A Heuristic Approach for Shelf Space Allocation Problem
Year 2016,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 38 - 44, 16.01.2016
A. Hande Erol Binguler
Serol Bulkan
Mustafa Agaoğlu
A shelf space allocation problem (SSAP) is a special form of multi constraint knapsack problem. The main difference between knapsack problem and SSAP is that a knapsack problem has only capacity constraints. Commercial space management systems use many different heuristic approaches for allocating shelf space due to NP-hard complexity of the SSAP. These heuristics are usually based on simple intuitive rules that could be easily used in practice to implement shelf space allocation decisions. In this paper, a new heuristic is developed to obtain good allocation of shelf space for different products in order to increase profitability under different constraints such as limited shelf space and elasticity factors.
- Anderson, E.E. & Amato, H.N. (1973). A Mathematical Model for Simultaneously Determining the Optimal Brand-Collection and Display-Area Allocation. Oper. Res., 22, 13-21.
- Beasley, J.E. (1985). An exact two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting tree search procedure. Oper. Res., 33, 49–64.
- Bos, J. (1993). A quadratic assignment problem solved by simulated annealing. Journal of Environmental Management, 37(2), 127-145.
- Burkard, R.E., & Çela, E. (1995). Heuristics for bi-quadratic assignment problems and their computational comparison. European Journal of Operations Research 83, 283-300.
- Burkard, R.E., Çela, E., Pardalos, P.M., & Pitsoulis, L. (1998). The quadratic assignment problem. In P.P. Pardalos & M.G.C. Resende (Eds.), Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization (pp. 241-238). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Burkard, R.E. & Rendl, F. (1984). A thermodynamically motivated simulation procedure for combinatorial optimization problems. European Journal of Operations Research, 17(2), 169-174.
- Carvalho, J.M.V. (1999). Exact solution of bin‐packing problems using column generation and branch‐and‐bound. Annals of Operations Research, 86, 629-659.
- Chen, M.C., & Lin, C.P. (2007). A data mining approach to product assortment and shelf space allocation. Expert Systems with Applications, 32, 976–986.
- Chiang, W.C. & Chiang, C. (1998). Intelligent local search strategies for solving facility layout problems with the quadratic assignment problem formulation. European Journal of Operational Research, 106(2-3), 457-488.
- Corstjens, M., & Doyle, P. (1981). A Model for Optimizing Retail Space Allocations. Management Science 27, 822-833.
- Dreo, J., Petrowski, A., Siarry, P., & Taillard, E. (2006). Metaheuristics for Hard Optimization: methods and case studies. Berlin, Germany: Springer. ISBN: 10-3-540-23022-X.
- Dreze, X., Hoch, S.J., & Purk M.E. (1994). Shelf Management and Space Elasticity. Journal of Retailing 70, 301-326.
- Eisend, M. (2014). Shelf space elasticity: A meta-analysis. Journal of Retailing, 90(2), 168-181.
- Erol, A.H. (2010). A heuristic solution algorithm for the quadratic assignment problems. Master thesis, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences, Turkey; Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Serol Bulkan.
- Fadıloğlu, M.M., Karaşan, O.E., & Pınar, M.Ç. (2007). A Model and Case Study for Efficient Shelf Usage and Assortment Analysis. Annals of Operations Research, 180(1), 105-124.
- Fancher, L.A. (1991). Computerized space management: A strategic weapon. Discount Merchandiser, 31(3), 64-65.
- Fekete, S.P., & Schepers, J. (2001). New classes of fast lower bounds for bin packing problems. Mathematical Programming, 91(1), 11-31.
- Fekete, S.P., & Schepers, J. (1998). New classes of lower bounds for bin packing problems, in: R.E. Bixby, E.A. Boyd & R.Z. Rı́os-Mercado (Eds.), Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO 98), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1412 (pp. 257–270), Berlin , Germany: Springer.
- Gilmore, P.C., & Gomory, R.E. (1961). A linear programming approach to the cutting stock problem. Oper. Res., 9, 849–859.
- Hadjiconstantinou, E., & Christofides, N. (1995). An exact algorithm for general, orthogonal, two-dimensional knapsack problems. Eur. J. Oper. Res., 83, 39–56.
- Hwang, H., Choi, B., & Lee, G. (2009). A genetic algorithm approach to an integrated problem of shelf space design and item allocation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56 , 809–820.
- Hwang, H., Choi, B., & Lee, M.J. (2005). A model for shelf space allocation and inventory control considering location and inventory level effects on demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 97, 185–195.
- Ji, P., Wu, Y., & Liu, H. (2006). A Solution Method for the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), The Sixth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA’06), Xinjiang, China, August 8–12, 106–117.
- Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, C., & Vecchi, M. (1983). Optimization by simulated annealing. Science, 220, 671–680.
- Lim, A., Rodrigues, B., & Zhang, X. (2004). Metaheuristics with local search techniques for retail shelf-space optimization. Management Science, 50(1), 117–131.
- Lodi, A., Martello, S., & Vigo, D. (1999). Heuristic and Metaheuristic Approaches for a Class of Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problems. Informs Journal of Computing, 11(4), 345-357.
- Lodi, A., Martello, S., & Vigo, D. (2002). Recent advances on two-dimensional bin packing problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 123 (1–3), 379–396.
- Martínez-de-Albéniz V. & Roels, G. (2011). Competing For Shelf Space. Production and Operations Management, 20(1), 32-46.
- Mavridou, T. & Pardalos, P.M. (1997). Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for the facility layout problem: A survey. Computational Optimization and Applications, 7, 111-126.
- Michael, D., & Moffitt, M.D. (2013). Multidimensional Bin Packing Revisited, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8124, 513-528.
- Misevicius, A. (2000). An intensive search algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem. Informatica, 11, 145-162.
- Misevicius, A. (2003). A modification of tabu search and its applications to the quadratic assignment problem. Information Technology and Control, 27, 12-20.
- Nissen, V. & Paul, H. (1995). A modification of threshold accepting and its application to the quadratic assignment problem. OR Spektrum, 17(2-3), 205-210.
- Peng, T., Huanchen, W. & Dongme, Z. (1996). Simulated annealing for the quadratic assignment problem: A further study. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 31(3-4), 925-928.
- Pisinger, D. (1995). Algorithms for Knapsack Problems. PhD Thesis, University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science, Denmark.
- Stützle, T. (1998). Applying iterated local search to the permutation flow shop problem. Technical Report, AIDA-98-04, FG Intellektik, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
- Tian, P., Wang, H.C. & Zhang, D.M. (1996). Simulated annealing for the quadratic assignment problem: A further study. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 31(3-4), 925-928.
- Tian, P., Ma, J. & Zhang, D.-M. (1999). Application of the simulated annealing algorithm to the combinatorial optimization problem with permutation property: An investigation of generation mechanism. European Journal of Operational Research, 118(1), 81-94.
- Tsuchiya, K., Nishiyama, T. & Tsujita, K. (2001). A deterministic annealing algorithm for a combinatorial optimization problem using replicator equations. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 149(3), 161-173.
- Siu, F. & Chang, R.K.C. (2002). Effectiveness of optimal node assignments in wavelength division multiplexing networks with fixed regular virtual topologies. Computer Networks, 38(1), 61-74.
- Thonemann, U.W. & Bölte, A. (1994) An improved simulated annealing algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem. School of Business, Working paper, Department of Production and Operations Research, University of Paderborn, Germany.
- Yang, M.H. (2001). An effective algorithm to allocate shelf space. European Journal of Operational Research, 131, 107-118.
- Yang, M.H., & Chen, W.C. (1999). A study on shelf space allocation and management. International Journal of Production Economics, 60-61, 309-317.
- Yip, P.P.C. & Pao, Y.H. (1994). A guided evolutionary simulated annealing approach to the quadratic assignment problem. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, 24(9), 1383-1387.
- Zufryden, F.S. (1986). A dynamic programming approach for product selection and supermarket shelf-space allocation. Journal of Operations Research Society, 37(4), 413-422
Year 2016,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 38 - 44, 16.01.2016
A. Hande Erol Binguler
Serol Bulkan
Mustafa Agaoğlu
- Anderson, E.E. & Amato, H.N. (1973). A Mathematical Model for Simultaneously Determining the Optimal Brand-Collection and Display-Area Allocation. Oper. Res., 22, 13-21.
- Beasley, J.E. (1985). An exact two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting tree search procedure. Oper. Res., 33, 49–64.
- Bos, J. (1993). A quadratic assignment problem solved by simulated annealing. Journal of Environmental Management, 37(2), 127-145.
- Burkard, R.E., & Çela, E. (1995). Heuristics for bi-quadratic assignment problems and their computational comparison. European Journal of Operations Research 83, 283-300.
- Burkard, R.E., Çela, E., Pardalos, P.M., & Pitsoulis, L. (1998). The quadratic assignment problem. In P.P. Pardalos & M.G.C. Resende (Eds.), Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization (pp. 241-238). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Burkard, R.E. & Rendl, F. (1984). A thermodynamically motivated simulation procedure for combinatorial optimization problems. European Journal of Operations Research, 17(2), 169-174.
- Carvalho, J.M.V. (1999). Exact solution of bin‐packing problems using column generation and branch‐and‐bound. Annals of Operations Research, 86, 629-659.
- Chen, M.C., & Lin, C.P. (2007). A data mining approach to product assortment and shelf space allocation. Expert Systems with Applications, 32, 976–986.
- Chiang, W.C. & Chiang, C. (1998). Intelligent local search strategies for solving facility layout problems with the quadratic assignment problem formulation. European Journal of Operational Research, 106(2-3), 457-488.
- Corstjens, M., & Doyle, P. (1981). A Model for Optimizing Retail Space Allocations. Management Science 27, 822-833.
- Dreo, J., Petrowski, A., Siarry, P., & Taillard, E. (2006). Metaheuristics for Hard Optimization: methods and case studies. Berlin, Germany: Springer. ISBN: 10-3-540-23022-X.
- Dreze, X., Hoch, S.J., & Purk M.E. (1994). Shelf Management and Space Elasticity. Journal of Retailing 70, 301-326.
- Eisend, M. (2014). Shelf space elasticity: A meta-analysis. Journal of Retailing, 90(2), 168-181.
- Erol, A.H. (2010). A heuristic solution algorithm for the quadratic assignment problems. Master thesis, Marmara University, Institute for Graduate Studies in Pure and Applied Sciences, Turkey; Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Serol Bulkan.
- Fadıloğlu, M.M., Karaşan, O.E., & Pınar, M.Ç. (2007). A Model and Case Study for Efficient Shelf Usage and Assortment Analysis. Annals of Operations Research, 180(1), 105-124.
- Fancher, L.A. (1991). Computerized space management: A strategic weapon. Discount Merchandiser, 31(3), 64-65.
- Fekete, S.P., & Schepers, J. (2001). New classes of fast lower bounds for bin packing problems. Mathematical Programming, 91(1), 11-31.
- Fekete, S.P., & Schepers, J. (1998). New classes of lower bounds for bin packing problems, in: R.E. Bixby, E.A. Boyd & R.Z. Rı́os-Mercado (Eds.), Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (IPCO 98), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1412 (pp. 257–270), Berlin , Germany: Springer.
- Gilmore, P.C., & Gomory, R.E. (1961). A linear programming approach to the cutting stock problem. Oper. Res., 9, 849–859.
- Hadjiconstantinou, E., & Christofides, N. (1995). An exact algorithm for general, orthogonal, two-dimensional knapsack problems. Eur. J. Oper. Res., 83, 39–56.
- Hwang, H., Choi, B., & Lee, G. (2009). A genetic algorithm approach to an integrated problem of shelf space design and item allocation. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56 , 809–820.
- Hwang, H., Choi, B., & Lee, M.J. (2005). A model for shelf space allocation and inventory control considering location and inventory level effects on demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 97, 185–195.
- Ji, P., Wu, Y., & Liu, H. (2006). A Solution Method for the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), The Sixth International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA’06), Xinjiang, China, August 8–12, 106–117.
- Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, C., & Vecchi, M. (1983). Optimization by simulated annealing. Science, 220, 671–680.
- Lim, A., Rodrigues, B., & Zhang, X. (2004). Metaheuristics with local search techniques for retail shelf-space optimization. Management Science, 50(1), 117–131.
- Lodi, A., Martello, S., & Vigo, D. (1999). Heuristic and Metaheuristic Approaches for a Class of Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problems. Informs Journal of Computing, 11(4), 345-357.
- Lodi, A., Martello, S., & Vigo, D. (2002). Recent advances on two-dimensional bin packing problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 123 (1–3), 379–396.
- Martínez-de-Albéniz V. & Roels, G. (2011). Competing For Shelf Space. Production and Operations Management, 20(1), 32-46.
- Mavridou, T. & Pardalos, P.M. (1997). Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for the facility layout problem: A survey. Computational Optimization and Applications, 7, 111-126.
- Michael, D., & Moffitt, M.D. (2013). Multidimensional Bin Packing Revisited, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8124, 513-528.
- Misevicius, A. (2000). An intensive search algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem. Informatica, 11, 145-162.
- Misevicius, A. (2003). A modification of tabu search and its applications to the quadratic assignment problem. Information Technology and Control, 27, 12-20.
- Nissen, V. & Paul, H. (1995). A modification of threshold accepting and its application to the quadratic assignment problem. OR Spektrum, 17(2-3), 205-210.
- Peng, T., Huanchen, W. & Dongme, Z. (1996). Simulated annealing for the quadratic assignment problem: A further study. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 31(3-4), 925-928.
- Pisinger, D. (1995). Algorithms for Knapsack Problems. PhD Thesis, University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science, Denmark.
- Stützle, T. (1998). Applying iterated local search to the permutation flow shop problem. Technical Report, AIDA-98-04, FG Intellektik, TU Darmstadt, Germany.
- Tian, P., Wang, H.C. & Zhang, D.M. (1996). Simulated annealing for the quadratic assignment problem: A further study. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 31(3-4), 925-928.
- Tian, P., Ma, J. & Zhang, D.-M. (1999). Application of the simulated annealing algorithm to the combinatorial optimization problem with permutation property: An investigation of generation mechanism. European Journal of Operational Research, 118(1), 81-94.
- Tsuchiya, K., Nishiyama, T. & Tsujita, K. (2001). A deterministic annealing algorithm for a combinatorial optimization problem using replicator equations. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 149(3), 161-173.
- Siu, F. & Chang, R.K.C. (2002). Effectiveness of optimal node assignments in wavelength division multiplexing networks with fixed regular virtual topologies. Computer Networks, 38(1), 61-74.
- Thonemann, U.W. & Bölte, A. (1994) An improved simulated annealing algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem. School of Business, Working paper, Department of Production and Operations Research, University of Paderborn, Germany.
- Yang, M.H. (2001). An effective algorithm to allocate shelf space. European Journal of Operational Research, 131, 107-118.
- Yang, M.H., & Chen, W.C. (1999). A study on shelf space allocation and management. International Journal of Production Economics, 60-61, 309-317.
- Yip, P.P.C. & Pao, Y.H. (1994). A guided evolutionary simulated annealing approach to the quadratic assignment problem. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, 24(9), 1383-1387.
- Zufryden, F.S. (1986). A dynamic programming approach for product selection and supermarket shelf-space allocation. Journal of Operations Research Society, 37(4), 413-422