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Asla Yapılmayan Mozaik. Trimithis’te İşlenmemiş Bir Mozaik Zemin için Hammadde ve Döşeme Taşları (Dakhla Vahası, Mısır)

Year 2020, Issue: 13, 191 - 217, 02.11.2020


2012 yılında, Antik Dünya Araştırmaları Enstitüsü (ISAW, New York Üniversitesi) ana sponsorluğunda Amheida arkeolojik araştırmasını yürüten uluslararası bir ekip, Roma şehri olan Trimithis günümüz Amheida’sı (Dakhla Vahası, Yukarı Mısır) içinde büyük miktarda bozulmamış mozaik tesseraları buldu. Mozaik tesseralar, İS 4. yüzyılın sonlarında yenilenme sürecinde iken aniden terk edilmiş olan hamam kompleksinin parçası olan bir odada bulunmuştur. Sayısı 20.400’den fazla olan mozaik tesseralar, kireçtaşı, kumtaşı ve çok küçük bir oranda geri dönüştürülmüş seramikten yapılmış olup, dört farklı renk göstermektedir: Beyaz, sarı, koyu gri / siyah ve koyu kırmızı. Bunlar, Mısır vahalarındaki mozaik varlığı açısından ilk kanıt olarak görülmelidirler.
Bu makalenin amacı, buluntu kontekstini, mozaik tesseraları ile bunların üretimini sunmak ve son olarak, karşılaştırılabilir keşiflerle paralellikler sergilemektir.


  • Allen - Fulford 2004 J. R. L. Allen - M. G. Fulford, “Early Roman mosaic materials in southern Britain, with particular reference to Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum): a regional geological perspective”, Britannia 35, 9-38.
  • Aravecchia et al. 2015 N. Aravecchia - T. L. Dupras - D. Dzierzbicka - L. Williams, “The church at Amheida (ancient Trimithis) in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. A bioarchaeological perspective on an Early Christian mortuary complex”, Bioarchaeology of the Near East 9, 21-43.
  • Ast - Bagnall 2015 R. Ast - R. S. Bagnall, “New Evidence for the Roman Garrison of Trimithis”, Tyche 30, 1-4.
  • Ast - Bagnall 2016 R. Ast - R. S. Bagnall, Amheida III. Ostraka from Trimithis, vol. 2, Texts from the 2008-2013 seasons, with contributions by C. Caputo and R. Cribiore, New York.
  • Bagnall 1997 R. S. Bagnall, The Kellis Agricultural Account Book (P. Kell. IV Gr.96), Oxford.
  • Bagnall - Ruffini 2012 R. S. Bagnall - G. R. Ruffini, Amheida I. Ostraka from Trimithis, vol.1, Texts from the 2004-2007 seasons, New York.
  • Bagnall - Kaper 2015 R. S. Bagnall - O. E. Kaper, “Introduction”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 1-10.
  • Bagnall et al. 2017 R. S. Bagnall - C. Caputo - R. Casagrande Kim - I. Soto, “New evidence from ostraca for the dating of the 4th century CE ceramic assemblages”, BCE 27, 195-211.
  • Balmelle 2000 C. Balmelle, “Les artisans mosaïstes dans l’Antiquité”, H. Lavagne - É. da Balanda - A. Uribe Echeverría (eds.), Mosaïque. Trésor de la latinité. Des origines à nos jours, Quetigny, Paris, 579-581.
  • Boozer 2015 A. L. Boozer, Amheida II. A late Romano-Egyptian house in the Dakhla Oasis: Amheida House B2, with contributions from Douglas V. Campana, Angela Cervi, Pam J. Crabtree, Paola Davoli, Delphine Dixneuf, David Ratzan, Giovanni Ruffini, Ursula Thanheiser, Johannes Walter, New York.
  • Brookes 1994 I. A. Brookes, “Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of the Dakhla Oasis Region”, Egypt, Quaternary Science Reviews 12, 29-552.
  • Caputo 2020 C. Caputo, The House of Serenos, Part I: The Pottery (Amheida V), New York.
  • Castel 2009 G. Castel, “Bain nord de Karanis”, M.-F. Boussac Fournet - B. Redon (eds.), Le bain collectif en Égypte, Études urbaines 7, Le Caire, 229-245.
  • Cribiore - Davoli - Ratzan 2008 R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - D. M. Ratzan, “A teacher’s dipinto from Trimithis (Dakhleh Oasis), JRA 21, 170-191. Daszewski 2000 W. A. Daszewski, “La mosaïque en Égypte”, H. Lavagne - É. da Balanda - A. Uribe Echeverría (eds.), Mosaïque. Trésor de la latinité. Des origines à nos jours, Paris, 43-45.
  • Daszewski 2005 W. A. Daszewski, “Egypt, birds and mosaics”, H. Morlier (ed.), LMGR IX, vol. 2, Roma, 1143-1152.
  • Davoli 2012 P. Davoli, “Amheida 2007-2009. New Results from the Excavations”, R. S. Bagnall - P. Davoli - C. Hope (eds.), The Oasis Papers 6, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project, Dakleh-Oasis Project Monographs 6, Oxford, 263-278.
  • Davoli 2015a P. Davoli, “Amheida in its surroundings”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 11-21.
  • Davoli 2015b P. Davoli, “The baths of Trimithis”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 76-86.
  • Davoli 2017 P. Davoli, “A new public bath in Trimithis (Amheida, Dakhla Oasis)”, B. Redon (ed.), Collective Baths in Egypt 2. New Discoveries and Perspectives, Études urbaines 10, Le Caire, 193-220.
  • Davoli - Cribiore 2010 P. Davoli - R. Cribiore, “Una scuola di greco del IV secolo d.C. a Trimithis (Oasi di Dakhla, Egitto)”, M. Capasso (ed.), Leggere Greco e Latino fuori dai confini del mondo antico, Atti del I Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica, Lecce 10-11 maggio 2008, Lecce, 73-87.
  • Davoli - Bagnall 2015 P. Davoli - R. S. Bagnall, “Two houses”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 86-104.
  • DeLaine 1997 J. DeLaine, The baths of Caracalla. A study in the design, construction, and economics of large-scale building projects in imperial Rome, JRA Suppl. 25, Portsmouth.
  • De Matteis 1997 L. M. De Matteis, “La produzione musiva coa in età tardoantica: indirizzi di ricerca”, S. Isager - B. Poulsen (eds.), Patron and Pavements in Late Antiquity, Odense, 51-64.
  • Dunbabin 1999 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
  • El Shazly et al. 1976 E. M. El Shazly - I. A. El Kassas - H. El Amin - A. A. Abdel Megid - M. A. Abdel Hady - A. B. Salaman - M. M. El Shazly, Geology of Kharga-Dakhla Oases Area, Western Desert, Egypt, from Landsat-1 satellite images, Remote Sensing Center, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo.
  • Fournet et al. 2017 T. Fournet - B. Redon - M. Vanpeene, “Catalogue of the Roman and Byzantine Baths of Egypt”, B. Redon (ed.), Collective Baths in Egypt 2, New Discoveries and Perspectives, Études urbaines 10, Le Caire, 451-523.
  • Fournet - Redon 2017 T. Fournet - B. Redon, “Romano-Byzantine Baths of Egypt. The Birth and Spread of a Little-Know Regional Model”, B. Redon (ed.), Collective Baths in Egypt 2, New Discoveries and Perspectives, Études urbaines 10, Le Caire, 279-321.
  • Giorgi 2012 E. Giorgi, I bagni romani di Bakchias. La storia dell’edificio e l’evoluzione dell’impianto urbano, Imola, La Mandragola.
  • Guidoboni 1994 E. Guidoboni, Catalogue of the ancient earthquakes in the Mediterranean area up to the 10th century, with the collaboration of A. Comastri and G. Traina, Roma, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica.
  • Guimier-Sorbets 2019 A. S. Guimier-Sorbets, Mosaïques d’Alexandrie. Pavements d’Égypte grecque et romaine, Alexandria.
  • Hansen 1997 S. L. Hansen, “The embellishment of Late-antique domus in Ostia and Rome”, S. Isager - B. Poulsen (eds.), Patron and Pavements in Late Antiquity, Odense, 111-124.
  • Harrell - Storemyr 2009 J. A. Harrell - P. Storemyr, “Ancient Egyptian quarries-an illustrated overview”, Geological Survey of Norway Special Publication 12, 7-50.
  • Jacques - Bousquet 1984 F. Jacques - B. Bousquet, “Le raz de marée du 21 julliet 365. Du cataclysme local à la catastrophe cosmique”, MEFRA 96, 423-461.
  • Kaper 2015 O. E. Kaper, “The sacred landscape”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 21-28.
  • Kenfield 1997 J. F. Kenfield, “Mosaics”, E. Hostetter - T. Noble House (eds.), The Romano-British Villa at Castle Copse, Great Bedwyn, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 169-193.
  • Kołątaj 1992 W. Kołątaj, Alexandrie VI. Imperial baths at Kom el-Dikka, Varsovie, Park.
  • Kołątaj et al. 2007 W. Kołątaj - G. Majcherek - E. Parandowska, Villa of the Birds. The excavation of the Kom al-Dikka mosaics, Cairo, New York.
  • Kucera 2016 P. Kucera, “al-Qasr: the Roman Castrum of Daklheh Oasis”, R.S. Bagnall - P. Davoli - C.A. Hope (eds.), The Oasis Paper 6, Oxford, 305-316.
  • Laudenbach 2015 B. Laudenbach, Strabon Geographie. Tome XIV: Livre XVII, 1ere partie (L’Égypte et l’Éthiopie nilotique), Paris.
  • Lepelley 1984 C. Lepelley, “L’Afrique du Nord et le prétendu séisme universel du 21 Juillet 365”, MEFRA 96, 463-491.
  • Lichtenberger - Raja 2017 A. Lichtenberger - R. Raja, “Mosaicists at work: the organization of mosaic production in Early Islamic Jerash”, Antiquity 91, 358, 998-1010.
  • Meurice 2014 C. Meurice, Jean Clédat en Égypte et en Nubie (1900-1914), Le Caire.
  • Merrony 2013 M. Merrony, Socio-Economic Aspects of Late Roman Mosaic Pavements in Phoenicia and Northern Palestine, BAR International Series 2530, Oxford.
  • Neira 2012 L. Neira, “Unique representation of a mosaic craftsman in a Roman pavement from the Ancient Province Syria”, JMR 5, 103-113.
  • Nielsen 1990 I. Nielsen, Thermae et Balnea. The Architecture and Cultural History of Roman Public Baths I, Aarhus.
  • Pasini 1978 F. Pasini, Ostia Antica. Insulae e classi sociali. I e II secolo dell’Impero, Roma.
  • Paver - Pretorius 1954 G. L. Paver - D. A. Pretorius, Report on hydrogeological investigations in Kharga and Dakhla Oases, Heliopolis, Publications de l’Institut du Desert d’Egypte.
  • Report 2004 Excavations at Amheida, 2004 (unpublished archeological report with no authors’ names),
  • Robotti 1983 C. Robotti, “Una sinopia musiva negli scavi nuovi di Pompei”, R. Ginouvès (ed.), Hommages H. Stern, Paris, 311-314.
  • Sefelnasr 2007 A. M. Sefelnasr, Development of groundwater flow model for water resources management in the development areas of Western Desert, Egypt, unpublished PhD dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Natural Science III of the Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg.
  • Tkaczow 1993 B. Tkaczow, The Topography of Ancient Alexandria (An Archaeological Map), Varsovie, Wydawnictwo ‘Park’.
  • Waldhoff et al. 2008 G. Waldhoff - O. Bubenzer - A. Bolten - W. Koppe - G. Bareth, “Spectral analysis of Aster, Hyperion, and Quickbird data for geomorphological and geological research in Egypt (Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert)”, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXVII, Part B8.
  • Whitehouse 2010 H. Whitehouse, “Mosaics and painting in Graeco-Roman Egypt”, A. B. Lloyd (ed.), A companion to Ancient Egypt, Malden and Oxford, 1008-1031.
  • Wootton 2012a W. Wootton, “Making and meaning: the Hellenistic mosaic from Tel Dor”, AJA 116, 2, 209-234.
  • Wootton 2012b W. Wootton, “Mosaic production in 4th-c. Britain: materials, making and makers at Badminton Park”, JRA suppl. 92, 145-168.
  • Wootton 2015 W. Wootton, “Figuring out of the facts: calculating mosaic labour times in 4th-c. A.D. Britain”, JRA 28, 261-282.

The Mosaic that Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt)

Year 2020, Issue: 13, 191 - 217, 02.11.2020


In 2012, the international team of the archaeological expedition at Amheida, under the primary sponsorship of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW, New York University), found a large amount of pristine mosaic tesserae in the Roman polis of Trimithis, the modern Amheida (Dakhla Oasis, Upper Egypt). The tesserae were recovered in a room that was part of a bath complex that was under renovation when it was suddenly abandoned at the end of the 4th century AD. The tesserae, more than 20,400 in number, were made of limestone, sandstone and, in a very small percentage, of recycled pottery, showing four different colours: white, yellow, dark grey/black and dark red. They must be considered as the first evidence for a mosaic in the Egyptian oases.
The aims of this paper are to present the finding context, the tesserae and their manufacturing and, finally, to display parallels with comparable discoveries.


  • Allen - Fulford 2004 J. R. L. Allen - M. G. Fulford, “Early Roman mosaic materials in southern Britain, with particular reference to Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum): a regional geological perspective”, Britannia 35, 9-38.
  • Aravecchia et al. 2015 N. Aravecchia - T. L. Dupras - D. Dzierzbicka - L. Williams, “The church at Amheida (ancient Trimithis) in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt. A bioarchaeological perspective on an Early Christian mortuary complex”, Bioarchaeology of the Near East 9, 21-43.
  • Ast - Bagnall 2015 R. Ast - R. S. Bagnall, “New Evidence for the Roman Garrison of Trimithis”, Tyche 30, 1-4.
  • Ast - Bagnall 2016 R. Ast - R. S. Bagnall, Amheida III. Ostraka from Trimithis, vol. 2, Texts from the 2008-2013 seasons, with contributions by C. Caputo and R. Cribiore, New York.
  • Bagnall 1997 R. S. Bagnall, The Kellis Agricultural Account Book (P. Kell. IV Gr.96), Oxford.
  • Bagnall - Ruffini 2012 R. S. Bagnall - G. R. Ruffini, Amheida I. Ostraka from Trimithis, vol.1, Texts from the 2004-2007 seasons, New York.
  • Bagnall - Kaper 2015 R. S. Bagnall - O. E. Kaper, “Introduction”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 1-10.
  • Bagnall et al. 2017 R. S. Bagnall - C. Caputo - R. Casagrande Kim - I. Soto, “New evidence from ostraca for the dating of the 4th century CE ceramic assemblages”, BCE 27, 195-211.
  • Balmelle 2000 C. Balmelle, “Les artisans mosaïstes dans l’Antiquité”, H. Lavagne - É. da Balanda - A. Uribe Echeverría (eds.), Mosaïque. Trésor de la latinité. Des origines à nos jours, Quetigny, Paris, 579-581.
  • Boozer 2015 A. L. Boozer, Amheida II. A late Romano-Egyptian house in the Dakhla Oasis: Amheida House B2, with contributions from Douglas V. Campana, Angela Cervi, Pam J. Crabtree, Paola Davoli, Delphine Dixneuf, David Ratzan, Giovanni Ruffini, Ursula Thanheiser, Johannes Walter, New York.
  • Brookes 1994 I. A. Brookes, “Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology of the Dakhla Oasis Region”, Egypt, Quaternary Science Reviews 12, 29-552.
  • Caputo 2020 C. Caputo, The House of Serenos, Part I: The Pottery (Amheida V), New York.
  • Castel 2009 G. Castel, “Bain nord de Karanis”, M.-F. Boussac Fournet - B. Redon (eds.), Le bain collectif en Égypte, Études urbaines 7, Le Caire, 229-245.
  • Cribiore - Davoli - Ratzan 2008 R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - D. M. Ratzan, “A teacher’s dipinto from Trimithis (Dakhleh Oasis), JRA 21, 170-191. Daszewski 2000 W. A. Daszewski, “La mosaïque en Égypte”, H. Lavagne - É. da Balanda - A. Uribe Echeverría (eds.), Mosaïque. Trésor de la latinité. Des origines à nos jours, Paris, 43-45.
  • Daszewski 2005 W. A. Daszewski, “Egypt, birds and mosaics”, H. Morlier (ed.), LMGR IX, vol. 2, Roma, 1143-1152.
  • Davoli 2012 P. Davoli, “Amheida 2007-2009. New Results from the Excavations”, R. S. Bagnall - P. Davoli - C. Hope (eds.), The Oasis Papers 6, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project, Dakleh-Oasis Project Monographs 6, Oxford, 263-278.
  • Davoli 2015a P. Davoli, “Amheida in its surroundings”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 11-21.
  • Davoli 2015b P. Davoli, “The baths of Trimithis”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 76-86.
  • Davoli 2017 P. Davoli, “A new public bath in Trimithis (Amheida, Dakhla Oasis)”, B. Redon (ed.), Collective Baths in Egypt 2. New Discoveries and Perspectives, Études urbaines 10, Le Caire, 193-220.
  • Davoli - Cribiore 2010 P. Davoli - R. Cribiore, “Una scuola di greco del IV secolo d.C. a Trimithis (Oasi di Dakhla, Egitto)”, M. Capasso (ed.), Leggere Greco e Latino fuori dai confini del mondo antico, Atti del I Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica, Lecce 10-11 maggio 2008, Lecce, 73-87.
  • Davoli - Bagnall 2015 P. Davoli - R. S. Bagnall, “Two houses”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 86-104.
  • DeLaine 1997 J. DeLaine, The baths of Caracalla. A study in the design, construction, and economics of large-scale building projects in imperial Rome, JRA Suppl. 25, Portsmouth.
  • De Matteis 1997 L. M. De Matteis, “La produzione musiva coa in età tardoantica: indirizzi di ricerca”, S. Isager - B. Poulsen (eds.), Patron and Pavements in Late Antiquity, Odense, 51-64.
  • Dunbabin 1999 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
  • El Shazly et al. 1976 E. M. El Shazly - I. A. El Kassas - H. El Amin - A. A. Abdel Megid - M. A. Abdel Hady - A. B. Salaman - M. M. El Shazly, Geology of Kharga-Dakhla Oases Area, Western Desert, Egypt, from Landsat-1 satellite images, Remote Sensing Center, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Cairo.
  • Fournet et al. 2017 T. Fournet - B. Redon - M. Vanpeene, “Catalogue of the Roman and Byzantine Baths of Egypt”, B. Redon (ed.), Collective Baths in Egypt 2, New Discoveries and Perspectives, Études urbaines 10, Le Caire, 451-523.
  • Fournet - Redon 2017 T. Fournet - B. Redon, “Romano-Byzantine Baths of Egypt. The Birth and Spread of a Little-Know Regional Model”, B. Redon (ed.), Collective Baths in Egypt 2, New Discoveries and Perspectives, Études urbaines 10, Le Caire, 279-321.
  • Giorgi 2012 E. Giorgi, I bagni romani di Bakchias. La storia dell’edificio e l’evoluzione dell’impianto urbano, Imola, La Mandragola.
  • Guidoboni 1994 E. Guidoboni, Catalogue of the ancient earthquakes in the Mediterranean area up to the 10th century, with the collaboration of A. Comastri and G. Traina, Roma, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica.
  • Guimier-Sorbets 2019 A. S. Guimier-Sorbets, Mosaïques d’Alexandrie. Pavements d’Égypte grecque et romaine, Alexandria.
  • Hansen 1997 S. L. Hansen, “The embellishment of Late-antique domus in Ostia and Rome”, S. Isager - B. Poulsen (eds.), Patron and Pavements in Late Antiquity, Odense, 111-124.
  • Harrell - Storemyr 2009 J. A. Harrell - P. Storemyr, “Ancient Egyptian quarries-an illustrated overview”, Geological Survey of Norway Special Publication 12, 7-50.
  • Jacques - Bousquet 1984 F. Jacques - B. Bousquet, “Le raz de marée du 21 julliet 365. Du cataclysme local à la catastrophe cosmique”, MEFRA 96, 423-461.
  • Kaper 2015 O. E. Kaper, “The sacred landscape”, R.S. Bagnall - N. Aravecchia - R. Cribiore - P. Davoli - O. E. Kaper - S. McFadden (eds.), An Oasis City, New York, 21-28.
  • Kenfield 1997 J. F. Kenfield, “Mosaics”, E. Hostetter - T. Noble House (eds.), The Romano-British Villa at Castle Copse, Great Bedwyn, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 169-193.
  • Kołątaj 1992 W. Kołątaj, Alexandrie VI. Imperial baths at Kom el-Dikka, Varsovie, Park.
  • Kołątaj et al. 2007 W. Kołątaj - G. Majcherek - E. Parandowska, Villa of the Birds. The excavation of the Kom al-Dikka mosaics, Cairo, New York.
  • Kucera 2016 P. Kucera, “al-Qasr: the Roman Castrum of Daklheh Oasis”, R.S. Bagnall - P. Davoli - C.A. Hope (eds.), The Oasis Paper 6, Oxford, 305-316.
  • Laudenbach 2015 B. Laudenbach, Strabon Geographie. Tome XIV: Livre XVII, 1ere partie (L’Égypte et l’Éthiopie nilotique), Paris.
  • Lepelley 1984 C. Lepelley, “L’Afrique du Nord et le prétendu séisme universel du 21 Juillet 365”, MEFRA 96, 463-491.
  • Lichtenberger - Raja 2017 A. Lichtenberger - R. Raja, “Mosaicists at work: the organization of mosaic production in Early Islamic Jerash”, Antiquity 91, 358, 998-1010.
  • Meurice 2014 C. Meurice, Jean Clédat en Égypte et en Nubie (1900-1914), Le Caire.
  • Merrony 2013 M. Merrony, Socio-Economic Aspects of Late Roman Mosaic Pavements in Phoenicia and Northern Palestine, BAR International Series 2530, Oxford.
  • Neira 2012 L. Neira, “Unique representation of a mosaic craftsman in a Roman pavement from the Ancient Province Syria”, JMR 5, 103-113.
  • Nielsen 1990 I. Nielsen, Thermae et Balnea. The Architecture and Cultural History of Roman Public Baths I, Aarhus.
  • Pasini 1978 F. Pasini, Ostia Antica. Insulae e classi sociali. I e II secolo dell’Impero, Roma.
  • Paver - Pretorius 1954 G. L. Paver - D. A. Pretorius, Report on hydrogeological investigations in Kharga and Dakhla Oases, Heliopolis, Publications de l’Institut du Desert d’Egypte.
  • Report 2004 Excavations at Amheida, 2004 (unpublished archeological report with no authors’ names),
  • Robotti 1983 C. Robotti, “Una sinopia musiva negli scavi nuovi di Pompei”, R. Ginouvès (ed.), Hommages H. Stern, Paris, 311-314.
  • Sefelnasr 2007 A. M. Sefelnasr, Development of groundwater flow model for water resources management in the development areas of Western Desert, Egypt, unpublished PhD dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Natural Science III of the Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg.
  • Tkaczow 1993 B. Tkaczow, The Topography of Ancient Alexandria (An Archaeological Map), Varsovie, Wydawnictwo ‘Park’.
  • Waldhoff et al. 2008 G. Waldhoff - O. Bubenzer - A. Bolten - W. Koppe - G. Bareth, “Spectral analysis of Aster, Hyperion, and Quickbird data for geomorphological and geological research in Egypt (Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert)”, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXVII, Part B8.
  • Whitehouse 2010 H. Whitehouse, “Mosaics and painting in Graeco-Roman Egypt”, A. B. Lloyd (ed.), A companion to Ancient Egypt, Malden and Oxford, 1008-1031.
  • Wootton 2012a W. Wootton, “Making and meaning: the Hellenistic mosaic from Tel Dor”, AJA 116, 2, 209-234.
  • Wootton 2012b W. Wootton, “Mosaic production in 4th-c. Britain: materials, making and makers at Badminton Park”, JRA suppl. 92, 145-168.
  • Wootton 2015 W. Wootton, “Figuring out of the facts: calculating mosaic labour times in 4th-c. A.D. Britain”, JRA 28, 261-282.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Article

Marina Maria Serena Nuovo This is me 0000-0003-1228-3442

Silvia Prell This is me 0000-0001-7797-6026

Publication Date November 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 13


APA Nuovo, M. M. S., & Prell, S. (2020). The Mosaic that Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt). Journal of Mosaic Research(13), 191-217.
AMA Nuovo MMS, Prell S. The Mosaic that Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt). JMR. November 2020;(13):191-217. doi:10.26658/jmr.782363
Chicago Nuovo, Marina Maria Serena, and Silvia Prell. “The Mosaic That Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt)”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 13 (November 2020): 191-217.
EndNote Nuovo MMS, Prell S (November 1, 2020) The Mosaic that Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt). Journal of Mosaic Research 13 191–217.
IEEE M. M. S. Nuovo and S. Prell, “The Mosaic that Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt)”, JMR, no. 13, pp. 191–217, November 2020, doi: 10.26658/jmr.782363.
ISNAD Nuovo, Marina Maria Serena - Prell, Silvia. “The Mosaic That Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt)”. Journal of Mosaic Research 13 (November 2020), 191-217.
JAMA Nuovo MMS, Prell S. The Mosaic that Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt). JMR. 2020;:191–217.
MLA Nuovo, Marina Maria Serena and Silvia Prell. “The Mosaic That Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt)”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 13, 2020, pp. 191-17, doi:10.26658/jmr.782363.
Vancouver Nuovo MMS, Prell S. The Mosaic that Never Was. Tesserae and Raw Material for an Unlaid Mosaic Floor in Trimithis (Dakhla Oasis, Egypt). JMR. 2020(13):191-217.

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