Research Article
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The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C.

Year 2021, Issue: 14, 301 - 318, 30.11.2021


The present article deals with changes that occurred in the arrangement of the mosaic floor decorations of two important basilicas located in the capitals of two provinces in Thrace – the Episcopal basilica at Philippopolis and the basilica at Herakleia, which are both dated to the second half of the 5th c. The study reveals that in these cases the changes were not a purely decorative issue with the introduction of a new trend in mosaic decoration. Instead, these were innovations that reflected the new importance of the areas marked by mosaic decoration, such as the ‘entrance’ in the atrium or narthex and the side aisles and their middle portions. It seems they were part of the introduction of the Constantinopolitan liturgy that emerged after the reassignment of Thrace to the jurisdiction of the Constantinopolitan church pursuant to canon 28 of the Fourth Ecumenical council at Chalcedon in 451. In order to avoid any misunderstandings, the new sites were marked by specific and clear Christians images. Dating to the second half of the 5th c., the Thracian examples are among the earliest so far attested and reveal the evolution of the Constantinopolitan liturgy before its completion, which is eventually attested in the monuments of the 6th c. in the capital and elsewhere.


  • Asimakopoulou-Atzaka 1987 P. Asimakopoulou-Atzaka, Syntagma ton palaiohristianikon psefidoton dapedon tes Ellados, II. Peloponnesos – Sterea Ellada, Byzantina mnhmeia 7, Kentron Byzantinon Eregnon, Thessaloniki.
  • Asimakopoulou-Atzaka 2017 P. Asimakopoulou-Atzaka, Syntagma ton palaiohristianikon psefidoton dapedon tes Ellados, III. Makedonia-Thrake. 2. Ta Psifidota Dapeda tes Makedonias kai tes Thrakes (ektos Thessalonikes), Byzantina mnhmeia 18, Thessaloniki.
  • Atzaka 1974 P. Atzaka, Syntagma ton palaiohristianikon psifidoton dapedon tes Ellados, I. Nesiotike Ellas, Byzantina mnhmeia 1, Kentron Byzantinon Eregnon, Thessaloniki.
  • Baldovin 1987 J. F. Baldovin, The Urban Character of Christian worship. The Origins, Development, and Meaning of Stational Liturgy, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 228, Roma.
  • Biernacki et al. 2004 A. Biernacki - E. Klenina - St. Ryizhova, Rannevizantiiskie sakral’nye postroiki Hersonesa Tavricheskogo, Poznań.
  • Bisconti 2000 F. Bisconti, Temi di iconografia paleocristiana, Città del Vaticano.
  • Bisconti - Gentili 2007 F. Bisconti - G. Gentili (eds.), La rivoluzione dell’immagine. Arte paleocristiana tra Roma e Bisanzio, Milano.
  • Bospachieva 2002 M. Bospachieva, “A small early Christian basilica with mosaics at Philippopolis”, ABulg 6/2, 55-76.
  • Bospachieva 2003 M. Bospachieva, “The Late Antiquity Building EIRHNH with Mosaics from Philippopoilis (Plovdiv, Southern Bulgaria)”, ABulg 2, 83-105.
  • Caraher 2003 W. Caraher, Church, Society and the Sacred in Early Christian Greece. Dissertation submitted to the Ohio State University, Ohio.
  • Chaneva-Dechevska 1999 N. Chaneva-Dechevska, Rannohristijanskata architectura v Balgaria IV-VI v., Sofia.
  • Cvetković-Tomašević 1978 G. Cvetković-Tomašević, Ranovizantijski podni mozaici. Dardanija, Makedonija, Novi Epir, Filozofski Fakultet u Beogradu, Institut za Istoriju Umetnosti, Belgrade.
  • Dalgıç 2008 Ö. Dalgıç, Late Antique Floor Mosaics of Constantinople prior to the Great Palace, Unpublished PhD Thesis, New York University, New York.
  • Dalgıç 2010 Ö. Dalgıç, “The Corpus of Floor Mosaics of Constantinople”, F. Daim - J. Drauschke (Hrsg.) Byzanz - das Römerreich im Mittelalter, Monographien des Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, vol. 84,3, Mainz, 127-134.
  • Dalgıç 2011 Ö. Dalgıç, “Early Floor Mosaics in Istanbul”, G. Sözen (ed.) Mosaics of Anatolia, Istanbul, 223-235.
  • Dalgıç 2015 Ö. Dalgıç, “The Triumph of Dionysos in Constantinople: A Late Fifth-Century Mosaic in Context”, DOP 69, 15-48.
  • Décor I C. Balmelle – M. Blanchard Lemée – J. Christophe – J.-P. Darmon – A.-M. Guimier Sorbets – H. Lavagne – R. Prudhomme – H. Stern, Le Décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine I, Paris, 1985.
  • Dinchev 2002 V. Dinchev, “Kam harakteristikata na predstavitelnata kasnoantichna zhilishtna arhitektura v Thracia i Dacia”, Godishnik na Arheologicheskija Institut s muzei 2, 206-241.
  • Dombrovskii 2004 O. Dombrovskii, Vizantiiskie mozaiki Hersonesa Tavricheskogo, Poznań.
  • Kantareva-Decheva 2017 E. Kantareva-Decheva, “Konservatsija i restavratsija na podovi mozaiki ot obekt “Episkopska bazilika na Filipopol” – Plovdiv 2015-2016 g.”, T. Shekerdzhieva-Novak (ed.), Proletni nauchni chetenija 2017, Plovdiv, 220-227.
  • Kantareva-Decheva 2018 E. Kantareva-Decheva, “Novi stratigrafski prouchvanija na mozaikata ot Episkopskata bazilika na Filipopol”, T. Shekerdzhieva-Novak (ed.), Sbornik dokladi ot Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya “Nauka, obrazovanie i inovatsii v oblastta na izkustvoto”, Plovdiv, 365-372.
  • Kesjakova 2011 E. Kesjakova, “Mozaiki ot episkopskata bazilika na Filipopol”, St. Stanev - V. Grigorov - V. Dimitrov (eds.), Studies in honour of Stefan Boyadzhiev, Sofia, 173-210.
  • Kitzinger 1977 E. Kitzinger, Byzantine Art in the Making: Main Lines of Stylisitc Development in Mediterranean Art, 3rd-7th century, Cambrigde, Mass.
  • Madzharov 1993 K. Madzharov, Diokletsianopol, tom 1. Topografija, gradoustroistvo i arhitektura, Sofia.
  • Maguire 1987 H. Maguire, Earth and Ocean. The Terrestrial World in the Early Byzantine Art, London.
  • Mango 1978 C. Mango, “The Date of the Studius Basilica at Istanbul”, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 4, Essays Presented to Sir Steven Runciman, 115-122.
  • Martinova-Kjutova - Pirovska 2011 M. Martinova-Kjutova - G. Pirovska, “Iztochnata porta na Filipopol”, St. Stanev - V. Grigorov - V. Dimitrov (eds.), Studies in honour of Stefan Boyadzhiev, Sofia, 211-233.
  • Martinova-Kjutova - Sharankov 2014 M. Martinova-Kjutova - N. Sharankov, “Novi danni za kompleksa “Iztochna porta na Filipopol”, Annual of the Regional Archaeological museum – Plovdiv, 12, Proceedings dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the Regional Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv (1882 -2012), 159-184.
  • Mathews 1971 T. F. Mathews, The Early churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy, Penn.
  • Mathews 1982 T. F. Mathews, “Private’ Liturgy in Byzantine Architecture: Toward a Reappraisal”, CArch 30, 125-138.
  • Mulholland 2014 B. Mulholland, The Early Byzantine Christian Church. An Archaeological Re-assessment of Forty-Seven Early Byzantine Basilical Church Excavations Primarily in Israel and Jordan, and their Historical and Liturgical Context, Byzantine and Neohellenic Studies 9, Bern.
  • Perseng 2021 M. Perseng, “The iconographic and stylistic development of the Eucharistic images in the floor mosaics on the Balkans during the Early Christianity”, M. Rakocija (ed.), Niš and Byzantium Symposium 16, Niš, 325-328.
  • Peschlow 1982 U. Peschlow, “Die Johanneskirche des Studios in Istanbul”, JbÖByz 32.4, 429–334.
  • Pillinger et al. 2016 R. Pillinger – A. Lirsch – V. Popova (Hrsg.), Corpus der spätantiken und frühchristlichen Mosaiken Bulgariens, Wien, 2016.
  • Popova 2016 V. Popova, “Fons Vitae in Late Antique monuments in Bulgaria”, Studia academica Šumenensia 3, 154-198.
  • Popova 2018 V. Popova, “Liturgy and Mosaics: The Case Study of the Late Antique Monuments from Bulgaria”, M. Rakocija (ed.), Niš and Byzantium Symposium 16, Niš, 135-160.
  • Popova 2021 V. Popova, “The personification of Eirene from the episcopal residence in Philippopolis/Plovdiv”, M. Rakocija (ed.), Niš and Byzantium Symposium 16, Niš, 299-324.
  • Pülz 1998 A. Pülz, “Die frühchristlichen Kirchen des taurischen Chersonesos/Krim”, MitChrA 4, 45-78.
  • Raynaud 2009 M.-P Raynaud, Corpus of the Mosaics of Turkey, Volume 1: Lycia. Xanthos Part 1: The East Basilica, Bursa.
  • Raynaud - Islami 2018 M.-P. Raynaud - A. Islami, Corpus of the Mosaics of Albania, volume 1. Butrint intramuros, Balkans’ Mosaic 1, Bordeaux.
  • Scheibelreiter-Gail 2011 V. Scheibelreiter-Gail, Die Mosaiken Westkleinasiens. Tessellate des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis Anfang des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Sonderschriften Band 46, Wien.
  • Schwartz 1936 E. Schwartz, Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum 2, 1, 2, Concilium Chalcedonense, Berlin – Leipzig.
  • Sharankov 2018 N. Sharankov, “Epigrafski otrkitija“, Arheologicheski otrkritija i razkopki prez 2017, 731-734.
  • Taft 1975 R. F. Taft, The Great, Entrance, A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanahoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrvsostom, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 200, Rome.
  • Taft 1992 R. F. Taft, The Byzantine Rite: A Short History, Collegeville.
  • Taft 1998 R. F. Taft, “Quaestiones disputatae: The Skeuophylakion of Hagia Sophia and the Entrances of the Liturgy Revisited”, OrChr 82, 53-87.
  • Tankova 2017 Zh. Tankova, “Arheologichesko prouchvane na obekt “Episkopska basilica”, gr. Plovdiv, Arheologicheski otrkritija i razkopki prez 2016, 323-325.
  • Topalilov 2016a I. Topalilov, “Local Mosaic Workshops in Late Antique Philippopolis, Thrace: Some consideration”, L. Neira Jiménes (ed.), Estudios sobre mosaicos antiquos y medievales, Roma, 183-188.
  • Topalilov 2016b I. Topalilov, “The impact of the religious policy of Theodosius the Great on the urbanization of Philippopolis, Thrace (Preliminary notes)”, O. Brandt - V. Fiocchi Nicolai (eds.), Costantino e i Costantinidi: l’innovazione costantiniana, le sue radici e i suoi sviluppi, Acta XVI Congressus Internationalis Archaeologiae Christianae, Roma, 1853-1862.
  • Topalilov 2016c I. Topalilov, “The importance of the so-called ‘Eastern Gate’ complex for the Christians and Christianity in LA Philippopolis”, M. Rakocija (ed.), Cities and Citizens in Byzantine World, Niš and Byzantium 14, (Niš: NKC), 265-274.
  • Topalilov 2018 I. Topalilov, “On the Eirene mosaic from Philippopolis, Thrace”, JMR 11, 273-285.
  • Topalilov 2020a I. Topalilov, “Porta triumphalis v kasnoantichna Trakija”, N. Kanev (ed.), Vladetel, darzhava i tsarkva na Balkjanite prez Srednovekovieto. Sbornik v chest na 60-godishninata na Prof. d-r Plamen Pavlov, tom 1, Veliko Turnovo, 304-324.
  • Topalilov 2020b I. Topalilov, “The Mosaic pavements in Philippopolis, Thrace, in 6th c. CE. Some considerations”, JMR 13, 257-279.
  • Topalilov 2021 I. Topalilov, “The Early Christian basilicas in Philippopolis and Herakleia – two pieces of work of an unknown metropolitan mosaic workshop”, (in press).
  • Westphalen 2016 St. Westphalen, Die Basilica am Kalekapi in Herakleia/ Perinthos. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von 1992-2010 in Marmara Ereğlisi, IstForsch 55.
  • Valeva 2011 J. Valeva, “Elitna zhilishtna architectura i dekor v dioceza Trakija (IV-VII v)”, St. Stanev - V. Grigorov - V. Dimitrov (eds.), Studies in honour of Stefan Boyadzhiev, Sofia, 17-56.
  • Yasin 2017 A. Yasin, “The Pilgrim and the Arch: Channeling Movement and Transforming Experience at Late Antique Holy Sites”, T. M. Kristensen - W. Friese (eds.), Excavating Pilgrimage: Archaeological Approaches to Sacred Travel and Movement in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East, London, 166-186.
  • Yeşil-Erdek 2014 S. Yeşil-Erdek, “Perinthos-Herakleia Bazilikası Taban Döşemelerinin Konservasyonu”, JMR 7, 61-75.

5. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Trakya’daki Hristiyan Bazilikalarında Konstantinopolis Litürjisinin Mozaik Döşemelere Etkisi

Year 2021, Issue: 14, 301 - 318, 30.11.2021


Bu makale, iki eyaletin başkentinde yer alan ve her ikisi de 5. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına tarihlenen Trakya’daki iki önemli bazilikanın, Philippopolis’teki Piskoposluk Bazilikası ve Heraklea’daki Bazilika’nın, mozaik zemin süslemelerinin düzenlenmesinde meydana gelen değişiklikleri ele almaktadır. Çalışma, bu durumlarda, mozaik süslemede yeni bir akımın ortaya çıkmasıyla birlikte değişikliklerin salt dekoratif bir mesele olmadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Bunun yerine, bu özellikler atrium veya narteksteki ‘giriş’ ve dış nefler ile bunların orta kısımları gibi mozaik bezeme ile işaretlenen alanların yeni önemini yansıtan yeniliklerdi. Görünüşe göre bunlar, 451’de Kalkedon’daki Dördüncü Ekümenik Konsil’in 28. kanonu uyarınca Trakya’nın Konstantinopolis kilisesinin yargı yetkisine yeniden verilmesinden sonra ortaya çıkan Konstantinopolis liturjisinin tanıtımının bir parçası gibi görünmektedir. Herhangi bir yanlış anlamadan kaçınmak için, yeni kentler belirli ve net Hristiyan sembolleri ile işaretlenmiştir. 5. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına tarihlenen Trakya örnekleri, şimdiye kadar onaylanmış en erken örnekler arasındadır. Bu örnekler Konstantinopolis liturjisinin tamamlanmadan önceki evrim sürecini ortaya koymaktadır ve bu süreç sonunda başkentte ve başka yerlerde 6. yüzyıla ait anıtlarda kanıtlanmıştır.


  • Asimakopoulou-Atzaka 1987 P. Asimakopoulou-Atzaka, Syntagma ton palaiohristianikon psefidoton dapedon tes Ellados, II. Peloponnesos – Sterea Ellada, Byzantina mnhmeia 7, Kentron Byzantinon Eregnon, Thessaloniki.
  • Asimakopoulou-Atzaka 2017 P. Asimakopoulou-Atzaka, Syntagma ton palaiohristianikon psefidoton dapedon tes Ellados, III. Makedonia-Thrake. 2. Ta Psifidota Dapeda tes Makedonias kai tes Thrakes (ektos Thessalonikes), Byzantina mnhmeia 18, Thessaloniki.
  • Atzaka 1974 P. Atzaka, Syntagma ton palaiohristianikon psifidoton dapedon tes Ellados, I. Nesiotike Ellas, Byzantina mnhmeia 1, Kentron Byzantinon Eregnon, Thessaloniki.
  • Baldovin 1987 J. F. Baldovin, The Urban Character of Christian worship. The Origins, Development, and Meaning of Stational Liturgy, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 228, Roma.
  • Biernacki et al. 2004 A. Biernacki - E. Klenina - St. Ryizhova, Rannevizantiiskie sakral’nye postroiki Hersonesa Tavricheskogo, Poznań.
  • Bisconti 2000 F. Bisconti, Temi di iconografia paleocristiana, Città del Vaticano.
  • Bisconti - Gentili 2007 F. Bisconti - G. Gentili (eds.), La rivoluzione dell’immagine. Arte paleocristiana tra Roma e Bisanzio, Milano.
  • Bospachieva 2002 M. Bospachieva, “A small early Christian basilica with mosaics at Philippopolis”, ABulg 6/2, 55-76.
  • Bospachieva 2003 M. Bospachieva, “The Late Antiquity Building EIRHNH with Mosaics from Philippopoilis (Plovdiv, Southern Bulgaria)”, ABulg 2, 83-105.
  • Caraher 2003 W. Caraher, Church, Society and the Sacred in Early Christian Greece. Dissertation submitted to the Ohio State University, Ohio.
  • Chaneva-Dechevska 1999 N. Chaneva-Dechevska, Rannohristijanskata architectura v Balgaria IV-VI v., Sofia.
  • Cvetković-Tomašević 1978 G. Cvetković-Tomašević, Ranovizantijski podni mozaici. Dardanija, Makedonija, Novi Epir, Filozofski Fakultet u Beogradu, Institut za Istoriju Umetnosti, Belgrade.
  • Dalgıç 2008 Ö. Dalgıç, Late Antique Floor Mosaics of Constantinople prior to the Great Palace, Unpublished PhD Thesis, New York University, New York.
  • Dalgıç 2010 Ö. Dalgıç, “The Corpus of Floor Mosaics of Constantinople”, F. Daim - J. Drauschke (Hrsg.) Byzanz - das Römerreich im Mittelalter, Monographien des Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, vol. 84,3, Mainz, 127-134.
  • Dalgıç 2011 Ö. Dalgıç, “Early Floor Mosaics in Istanbul”, G. Sözen (ed.) Mosaics of Anatolia, Istanbul, 223-235.
  • Dalgıç 2015 Ö. Dalgıç, “The Triumph of Dionysos in Constantinople: A Late Fifth-Century Mosaic in Context”, DOP 69, 15-48.
  • Décor I C. Balmelle – M. Blanchard Lemée – J. Christophe – J.-P. Darmon – A.-M. Guimier Sorbets – H. Lavagne – R. Prudhomme – H. Stern, Le Décor géométrique de la mosaïque romaine I, Paris, 1985.
  • Dinchev 2002 V. Dinchev, “Kam harakteristikata na predstavitelnata kasnoantichna zhilishtna arhitektura v Thracia i Dacia”, Godishnik na Arheologicheskija Institut s muzei 2, 206-241.
  • Dombrovskii 2004 O. Dombrovskii, Vizantiiskie mozaiki Hersonesa Tavricheskogo, Poznań.
  • Kantareva-Decheva 2017 E. Kantareva-Decheva, “Konservatsija i restavratsija na podovi mozaiki ot obekt “Episkopska bazilika na Filipopol” – Plovdiv 2015-2016 g.”, T. Shekerdzhieva-Novak (ed.), Proletni nauchni chetenija 2017, Plovdiv, 220-227.
  • Kantareva-Decheva 2018 E. Kantareva-Decheva, “Novi stratigrafski prouchvanija na mozaikata ot Episkopskata bazilika na Filipopol”, T. Shekerdzhieva-Novak (ed.), Sbornik dokladi ot Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya “Nauka, obrazovanie i inovatsii v oblastta na izkustvoto”, Plovdiv, 365-372.
  • Kesjakova 2011 E. Kesjakova, “Mozaiki ot episkopskata bazilika na Filipopol”, St. Stanev - V. Grigorov - V. Dimitrov (eds.), Studies in honour of Stefan Boyadzhiev, Sofia, 173-210.
  • Kitzinger 1977 E. Kitzinger, Byzantine Art in the Making: Main Lines of Stylisitc Development in Mediterranean Art, 3rd-7th century, Cambrigde, Mass.
  • Madzharov 1993 K. Madzharov, Diokletsianopol, tom 1. Topografija, gradoustroistvo i arhitektura, Sofia.
  • Maguire 1987 H. Maguire, Earth and Ocean. The Terrestrial World in the Early Byzantine Art, London.
  • Mango 1978 C. Mango, “The Date of the Studius Basilica at Istanbul”, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 4, Essays Presented to Sir Steven Runciman, 115-122.
  • Martinova-Kjutova - Pirovska 2011 M. Martinova-Kjutova - G. Pirovska, “Iztochnata porta na Filipopol”, St. Stanev - V. Grigorov - V. Dimitrov (eds.), Studies in honour of Stefan Boyadzhiev, Sofia, 211-233.
  • Martinova-Kjutova - Sharankov 2014 M. Martinova-Kjutova - N. Sharankov, “Novi danni za kompleksa “Iztochna porta na Filipopol”, Annual of the Regional Archaeological museum – Plovdiv, 12, Proceedings dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the Regional Archaeological Museum – Plovdiv (1882 -2012), 159-184.
  • Mathews 1971 T. F. Mathews, The Early churches of Constantinople: Architecture and Liturgy, Penn.
  • Mathews 1982 T. F. Mathews, “Private’ Liturgy in Byzantine Architecture: Toward a Reappraisal”, CArch 30, 125-138.
  • Mulholland 2014 B. Mulholland, The Early Byzantine Christian Church. An Archaeological Re-assessment of Forty-Seven Early Byzantine Basilical Church Excavations Primarily in Israel and Jordan, and their Historical and Liturgical Context, Byzantine and Neohellenic Studies 9, Bern.
  • Perseng 2021 M. Perseng, “The iconographic and stylistic development of the Eucharistic images in the floor mosaics on the Balkans during the Early Christianity”, M. Rakocija (ed.), Niš and Byzantium Symposium 16, Niš, 325-328.
  • Peschlow 1982 U. Peschlow, “Die Johanneskirche des Studios in Istanbul”, JbÖByz 32.4, 429–334.
  • Pillinger et al. 2016 R. Pillinger – A. Lirsch – V. Popova (Hrsg.), Corpus der spätantiken und frühchristlichen Mosaiken Bulgariens, Wien, 2016.
  • Popova 2016 V. Popova, “Fons Vitae in Late Antique monuments in Bulgaria”, Studia academica Šumenensia 3, 154-198.
  • Popova 2018 V. Popova, “Liturgy and Mosaics: The Case Study of the Late Antique Monuments from Bulgaria”, M. Rakocija (ed.), Niš and Byzantium Symposium 16, Niš, 135-160.
  • Popova 2021 V. Popova, “The personification of Eirene from the episcopal residence in Philippopolis/Plovdiv”, M. Rakocija (ed.), Niš and Byzantium Symposium 16, Niš, 299-324.
  • Pülz 1998 A. Pülz, “Die frühchristlichen Kirchen des taurischen Chersonesos/Krim”, MitChrA 4, 45-78.
  • Raynaud 2009 M.-P Raynaud, Corpus of the Mosaics of Turkey, Volume 1: Lycia. Xanthos Part 1: The East Basilica, Bursa.
  • Raynaud - Islami 2018 M.-P. Raynaud - A. Islami, Corpus of the Mosaics of Albania, volume 1. Butrint intramuros, Balkans’ Mosaic 1, Bordeaux.
  • Scheibelreiter-Gail 2011 V. Scheibelreiter-Gail, Die Mosaiken Westkleinasiens. Tessellate des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis Anfang des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Sonderschriften Band 46, Wien.
  • Schwartz 1936 E. Schwartz, Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum 2, 1, 2, Concilium Chalcedonense, Berlin – Leipzig.
  • Sharankov 2018 N. Sharankov, “Epigrafski otrkitija“, Arheologicheski otrkritija i razkopki prez 2017, 731-734.
  • Taft 1975 R. F. Taft, The Great, Entrance, A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanahoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrvsostom, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 200, Rome.
  • Taft 1992 R. F. Taft, The Byzantine Rite: A Short History, Collegeville.
  • Taft 1998 R. F. Taft, “Quaestiones disputatae: The Skeuophylakion of Hagia Sophia and the Entrances of the Liturgy Revisited”, OrChr 82, 53-87.
  • Tankova 2017 Zh. Tankova, “Arheologichesko prouchvane na obekt “Episkopska basilica”, gr. Plovdiv, Arheologicheski otrkritija i razkopki prez 2016, 323-325.
  • Topalilov 2016a I. Topalilov, “Local Mosaic Workshops in Late Antique Philippopolis, Thrace: Some consideration”, L. Neira Jiménes (ed.), Estudios sobre mosaicos antiquos y medievales, Roma, 183-188.
  • Topalilov 2016b I. Topalilov, “The impact of the religious policy of Theodosius the Great on the urbanization of Philippopolis, Thrace (Preliminary notes)”, O. Brandt - V. Fiocchi Nicolai (eds.), Costantino e i Costantinidi: l’innovazione costantiniana, le sue radici e i suoi sviluppi, Acta XVI Congressus Internationalis Archaeologiae Christianae, Roma, 1853-1862.
  • Topalilov 2016c I. Topalilov, “The importance of the so-called ‘Eastern Gate’ complex for the Christians and Christianity in LA Philippopolis”, M. Rakocija (ed.), Cities and Citizens in Byzantine World, Niš and Byzantium 14, (Niš: NKC), 265-274.
  • Topalilov 2018 I. Topalilov, “On the Eirene mosaic from Philippopolis, Thrace”, JMR 11, 273-285.
  • Topalilov 2020a I. Topalilov, “Porta triumphalis v kasnoantichna Trakija”, N. Kanev (ed.), Vladetel, darzhava i tsarkva na Balkjanite prez Srednovekovieto. Sbornik v chest na 60-godishninata na Prof. d-r Plamen Pavlov, tom 1, Veliko Turnovo, 304-324.
  • Topalilov 2020b I. Topalilov, “The Mosaic pavements in Philippopolis, Thrace, in 6th c. CE. Some considerations”, JMR 13, 257-279.
  • Topalilov 2021 I. Topalilov, “The Early Christian basilicas in Philippopolis and Herakleia – two pieces of work of an unknown metropolitan mosaic workshop”, (in press).
  • Westphalen 2016 St. Westphalen, Die Basilica am Kalekapi in Herakleia/ Perinthos. Bericht über die Ausgrabungen von 1992-2010 in Marmara Ereğlisi, IstForsch 55.
  • Valeva 2011 J. Valeva, “Elitna zhilishtna architectura i dekor v dioceza Trakija (IV-VII v)”, St. Stanev - V. Grigorov - V. Dimitrov (eds.), Studies in honour of Stefan Boyadzhiev, Sofia, 17-56.
  • Yasin 2017 A. Yasin, “The Pilgrim and the Arch: Channeling Movement and Transforming Experience at Late Antique Holy Sites”, T. M. Kristensen - W. Friese (eds.), Excavating Pilgrimage: Archaeological Approaches to Sacred Travel and Movement in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East, London, 166-186.
  • Yeşil-Erdek 2014 S. Yeşil-Erdek, “Perinthos-Herakleia Bazilikası Taban Döşemelerinin Konservasyonu”, JMR 7, 61-75.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Article

Ivo Topalilov This is me

Publication Date November 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 14


APA Topalilov, I. (2021). The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C. Journal of Mosaic Research(14), 301-318.
AMA Topalilov I. The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C. JMR. November 2021;(14):301-318. doi:10.26658/jmr.1014572
Chicago Topalilov, Ivo. “The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 14 (November 2021): 301-18.
EndNote Topalilov I (November 1, 2021) The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C. Journal of Mosaic Research 14 301–318.
IEEE I. Topalilov, “The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C”., JMR, no. 14, pp. 301–318, November 2021, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1014572.
ISNAD Topalilov, Ivo. “The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C”. Journal of Mosaic Research 14 (November 2021), 301-318.
JAMA Topalilov I. The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C. JMR. 2021;:301–318.
MLA Topalilov, Ivo. “The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 14, 2021, pp. 301-18, doi:10.26658/jmr.1014572.
Vancouver Topalilov I. The Impact of Constantinopolitan Liturgy on the Mosaic Pavements in The Christian Basilicas in Thrace During the Second Half of 5th C. JMR. 2021(14):301-18.

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