Rooting of Rose Hip Hardwood Cuttings. Gaziosmanpasa Journal of Scientific Research, 10(2): 131-139.
  • İlisulu K, 1992. Pharmaceutical and Spice Plants. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications 1250. Textbook No:360, Ankara-Türkiye, 302 pgs.
  • Kaplan U, Gökbayrak Z, 2012. Effect of 22(S), 23(S)-homobrassinolide on adventitious root formation in grape rootstocks. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture 33 (2): 253–256.
  • Kazankaya A,Türkoğlu N, Yılmaz M, Balta MF, 2005. Pomological description of Rosa canina selections from Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. International Journal of Botany, 1 (1): 100-102.
  • Kınık E, Çelikel FG, 2017. The Effects of Bacteria and Auxin Applications on the Reproduction of Rosehip Plant by Cuttings. Turkish Journal of Agriculture, Food Science and Technology, 5 (13): 1714-1719. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v5i13.1714-1719.1526 (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2021)
  • Küçükbasmacı-Sabır F, Özkaya MT, 2009. Effects of Different Applications on Rooting of MM106 Rootstock Green Cuttings in Perlite and Hydroponic Media. Selcuk University, Selcuk Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences, 23 (49): 55-59.
  • Mussig C, Shin G, Altmann T, 2003. Brassinosteroids Promote Root Growth In Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 133 (3): 1261–1271.
  • Nemhauser JL, Mockler TC, Chory J, 2004. Interdependency of Brassinosteroid and Auxin Signaling in Arabidopsis. PLoS Biology, 2:E258. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.0020258 (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2021)
  • Okatar F, 2019. Propagation of Some Rose Hip Genotypes by Semi-Hardwood Cuttings. Tokatgaziosmanpasa University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture. Master Thesis (Printed).
  • Sarıbaş M, 1996. Some Morphological, Palynological and Seed Characteristics of Rosa canina L. (Rosehip) Spreading Naturally in the Western Black Sea Region. Rosehip Symposium, 5-6 Eylül 1996, Gümüşhane, Türkiye, s.65-74.
  • Shahbaz M, Ashraf M, 2007. Influence of Exogenous Application of Brassinosteroid on Growth and Mineral Nutrients of Wheat (Triticum aestıvum L.) Under Saline Conditions. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 39 (2): 513-522.
  • Srinivasan M, Holl F, Petersen D, 1996. Influence of indoleacetic-acid-producing Bacillus isolates on the nodulation of Phaseolus vulgaris by Rhizobium etli under gnotobiotic conditions. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 42 (10): 1006-1014. Steenhoudt O, Vanderleyden J, 2000. Azospirillum, a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium closely associated with grasses: genetic, biochemical and ecological aspects. FEMS microbiology reviews, 24 (4): 487-506.
  • Şenel E, 2002. Researchs on propagation of some mulberry (Morus sp. L. ) species by cuttings. Süleyman Demirel Universty Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Master Thesis (Printed).
  • Tansi LS, Nacar S, Çulcu AA, 1996. Rose hips (Rosa canina) growing possibilities. Proceeding Symposium Rose hips, 119-126 p, Gümüşhane-Turkey.
  • Tripp K, Stomp A, 1997. Horticultural Applications of Agrobacterium Rhizogenes (Hairy-Root): Enhanced Rooting of Difficult-to-Root Woody Plants, Combined Proceedings. International Plant Propagators Society, 527-535.
  • Uzunoğlu Ö, Gökbayrak Z, 2018. Influence of IAA, 28-homobrassinolide and 24-epibrassinolide on Adventitious Rooting in Grapevine. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 6 (1): 23–30.
  • Yıldız K, Koyuncu F, 2000. A Research on Propagation of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L) with Wood Cuttings. Harvest, 17 (3): 130-135.
  • Yıldız K, Çekiç Ç, Güneş M, Özgen M, Özkan Y, AkçaY, Gerçekçioğlu R, 2009. Determination of Rooting Success of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L) Steel Types Taken at Different Periods. Journal of Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Agriculture, 26 (1): 1-5.
  • Zenginbal H, Özcan M, 2013. The Effects of Cutting Time, Bud Number and IBA Concentration on The Cutting on Rooting of Kiwifruit. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29 (1): 1-11

Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings

Year 2022, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 539 - 549, 01.06.2022


Rosehip is a species whose environmental and economic importance is increasing day by day. This study was carried out to determine the effect of auxin, brassinosteroid and bacteria for the adventitious rooting of hardwood cuttings belonging to the SRG 17 and SRK 26 genotypes, which were previously obtained by selection from the province of Yozgat. In the study, hardwood cuttings taken in February were used with single, double and triple IBA (2000 ppm), 24-eBL (0, 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 ppm) and a commercial bio prepare containing bacteria species of Pseudomonas fluorescens, Paenibacillus polymyx, Bacillus megaterium and Pantoea agglomerans. After combined treatment, they were planted in perlite+peat medium and removed after three months. While the highest rooting rate of 40% in SRG17 genotype was obtained from the triple combination of Bacteria + 24-eBL (0.50 ppm) + IBA (2000 ppm), it was obtained from Bacteria application with 43.33% in SRK26 genotype. Bacteria + 24-eBL (1.00 ppm) + IBA (2000 ppm) triple combination in SRG17 genotype in terms of root length and root number provided the highest values with 8.38±4.32 (cm) and 21.00±9.00 pcs, respectively. In the SRK26 genotype, 11.18±1.41 cm root length and 36.00±12.25 pcs were obtained from the 24-eBL (0.50 ppm) + IBA (2000 ppm) binary combination. The viability rates were determined three months after the rooted cuttings were taken into the pots, and the SRG17 genotype provided 100% survival in the binary combination Bacteria + 24-eBL (0.50 ppm) and 50% in the SRK26 genotype in the 24-eBL (0.50 ppm) application.


  • Ağaoğlu YS, Ayfer M, Fidan Y, Köksal İ, Çelik M, Abak K, Çelik H, Kaynak L, GülşenY, 1987. General Horticulture. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications: 1009, Ankara-Türkiye.
  • Alp Ş, Yıldız K, Türkoğlu N, Çığ A, Aşur F, 2010. Reproduction of Old Garden Roses in Van with Different Steel Types. Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20(3): 189-193.
  • Bao F, Shen J, Brady SR, Muday GK, Asami T, Yang Z, 2004. Brassinosteroids Interact with Auxin to Promote Lateral Root Development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 134: 1624-1631.
  • Çoban Ö, 2014. Effects of Brassinosteroid Applications on Some Physical And Biochemical Properties and Secondary Metabolite Accumulation in Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) Under Salt Stress. Süleyman Demirel Universty Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Master Thesis (Printed).
  • Eraslan D, 2019. Effect of Some Ambient and Treatments on Rooting of Rosehip (Rosa dumalis L.) Hardwood Cuttings. Tokatgaziosmanpasa University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture, Master Thesis (Printed).
  • Ercişli S, 1996. A Study on Selection Breeding and Propagation by Cuttings of Rosehips (Rosa Spp.) Growing Naturally in Gümüşhane and Its Districts. Atatürk University, Institute of Science and Technology, Doctora Thesis (Printed).
  • Ercişli S, Güleryüz M, 1999. A Research on the Possibility of Propagation of Some Rosehip (Rosa Spp.) Types with Hardwood Cuttings. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23: 305-310.
  • Ercişli S, Güleryüz M, 2005. Rose Hip Utilization in Turkey. Proceedings of the I.International Rose Hip Conferance, Acta Horticulturae, 690: 77–82, https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.690.10 (Date of access: 15 December 2021)
  • Eşitken A, Karlidag H, Ercisli S, Turan M, Şahin F, 2003. The Effects of Spraying a Growth Promoting Bacterium on the Yield, Growth and Nutrient Elements Composition of Leaves of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L. cv. Hacıhaliloğlu). Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 54: 377-380.
  • Goto M, 1992. Fundamentals of Bacterial Plant Pathology, Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0-12-293465-0, pp. 339, California-USA.
  • Güneş M, 2013. Rosehip. Berries Fruits. Tomurcukbag Ltd. Sti. Education Publications No:l, sf 423-457, Kalecik/Ankara,
  • Güneş M, Şen SM, 2001. A Study on the Reproducibility of Some Rosehip Types (Rosa spp.) with Wood Cuttings. Garden, 30:(1–2), sf.17–24.
  • Güneş M, Eraslan D, 2021. Effect of Some Growing Media and Treatments on Rooting of Rose Hip Hardwood Cuttings. Gaziosmanpasa Journal of Scientific Research, 10(2): 131-139.
  • İlisulu K, 1992. Pharmaceutical and Spice Plants. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications 1250. Textbook No:360, Ankara-Türkiye, 302 pgs.
  • Kaplan U, Gökbayrak Z, 2012. Effect of 22(S), 23(S)-homobrassinolide on adventitious root formation in grape rootstocks. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture 33 (2): 253–256.
  • Kazankaya A,Türkoğlu N, Yılmaz M, Balta MF, 2005. Pomological description of Rosa canina selections from Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. International Journal of Botany, 1 (1): 100-102.
  • Kınık E, Çelikel FG, 2017. The Effects of Bacteria and Auxin Applications on the Reproduction of Rosehip Plant by Cuttings. Turkish Journal of Agriculture, Food Science and Technology, 5 (13): 1714-1719. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v5i13.1714-1719.1526 (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2021)
  • Küçükbasmacı-Sabır F, Özkaya MT, 2009. Effects of Different Applications on Rooting of MM106 Rootstock Green Cuttings in Perlite and Hydroponic Media. Selcuk University, Selcuk Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences, 23 (49): 55-59.
  • Mussig C, Shin G, Altmann T, 2003. Brassinosteroids Promote Root Growth In Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 133 (3): 1261–1271.
  • Nemhauser JL, Mockler TC, Chory J, 2004. Interdependency of Brassinosteroid and Auxin Signaling in Arabidopsis. PLoS Biology, 2:E258. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.0020258 (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2021)
  • Okatar F, 2019. Propagation of Some Rose Hip Genotypes by Semi-Hardwood Cuttings. Tokatgaziosmanpasa University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Horticulture. Master Thesis (Printed).
  • Sarıbaş M, 1996. Some Morphological, Palynological and Seed Characteristics of Rosa canina L. (Rosehip) Spreading Naturally in the Western Black Sea Region. Rosehip Symposium, 5-6 Eylül 1996, Gümüşhane, Türkiye, s.65-74.
  • Shahbaz M, Ashraf M, 2007. Influence of Exogenous Application of Brassinosteroid on Growth and Mineral Nutrients of Wheat (Triticum aestıvum L.) Under Saline Conditions. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 39 (2): 513-522.
  • Srinivasan M, Holl F, Petersen D, 1996. Influence of indoleacetic-acid-producing Bacillus isolates on the nodulation of Phaseolus vulgaris by Rhizobium etli under gnotobiotic conditions. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 42 (10): 1006-1014. Steenhoudt O, Vanderleyden J, 2000. Azospirillum, a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium closely associated with grasses: genetic, biochemical and ecological aspects. FEMS microbiology reviews, 24 (4): 487-506.
  • Şenel E, 2002. Researchs on propagation of some mulberry (Morus sp. L. ) species by cuttings. Süleyman Demirel Universty Graduate School of Applied and Natural Sciences, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Master Thesis (Printed).
  • Tansi LS, Nacar S, Çulcu AA, 1996. Rose hips (Rosa canina) growing possibilities. Proceeding Symposium Rose hips, 119-126 p, Gümüşhane-Turkey.
  • Tripp K, Stomp A, 1997. Horticultural Applications of Agrobacterium Rhizogenes (Hairy-Root): Enhanced Rooting of Difficult-to-Root Woody Plants, Combined Proceedings. International Plant Propagators Society, 527-535.
  • Uzunoğlu Ö, Gökbayrak Z, 2018. Influence of IAA, 28-homobrassinolide and 24-epibrassinolide on Adventitious Rooting in Grapevine. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 6 (1): 23–30.
  • Yıldız K, Koyuncu F, 2000. A Research on Propagation of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L) with Wood Cuttings. Harvest, 17 (3): 130-135.
  • Yıldız K, Çekiç Ç, Güneş M, Özgen M, Özkan Y, AkçaY, Gerçekçioğlu R, 2009. Determination of Rooting Success of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L) Steel Types Taken at Different Periods. Journal of Gaziosmanpaşa University Faculty of Agriculture, 26 (1): 1-5.
  • Zenginbal H, Özcan M, 2013. The Effects of Cutting Time, Bud Number and IBA Concentration on The Cutting on Rooting of Kiwifruit. Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29 (1): 1-11
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production
Journal Section Bahçe Bitkileri / Horticulture

Muazzez Çeliker This is me 0000-0001-5969-4965

Aysen Koç 0000-0002-9766-721X

Early Pub Date May 31, 2022
Publication Date June 1, 2022
Submission Date December 23, 2021
Acceptance Date March 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Çeliker, M., & Koç, A. (2022). Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 12(2), 539-549. https://doi.org/10.21597/jist.1038761
AMA Çeliker M, Koç A. Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. June 2022;12(2):539-549. doi:10.21597/jist.1038761
Chicago Çeliker, Muazzez, and Aysen Koç. “Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa Canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 12, no. 2 (June 2022): 539-49. https://doi.org/10.21597/jist.1038761.
EndNote Çeliker M, Koç A (June 1, 2022) Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 12 2 539–549.
IEEE M. Çeliker and A. Koç, “Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 539–549, 2022, doi: 10.21597/jist.1038761.
ISNAD Çeliker, Muazzez - Koç, Aysen. “Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa Canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 12/2 (June 2022), 539-549. https://doi.org/10.21597/jist.1038761.
JAMA Çeliker M, Koç A. Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2022;12:539–549.
MLA Çeliker, Muazzez and Aysen Koç. “Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa Canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 12, no. 2, 2022, pp. 539-4, doi:10.21597/jist.1038761.
Vancouver Çeliker M, Koç A. Effect of IBA, Brassinosteroid, and Bacterial Applications on Rooting of Some Rosehip (Rosa canina L.) Genotypes by Hardwood Cuttings. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2022;12(2):539-4.