Al-Hoorie, A. H. (2018). The L2 motivational self system: A meta-analysis. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 8(4), 721-754.
Bursali, N., & Öz, H. (2017). The Relationship between Ideal L2 Self and Willingness to Communicate inside the Classroom. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(4), 229- 239.
Cohen, J. (2013). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Academic press.
Darling, W. E., & Chanyoo, N. (2018). Relationships of L2 Motivational Self-System Components and Willingness to Communicate in English among Thai Undergraduate Students. NIDA Journal of Language and Communication, 23(33), 1-22.
Dörnyei, Z. (2005). The psychology of the language learner: Individual differences in second language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Dörnyei, Z. (2010). Researching motivation: From integrativeness to the ideal L2 self. In Introducing applied linguistics: Concepts and skills, 3(5), 74-83.
Dörnyei, Z., & Chan, L. (2013). Motivation and vision: An analysis of future L2 self images, sensory styles, and imagery capacity across two target languages. Language Learning, 63(3), 437-462.
Dornyei, Z. (2019). Towards a better understanding of the L2 Learning Experience, the Cinderella of the L2 Motivational Self System. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 9(1), 19-30.
Ellis, R. (2014). Principles of instructed second language learning. In M. Celce-Murcia, D.
M. Brinton, & M. A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language
(pp. 31- 45). Boston: Heinle.
Fahim, A., & Dhamotharan, M. (2016). Willingness to communicate in English among trainee teachers in a Malaysian private university. Journal of Social Sciences, 12(2), 105-112.
Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using SPSS (4th ed.). London, UK: Sage.
Goh, C. C. (2014). Reconceptualising second language oracy instruction: Metacognitive engagement and direct teaching in listening and speaking. AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 2, 1-20.
Green, S. B., & Salkind, N. J. (2005). Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and understanding data (4th ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Pearson.
Kanat-Mutluoğlu, A. (2016). The influence of ideal L2 self, academic self-concept and intercultural communicative competence on willingness to communicate in a foreign language. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(2), 27-46.
Kepol, N. (2017). Quality Malaysian English Language Teachers: Examining a Policy Strategy. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 14(1), 187-209.
Kim, T. Y. (2009). The dynamics of L2 self and L2 learning motivation: A qualitative case study of Korean ESL students. English Teaching, 64(3), 49-70.
Lantolf, J.P. and Pavlenko, A. (2001). (S)econd (L)anguage (A)ctivity theory: understanding second language learners as people. In Breen, M.P, Learner contributions to language learning. (pp 141-59). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Lee, J. S., & Hsieh, J. C. (2019). Affective variables and willingness to communicate of EFL learners in in-class, out-of-class, and digital contexts. System, 82, 63-73.
Lim, Ida (2019). English proficiency survey puts Malaysia as ‘high’ but still below Singapore. Malay Mail. Retrieved from proficiency-survey-puts-malaysia-as-high-but-still-below-singapore/1816644.
Long, M. (2015). Second Language Acquisition and Task-based Language Teaching. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.
MacIntyre, P. D., Dörnyei, Z., Clément, R., & Noels, K. A. (1998). Conceptualizing willingness to communicate in a L2: A situational model of L2 confidence and affiliation. The Modern Language Journal, 82(4), 545-562.
Munezane, Y. (2015). Enhancing willingness to communicate: Relative effects of visualization and goal setting. The Modern Language Journal, 99(1), 175-191.
Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A., & Pawlak, M. (2016). Designing a Tool for Measuring the Interrelationships between L2 WTC, Confidence, Beliefs, Motivation, and Context. In Classroom-oriented research (pp. 19-37). Springer, Cham.
Öz, H. (2016). Role of the ideal L2 self in predicting willingness to communicate of EFL students. Research papers as an Additional Language, 163-182.
Öz, H., & Bursali, N. (2018). The relationship between L2 motivational self system and willingness to communicate in learning English as a foreign language. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 14(4), 1-11.
Pallant, J. (2007). SPSS survival manual: a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS. 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill companies.
Payne, G., & Payne, J. (2004). Key concepts in social research. London: Sage.
Pawlak, M., & Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A. (2015). Investigating the dynamic nature of L2 WTC. System, 50, 1–9. doi:10.1016/j.system.2015.02.001
Pawlak, M., Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A., & Bielak, J. (2016). Investigating the nature of classroom willingness to communicate (WTC): A micro-perspective. Language Teaching Research, 20(5), 654-671.
Peng, J. E. (2015). L2 motivational self system, attitudes, and affect as predictors of L2 WTC: An imagined community perspective. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 24(2), 433-443.
Pourhasan, E., & Zoghi, M. (2017). The Role of Willingness to Communicate and Motivation in Language Learning in Iran. Journal of Language and Translation, 7(1), 59-67.
Rajadurai, J. (2010). “Malays Are Expected To Speak Malay”: Community Ideologies, Language Use and the Negotiation of Identities. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education,9(2), 91-106.
Razak, F. N. A., Nimehchisalem, V., & Abdullah, A. N. (2018). The Relationship between Ethnic Group Affiliation (EGA) and Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in English among Undergraduates in a Public University in Malaysia. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 7(6), 207-213.
Shirvan, M. E., Khajavy, G. H., MacIntyre, P. D., & Taherian, T. (2019). A meta-analysis of L2 willingness to communicate and its three high-evidence correlates. Journal of psycholinguistic research, 48(6), 1241-1267.
Swain, M. (2000). The output hypothesis and beyond: Mediating acquisition through collaborative dialogue. In Sociocultural theory and second language learning, Lantolf J. P. (Ed.) 97–114. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Taguchi, T., Magid, M., & Papi, M. (2009). The L2 motivational self system among Japanese, Chinese and Iranian learners of English: A comparative study. In Z. Dörnyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.), Motivation, Language Identity and the L2 Self (pp.144-163). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Tajuddin, A., Amalina, S. N., & Zulkepli, N. (2019). An Investigation of the Use of Language, Social Identity and Multicultural Values for Nation-Building in Malaysian Outdoor Advertising. Social Sciences, 8(1), 18.
Valmori, L., & De Costa, P. I. (2016). How do foreign language teachers maintain their proficiency? A grounded theory investigation. System, 57,98-108.Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: learning, meaning and identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Yousef, R., Jamil, H., & Razak, N. (2013). Willingness to communicate in English: A study of Malaysian pre-service English teachers. English Language Teaching, 6(9), 205. DOI: 10.5539/elt.v6n9p205
Zarrinabadi, N., & Tanbakooei, N. (2016). Willingness to communicate: Rise, development, and some future directions. Language and Linguistics Compass, 10(1), 30-45.
Zhang, J., Beckmann, N., & Beckmann, J. F. (2018). To talk or not to talk: A review of situational antecedents of willingness to communicate in the second language classroom. System, 72, 226-239.
Zulkepli, N., Othman, W. M., & Khaja, F. N. M. (2013). Understanding ESL Learner Participation from the Perspectives of Critical Learning Theories. AJELP: Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 1, 48-63.
Zulkepli, N., Tajuddin, S. N. A. A., AlBakri, I. S. M. A., Atan, A., & Bakar, R. M. A. (2019). Pre- Service ESL Teachers’Participation in a virtual community: a positive psychology view. International Journal of Education, 4(33), 122-131.
L2 motivational self-system as predictors of out-of-class willingness to communicate
Year 2020,
Volume: 16 Issue: 4, 1898 - 1908, 30.12.2020
Empirical studies have long proven the link between speaking and second language learning. Despite its importance in determining one’s success to master the target language, willingness to communicate (WTC) is not always high even among motivated and advanced English language learners. This often leads to them not taking the opportunities to engage in verbal activities that are beneficial for them as language learners. The present study seeks to identify the relationship between L2 motivational self-system (the ideal self and the ought-to self) and out-of-class WTC. It draws on a quantitative research design that involved a sample of 111 pre-service ESL teachers in Malaysia. Two major findings were identified. First, even though proficient, their level of out-of-class WTC was only satisfactory not high as expected. Second, the ideal self was the stronger predictor of their out-of-class WTC. This supports previous findings on the role of ideal self in learners’ willingness to communicate. Based on the findings, the present article ends with a pedagogical suggestion.
Al-Hoorie, A. H. (2018). The L2 motivational self system: A meta-analysis. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 8(4), 721-754.
Bursali, N., & Öz, H. (2017). The Relationship between Ideal L2 Self and Willingness to Communicate inside the Classroom. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(4), 229- 239.
Cohen, J. (2013). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Academic press.
Darling, W. E., & Chanyoo, N. (2018). Relationships of L2 Motivational Self-System Components and Willingness to Communicate in English among Thai Undergraduate Students. NIDA Journal of Language and Communication, 23(33), 1-22.
Dörnyei, Z. (2005). The psychology of the language learner: Individual differences in second language acquisition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Dörnyei, Z. (2010). Researching motivation: From integrativeness to the ideal L2 self. In Introducing applied linguistics: Concepts and skills, 3(5), 74-83.
Dörnyei, Z., & Chan, L. (2013). Motivation and vision: An analysis of future L2 self images, sensory styles, and imagery capacity across two target languages. Language Learning, 63(3), 437-462.
Dornyei, Z. (2019). Towards a better understanding of the L2 Learning Experience, the Cinderella of the L2 Motivational Self System. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 9(1), 19-30.
Ellis, R. (2014). Principles of instructed second language learning. In M. Celce-Murcia, D.
M. Brinton, & M. A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language
(pp. 31- 45). Boston: Heinle.
Fahim, A., & Dhamotharan, M. (2016). Willingness to communicate in English among trainee teachers in a Malaysian private university. Journal of Social Sciences, 12(2), 105-112.
Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using SPSS (4th ed.). London, UK: Sage.
Goh, C. C. (2014). Reconceptualising second language oracy instruction: Metacognitive engagement and direct teaching in listening and speaking. AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 2, 1-20.
Green, S. B., & Salkind, N. J. (2005). Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and understanding data (4th ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Pearson.
Kanat-Mutluoğlu, A. (2016). The influence of ideal L2 self, academic self-concept and intercultural communicative competence on willingness to communicate in a foreign language. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(2), 27-46.
Kepol, N. (2017). Quality Malaysian English Language Teachers: Examining a Policy Strategy. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, 14(1), 187-209.
Kim, T. Y. (2009). The dynamics of L2 self and L2 learning motivation: A qualitative case study of Korean ESL students. English Teaching, 64(3), 49-70.
Lantolf, J.P. and Pavlenko, A. (2001). (S)econd (L)anguage (A)ctivity theory: understanding second language learners as people. In Breen, M.P, Learner contributions to language learning. (pp 141-59). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Lee, J. S., & Hsieh, J. C. (2019). Affective variables and willingness to communicate of EFL learners in in-class, out-of-class, and digital contexts. System, 82, 63-73.
Lim, Ida (2019). English proficiency survey puts Malaysia as ‘high’ but still below Singapore. Malay Mail. Retrieved from proficiency-survey-puts-malaysia-as-high-but-still-below-singapore/1816644.
Long, M. (2015). Second Language Acquisition and Task-based Language Teaching. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.
MacIntyre, P. D., Dörnyei, Z., Clément, R., & Noels, K. A. (1998). Conceptualizing willingness to communicate in a L2: A situational model of L2 confidence and affiliation. The Modern Language Journal, 82(4), 545-562.
Munezane, Y. (2015). Enhancing willingness to communicate: Relative effects of visualization and goal setting. The Modern Language Journal, 99(1), 175-191.
Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A., & Pawlak, M. (2016). Designing a Tool for Measuring the Interrelationships between L2 WTC, Confidence, Beliefs, Motivation, and Context. In Classroom-oriented research (pp. 19-37). Springer, Cham.
Öz, H. (2016). Role of the ideal L2 self in predicting willingness to communicate of EFL students. Research papers as an Additional Language, 163-182.
Öz, H., & Bursali, N. (2018). The relationship between L2 motivational self system and willingness to communicate in learning English as a foreign language. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 14(4), 1-11.
Pallant, J. (2007). SPSS survival manual: a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS. 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill companies.
Payne, G., & Payne, J. (2004). Key concepts in social research. London: Sage.
Pawlak, M., & Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A. (2015). Investigating the dynamic nature of L2 WTC. System, 50, 1–9. doi:10.1016/j.system.2015.02.001
Pawlak, M., Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A., & Bielak, J. (2016). Investigating the nature of classroom willingness to communicate (WTC): A micro-perspective. Language Teaching Research, 20(5), 654-671.
Peng, J. E. (2015). L2 motivational self system, attitudes, and affect as predictors of L2 WTC: An imagined community perspective. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 24(2), 433-443.
Pourhasan, E., & Zoghi, M. (2017). The Role of Willingness to Communicate and Motivation in Language Learning in Iran. Journal of Language and Translation, 7(1), 59-67.
Rajadurai, J. (2010). “Malays Are Expected To Speak Malay”: Community Ideologies, Language Use and the Negotiation of Identities. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education,9(2), 91-106.
Razak, F. N. A., Nimehchisalem, V., & Abdullah, A. N. (2018). The Relationship between Ethnic Group Affiliation (EGA) and Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in English among Undergraduates in a Public University in Malaysia. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 7(6), 207-213.
Shirvan, M. E., Khajavy, G. H., MacIntyre, P. D., & Taherian, T. (2019). A meta-analysis of L2 willingness to communicate and its three high-evidence correlates. Journal of psycholinguistic research, 48(6), 1241-1267.
Swain, M. (2000). The output hypothesis and beyond: Mediating acquisition through collaborative dialogue. In Sociocultural theory and second language learning, Lantolf J. P. (Ed.) 97–114. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Taguchi, T., Magid, M., & Papi, M. (2009). The L2 motivational self system among Japanese, Chinese and Iranian learners of English: A comparative study. In Z. Dörnyei & E. Ushioda (Eds.), Motivation, Language Identity and the L2 Self (pp.144-163). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Tajuddin, A., Amalina, S. N., & Zulkepli, N. (2019). An Investigation of the Use of Language, Social Identity and Multicultural Values for Nation-Building in Malaysian Outdoor Advertising. Social Sciences, 8(1), 18.
Valmori, L., & De Costa, P. I. (2016). How do foreign language teachers maintain their proficiency? A grounded theory investigation. System, 57,98-108.Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: learning, meaning and identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Yousef, R., Jamil, H., & Razak, N. (2013). Willingness to communicate in English: A study of Malaysian pre-service English teachers. English Language Teaching, 6(9), 205. DOI: 10.5539/elt.v6n9p205
Zarrinabadi, N., & Tanbakooei, N. (2016). Willingness to communicate: Rise, development, and some future directions. Language and Linguistics Compass, 10(1), 30-45.
Zhang, J., Beckmann, N., & Beckmann, J. F. (2018). To talk or not to talk: A review of situational antecedents of willingness to communicate in the second language classroom. System, 72, 226-239.
Zulkepli, N., Othman, W. M., & Khaja, F. N. M. (2013). Understanding ESL Learner Participation from the Perspectives of Critical Learning Theories. AJELP: Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 1, 48-63.
Zulkepli, N., Tajuddin, S. N. A. A., AlBakri, I. S. M. A., Atan, A., & Bakar, R. M. A. (2019). Pre- Service ESL Teachers’Participation in a virtual community: a positive psychology view. International Journal of Education, 4(33), 122-131.
Zulkepli, N. (2020). L2 motivational self-system as predictors of out-of-class willingness to communicate. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(4), 1898-1908.
Zulkepli N. L2 motivational self-system as predictors of out-of-class willingness to communicate. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. December 2020;16(4):1898-1908. doi:10.17263/jlls.851017
Zulkepli, Noraini. “L2 Motivational Self-System As Predictors of Out-of-Class Willingness to Communicate”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 16, no. 4 (December 2020): 1898-1908.
Zulkepli N (December 1, 2020) L2 motivational self-system as predictors of out-of-class willingness to communicate. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 16 4 1898–1908.
N. Zulkepli, “L2 motivational self-system as predictors of out-of-class willingness to communicate”, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1898–1908, 2020, doi: 10.17263/jlls.851017.
Zulkepli, Noraini. “L2 Motivational Self-System As Predictors of Out-of-Class Willingness to Communicate”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 16/4 (December 2020), 1898-1908.
Zulkepli N. L2 motivational self-system as predictors of out-of-class willingness to communicate. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2020;16:1898–1908.
Zulkepli, Noraini. “L2 Motivational Self-System As Predictors of Out-of-Class Willingness to Communicate”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, vol. 16, no. 4, 2020, pp. 1898-0, doi:10.17263/jlls.851017.
Zulkepli N. L2 motivational self-system as predictors of out-of-class willingness to communicate. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2020;16(4):1898-90.