Research Article
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Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan

Year 2019, Issue: 12, 17 - 35, 30.11.2019


Unique mosaic composition of the end of the third millenium BC from the “Royal Necropolis” of Gonur Depe is describing. Some walls of the underground “hypogea” and so-called “ostensories” as well small originally wooden boxes found in them were decorated by figurative mosaics. These mosaics combine two techniques – painting and inlays (tesserae), which were made from the specially prepared minerals. They also presented the earliest example of using the technique of cutting the edges of the tesserae. Analogies of the images between Gonur Depe and Mari palace in Syria are underlined.


  • Antonova in print E. V. Antonova, Bactriisko-Margianskaya arkheologicheskaya kultura v kontekste istorii drevnego Vostoka [Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Culture in the context of the History of the Ancient East. Essays], Moscow.
  • Aruz - Wallenfels 2003 J. Aruz – R. Wallenfels (eds.), Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium BC from the Mediterranean to the Indus, New York.
  • Barthelemy de Saizieu 2003 B. Barthelemy de Saizieu, Les parures de Mehrgarh. Perles et pendentifs du Néolithique pré-céramique à la période pré-Indus, Fouilles 1974-1985, Paris.
  • Dubova 2004 N. A. Dubova, “Mogil‘nik i ‘tsarskij nekropol‘ na beregakh Bol‘shogo Bassejna Severnogo Gonura [North Gonur graveyard and ‘royal necropolis’ on the banks of the Large Basin]”, U istokov tsivilizatsii [Near the Sources of Civilizations], Moscow, 254-281.
  • Dubova 2012 N. A. Dubova, “Pogrebenija zhivotnykh v strane Margush [Animal burials in Margush country]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 101-139.
  • Francfort 1984 H.-P. Francfort, “The early periods of Shortughaï (Harappan) and the Western Bactrian culture of Dashly”, South Asian Archaeology 1981, Cambridge, 170-175.
  • Francfort 2016 H.-P. Francfort, “How the twins met: Indus and Oxus Bronze Age Civilizations in Eastern Bactria. Shortughaï revisited forty years later”, N. A. Dubova (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 461-475.
  • Kircho - Kovnurko 2003 L. B. Kircho – G. M. Kovnurko, “Prestizhno-kul’tovye predmety i ukrashenija Altyn-depe iz drevnikh iskusstvennykh mineralov (po dannym rentgenometricheskogo analiza) [Prestigious-cult artifacts and decoration from old artificial minerals at Altyn-Depe (results from X-ray analysis)]”, Arkheologicheskie Vesti 10, 108-114.
  • Kireeva 2014 V. N. Kireeva, “Rezul’taty tekhniko-tekhnologicheskogo issledovanija mozaichnykh vstavok s Gonurdepe [Results from the technical and technological studies of the Gonur Depe mosaic inlays]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 5, Moscow, 224-225.
  • Kovaleva 2012 N. A. Kovaleva, “Predvaritel‘nye issledovanija i konservatsija dvukh fragmentov «kovrovykh» mozaik iz Gonura [Preliminary Research and Conservation of Two Fragments of ‘Carpet’ Mosaic from Gonur]”. V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 176-184.
  • Kovaleva 2014 N. A. Kovaleva, “Zhivopisno-mozaichnaya kompozitsiya ‘Kovrik’ iz grobnitsy 3200 Gonur-depe. Popytka rekonstruktsii skhemy ornamenta v processe konservatsii [Pictorial-mosaic composition “Small carpet” from grave 3200 Gonur Depe. Attempt of reconstruction]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 5, Moscow, 204-217.
  • Kovaleva 2016 N. A. Kovaleva, “Victor Sarianidi – Poslednij Krylatyj Lev Margiany [Victor Sarianidi – The Last Winged Lion of Margiana]”, N. A. Dubova (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 108-124.
  • Kuzmina 2008 E. E. Kuzmina, Arii – put’ na yug [Ariens – way to the south], Moscow, Sankt-Petersburg.
  • Lankton et al. 2003 J. W. Lankton – J. Diamanti – J. M. Kenoyer, A Bead Timeline, Vol. I: Prehistory to 1200 CE, A resource for Identification, Classification and Dating, Washington.
  • Margueron 2004 J. C. Margueron, Mari, métropole de l’Euphrate au IIIe et au début du IIe millénaire av. J.-C, Paris.
  • Margueron 2007 J. C. Margueron, “Le royaume de Mari”, Studia Orontica 3, 7–60.
  • Marshall 1931 Sir J. Marshall, Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus Civilisation, Vol. III, London.
  • Masimov 1979 I. S. Masimov, “Izuchenie pamyatnikov epokhi bronzy nizov’iev Murgaba [Study of the Bronze Age sites in the lower Murghab]”, Sovetskaya archeologiya [Soviet archaeology] 1, 111-151. Masson 1977 V. M. Masson, “Pechati protoindijskogo tipa iz Altyn-depe [Seals of Proto-Indian type at Altyn Depe]”, Vestnik Drevnej Istorii 4, 147-156.
  • Parrot 1967 A. Parrot, Les Temples d’Ishtarat et de Ninni-zaza (Mission Archéologique de Mari, T. 3), Paris.
  • Pisareva 2012 S. A. Pisareva, “Rezul’taty issledovanija sostava materialov arkheologicheskikh obraztsov iz raskopok na Gonur Depe [Results of the Studies on the Materials of the Archaeological Samples from the Gonur Depe Excavations]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 2, Moscow, 192-196.
  • Rossi-Osmida 2011 G. Rossi-Osmida, Aji Kui Oasis, Vol. II, The Citadel of the Figurines, Vicenza.
  • Sarianidi 1973 V. I. Sarianidi, “Drevnosti nizovii Murgaba [Antiquities of the Lower Murghab]”, Archeologicheskie Otkrytiya [Archaeological Discoveries] 1972, Moscow, 483-484.
  • Sarianidi 1974 V. I. Sarianidi, “Baktrija v epokhu bronzy [Bactria in the Bronze Age]”, SovA 4, 49-71.
  • Sarianidi 1981 V. I. Sarianidi, “Margiana in the Bronze Age”, P. L. Kohl (ed.), The Bronze Age Civilization of Central Asia, Recent Soviet Discoveries, New York, 165-193.
  • Sarianidi 1990 V. I. Sarianidi, Drevnosti strany Margush [Antiquities of Margush country], Ashgabat, Ylym.
  • Sarianidi 2001 V. I. Sarianidi, Necropolis of Gonur and Iranian Paganism, Moscow.
  • Sarianidi 2002 V. I. Sarianidi, Margush, Ancient Oriental Kingdom in the Old Delta of Murghab River, Ashgabat, Turkmendöwlethabarlary.
  • Sarianidi 2006 V. I. Sarianidi, ‘Tsarskij nekropol’ na Severnom Gonure [The ‘Royal necropolis’ at Gonur North]”, VDI 2 (257), 155-192.
  • Sarianidi 2007 V. I. Sarianidi, “Dvortsovo-khramovyj kompleks Severnogo Gonura [The Palace-Temple complex of Gonur North]”, RossA 1, 49-63.
  • Sarianidi 2008 V. I. Sarianidi, Zoroastrianism: a New Motherland for an Old Religion, Thessaloniki.
  • Sarianidi 2009 V. I. Sarianidi, Mystery and True of the Great Culture, Ashgabat, Turkmendöwlethabarlary.
  • Sarianidi - Dubova 2010 V. I. Sarianidi – N. A. Dubova, “Nouvelles sépultures sur le territoire de la “nécropole royale” de Gonur Depe”, Arts Asiatiques 65, 5-26.
  • Sarianidi - Dubova 2013 V. I. Sarianidi – N. A. Dubova, “Mozaika III tys. do n.e. v Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan) [Mozaics of the Third Mill. BC at Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan)]”, G. Yu. Kolganova - A.A. Petrov -S.V. Kullanda (eds.), Poslednij entsiklopedist, K jubileju so dnya rozhdenija B.A. Litvinskogo [The Last Encyclopedist, Volume in Honor of the 90th Anniversary of Boris Litvinskij], Moscow, 379-413.
  • Sataev - Dubova 2016 R. M. Sataev – N. A. Dubova, “Pogrebenija sobak na tsarskom nekropole Gonura [Dog Burials at the Gonur Royal necropolis]”, N. A. Dubova (ed.) Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 204-223.
  • Shaposhnikova 2012 T. A. Shaposhnikova, “Mosaiki i rel’efnyi decor sten tsarskogo nekropolya Gonur depe [Mosaics and relief decoration of the walls of the royal necropolis of Gonur Depe]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transactions of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 170-175.
  • Struve 1949 V. V. Struve, “Vosstanie v Margiane pri Darii I [Uprising in Margiana during Darius the First ruling]”, Materialy Yuzhno-Turkmenistanskoj kompleksnoj arkheologicheskoj expeditsii [Materials of the South-Turkmenistan complex archaeological expedition] 1, Ashgabat, 9-34.
  • Veresotskaya 2012 G. E. Veresotskaja, “Restavratsija fragmenta stenki lartsa-darokhranitel‘nitsy i issledovanie tekhniko-tekhnologicheskikh osobennostej materialov mozaiki kontsa III tys. do n.e. iz tsarskoj grobnitsy № 3230 Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan) [Restoration of the Wall Fragment of the Casket- Ostensory, and Study of the Technical and Technological Characteristics of the End of Third Millennium BC Mosaic Materials from the Royal Tomb 3230 at Gonur Depe]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 185-188.
  • Veresotskaya 2014 G. E. Veresotskaya, “Predvaritel’nye resultaty raboty po razboru i sistematizatsii razroznenykh fragmentov mozaichnogo dekora iz grobnitsy 3210 [Preliminary results of the study of the analysis and systematization of disparate fragments of the mosaic decoration of grave 3210]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 5, Moscow, 218-223.
  • Veresotskaya 2016a G. E. Veresotskaya, “Issledovanie i restavratsija mozaichnogo dekora stenki lartsa-darokhranitel’nitsy kontsa III tys. do n.e. iz tsarskoj grobnitsy 3230 Gonurdepe (Turkmenistan) [Research and Restoration of Mosaic Wall decoration of the Casket-Ostensory of the End of the IIIrd Millennium BC from the Royal Tomb of Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan)]”, N. A. Dubova (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 315-323.
  • Veresotskaya 2016b G. E. Veresotskaya, “Sarianidi Viktor Ivanovich. Korotkie vstrechi [Sarianidi Victor Ivanovich. Brief Meetings]”, N. A. Dubova (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 178-187.
  • Vidale 1990 M. Vidale, “Early Harappan steatite, faience and paste beads in a necklace from Mehrgarh-Nausharo”, EastWest 39 (1-4), 291-300.
  • Vidale 2007 M. Vidale, “Il Ruolo dei Bracciali nella Civilta della Valle dell’Indo (2600-1900 A.C.)”, G. Ligabue – G. Rossi-Osmida (eds.), Sulla Via delle Oasi, Tesori dell’Oriente Antico, Padova, 242-249.
  • Yuminov 2012 A. M. Yuminov, “Mosaichnye vstavki iz grobnitsy 3915 [Mosaics Insertions from the Royal sepulture 3915]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 189-191.
Year 2019, Issue: 12, 17 - 35, 30.11.2019



  • Antonova in print E. V. Antonova, Bactriisko-Margianskaya arkheologicheskaya kultura v kontekste istorii drevnego Vostoka [Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Culture in the context of the History of the Ancient East. Essays], Moscow.
  • Aruz - Wallenfels 2003 J. Aruz – R. Wallenfels (eds.), Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium BC from the Mediterranean to the Indus, New York.
  • Barthelemy de Saizieu 2003 B. Barthelemy de Saizieu, Les parures de Mehrgarh. Perles et pendentifs du Néolithique pré-céramique à la période pré-Indus, Fouilles 1974-1985, Paris.
  • Dubova 2004 N. A. Dubova, “Mogil‘nik i ‘tsarskij nekropol‘ na beregakh Bol‘shogo Bassejna Severnogo Gonura [North Gonur graveyard and ‘royal necropolis’ on the banks of the Large Basin]”, U istokov tsivilizatsii [Near the Sources of Civilizations], Moscow, 254-281.
  • Dubova 2012 N. A. Dubova, “Pogrebenija zhivotnykh v strane Margush [Animal burials in Margush country]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 101-139.
  • Francfort 1984 H.-P. Francfort, “The early periods of Shortughaï (Harappan) and the Western Bactrian culture of Dashly”, South Asian Archaeology 1981, Cambridge, 170-175.
  • Francfort 2016 H.-P. Francfort, “How the twins met: Indus and Oxus Bronze Age Civilizations in Eastern Bactria. Shortughaï revisited forty years later”, N. A. Dubova (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 461-475.
  • Kircho - Kovnurko 2003 L. B. Kircho – G. M. Kovnurko, “Prestizhno-kul’tovye predmety i ukrashenija Altyn-depe iz drevnikh iskusstvennykh mineralov (po dannym rentgenometricheskogo analiza) [Prestigious-cult artifacts and decoration from old artificial minerals at Altyn-Depe (results from X-ray analysis)]”, Arkheologicheskie Vesti 10, 108-114.
  • Kireeva 2014 V. N. Kireeva, “Rezul’taty tekhniko-tekhnologicheskogo issledovanija mozaichnykh vstavok s Gonurdepe [Results from the technical and technological studies of the Gonur Depe mosaic inlays]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 5, Moscow, 224-225.
  • Kovaleva 2012 N. A. Kovaleva, “Predvaritel‘nye issledovanija i konservatsija dvukh fragmentov «kovrovykh» mozaik iz Gonura [Preliminary Research and Conservation of Two Fragments of ‘Carpet’ Mosaic from Gonur]”. V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 176-184.
  • Kovaleva 2014 N. A. Kovaleva, “Zhivopisno-mozaichnaya kompozitsiya ‘Kovrik’ iz grobnitsy 3200 Gonur-depe. Popytka rekonstruktsii skhemy ornamenta v processe konservatsii [Pictorial-mosaic composition “Small carpet” from grave 3200 Gonur Depe. Attempt of reconstruction]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 5, Moscow, 204-217.
  • Kovaleva 2016 N. A. Kovaleva, “Victor Sarianidi – Poslednij Krylatyj Lev Margiany [Victor Sarianidi – The Last Winged Lion of Margiana]”, N. A. Dubova (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 108-124.
  • Kuzmina 2008 E. E. Kuzmina, Arii – put’ na yug [Ariens – way to the south], Moscow, Sankt-Petersburg.
  • Lankton et al. 2003 J. W. Lankton – J. Diamanti – J. M. Kenoyer, A Bead Timeline, Vol. I: Prehistory to 1200 CE, A resource for Identification, Classification and Dating, Washington.
  • Margueron 2004 J. C. Margueron, Mari, métropole de l’Euphrate au IIIe et au début du IIe millénaire av. J.-C, Paris.
  • Margueron 2007 J. C. Margueron, “Le royaume de Mari”, Studia Orontica 3, 7–60.
  • Marshall 1931 Sir J. Marshall, Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus Civilisation, Vol. III, London.
  • Masimov 1979 I. S. Masimov, “Izuchenie pamyatnikov epokhi bronzy nizov’iev Murgaba [Study of the Bronze Age sites in the lower Murghab]”, Sovetskaya archeologiya [Soviet archaeology] 1, 111-151. Masson 1977 V. M. Masson, “Pechati protoindijskogo tipa iz Altyn-depe [Seals of Proto-Indian type at Altyn Depe]”, Vestnik Drevnej Istorii 4, 147-156.
  • Parrot 1967 A. Parrot, Les Temples d’Ishtarat et de Ninni-zaza (Mission Archéologique de Mari, T. 3), Paris.
  • Pisareva 2012 S. A. Pisareva, “Rezul’taty issledovanija sostava materialov arkheologicheskikh obraztsov iz raskopok na Gonur Depe [Results of the Studies on the Materials of the Archaeological Samples from the Gonur Depe Excavations]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 2, Moscow, 192-196.
  • Rossi-Osmida 2011 G. Rossi-Osmida, Aji Kui Oasis, Vol. II, The Citadel of the Figurines, Vicenza.
  • Sarianidi 1973 V. I. Sarianidi, “Drevnosti nizovii Murgaba [Antiquities of the Lower Murghab]”, Archeologicheskie Otkrytiya [Archaeological Discoveries] 1972, Moscow, 483-484.
  • Sarianidi 1974 V. I. Sarianidi, “Baktrija v epokhu bronzy [Bactria in the Bronze Age]”, SovA 4, 49-71.
  • Sarianidi 1981 V. I. Sarianidi, “Margiana in the Bronze Age”, P. L. Kohl (ed.), The Bronze Age Civilization of Central Asia, Recent Soviet Discoveries, New York, 165-193.
  • Sarianidi 1990 V. I. Sarianidi, Drevnosti strany Margush [Antiquities of Margush country], Ashgabat, Ylym.
  • Sarianidi 2001 V. I. Sarianidi, Necropolis of Gonur and Iranian Paganism, Moscow.
  • Sarianidi 2002 V. I. Sarianidi, Margush, Ancient Oriental Kingdom in the Old Delta of Murghab River, Ashgabat, Turkmendöwlethabarlary.
  • Sarianidi 2006 V. I. Sarianidi, ‘Tsarskij nekropol’ na Severnom Gonure [The ‘Royal necropolis’ at Gonur North]”, VDI 2 (257), 155-192.
  • Sarianidi 2007 V. I. Sarianidi, “Dvortsovo-khramovyj kompleks Severnogo Gonura [The Palace-Temple complex of Gonur North]”, RossA 1, 49-63.
  • Sarianidi 2008 V. I. Sarianidi, Zoroastrianism: a New Motherland for an Old Religion, Thessaloniki.
  • Sarianidi 2009 V. I. Sarianidi, Mystery and True of the Great Culture, Ashgabat, Turkmendöwlethabarlary.
  • Sarianidi - Dubova 2010 V. I. Sarianidi – N. A. Dubova, “Nouvelles sépultures sur le territoire de la “nécropole royale” de Gonur Depe”, Arts Asiatiques 65, 5-26.
  • Sarianidi - Dubova 2013 V. I. Sarianidi – N. A. Dubova, “Mozaika III tys. do n.e. v Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan) [Mozaics of the Third Mill. BC at Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan)]”, G. Yu. Kolganova - A.A. Petrov -S.V. Kullanda (eds.), Poslednij entsiklopedist, K jubileju so dnya rozhdenija B.A. Litvinskogo [The Last Encyclopedist, Volume in Honor of the 90th Anniversary of Boris Litvinskij], Moscow, 379-413.
  • Sataev - Dubova 2016 R. M. Sataev – N. A. Dubova, “Pogrebenija sobak na tsarskom nekropole Gonura [Dog Burials at the Gonur Royal necropolis]”, N. A. Dubova (ed.) Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 204-223.
  • Shaposhnikova 2012 T. A. Shaposhnikova, “Mosaiki i rel’efnyi decor sten tsarskogo nekropolya Gonur depe [Mosaics and relief decoration of the walls of the royal necropolis of Gonur Depe]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transactions of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 170-175.
  • Struve 1949 V. V. Struve, “Vosstanie v Margiane pri Darii I [Uprising in Margiana during Darius the First ruling]”, Materialy Yuzhno-Turkmenistanskoj kompleksnoj arkheologicheskoj expeditsii [Materials of the South-Turkmenistan complex archaeological expedition] 1, Ashgabat, 9-34.
  • Veresotskaya 2012 G. E. Veresotskaja, “Restavratsija fragmenta stenki lartsa-darokhranitel‘nitsy i issledovanie tekhniko-tekhnologicheskikh osobennostej materialov mozaiki kontsa III tys. do n.e. iz tsarskoj grobnitsy № 3230 Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan) [Restoration of the Wall Fragment of the Casket- Ostensory, and Study of the Technical and Technological Characteristics of the End of Third Millennium BC Mosaic Materials from the Royal Tomb 3230 at Gonur Depe]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 185-188.
  • Veresotskaya 2014 G. E. Veresotskaya, “Predvaritel’nye resultaty raboty po razboru i sistematizatsii razroznenykh fragmentov mozaichnogo dekora iz grobnitsy 3210 [Preliminary results of the study of the analysis and systematization of disparate fragments of the mosaic decoration of grave 3210]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 5, Moscow, 218-223.
  • Veresotskaya 2016a G. E. Veresotskaya, “Issledovanie i restavratsija mozaichnogo dekora stenki lartsa-darokhranitel’nitsy kontsa III tys. do n.e. iz tsarskoj grobnitsy 3230 Gonurdepe (Turkmenistan) [Research and Restoration of Mosaic Wall decoration of the Casket-Ostensory of the End of the IIIrd Millennium BC from the Royal Tomb of Gonur Depe (Turkmenistan)]”, N. A. Dubova (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 315-323.
  • Veresotskaya 2016b G. E. Veresotskaya, “Sarianidi Viktor Ivanovich. Korotkie vstrechi [Sarianidi Victor Ivanovich. Brief Meetings]”, N. A. Dubova (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 6, Moscow, 178-187.
  • Vidale 1990 M. Vidale, “Early Harappan steatite, faience and paste beads in a necklace from Mehrgarh-Nausharo”, EastWest 39 (1-4), 291-300.
  • Vidale 2007 M. Vidale, “Il Ruolo dei Bracciali nella Civilta della Valle dell’Indo (2600-1900 A.C.)”, G. Ligabue – G. Rossi-Osmida (eds.), Sulla Via delle Oasi, Tesori dell’Oriente Antico, Padova, 242-249.
  • Yuminov 2012 A. M. Yuminov, “Mosaichnye vstavki iz grobnitsy 3915 [Mosaics Insertions from the Royal sepulture 3915]”, V. I. Sarianidi (ed.), Transaction of Margiana Archaeological Expedition 4, Moscow, 189-191.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Article

Nadezhda A. Dubova This is me 0000-0002-4340-1037

Natalia A. Kovaleva This is me 0000-0002-5585-7349

Galina E. Veresotskaya This is me 0000-0001-7919-380X

Anatolij M. Yumınov This is me 0000-0001-7643-3505

Publication Date November 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 12


APA Dubova, N. A., Kovaleva, N. A., Veresotskaya, G. E., Yumınov, A. M. (2019). Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan. Journal of Mosaic Research(12), 17-35.
AMA Dubova NA, Kovaleva NA, Veresotskaya GE, Yumınov AM. Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan. JMR. November 2019;(12):17-35. doi:10.26658/jmr.614841
Chicago Dubova, Nadezhda A., Natalia A. Kovaleva, Galina E. Veresotskaya, and Anatolij M. Yumınov. “Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 12 (November 2019): 17-35.
EndNote Dubova NA, Kovaleva NA, Veresotskaya GE, Yumınov AM (November 1, 2019) Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan. Journal of Mosaic Research 12 17–35.
IEEE N. A. Dubova, N. A. Kovaleva, G. E. Veresotskaya, and A. M. Yumınov, “Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan”, JMR, no. 12, pp. 17–35, November 2019, doi: 10.26658/jmr.614841.
ISNAD Dubova, Nadezhda A. et al. “Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan”. Journal of Mosaic Research 12 (November 2019), 17-35.
JAMA Dubova NA, Kovaleva NA, Veresotskaya GE, Yumınov AM. Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan. JMR. 2019;:17–35.
MLA Dubova, Nadezhda A. et al. “Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 12, 2019, pp. 17-35, doi:10.26658/jmr.614841.
Vancouver Dubova NA, Kovaleva NA, Veresotskaya GE, Yumınov AM. Mosaics from the Bronze Age Necropolis in Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan. JMR. 2019(12):17-35.

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