Research Article
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The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople

Year 2021, Issue: 14, 29 - 40, 30.11.2021


This iconographic and iconological research has shown the political value of the eagle symbol in the Palace Mosaic in Constantinople. Thus this subject has both ornamental and political significance, but political meaning is predominant. The chronology (532 as terminus post quem) and the historical-archaeological context have disclosed relations between the eagle symbol and the Emperor Justinian I. The eagle strangling a snake, in this perspective, becomes the symbol of supreme power of Justinian, while the snake is the symbol of all enemies of the empire. We can see these enemies in two masked heads in the frame. The first one evokes a subject very well characterized on the ethnic and physiognomic level, that is a Persian soldier, as Darius III, King of the Persians, and his soldiers in the Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun in Pompeii. This masked head recalls to mind the defeat of the Persians and the peace treaty between Justinian and Chosroes I in 532. The second masked head symbolizes Oceanus, the god of the mysterious west, i. e. it invokes the recovery of the Western Empire by Justinian (535-553). Therefore Justinian the Great was a new Augustus and, as the first emperor, politically exploited the language of images, especially the eagle symbol.


  • Becatti 1959 G. Becatti, s. v. Costantinopoli, EAA, II, Roma, 880-914.
  • Brett 1942 G. Brett, “The mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople”, JWCI 5, 34-43.
  • Ciancio Rossetto 1994 P. Ciancio Rossetto, s. v. Circo e Ippodromo, EAA, II suppl., Roma, 157-162.
  • De Caro 2019 S. De Caro, I Mosaici e la Casa del Fauno, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, Milano.
  • De Rosa 2015 G. De Rosa, “L’aquila e il serpente. Un mosaico dal Museo Provinciale Campano”, C. Angelelli - A. Paribeni (a cura di), AISCOM XX, Tivoli, 489-493.
  • de Vos 1994 M. de Vos, VI 12, 2. Casa del Fauno, PPM, V, Roma, 80-141.
  • Dunbabin 2001 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
  • Grasso 2009 F. Grasso, “Corte ellenistica”, I. Bragantini - V. Sampaolo (eds.), La Pittura Pompeiana, Milano.
  • Jobst 1995 W. Jobst,” Der Kaiserpalast von Konstantinopel und seine Mosaiken”, AW 18, 3, 2-22.
  • Jobst et al. 1997 W. Jobst - B. Erdal - C. Gurtner, İstanbul, The Great Palace Mosaic. The story of its exploration, preservation and exhibition 1983-1997, İstanbul-Wien.
  • Kitzinger 1977 E. Kitzinger, Byzantine Art in the Making: Main Lines of Stylistic Development in Mediterranean Art, 3rd-7th century, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Ling 1998 R. Ling, Ancient Mosaics, London.
  • Macchiarella 2005 G. Macchiarella, “Date and Patron(s) of the Floor Mosaic of the Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors: a New Approach”, G. Macchiarella (ed.), Alpaghian: raccolta di scritti in onore di Adriano Alpago Novello, Napoli, 1-10.
  • Moreno 2000 P. Moreno, Apelle. La battaglia di Alessandro, Ginevra-Milano.
  • Pappalardo - Ciardiello 2010 U. Pappalardo - R. Ciardiello, Mosaici Greci e Romani. Tappeti di pietra in età ellenistica e romana, Verona.
  • Paribeni 2010 A. Paribeni, “L’aquila e il suo gioiello. Riflessioni sull’iconografia di alcune stoffe mediobizantine”, P. Fedi - C. S. Antonini - P. Mortari Vergara Caffarelli - A. Alabiso - D. Sadun - F. Noci - T. Aurizi (a cura di), Alla maniera di… Convegno in ricordo di Maria Teresa Lucidi, Roma, Sapienza Università di Roma, (Collana Convegni, 15), Roma, 253-270.
  • Pernice 1933 A. Pernice, s. v. Giustiniano, Enciclopedia Italiana, XVII, Roma, 385-389.
  • Rocco 2009 L. Rocco, “Parete con paesaggio idillico-sacrale”, I. Bragantini - V. Sampaolo (eds.), La Pittura Pompeiana, Milano.
  • Ronchey - Braccini 2010 S. Ronchey - T. Braccini, Il romanzo di Costantinopoli. Guida letteraria alla Roma d’Oriente, Torino.
  • Russo 2015 E. Russo “Costantinopoli. Architettura e scultura nei primi secoli”, T. Velmans (ed.), Da Bisanzio a Istanbul, Milano, 39-108.
  • Sichtermann 1963 H. Sichtermann, s. v. Oceano, EAA, V, Roma, 619-621.
  • Talbot Rice 1965 D. Talbot Rice, “On the Date of the Mosaic Floor of the Great Palace at Constantinople”, Charisterion eis Anastasion K. Orlandon, Athens, 1-5.
  • Tammisto 1997 A. Tammisto, Birds in Mosaics, Rome.
  • Trilling 1989 J. Trilling, “The soul of the Empire: Style and Meaning in the Mosaic Pavement of the Byzantine Imperial Palace in Constantinople”, DOP 43, 27-72.
  • van Dieten 1975 I. A. van Dieten (ed.), Nicetae Choniatae Historia (Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, XI), Berlin, 647-653.
  • Velmans 2015a T. Velmans, “La pittura bizantina. Mosaici, Affreschi, Icone, Miniature”, T. Velmans (ed.), Da Bisanzio a Istanbul, Milano, 109-218.
  • Velmans 2015b T. Velmans, “Introduzione”, T. Velmans (ed.), Da Bisanzio a Istanbul, Milano, 7-12.
  • Vespignani 2005 G. Vespignani, “Il gruppo bronzeo rappresentante la lotta tra l’aquila e il serpente sulla spina dell’Ippodromo di Costantinopoli Nuova Roma”, S. Pasi (a cura di), Studi in memoria di Patrizia Angiolini Martinelli, Bologna, 305-310.
  • Wittkower 1939 R. Wittkower, “Eagle and serpent. A Study in the Migration of Symbols”, JWCI II, 4, 293-325.
  • Zanker 2006 P. Zanker, Augusto e il potere delle immagini (traduzione di F. Cuniberto), Torino.

İstanbul’daki Büyük Saray Mozaiğindeki Kartal Sembolü

Year 2021, Issue: 14, 29 - 40, 30.11.2021


Bu ikonografik ve ikonolojik araştırma, İstanbul’daki Saray Mozaiği’ndeki kartal sembolünün siyasi değerini göstermiştir. Dolayısıyla bu konunun hem dekoratif hem de siyasi anlamı vardır, ancak siyasi anlamı daha baskındır. Kronoloji (terminus post quem olarak 532) ve tarihsel-arkeolojik bağlam, kartal sembolü ile İmparator I. Iustinianus arasındaki ilişkileri ortaya çıkarmıştır. Yılanı boğan kartal, bu perspektifte Iustinianus’un üstün gücünün sembolü olurken, yılan imparatorluğun tüm düşmanlarının sembolüdür. Bu düşmanlar çerçevede yer alan iki maskeli baş betiminde görülmektedir. İlki, Pompeii’deki Faun Evi’nden İskender Mozaiği’nde, etnik ve fizyonomik düzeyde çok iyi karakterize edilmiş bir konuyu, yani bir Pers askeri olarak Perslerin kralı III. Darius ve askerlerini çağrıştırmaktadır. Bu maskeli baş, Perslerin yenilgisini ve 532’de I. Iustinianus ile I. Chosroes arasındaki barış anlaşmasını hatırlatır. İkinci maskeli baş, gizemli batının tanrısı Oceanus’u simgeler, başka bir deyişle de Batı İmparatorluğu’nun Iustinianus (535-553) tarafından yeniden ele geçirilmesini temsil etmektedir. Bu nedenle Büyük Iustinianus yeni bir Augustus’tu ve ilk imparator olarak, özellikle kartal sembolü olmak üzere görüntülerin dilini politik olarak kullanmıştır


  • Becatti 1959 G. Becatti, s. v. Costantinopoli, EAA, II, Roma, 880-914.
  • Brett 1942 G. Brett, “The mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople”, JWCI 5, 34-43.
  • Ciancio Rossetto 1994 P. Ciancio Rossetto, s. v. Circo e Ippodromo, EAA, II suppl., Roma, 157-162.
  • De Caro 2019 S. De Caro, I Mosaici e la Casa del Fauno, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, Milano.
  • De Rosa 2015 G. De Rosa, “L’aquila e il serpente. Un mosaico dal Museo Provinciale Campano”, C. Angelelli - A. Paribeni (a cura di), AISCOM XX, Tivoli, 489-493.
  • de Vos 1994 M. de Vos, VI 12, 2. Casa del Fauno, PPM, V, Roma, 80-141.
  • Dunbabin 2001 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
  • Grasso 2009 F. Grasso, “Corte ellenistica”, I. Bragantini - V. Sampaolo (eds.), La Pittura Pompeiana, Milano.
  • Jobst 1995 W. Jobst,” Der Kaiserpalast von Konstantinopel und seine Mosaiken”, AW 18, 3, 2-22.
  • Jobst et al. 1997 W. Jobst - B. Erdal - C. Gurtner, İstanbul, The Great Palace Mosaic. The story of its exploration, preservation and exhibition 1983-1997, İstanbul-Wien.
  • Kitzinger 1977 E. Kitzinger, Byzantine Art in the Making: Main Lines of Stylistic Development in Mediterranean Art, 3rd-7th century, Cambridge, Mass.
  • Ling 1998 R. Ling, Ancient Mosaics, London.
  • Macchiarella 2005 G. Macchiarella, “Date and Patron(s) of the Floor Mosaic of the Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors: a New Approach”, G. Macchiarella (ed.), Alpaghian: raccolta di scritti in onore di Adriano Alpago Novello, Napoli, 1-10.
  • Moreno 2000 P. Moreno, Apelle. La battaglia di Alessandro, Ginevra-Milano.
  • Pappalardo - Ciardiello 2010 U. Pappalardo - R. Ciardiello, Mosaici Greci e Romani. Tappeti di pietra in età ellenistica e romana, Verona.
  • Paribeni 2010 A. Paribeni, “L’aquila e il suo gioiello. Riflessioni sull’iconografia di alcune stoffe mediobizantine”, P. Fedi - C. S. Antonini - P. Mortari Vergara Caffarelli - A. Alabiso - D. Sadun - F. Noci - T. Aurizi (a cura di), Alla maniera di… Convegno in ricordo di Maria Teresa Lucidi, Roma, Sapienza Università di Roma, (Collana Convegni, 15), Roma, 253-270.
  • Pernice 1933 A. Pernice, s. v. Giustiniano, Enciclopedia Italiana, XVII, Roma, 385-389.
  • Rocco 2009 L. Rocco, “Parete con paesaggio idillico-sacrale”, I. Bragantini - V. Sampaolo (eds.), La Pittura Pompeiana, Milano.
  • Ronchey - Braccini 2010 S. Ronchey - T. Braccini, Il romanzo di Costantinopoli. Guida letteraria alla Roma d’Oriente, Torino.
  • Russo 2015 E. Russo “Costantinopoli. Architettura e scultura nei primi secoli”, T. Velmans (ed.), Da Bisanzio a Istanbul, Milano, 39-108.
  • Sichtermann 1963 H. Sichtermann, s. v. Oceano, EAA, V, Roma, 619-621.
  • Talbot Rice 1965 D. Talbot Rice, “On the Date of the Mosaic Floor of the Great Palace at Constantinople”, Charisterion eis Anastasion K. Orlandon, Athens, 1-5.
  • Tammisto 1997 A. Tammisto, Birds in Mosaics, Rome.
  • Trilling 1989 J. Trilling, “The soul of the Empire: Style and Meaning in the Mosaic Pavement of the Byzantine Imperial Palace in Constantinople”, DOP 43, 27-72.
  • van Dieten 1975 I. A. van Dieten (ed.), Nicetae Choniatae Historia (Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, XI), Berlin, 647-653.
  • Velmans 2015a T. Velmans, “La pittura bizantina. Mosaici, Affreschi, Icone, Miniature”, T. Velmans (ed.), Da Bisanzio a Istanbul, Milano, 109-218.
  • Velmans 2015b T. Velmans, “Introduzione”, T. Velmans (ed.), Da Bisanzio a Istanbul, Milano, 7-12.
  • Vespignani 2005 G. Vespignani, “Il gruppo bronzeo rappresentante la lotta tra l’aquila e il serpente sulla spina dell’Ippodromo di Costantinopoli Nuova Roma”, S. Pasi (a cura di), Studi in memoria di Patrizia Angiolini Martinelli, Bologna, 305-310.
  • Wittkower 1939 R. Wittkower, “Eagle and serpent. A Study in the Migration of Symbols”, JWCI II, 4, 293-325.
  • Zanker 2006 P. Zanker, Augusto e il potere delle immagini (traduzione di F. Cuniberto), Torino.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Article

Laura Caso This is me 0000-0001-8903-4079

Publication Date November 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 14


APA Caso, L. (2021). The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople. Journal of Mosaic Research(14), 29-40.
AMA Caso L. The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople. JMR. November 2021;(14):29-40. doi:10.26658/jmr.1012058
Chicago Caso, Laura. “The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 14 (November 2021): 29-40.
EndNote Caso L (November 1, 2021) The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople. Journal of Mosaic Research 14 29–40.
IEEE L. Caso, “The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople”, JMR, no. 14, pp. 29–40, November 2021, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1012058.
ISNAD Caso, Laura. “The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople”. Journal of Mosaic Research 14 (November 2021), 29-40.
JAMA Caso L. The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople. JMR. 2021;:29–40.
MLA Caso, Laura. “The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 14, 2021, pp. 29-40, doi:10.26658/jmr.1012058.
Vancouver Caso L. The Eagle Symbol in the Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople. JMR. 2021(14):29-40.

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