Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 141 - 166, 30.04.2017


The needs of human beings have begun to increase with the impact of globalization.
Especially with the increase of large infrastructure investments, The states which are in search of
financing have started to cooperate with the private sector. In this model is called Public Private

Bu makale, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Maliye Teorisi Bilim Dalında Prof. Dr. Turgay
Berksoy danışmanlığında hazırlanan ''Kamu Özel Ortaklıkları ve Ulaştırma Sektörü (Dünya ve Türkiye
Örnekleriyle)'' isimli doktora tezinden üretilmiştir.
Partnerships, risks, benefits and responsibilities are shared. The purpose of this study is to examine
public private partnerships theoretically and empirically within the framework of a survey with an
emphasis on the transportation sector. 


  • A World Bank Resource for PPPs in Infrastructure. (20 Ocak 2016).
  • Brinkerhoff, Derick B and Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff. ‘’Public Private Partnerships: Perspectives on Purposes, Publicness and Good Governance’’, Public Administration and Development. 31, 2011, p. 2-11.
  • Buse, Kent and Andrew Harmer. ‘’Power to the Partners?: The Politics of Public-Private Health Partnerships’’, Development. 47 (2), 2004, p. 49-56.
  • Carbonara, N, N. Constantino, L. Gunnigan, R. Pellegrino. ‘’Risk Management in Motorway PPP Projects: Empirical-Based Guidelines’’, Transport Reviews a Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal. 35 (2), 2015, p. 162-182.
  • Colverson, Samuel and Oshani Perera.’’Harnessing the Power of Public Private Partnerships: The Role of Hybrid Financing Strategies in Sustainable Development’’, IISD Report. February 2012.
  • Corrigan, Mary Beth, Jack Hambene, William Hudnut III, Rachelle L.Levitt, John Stainback, Richard Ward, Nicole Witenstein. Ten Principles for Successful Public Private Partnerships. Urban Land Institute Washington, 2005.
  • Custos, Dominique and John Reitz. ‘’Public Private Partnerships’’, The American Journal of Comparative Law. Vol.58, Supplement: Welcoming the World: U.S. National Reports to the XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law, 2010, p. 555-584.
  • Darvish, Hossein, Patrick X.W.Zou, Martin Loosemore, Guo Min (Kevin) Zhang. ‘’Risk Management, Public İnterests and Value for Money in PPP Projects: Literature Review and Case Studies’’, The CRIOCM 2006 Internatonal Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. China, November 2006. (12 Mart 2016).
  • Emek, Uğur. ‘’Karşılaştırılmalı Perspektiften Kamu Özel İşbirlikleri: Avrupa Topluluğu ve Türkiye’’, Rekabet Dergisi. 10 (1), 2009, s. 7-53.
  • Fitzpatrick, Sean. ‘’PPP Units Across Europe an Overview and Guidance’’, European PPP Expertise Center, ForoPPP Conference. Madrid, 29 November 2012.
  • Grimsey, D. and M.K. Lewis. ‘’Evaluating the Risks of Public Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Projects’’, International Journal of Project Management. 20 (2), 2002, p. 107-118.
  • Grimsey, Darrin and Mervyn K.Lewis. Public Private Partnerships the Worldwide Revolution in Infrastructure Provision and Project Finance. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2004.
  • Hall, David. ‘’Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) Summary Paper’’. The University of Greenwich Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU). London, October 2008.
  • Iglesias, Tim. ‘’Our Pluralist Housing Ethics and Public Private Partnerships for Affordable Housing’’. Nestor M. Davidson and Robin Paul Malloy (Ed.). Affordable Housing and Public Private Partnerships. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
  • Independent Evaluation Group. World Bank Group Support to Public-Private Partnerships: Lessons from Experience in Client Countries. FY02-1202-12. Washington D.C., 2015.
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC). IFC’s Priorities in PPPS, Quality Public Services Are Essential to Countries’s Economic Growth. e/ppp/priorities (8 Nisan 2016).
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC). Improving and Expanding Access to Roads. (8 Nisan 2016).
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC). Transport. (8 Nisan 2016).
  • Issa, Dania, Margaret Emsley and Richard Kirkham. ‘’Reviewing Risk Allocation for Infrastructure PFI: Between Theory and Practice’’, In Smith S.D. (Ed.) Procs 28th Annual ARCOM Conference. 3-5 September 2012, Edinburgh U.K., Association of Resarchers in Construction Management.
  • Istrate, Emilia and Robert Puentes. ‘’Moving Forward on Public Private Partnerships: U.S. and International Experience With PPP Units’’, Brookings-Rockefeller Project on State and Metropolitan Innovation. December 2011.
  • Jooste, Stephan F and W. Richard Scott. ‘’Organizations Enabling Public Private Partnerships: An Organization Field Approach’’, Working Paper 49. Revision 1, October 2009, Collaboraty for Research on Global Projects Stanford, California.
  • Karahanoğulları, Yiğit. ‘’Kamu Özel Ortaklığı Modelinin Mali Değerlendirmesi’’, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. Cilt. 67, No.2, 2002, s. 95-125.
  • OECD. Dedicated Public-Private Partneship Units A Survey of Institutional and Governance Structures. 2010.
  • OECD. Recommendation of the Council on Principles for Public Governance of Public - Private Partnerships. May 2012.
  • Perlman, Mark and Julia Pulidindi. ‘’Public Private Partnerships for Transportation Projects’’, National League of Cities Muicipal Action Guide. 2012.
  • Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF). Toolkit for Public Private Partnerships in Roads & Highways. Version March 2009.
  • Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF). The Public Private Partnership Framework: Policies and PPP Units. Note 4, May 2012.
  • Rakic, Biljana and Tamara Radenovic. ‘’Public Private Partnerships as an Instrument of New Public Management’’, Facta Universitatis Series: Economics and Organisation. Vol.8, No.2, 2011, p. 207-220.
  • Regan, Michael. ‘’Public Private Partnership Units’’, Mirvas School of Sustainable Development Bond University Working Paper, WP 204, Australia, June 2012.
  • Savas, E.S. Privatization in the City: Successes, Failures Lessons. CQ Press,2005.
  • Shaoul, Jean. ‘’Using the Private Sector to Finance Capital Expenditure: The Financial Realities’’, Akıntola Akıntoye and Mathias Beck (Ed.). Policy, Finance & Management for Public-Private Partnerships. U.K: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009.
  • Sharma, Monika and Anita Bindal. ‘’Public Private Partnership’’, International Journal of Research (IJR). Vol.1, Issue 7, August 2014, p.1270-1274.
  • Teker, Dilek L. ‘’Sağlık Sektöründe Proje Finansman Modelleri: Türkiye İçin Bir Model Önerisi ve Bir Hastane Projesinin Fizibilite Analizi’’, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi. Sayı.37, Ocak 2008.
  • The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. Introductory Guide to Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). 2.Edition, March 2008.
  • T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı, Kamu Özel İş birliği ile Yürütülen Projeler, (5 Nisan 2016).
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Guide Book on Promoting Good Governance in Public Private Partnerships. United Nations Publications Sales No.08.II.E.1.New York and Geneva 2008.
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Training Module ‘’Introduction to Public - Private Partnerships: Can Public-Private Partnerships Improve Infrastructure and Deliver Better Public Services?, 2012.
  • United Nations Foundation, World Economic Forum Committed to Improving the State of the World. Public Private Partnership: Meeting in the Middle. 2003.
  • Woodside, William S. ‘’The Future of Public Private Partnerships’’, Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, Public Private Partnerships: Improving Urban Life. Vol.36, No.2, 1986, p. 150-154.


Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 141 - 166, 30.04.2017


Küreselleşmenin etkisiyle insanoğlunun ihtiyaçları artmaya başlamıştır. Özellikle büyük
altyapı yatırımlarının artmasıyla finansman arayışında olan devletler, özel sektör ile işbirliğini
artırmaya başlamışlardır. Kamu özel ortaklığı ismi verilen bu modelde, riskler, getiriler ve
sorumluluklar paylaşılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; kamu özel ortaklığına teorik ve bir anket
çerçevesinde ampirik olarak ulaştırma sektörüne de vurgu yaparak yer vermektir.  


  • A World Bank Resource for PPPs in Infrastructure. (20 Ocak 2016).
  • Brinkerhoff, Derick B and Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff. ‘’Public Private Partnerships: Perspectives on Purposes, Publicness and Good Governance’’, Public Administration and Development. 31, 2011, p. 2-11.
  • Buse, Kent and Andrew Harmer. ‘’Power to the Partners?: The Politics of Public-Private Health Partnerships’’, Development. 47 (2), 2004, p. 49-56.
  • Carbonara, N, N. Constantino, L. Gunnigan, R. Pellegrino. ‘’Risk Management in Motorway PPP Projects: Empirical-Based Guidelines’’, Transport Reviews a Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal. 35 (2), 2015, p. 162-182.
  • Colverson, Samuel and Oshani Perera.’’Harnessing the Power of Public Private Partnerships: The Role of Hybrid Financing Strategies in Sustainable Development’’, IISD Report. February 2012.
  • Corrigan, Mary Beth, Jack Hambene, William Hudnut III, Rachelle L.Levitt, John Stainback, Richard Ward, Nicole Witenstein. Ten Principles for Successful Public Private Partnerships. Urban Land Institute Washington, 2005.
  • Custos, Dominique and John Reitz. ‘’Public Private Partnerships’’, The American Journal of Comparative Law. Vol.58, Supplement: Welcoming the World: U.S. National Reports to the XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law, 2010, p. 555-584.
  • Darvish, Hossein, Patrick X.W.Zou, Martin Loosemore, Guo Min (Kevin) Zhang. ‘’Risk Management, Public İnterests and Value for Money in PPP Projects: Literature Review and Case Studies’’, The CRIOCM 2006 Internatonal Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate. China, November 2006. (12 Mart 2016).
  • Emek, Uğur. ‘’Karşılaştırılmalı Perspektiften Kamu Özel İşbirlikleri: Avrupa Topluluğu ve Türkiye’’, Rekabet Dergisi. 10 (1), 2009, s. 7-53.
  • Fitzpatrick, Sean. ‘’PPP Units Across Europe an Overview and Guidance’’, European PPP Expertise Center, ForoPPP Conference. Madrid, 29 November 2012.
  • Grimsey, D. and M.K. Lewis. ‘’Evaluating the Risks of Public Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Projects’’, International Journal of Project Management. 20 (2), 2002, p. 107-118.
  • Grimsey, Darrin and Mervyn K.Lewis. Public Private Partnerships the Worldwide Revolution in Infrastructure Provision and Project Finance. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2004.
  • Hall, David. ‘’Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) Summary Paper’’. The University of Greenwich Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU). London, October 2008.
  • Iglesias, Tim. ‘’Our Pluralist Housing Ethics and Public Private Partnerships for Affordable Housing’’. Nestor M. Davidson and Robin Paul Malloy (Ed.). Affordable Housing and Public Private Partnerships. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
  • Independent Evaluation Group. World Bank Group Support to Public-Private Partnerships: Lessons from Experience in Client Countries. FY02-1202-12. Washington D.C., 2015.
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC). IFC’s Priorities in PPPS, Quality Public Services Are Essential to Countries’s Economic Growth. e/ppp/priorities (8 Nisan 2016).
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC). Improving and Expanding Access to Roads. (8 Nisan 2016).
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC). Transport. (8 Nisan 2016).
  • Issa, Dania, Margaret Emsley and Richard Kirkham. ‘’Reviewing Risk Allocation for Infrastructure PFI: Between Theory and Practice’’, In Smith S.D. (Ed.) Procs 28th Annual ARCOM Conference. 3-5 September 2012, Edinburgh U.K., Association of Resarchers in Construction Management.
  • Istrate, Emilia and Robert Puentes. ‘’Moving Forward on Public Private Partnerships: U.S. and International Experience With PPP Units’’, Brookings-Rockefeller Project on State and Metropolitan Innovation. December 2011.
  • Jooste, Stephan F and W. Richard Scott. ‘’Organizations Enabling Public Private Partnerships: An Organization Field Approach’’, Working Paper 49. Revision 1, October 2009, Collaboraty for Research on Global Projects Stanford, California.
  • Karahanoğulları, Yiğit. ‘’Kamu Özel Ortaklığı Modelinin Mali Değerlendirmesi’’, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. Cilt. 67, No.2, 2002, s. 95-125.
  • OECD. Dedicated Public-Private Partneship Units A Survey of Institutional and Governance Structures. 2010.
  • OECD. Recommendation of the Council on Principles for Public Governance of Public - Private Partnerships. May 2012.
  • Perlman, Mark and Julia Pulidindi. ‘’Public Private Partnerships for Transportation Projects’’, National League of Cities Muicipal Action Guide. 2012.
  • Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF). Toolkit for Public Private Partnerships in Roads & Highways. Version March 2009.
  • Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF). The Public Private Partnership Framework: Policies and PPP Units. Note 4, May 2012.
  • Rakic, Biljana and Tamara Radenovic. ‘’Public Private Partnerships as an Instrument of New Public Management’’, Facta Universitatis Series: Economics and Organisation. Vol.8, No.2, 2011, p. 207-220.
  • Regan, Michael. ‘’Public Private Partnership Units’’, Mirvas School of Sustainable Development Bond University Working Paper, WP 204, Australia, June 2012.
  • Savas, E.S. Privatization in the City: Successes, Failures Lessons. CQ Press,2005.
  • Shaoul, Jean. ‘’Using the Private Sector to Finance Capital Expenditure: The Financial Realities’’, Akıntola Akıntoye and Mathias Beck (Ed.). Policy, Finance & Management for Public-Private Partnerships. U.K: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2009.
  • Sharma, Monika and Anita Bindal. ‘’Public Private Partnership’’, International Journal of Research (IJR). Vol.1, Issue 7, August 2014, p.1270-1274.
  • Teker, Dilek L. ‘’Sağlık Sektöründe Proje Finansman Modelleri: Türkiye İçin Bir Model Önerisi ve Bir Hastane Projesinin Fizibilite Analizi’’, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi. Sayı.37, Ocak 2008.
  • The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. Introductory Guide to Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). 2.Edition, March 2008.
  • T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı, Kamu Özel İş birliği ile Yürütülen Projeler, (5 Nisan 2016).
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Guide Book on Promoting Good Governance in Public Private Partnerships. United Nations Publications Sales No.08.II.E.1.New York and Geneva 2008.
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Training Module ‘’Introduction to Public - Private Partnerships: Can Public-Private Partnerships Improve Infrastructure and Deliver Better Public Services?, 2012.
  • United Nations Foundation, World Economic Forum Committed to Improving the State of the World. Public Private Partnership: Meeting in the Middle. 2003.
  • Woodside, William S. ‘’The Future of Public Private Partnerships’’, Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, Public Private Partnerships: Improving Urban Life. Vol.36, No.2, 1986, p. 150-154.
There are 39 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Turgay Berksoy

Nuh Ekrem Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date April 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Berksoy, T., & Yıldırım, N. E. (2017). KAMU ÖZEL ORTAKLIKLARI VE UYGULAMAYA İLİŞKİN BİR ANKET ÇALIŞMASI. Journal of Life Economics, 4(2), 141-166.