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Balochistan (Pakistan)’ın Mengali Koyunlarının Bazı Morfolojik, Üreme ve Büyüme Özellikleri

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 63 - 68, 31.03.2011


Bu çalışma, Balochistan’ın Mengali ırkı koyunlarının yaşadığı yetiştirme ortamlarını, mevcut durumlarını ve performans parametrelerine ait özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu çalışma için, 7 ilçede bulunan 7 köyün 15 hane halkı ziyaret edilmiştir. Bakım ve idare, yemleme, yetiştirme, sağlık uygulamaları, ve verim yönleri, verim ve üreme performanslarına ilişkin bilgiler, anket ve kişisel gözlemlerle toplanmıştır. Entansif üretim sisteminde yetiştirilen çiftçi sürülerinden (FF) 386 baş, yarı entansif üretim sisteminde yetiştirilen (CASVAB (ESC), Quetta) sürülerden 83 baş hayvana ait canlı ağırlık ve vücut ölçüleri kaydedilmiştir. Veriler, bağımsız t testi ile analiz edilmiştir. Her iki üretim sisteminde, büyüme performansı üzerinde cinsiyet önemli bir etkiye sahip olmuştur (P<0.05). ESC ve FF üretim sistemleri için ortalama ergin canlı ağırlıklar sırasıyla, erkeklerde 49.0±0.51 ve 40.4±0.35 kg, ve dişilerde 41.2±0.37 ve 36.0±0.21 kg bulunmuştur (P<0.05). Dişilerle karşılaştırıldığında, erkekler cidago yüksekliği, göğüs çevresi ve vücut uzunluğu bakımından daha yüksek değerlere sahiptir (P<0.05). Oysa kulak ve kuyruk uzunluğu bakımından önemli fark bulunmamıştır. Ilk yaş kirli yapağı ortalamaları bakımından önemli bir fark gözlenmemiştir. ESC ve FF üretim sistemleri için ortalama ikizlik oranı sırasıyla % 5.25 ve % 3.55 bulunmuştur. Bir dişi koyun ortalama olarak 6-9 kuzu doğurmaktadır. Uzun dönemde seleksiyonla genetik ilerleme planı düzenlemek için farklı yetiştirme sistemlerinde yetiştirilen koyunların büyüme performansındaki varyasyon, yararlı bilgiler sağlayabilir. Sonuçlar, sahada besin kıtlığı olan yarı entansif sistemlerde koyunların performansının geliştirildiği, ancak besleme maliyetinin önemli ölçüde arttığı izlenimini vermiştir.


  • Acharya, R.M., 1982. Sheep and Goat Breeds of India, FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 30, FAO, Rome, pp. 49.
  • Ahmad, M.K., 1982. Study on the evaluation and economic apprai- sal of sheep breeds for meat and wool production in Punjab, 4th Annual report of L.P.R.I. Bhadurnagar, Okara, Pakistan. Pp 19-25.
  • Akçapinar, H., Aydin, I., 1984. Growth and survival rate of Morka- raman lamb under semi-intensive conditions of a private farm in Erzurum. Ankara University Veterinary Fakultesi Dergi- si 31 (1): 128-136.
  • Aldom, F., Hussein, N.O., Sawalha, L., Khateem, K., Aldomy, A., 2009. A national survey of prenatal mortality in sheep and goat in Pakistan. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 29(3): 102-106.
  • Barlow, R.M., Gardiner, A.C., Angus, K.W., Gilmour, J.S., Mellor, D.J., Cuthbertson, J.C., Newlands, G., Thompson, R,. 1987. Clinical, biochemical and pathological study of perinatal lambs in a commercial flock. Vet. Rec., 120: 357-362.
  • Bela, B., Aynalem, H., 2009. Factor Effecting growth performance of sheep under village management conditions in the south western part of Ethiopia Livestock Research for Rural Deve- lopment 21 (11):189.
  • Bhutto, M.A., Khan M.A., Ahmad, G., 1993. Livestock breeds of Pakistan. Islamabad: Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Coo- perative (Livestock Division), Govt. of Pakistan.
  • Charray J., Humbert, J.M., Levif, J., 1992. Manual of sheep pro- duction in the Humid Tropics of Africa. Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural cooperation. 187 pp.
  • Dennis, S.M., 1974. Perinatal lamb mortality in Western Australia. 1. General procedures and results. 2. Noninfectious conditi- ons. Aust. Vet. J., 50: 443-449.
  • Eyduran, E., Karakus, K., Karakus, S., Cengiz, F., 2009. Usage of factor scores for determining relationships among body we- ight and some body measurements. Bulgarian Journal of Agri- cultural Science, 15 (No 4) 2009, 373-377.
  • Government of Pakistan (GOP), 2009-2010. Economical Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad.
  • Government of Pakistan (GOP) Livestock census, 2006. Agricul- ture census Organization, Statistics Division. Government of Pakistan, Lahore.
  • Hasnain, H.U., 1985. Sheep and Goat in Pakistan. Animal Producti- on and Health Paper 56. FAO Rome.
  • Isani, G.B., Baloch, M.N., 1996. Sheep and goat breed in Pakistan. Press Corporation, Karachi.
  • Kakar, M.A., Ahmad, M., 2004. An over-view of livestock in Ba- lochistan (2003-2004). Livestock and Dairy Development De- partment Balochistan, Quetta 40-85.
  • Khan, B.B., Isani, G.B., 1994. Breeds and types of livestock in Pa- kistan. Animal Husbandry (Book) published by National Book Foundation.
  • Khan, S.A., Khan, M.A., Khan, S.A., Mehmood, S., 2007. Genetic resources and diversity in Pakistani sheep. International Jour- nal of Agriculture and Biology. 9(6): 941-944.
  • Kochapakdee, S.W., Pralokarn, S., Laapetchara, A.S., Norto, B.W., 1994. Grazing management studies with Thai goats. Produc- tivity of female goats grazing newly established pasture with varying levels of supplementary feeding. Asian Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 7: 289-293.
  • Macit, M., Karaoglu, M., Esenbuga, N., Kopuzlu, S., Dayioglu, H., 2001. Growth performance of purebred Awassi, Morkaraman and Tushin lambs and their crosses under semi-intensive ma- nagement in Turkey Small Rumin. Res. 41(2): 177-180.
  • Mavarogenis, A.P., Constantinou, A., 1986. Performance evaluation of pure breed and crossbred lambs. Technical Bulletin 77, Ag- ricultural Research Institute, Nicosia, 5.
  • Mehta, S.C., Vij, P.K., Joshi, B.K., Nivsarkar, A.E., 1995. Characte- rization and conservation of Sonadi Sheep. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 65(7): 804-808.
  • Mendel, C., Scholaut, W., Pirchner, F., 1989. Performance of Me- rino lands-chaf and Bergs-chaf under an accelerated lambing system. Livestock. Prod. Sci., 21: 131-141.
  • Muska-Mugerwa, E., Lahlou-Kassi, K., Anindo, D., Regi, J.E.O., Teblely, S., Tibbo, M., Baker, R.I., 2000. Between and within breed variation in lamb survival and the ciated with major causes of mortality in indigenous Horro and Menz sheep in Ethiopia. Small Ruminant Research 37: 1-12.
  • Nawaz, M., Khalil, A.M., 1998. Comparison of Lohi and crossbred ewes: Productive and reproductive traits. Small ruminant Re- search 27: 223-229.
  • Rafeeq, M., Tariq, M.M., Ahmad, M., 2010. Comparative study to estimate the productive performance of different sheep breeds of Balochistan in semi intensive conditions.
  • Rastogi, R.K., 2001. Production performance of Barbados Black belly sheep in Tobago, West Indies. Small Ruminant Research 41: 171-175.
  • Refik, A., Ceyhan A., Ozder, M., Sezenler, T., 2009. Genetic and Non-Genetic Parameter Estimates for Growth Traits in Tur- kish Merino Lambs. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Ad- vances. 8(9): 1729-1734.
  • Sharif, M., 2001. Performance evaluation of economic traits of Balochi and Bibrik sheep of Balochistan. M.Sc. Thesis. De- partment of Livestock Management, Sindh Agriculture Uni- versity, Tandojam.
  • Stamp, J.T., 1967. Perinatal loss in lambs with particular reference to diagnosis. Vet. Rec. 81: 530-534.

Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 63 - 68, 31.03.2011


The present study was conducted to establish the characteristics regarding the habitat, status, norms and performance parameters of Mengali sheep breed of Balochistan. For the present study, 15 households of 7 villages were visited in 7 districts. Information on management, feeding, breeding, health practices, and utility patterns, productive and reproductive performance was collected by questionnaire and personal observations. Body weight and measurements were recorded for total 386 and 83 animals of extensive Farmers Flock (FF) and semiintensive production system, Experimental Station CASVAB (ESC), Quetta, respectively. The data were analyzed using unpaired t- test. In both production systems, sex had a significant effect on growth performance (P<0.05). Average adult body weights for ESC and FF were 49.0±0.51 and 40.4±0.35 for male, and 41.2±0.37 and 36.0±0.21 kg for female, respectively (P<0.05). Male had higher height at withers height, chest girth and body length compared to female (P<0.05), whereas no significant difference was found in ear and tail length. No difference was observed in yearly greasy fleece weights. Averages of the twinning percentage for ESC and FF were 5.25 and 3.55% respectively. A ewe on an average delivers 6-9 lambs in lifetime. The variation in growth performance of sheep raised in different rearing systems could give remarkable clues in order to set genetic improvement plan by selection for a long term. The results suggested that the performance of the sheep was improved under semi-intensive managemental system, which indicates shortage of nutrients in the range, whereas in the semi-intensive conditions the feeding cost increased quite significantly.  


  • Acharya, R.M., 1982. Sheep and Goat Breeds of India, FAO Animal Production and Health Paper No. 30, FAO, Rome, pp. 49.
  • Ahmad, M.K., 1982. Study on the evaluation and economic apprai- sal of sheep breeds for meat and wool production in Punjab, 4th Annual report of L.P.R.I. Bhadurnagar, Okara, Pakistan. Pp 19-25.
  • Akçapinar, H., Aydin, I., 1984. Growth and survival rate of Morka- raman lamb under semi-intensive conditions of a private farm in Erzurum. Ankara University Veterinary Fakultesi Dergi- si 31 (1): 128-136.
  • Aldom, F., Hussein, N.O., Sawalha, L., Khateem, K., Aldomy, A., 2009. A national survey of prenatal mortality in sheep and goat in Pakistan. Pakistan Veterinary Journal 29(3): 102-106.
  • Barlow, R.M., Gardiner, A.C., Angus, K.W., Gilmour, J.S., Mellor, D.J., Cuthbertson, J.C., Newlands, G., Thompson, R,. 1987. Clinical, biochemical and pathological study of perinatal lambs in a commercial flock. Vet. Rec., 120: 357-362.
  • Bela, B., Aynalem, H., 2009. Factor Effecting growth performance of sheep under village management conditions in the south western part of Ethiopia Livestock Research for Rural Deve- lopment 21 (11):189.
  • Bhutto, M.A., Khan M.A., Ahmad, G., 1993. Livestock breeds of Pakistan. Islamabad: Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Coo- perative (Livestock Division), Govt. of Pakistan.
  • Charray J., Humbert, J.M., Levif, J., 1992. Manual of sheep pro- duction in the Humid Tropics of Africa. Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural cooperation. 187 pp.
  • Dennis, S.M., 1974. Perinatal lamb mortality in Western Australia. 1. General procedures and results. 2. Noninfectious conditi- ons. Aust. Vet. J., 50: 443-449.
  • Eyduran, E., Karakus, K., Karakus, S., Cengiz, F., 2009. Usage of factor scores for determining relationships among body we- ight and some body measurements. Bulgarian Journal of Agri- cultural Science, 15 (No 4) 2009, 373-377.
  • Government of Pakistan (GOP), 2009-2010. Economical Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad.
  • Government of Pakistan (GOP) Livestock census, 2006. Agricul- ture census Organization, Statistics Division. Government of Pakistan, Lahore.
  • Hasnain, H.U., 1985. Sheep and Goat in Pakistan. Animal Producti- on and Health Paper 56. FAO Rome.
  • Isani, G.B., Baloch, M.N., 1996. Sheep and goat breed in Pakistan. Press Corporation, Karachi.
  • Kakar, M.A., Ahmad, M., 2004. An over-view of livestock in Ba- lochistan (2003-2004). Livestock and Dairy Development De- partment Balochistan, Quetta 40-85.
  • Khan, B.B., Isani, G.B., 1994. Breeds and types of livestock in Pa- kistan. Animal Husbandry (Book) published by National Book Foundation.
  • Khan, S.A., Khan, M.A., Khan, S.A., Mehmood, S., 2007. Genetic resources and diversity in Pakistani sheep. International Jour- nal of Agriculture and Biology. 9(6): 941-944.
  • Kochapakdee, S.W., Pralokarn, S., Laapetchara, A.S., Norto, B.W., 1994. Grazing management studies with Thai goats. Produc- tivity of female goats grazing newly established pasture with varying levels of supplementary feeding. Asian Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 7: 289-293.
  • Macit, M., Karaoglu, M., Esenbuga, N., Kopuzlu, S., Dayioglu, H., 2001. Growth performance of purebred Awassi, Morkaraman and Tushin lambs and their crosses under semi-intensive ma- nagement in Turkey Small Rumin. Res. 41(2): 177-180.
  • Mavarogenis, A.P., Constantinou, A., 1986. Performance evaluation of pure breed and crossbred lambs. Technical Bulletin 77, Ag- ricultural Research Institute, Nicosia, 5.
  • Mehta, S.C., Vij, P.K., Joshi, B.K., Nivsarkar, A.E., 1995. Characte- rization and conservation of Sonadi Sheep. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 65(7): 804-808.
  • Mendel, C., Scholaut, W., Pirchner, F., 1989. Performance of Me- rino lands-chaf and Bergs-chaf under an accelerated lambing system. Livestock. Prod. Sci., 21: 131-141.
  • Muska-Mugerwa, E., Lahlou-Kassi, K., Anindo, D., Regi, J.E.O., Teblely, S., Tibbo, M., Baker, R.I., 2000. Between and within breed variation in lamb survival and the ciated with major causes of mortality in indigenous Horro and Menz sheep in Ethiopia. Small Ruminant Research 37: 1-12.
  • Nawaz, M., Khalil, A.M., 1998. Comparison of Lohi and crossbred ewes: Productive and reproductive traits. Small ruminant Re- search 27: 223-229.
  • Rafeeq, M., Tariq, M.M., Ahmad, M., 2010. Comparative study to estimate the productive performance of different sheep breeds of Balochistan in semi intensive conditions.
  • Rastogi, R.K., 2001. Production performance of Barbados Black belly sheep in Tobago, West Indies. Small Ruminant Research 41: 171-175.
  • Refik, A., Ceyhan A., Ozder, M., Sezenler, T., 2009. Genetic and Non-Genetic Parameter Estimates for Growth Traits in Tur- kish Merino Lambs. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Ad- vances. 8(9): 1729-1734.
  • Sharif, M., 2001. Performance evaluation of economic traits of Balochi and Bibrik sheep of Balochistan. M.Sc. Thesis. De- partment of Livestock Management, Sindh Agriculture Uni- versity, Tandojam.
  • Stamp, J.T., 1967. Perinatal loss in lambs with particular reference to diagnosis. Vet. Rec. 81: 530-534.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Zootekni / Animal Science

Mohammad Masood Tarıq

Masroor Ahmad Bajwa This is me

Ferhat Abbas This is me

Ecevit Eyduran This is me

Muhammad Arif Awan This is me

Majed Rafeeq This is me

Abdul Waheed This is me

Asghar Husssaın This is me

Farhat Abbas Bukharı This is me

Muhammad Adnan Attıq This is me

Zafar Ahmad This is me

Yasir Javed This is me

Publication Date March 31, 2011
Submission Date November 19, 2010
Acceptance Date January 10, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Tarıq, M. M., Bajwa, M. A., Abbas, F., Eyduran, E., et al. (2011). Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 1(1), 63-68.
AMA Tarıq MM, Bajwa MA, Abbas F, Eyduran E, Awan MA, Rafeeq M, Waheed A, Husssaın A, Bukharı FA, Attıq MA, Ahmad Z, Javed Y. Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. March 2011;1(1):63-68.
Chicago Tarıq, Mohammad Masood, Masroor Ahmad Bajwa, Ferhat Abbas, Ecevit Eyduran, Muhammad Arif Awan, Majed Rafeeq, Abdul Waheed, Asghar Husssaın, Farhat Abbas Bukharı, Muhammad Adnan Attıq, Zafar Ahmad, and Yasir Javed. “Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 1, no. 1 (March 2011): 63-68.
EndNote Tarıq MM, Bajwa MA, Abbas F, Eyduran E, Awan MA, Rafeeq M, Waheed A, Husssaın A, Bukharı FA, Attıq MA, Ahmad Z, Javed Y (March 1, 2011) Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 1 1 63–68.
IEEE M. M. Tarıq, “Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 63–68, 2011.
ISNAD Tarıq, Mohammad Masood et al. “Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 1/1 (March 2011), 63-68.
JAMA Tarıq MM, Bajwa MA, Abbas F, Eyduran E, Awan MA, Rafeeq M, Waheed A, Husssaın A, Bukharı FA, Attıq MA, Ahmad Z, Javed Y. Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2011;1:63–68.
MLA Tarıq, Mohammad Masood et al. “Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 1, no. 1, 2011, pp. 63-68.
Vancouver Tarıq MM, Bajwa MA, Abbas F, Eyduran E, Awan MA, Rafeeq M, Waheed A, Husssaın A, Bukharı FA, Attıq MA, Ahmad Z, Javed Y. Some Morphological, Fertility and Growth Traits for Mengali Sheep of Balochistan, Pakistan. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2011;1(1):63-8.