The purpose of this paper is to utilize common solid wastes (carbon rods from used batteries, egg
shells and corn cobs) as adsorbents for lead removal from aqueous solution. For this purpose, linear and non-linear
regression methods of widely used kinetics models were compared. Solid wastes (speci cally, egg shells, corn cobs
and used dry batteries) were collected from selected location in Nigeria. The materials collected were washed with
distilled water, air-dried, ground into powder and classi ed using British Standard sieve. The mineral contents of
these adsorbents were determined. Adsorption capacities of powdered adsorbents were examined on synthetic lead
solution prepared by using standard method. The results of adsorption capacities analysed using linear and non-lin- ear techniques were evaluated statistically. The present study re ected that these materials are good adsorbents
based on the micrograph and adsorption capacities. In the result of the statistical evaluations, non-linear regression
method is the best method to be used for: analysis adsorption kinetics model(intraparticle diffusion and pseudo sec- ond order) based on high MSC (2.54, 2.34 and 2.57; 4.45, 4.15 and 4.22) and CD (0.960, 0.951 and 0.961; 0.994,
0.992, 0.992); low error (0.375, 0.325 and 0.213; 2.994, 2.604 and 2.909) and Chi squared value (0.030, 0.030 and
0.020; 0.180, 0.190 and 0.200) and determination of engineering parameters to prevent failure of adsorption reac- tors. Cost analysis showed that these adsorbents are cheaper compared to the cost of producing other adsorbents
such as pen con shell based activated carbon (2.72 USD kg-1) and sugar cane based granular activated carbon by
steam (3.12 USD kg-1).
Alam,Z M.D; Muyibi, S.A; Mansor, M.F and Wahid, R . 2007 . “ Activated Carbons derived from oil palm empty fruit bunches: Application to environmental problems”. Journal of Environmental Sciences 19(1), 103-108.
Allen; S.J., Gan Q.; Matthews R and Johnson P.A. 2003 . Comparison of optimised isotherm models for basic dye adsorption by kudzu. Bioresour. Technology., 88, 143,
APHA, 1998 . Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edn, America Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation, Washington DC.
Bhide, J.V; P.K. Dhakephalkar and K.M. Paknikar . 1996 “Microbiological process for the removal of Cr (VI) from chromate-bearing cooling tower ef uent”. Biotech Letters, 18: 667-72.
Bouwer, H. 2003 . Environment Integrated water management for the 21st century: Problems and Solutions. Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.1(1): 118-127.
Erhan, D; Kobya, M; Elif, S., and Ozkan, T., 2004 .. “ Adsorption kinetics for the removal of chromium III from aqueous solutions on the activated carbonaceous prepared from agricultural wastes”. Water SA, 30(4) . 533-540
Han, R.P, Y.Wang,W.H. Zou, Y.F.Wang, and J. Shi, 2007 . Comparison of linear and nonlinear analysis in estimating the Thomas model parameters for methylene blue adsorption onto natural zeolite in xed-bed column, Journal. Hazard. Materials. 145; 331–335.
Han.R.; Zhang, J; Han, P; Wang, Y; Zhao,Z and Tang, M . 2009 . Study of equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters about methylene blue adsorption onto natural zeolite. Chemical engineering Journal 145, 496-504.
Ho, Y.S J.F. Porter and G. McKay, 2002 Equilibrium isotherm studies for the sorption of divalent metal ions onto peat: copper, nickel and lead single component systems, Water Air Soil Pollution. 141, 1–33.
Ho, Y.S 2006 . “Isotherms for the Sorption of Lead onto Peat: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Methods”. Pol. Journal. of Environ. Studies. 15 (1), 81-86.
Ho,. Y.S. 2007 “Bibliometric Analysis of Adsorption Technology in Environmental Science”. Journal. of Environmental Protection Science, 1, 1-11.
Ismail, A; D.B. Adie ; I. A. Oke; J.A Otun; N.O. Olarinoye ; Lukman, S. and C.A. Okuofu 2009 Adsorption Kinetics Of Cadmium Ions Onto Powdered Corn Cobs. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 87; 896 – 909
Khashimova,D F.J. Keil. and K. Kholmatov 2008 . “Alkanes in zeolites - molecular simulations, Empirical isotherms, mixtures”. Journal of the Uni. of Chem. Tech. and Metallurgy, 43(3), 335-344.
Kundu, S and A.K. Gupta, 2006 . Arsenic adsorption onto iron oxide- coated cement (IOCC): regression analysis of equilibrium data with several isotherm models and their optimization, Chem. Eng. Journal. 122, 93–106.
Marquardt, D.W. 1963 . “An Algorithm for Least Squares Estimation of Non-Linear Parameters;’ Journal. of Soc. Indus. and Applied Mathematics., 2,, 431-433.
Monte, K; ; Parichart, V. and Chatchai, R. 2003 .Statistical assessment of trophic conditions: squared Euclidean distance approach. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 25, 359-361,
Oke, I.A 2007 . “Development and Performance- Testing of an Electrochemical Process for Selected Industrial Wastewaters”. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, (Civil Engineering Department), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
Oke, I.A and Akindahunsi, A.A 2005 . A Statistical Evaluation of Methods of Determining BOD Rate. Journal of Applied Sciences Research . 1(2):. 223-227.
Oke, I.A; N.O. Olarinoye, A.M. Olajumoke and K.T. Oladepo. 2006 . A Novel Statistical Method for Determining Parameters in BOD Kinetic Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2(8): 503-509.
Oke,; I.A Olarinoye, N.O. and Adewusi, S.R.A. 2008 “ Adsorption Kinetics for Arsenic Removal by Untreated Powdered Eggshell from Aqueous Solutions”. Journal of Adsorption Society, 14,(1)., 85-92.
Olarinoye, N.O; S. Lukman, J. A. Otun, D. B. Adie, Oke I. A., S. B. Igboro, Fasuyi- Enang O.T. and Ismail A. 2012 Multi- Component Adsorption Equilibria of Pb2+ and Cd2+ onto Powdered Corn Cobs (PCC) in Water Treatment Processes, Editor: Kostas Demadis ; Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.
Özer; A, ; Ekiz H I, and D. Ozer . 1997 . “ A comparative study of the biosorption of cadmium (II) ions to S. Leibleinii and R. Arrhizus”. Chimica Acta Turcica, 25: 63-7
Sa, Y . and T. Kutsal 1995 . “Copper (II) and nickel (II) adsorption by Rhizopus Arrhizus in batch stirred reactors in series”. Chem Eng Journal, 58: 265-73.
Subhash, S. 1996 Applied Multivariate Techniques, John Wiley & Son, Inc, New York .
Yasmin, Y K. Mody; S. Basha and B. Jha. 2009 . Kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies on biosorption of hexavalent chromium by dead fungal biomass of marine Aspergillus niger. Chemical Engineering Journal. 145, 489– 495.
Yeh,H. D and Y. J. Chen, 2009 . Comment on “Utilization of Weibull Techniques for Short-Term Data Analysis in Environmental Engineering,” by Isaiah A. Oke, 2008, 25, 1099–1106. Environmental Engineering Science., 26(8): 1365-1367
Kurşunun Düşük Maliyetli Absorbent ile Absorbsiyonunun Kinetiği: Doğrusal ve Doğrusal Olmayan Regresyon Modellerinin Karşılaştırılması
Year 2013,
Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 71 - 77, 31.12.2013
Bu makalenin amacı, sıvı çözeltiden kurşun giderimini sağlamak amacıyla absorbentler olarak sıradan
katı atıklardan (atık pillerin karbon çubukları, yumurta kabukları ve mısır koçanları) yararlanmaktır. Bu amaç için,
kinetik modellerde yaygın olarak kullanılan doğrusal ve doğrusal olmayan modellerin karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu katı
atıklar (atık kuru pillerin karbon çubukları, yumurta kabukları ve mısır koçanlar) Nijerya’nın belli bölgelerinden
toplanmıştır. Toplanan materyallar, distile su ile yıkanıldıktan sonra hava ile kurutulmuş ve toz haline getirildikten
İngiliz elek standartları ile sını andırılmıştır. Toz haline getirilen absorbentlerin absorbsiyon kapasiteleri, standart
metotlar kullanarak hazırlanan sentetik kurşun çözeltisi ile incelenmiştir. Absorbsiyon kapasiteleri, doğrusal ve
doğrusal olmayan analiz teknikleri ile değerlendirilmiş, elde edilen sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir.
Çalışma sonuçları, mikrograf ve absorbsiyon kapasitelerine bağlı olarak incelenen materyallerin, iyi absorbent- ler olduğunu göstermiştir. Yapılan istatistiksel değerlendirmeler sonucunda, doğrusal olmayan modellerin, yüksek
MSC (2.54, 2.34 ve 2.57; 4.45, 4.15 and 4.22) and CD (0.960, 0.951 ve 0.961; 0.994, 0.992, 0.992); düşük hata
(0.375, 0.325 and 0.213; 2.994, 2.604 and 2.909) and ki-kare değerleri (0.030, 0.030 ve 0.020; 0.180, 0.190 ve
0.200) temelinde absorbsiyon kinetik modelleri (intra-partikül difüzyon ve pseudo ikinci mertebe) için kullanılan
ve absorbsiyon reaktörlerinin başarısızlığını önleyen en iyi metot olduğu saptanmıştır. Maaliyet analizi, bu ab- sorbentlerin diğer absorbentlerden (aktive edilmiş karbona dayalı atıklar (2.72 USD kg-1) ve buharlı taneli aktif
karbona dayalı seker kamışı (3.12 USD kg-1)) daha ucuz olduğunu göstermiştir.
Alam,Z M.D; Muyibi, S.A; Mansor, M.F and Wahid, R . 2007 . “ Activated Carbons derived from oil palm empty fruit bunches: Application to environmental problems”. Journal of Environmental Sciences 19(1), 103-108.
Allen; S.J., Gan Q.; Matthews R and Johnson P.A. 2003 . Comparison of optimised isotherm models for basic dye adsorption by kudzu. Bioresour. Technology., 88, 143,
APHA, 1998 . Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edn, America Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation, Washington DC.
Bhide, J.V; P.K. Dhakephalkar and K.M. Paknikar . 1996 “Microbiological process for the removal of Cr (VI) from chromate-bearing cooling tower ef uent”. Biotech Letters, 18: 667-72.
Bouwer, H. 2003 . Environment Integrated water management for the 21st century: Problems and Solutions. Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.1(1): 118-127.
Erhan, D; Kobya, M; Elif, S., and Ozkan, T., 2004 .. “ Adsorption kinetics for the removal of chromium III from aqueous solutions on the activated carbonaceous prepared from agricultural wastes”. Water SA, 30(4) . 533-540
Han, R.P, Y.Wang,W.H. Zou, Y.F.Wang, and J. Shi, 2007 . Comparison of linear and nonlinear analysis in estimating the Thomas model parameters for methylene blue adsorption onto natural zeolite in xed-bed column, Journal. Hazard. Materials. 145; 331–335.
Han.R.; Zhang, J; Han, P; Wang, Y; Zhao,Z and Tang, M . 2009 . Study of equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters about methylene blue adsorption onto natural zeolite. Chemical engineering Journal 145, 496-504.
Ho, Y.S J.F. Porter and G. McKay, 2002 Equilibrium isotherm studies for the sorption of divalent metal ions onto peat: copper, nickel and lead single component systems, Water Air Soil Pollution. 141, 1–33.
Ho, Y.S 2006 . “Isotherms for the Sorption of Lead onto Peat: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Methods”. Pol. Journal. of Environ. Studies. 15 (1), 81-86.
Ho,. Y.S. 2007 “Bibliometric Analysis of Adsorption Technology in Environmental Science”. Journal. of Environmental Protection Science, 1, 1-11.
Ismail, A; D.B. Adie ; I. A. Oke; J.A Otun; N.O. Olarinoye ; Lukman, S. and C.A. Okuofu 2009 Adsorption Kinetics Of Cadmium Ions Onto Powdered Corn Cobs. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 87; 896 – 909
Khashimova,D F.J. Keil. and K. Kholmatov 2008 . “Alkanes in zeolites - molecular simulations, Empirical isotherms, mixtures”. Journal of the Uni. of Chem. Tech. and Metallurgy, 43(3), 335-344.
Kundu, S and A.K. Gupta, 2006 . Arsenic adsorption onto iron oxide- coated cement (IOCC): regression analysis of equilibrium data with several isotherm models and their optimization, Chem. Eng. Journal. 122, 93–106.
Marquardt, D.W. 1963 . “An Algorithm for Least Squares Estimation of Non-Linear Parameters;’ Journal. of Soc. Indus. and Applied Mathematics., 2,, 431-433.
Monte, K; ; Parichart, V. and Chatchai, R. 2003 .Statistical assessment of trophic conditions: squared Euclidean distance approach. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 25, 359-361,
Oke, I.A 2007 . “Development and Performance- Testing of an Electrochemical Process for Selected Industrial Wastewaters”. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, (Civil Engineering Department), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
Oke, I.A and Akindahunsi, A.A 2005 . A Statistical Evaluation of Methods of Determining BOD Rate. Journal of Applied Sciences Research . 1(2):. 223-227.
Oke, I.A; N.O. Olarinoye, A.M. Olajumoke and K.T. Oladepo. 2006 . A Novel Statistical Method for Determining Parameters in BOD Kinetic Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2(8): 503-509.
Oke,; I.A Olarinoye, N.O. and Adewusi, S.R.A. 2008 “ Adsorption Kinetics for Arsenic Removal by Untreated Powdered Eggshell from Aqueous Solutions”. Journal of Adsorption Society, 14,(1)., 85-92.
Olarinoye, N.O; S. Lukman, J. A. Otun, D. B. Adie, Oke I. A., S. B. Igboro, Fasuyi- Enang O.T. and Ismail A. 2012 Multi- Component Adsorption Equilibria of Pb2+ and Cd2+ onto Powdered Corn Cobs (PCC) in Water Treatment Processes, Editor: Kostas Demadis ; Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.
Özer; A, ; Ekiz H I, and D. Ozer . 1997 . “ A comparative study of the biosorption of cadmium (II) ions to S. Leibleinii and R. Arrhizus”. Chimica Acta Turcica, 25: 63-7
Sa, Y . and T. Kutsal 1995 . “Copper (II) and nickel (II) adsorption by Rhizopus Arrhizus in batch stirred reactors in series”. Chem Eng Journal, 58: 265-73.
Subhash, S. 1996 Applied Multivariate Techniques, John Wiley & Son, Inc, New York .
Yasmin, Y K. Mody; S. Basha and B. Jha. 2009 . Kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies on biosorption of hexavalent chromium by dead fungal biomass of marine Aspergillus niger. Chemical Engineering Journal. 145, 489– 495.
Yeh,H. D and Y. J. Chen, 2009 . Comment on “Utilization of Weibull Techniques for Short-Term Data Analysis in Environmental Engineering,” by Isaiah A. Oke, 2008, 25, 1099–1106. Environmental Engineering Science., 26(8): 1365-1367
Oke, I. A. (2013). Kinetics of Adsorption of Lead onto Low Cost Adsorbents: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 3(4), 71-77.
Oke IA. Kinetics of Adsorption of Lead onto Low Cost Adsorbents: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. December 2013;3(4):71-77.
Oke, Isaiah Adesola. “Kinetics of Adsorption of Lead onto Low Cost Adsorbents: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3, no. 4 (December 2013): 71-77.
Oke IA (December 1, 2013) Kinetics of Adsorption of Lead onto Low Cost Adsorbents: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3 4 71–77.
I. A. Oke, “Kinetics of Adsorption of Lead onto Low Cost Adsorbents: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 71–77, 2013.
Oke, Isaiah Adesola. “Kinetics of Adsorption of Lead onto Low Cost Adsorbents: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 3/4 (December 2013), 71-77.
Oke IA. Kinetics of Adsorption of Lead onto Low Cost Adsorbents: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2013;3:71–77.
Oke, Isaiah Adesola. “Kinetics of Adsorption of Lead onto Low Cost Adsorbents: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 4, 2013, pp. 71-77.
Oke IA. Kinetics of Adsorption of Lead onto Low Cost Adsorbents: Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Regression Methods. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2013;3(4):71-7.