Year 2012,
Volume: 46 Issue: 2, 21 - 39, 04.09.2012
Batu Yaman
Batu Can Yaman
Fatma Koray
- Sharif MO, Merry A, Catleugh M , Tickle M , Brunton P, Dunne SM, Aggarwal VR. Replacement versus repair of defective restorations in adults: amalgam. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2010; 17: 2-3.
- Kamann WK, Gangler P. Filling repair Aracılığıyla, Aynı ya da Farklı Materyalle
- Onarımı ve Sonuçlarının Tutuculuk Açısından and repair fillings. Schweiz Monatsschr Zah- nmed, 2000; 110: 1054-71.
- Blum I R Hafiana K, Curtis A, Barbour ME, Attin T, Lynch CD, Jagger DC. The effect of surface conditioning on the bond strength of resin composite to amalgam. J Dent, 2012; 40: 15-21.
- 4. Hickel R, Manhart J. Longevity of Res, 1997; 76: 1104. restorations in posterior teeth and reasons for failure. J Adhes Dent, 2001; 3: 45-64.
- Moncada G, Fernandez E, Martin J, Arancibia C, Mjör I , Gordan VV. Increas ing the longevity of restorations by minimal intervention: a two-year clinical trial. Oper microleakage study. J Esthet Dent, 1992; 4: Dent, 2008; 33: 258-64. 44-47.
- Mjör IA. Placament and replacement of restorations. Oper Dent, 1981; 6: 49-54.
- Mjör IA. Repair versus replacement of failed restorations. Int Dent J, 1993; 43: 466-72.
- Mjör IA, Jokstad A, Qvist V. Longevity of posterior restorations. Int Dent J, 2001; 40: 11-17.
- Mjor IA, Qvist V. Marginal failures of amalgam and composite restorations. J Dent, 1997 Jan; 25: 25-30.
- Deligeorgi V, Mjor IA, Wilson NH. An overview of reasons for the placement and replacement of restorations. Prim Dent Care, 2001; 8: 5-11.
- Tobi H, Kreulen CM, Vondeling H, van Amerongen WE. Cost-effectiveness of composite resins and amalgam in the re placement of amalgam Class I I restorations. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 1999; 27: 137-43. MG. Effect of amalgambond on flexural bond strength of amalgam. J Dent Res, 1991; 70: 300.
- Dörter C. Amalgam Dolgularda Oluşan Defektlerin Farklı Bonding Ajanlar Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Değerlendirilmesi. Doktora Tezi, LÜ Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Diş Hastalıkları ve Tedavisi Ana Bilim Dalı Konsevatif Diş Tedavisi Bilim Dalı, 1994.
- Dörter C, Koray F, Duman İ Amal gam repair with dentin adhesives. J Dent
- Dörter C, Koray F, Duman İ Flexural bond strength of amalgam repair. J Dent Res 1998; 77: 1227.
- Leelawat C, Scherer W,Chang J. Addi- tons of fresh amalgam to existing amalgam:
- Leelawat C, Scherer W, Chang J. Ad dition of fresh amalgam to existing amal gam utilizing various adhesive liners: a SEM study. J Esthet Dent, 1992; 4: 50-53.
- Özer F, Ünlü N, Sengün A, Öztürk B. Amalgam repair: evaluation of bond strength and Microleakage. Oper Dent, 2002; 27: 199-203.
- Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M , Pahini ST, Karesiz A. Microleakage o f bonded amalgam restorations: effect of thermal cy cling. Oper Dent, 2000; 25: 316-23.
- Chang JC, Chan JT, Chedda A, Igleı sias A. Mikroleakge of amalgam restorations rial, 1992; 8: 370-74. with 4-META bonding agents. J Dent Res, 1993; 72: 223.
- Mahler DB. Effect of dimensional change of the amalgam on amalgam bondı ing. Jour Dent Res, 2001; 80: 42.
- Meiers JC, Turner D. Microleakage of dentin/amalgam alloy bonding agents: results after 1 year. Oper Dent 1998; 23: 16-23.
- Estafan D, Estafan A. Millhouse D. MG. Effect of amalgambond on flexural
- bond strength of amalgam. J Dent Res, 1991; Cavity wall adaptation of resin based comı posites lined with flowable composites. Am J Dent, 2000; 13: 192-94.
- Yazıcı AR, Özgünaltay G, Dayangaç B. The effect of different types of flowable thermocycling on the reinforcing ability of restorative resins on microleakage of classV cavities. Oper Dent, 2003; 28: 773-78.
- Gitte-HaBhoff K. Tooth-composite mesio-occlusodistal amalgam restorations. ınterface from specific and nonspecific adı hesive restoravite system. J Biomed Mater Re Part, 2004; 71: 38-45.
- Giannini M , P a u l l i l l o to amalgam and resin composite bonded
- to amalgam. Quintesssence Int, 1998; 29: LAMS,Ambrosano GMB. Effect of surface roughness on amalgam repair using adhesive systems. Brazil Dent, 2002; 13: 179-83.
- Nakabayashi N.Bonding of restoraı tive materials to dentine: the present status in Japan. Int Dent J, 1985; 35: 145-54.
- Nakabayashi N . Adhesive bonding with 4-META. Oper Dent, 1992; 5: 125-30.
- Deligeorgi V, Mjor IA, Wilson NH. An overview of reasons for the placement 245-50. and replacement of restorations. Prim Dent Care, 2001; 8: 5-11.
- Charton DG, Moore BK. Invitro evaluation of the use of resin liners tore- duce mikroleakage and improve retention of amalgam restorations. Oper Dent, 1992; ation and marginal microleakage of amal 17: 112-19.
- Swift EJ, Triolo M.Shear bond 651-56.
- Yu S. The effect of water storage on dentin bond strength of 8 bonding agents. J Dent Res 1999; 78: 87.
Year 2012,
Volume: 46 Issue: 2, 21 - 39, 04.09.2012
Batu Yaman
Batu Can Yaman
Fatma Koray
Amaç: Eski bir amalgam(EA) restorasyona farklı materyal ve materyal kombinasyonu ile
tamir yapıldığında performansın mikrosızıntı kriterlerine göre değerlendirilmesidir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: 40 adet çürüksüz büyük azı dişinde amalgam restorasyonlar yapıldı.
Amalgam restorasyonlar 90 gün süre ile su içinde bekletilerek eskitildi. Eskitilen amalgam
resto-rasyonların bukkal bölgesine santral fossada tamir kaviteleri açıldı. 4 grupta farklı tamir
işlemleri yapıldı. Örnekler dönüşümlü ısı uygulaması ve dönüşümlü yük yüklemesi işlemleri
sonrasında %0.5'lik bazik fuksinde 24 saat 37° C de bekletildi. Dişlerden tamir bölgesini içerecek
şekilde bukko-lingual yönde 3'er kesit alındı ve kesit yüzeylerinde mikrosızıntı stereomikroskopta
EA/ Tamir Restorasyonu, Tamir Restorasyonu /Diş(D),EA /D ara yüzeylerinde incelendi. Kayıt
edilen skorların istatistiksel değerlendirmesi pearson-ki kare testi ile yapıldı.
Bulgular: Eski amalgam ile her gruptaki tamir restorasyonu ara yüzeylerindeki mikrosızıntı,
gruplar arasında karşılaştırıldığında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark göstermemektedir.
Sonuç: Oklüzal amalgamlarda yapılacak onarımlarda Amalgambond kullanılarak yalnızca
Ormocer ya da akışkan Ormocer-Ormocer kombinasyonu seçildiğinde, yalnızca amalgam yada
Amalgambond Plus kullanılarak yapılan tamirlerden mikrosızıntı açısından daha başarılı sonuç
- Sharif MO, Merry A, Catleugh M , Tickle M , Brunton P, Dunne SM, Aggarwal VR. Replacement versus repair of defective restorations in adults: amalgam. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2010; 17: 2-3.
- Kamann WK, Gangler P. Filling repair Aracılığıyla, Aynı ya da Farklı Materyalle
- Onarımı ve Sonuçlarının Tutuculuk Açısından and repair fillings. Schweiz Monatsschr Zah- nmed, 2000; 110: 1054-71.
- Blum I R Hafiana K, Curtis A, Barbour ME, Attin T, Lynch CD, Jagger DC. The effect of surface conditioning on the bond strength of resin composite to amalgam. J Dent, 2012; 40: 15-21.
- 4. Hickel R, Manhart J. Longevity of Res, 1997; 76: 1104. restorations in posterior teeth and reasons for failure. J Adhes Dent, 2001; 3: 45-64.
- Moncada G, Fernandez E, Martin J, Arancibia C, Mjör I , Gordan VV. Increas ing the longevity of restorations by minimal intervention: a two-year clinical trial. Oper microleakage study. J Esthet Dent, 1992; 4: Dent, 2008; 33: 258-64. 44-47.
- Mjör IA. Placament and replacement of restorations. Oper Dent, 1981; 6: 49-54.
- Mjör IA. Repair versus replacement of failed restorations. Int Dent J, 1993; 43: 466-72.
- Mjör IA, Jokstad A, Qvist V. Longevity of posterior restorations. Int Dent J, 2001; 40: 11-17.
- Mjor IA, Qvist V. Marginal failures of amalgam and composite restorations. J Dent, 1997 Jan; 25: 25-30.
- Deligeorgi V, Mjor IA, Wilson NH. An overview of reasons for the placement and replacement of restorations. Prim Dent Care, 2001; 8: 5-11.
- Tobi H, Kreulen CM, Vondeling H, van Amerongen WE. Cost-effectiveness of composite resins and amalgam in the re placement of amalgam Class I I restorations. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 1999; 27: 137-43. MG. Effect of amalgambond on flexural bond strength of amalgam. J Dent Res, 1991; 70: 300.
- Dörter C. Amalgam Dolgularda Oluşan Defektlerin Farklı Bonding Ajanlar Karşılaştırmalı Olarak Değerlendirilmesi. Doktora Tezi, LÜ Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Diş Hastalıkları ve Tedavisi Ana Bilim Dalı Konsevatif Diş Tedavisi Bilim Dalı, 1994.
- Dörter C, Koray F, Duman İ Amal gam repair with dentin adhesives. J Dent
- Dörter C, Koray F, Duman İ Flexural bond strength of amalgam repair. J Dent Res 1998; 77: 1227.
- Leelawat C, Scherer W,Chang J. Addi- tons of fresh amalgam to existing amalgam:
- Leelawat C, Scherer W, Chang J. Ad dition of fresh amalgam to existing amal gam utilizing various adhesive liners: a SEM study. J Esthet Dent, 1992; 4: 50-53.
- Özer F, Ünlü N, Sengün A, Öztürk B. Amalgam repair: evaluation of bond strength and Microleakage. Oper Dent, 2002; 27: 199-203.
- Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M , Pahini ST, Karesiz A. Microleakage o f bonded amalgam restorations: effect of thermal cy cling. Oper Dent, 2000; 25: 316-23.
- Chang JC, Chan JT, Chedda A, Igleı sias A. Mikroleakge of amalgam restorations rial, 1992; 8: 370-74. with 4-META bonding agents. J Dent Res, 1993; 72: 223.
- Mahler DB. Effect of dimensional change of the amalgam on amalgam bondı ing. Jour Dent Res, 2001; 80: 42.
- Meiers JC, Turner D. Microleakage of dentin/amalgam alloy bonding agents: results after 1 year. Oper Dent 1998; 23: 16-23.
- Estafan D, Estafan A. Millhouse D. MG. Effect of amalgambond on flexural
- bond strength of amalgam. J Dent Res, 1991; Cavity wall adaptation of resin based comı posites lined with flowable composites. Am J Dent, 2000; 13: 192-94.
- Yazıcı AR, Özgünaltay G, Dayangaç B. The effect of different types of flowable thermocycling on the reinforcing ability of restorative resins on microleakage of classV cavities. Oper Dent, 2003; 28: 773-78.
- Gitte-HaBhoff K. Tooth-composite mesio-occlusodistal amalgam restorations. ınterface from specific and nonspecific adı hesive restoravite system. J Biomed Mater Re Part, 2004; 71: 38-45.
- Giannini M , P a u l l i l l o to amalgam and resin composite bonded
- to amalgam. Quintesssence Int, 1998; 29: LAMS,Ambrosano GMB. Effect of surface roughness on amalgam repair using adhesive systems. Brazil Dent, 2002; 13: 179-83.
- Nakabayashi N.Bonding of restoraı tive materials to dentine: the present status in Japan. Int Dent J, 1985; 35: 145-54.
- Nakabayashi N . Adhesive bonding with 4-META. Oper Dent, 1992; 5: 125-30.
- Deligeorgi V, Mjor IA, Wilson NH. An overview of reasons for the placement 245-50. and replacement of restorations. Prim Dent Care, 2001; 8: 5-11.
- Charton DG, Moore BK. Invitro evaluation of the use of resin liners tore- duce mikroleakage and improve retention of amalgam restorations. Oper Dent, 1992; ation and marginal microleakage of amal 17: 112-19.
- Swift EJ, Triolo M.Shear bond 651-56.
- Yu S. The effect of water storage on dentin bond strength of 8 bonding agents. J Dent Res 1999; 78: 87.