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Bulgaristan’daki Geç Antik Çağ Mozaiklerinde Kozmolojik Temsiller

Year 2023, Issue: 16, 315 - 342, 03.11.2023


Bu makale, günümüz Bulgaristan’ının antik vilayetlerinde bulunan Geç Antik Çağ mozaik döşemelerine yansıyan kozmolojik yapının ve onun ayrı bileşenlerinin izini sürmektedir. Üç temel tarihsel gelişim dönemi ayırt edilmiştir. Gözlemler, bu toprakların kozmogoni eyleminden sonra İtalya, Yunanistan, Küçük Asya ve Kuzey Afrika’daki büyük sanat merkezlerinden hazır kozmogonik yapı şemalarını aldığını ortaya koymaktadır. Çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı, Bulgaristan’daki Geç Antik Çağ mozaik döşemelerinin kozmolojik yapısı ve bileşenleri, Batı ve Doğu Akdeniz’den farklı olarak, mozaik döşemelerde ve mezar duvar resimlerinde birçok eksik figürlü temsil ile tam olmayıp, sınırlı ve uyarlanmıştır. Bu durum, dine aykırılıkların ve somut tarihsel, dini ve sanatsal gelişimin etkisiyle bir tür proto-ikonoklazm olarak kabul edilir. Hıristiyan Evreninin neşeli resmi Iustinianus döneminden sonra değişir, parçalanır ve her kürenin ve kozmolojik unsurun yeri de dahil olmak üzere önceki Düzen ve Uyum zaten sabit değildir, ancak diğer figüratif ve sembolik imgelerle serbestçe karışır. Eski kozmolojik resim mantıksal olarak sona erer ve 7. yüzyılın başından sonra yerini yeni bir tanesine bırakır.


  • Abura 2015 J. Abura, “Die Jahreszeiten –Jüglinge im Kuppel-Mosaik von Centcelles und ihre Ikonographische Domäne in der Spätantike”, A. Arbeiter - D. Korol (Hrsg.), Der Kuppelbau von Centcelles: Neue Forschungen zu einem enigmatischen Denkmal von Weltrang, Tübingen, Berlin, Wasmuth, 227-233.
  • Balty 1981 J. Balty, Guide d’Ápamée, Bruxelles.
  • Barnard 1974 W. L. Barnard, Graeco-Roman and Oriental Background of the Iconoclastic Controversy, Leiden.
  • Boev 2018 Z. Boev, “Birds in Everyday Life and Art in Bulgaria (Thracian and Roman Periods)”, Historia Naturalis Bulgarica 27, 3-39.
  • Boev 2020 Z. Boev. “Bird images in the mosaics of Late Antique basilicas in town of Sandanski (Blagoevgrad Region, SW Bulgaria)” , Historia Naturalis Bulgarica 41,13-21.
  • Bozhinova - Topalilov 2022 E. Bozhinova - I. Topalilov, “Newly discovered Mosaic Pavement in Philippopolis, Thrace, Bulgaria”, AIEMA, La mosaique en contexte,17-21 octobre, Pré-actes, Lyon, 13-14.
  • Cvetković-Tomašević 1978 G. Cvetković-Tomašević, Ranovizantijski podni mozaici. Dardanija, Makedonija, Novi Epir, Filozofski Fakultet u Beogradu, Institut za Istoriju Umetnosti, Belgrade (Early Byzantine Pavement Mosaics. Dardania, Macedonia, Epirus Novus, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Institute of the History of Art, Belgrade).
  • Динчев 2014 В. Динчев. “Св. София” и Сердика, София (V. Dinchev. ‘Hl. Sophia und Serdica, Sofia).
  • Fiocchi Nicolai et al. 1998 V. Fiocci Nicolai - F. Bisconti - D. Mazzoleni (eds.), Le Catacombe cristiane di Roma. Origini, sviluppo, apparati dekorativi, dokumentazione epigrafica (Collezione della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra), Roma.
  • Grabar 1988 A. Grabar, Byzance - symbolism cosmologique et monuments religieux d’art de la fin de L’Antiquité et du Moyen age, t. I, Paris.
  • Jenott - Gribetz 2013 L. Jenott – S. K. Gribetz, Jewish and Christian Cosmogony in Late Antiquity, Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 155, Tübingen.
  • Kitzinger 1954 E. Kitzinger, “The Cult of Images before Iconoclasm”, DOP 8, 87-150.
  • Kolarik 2014 R. Kolarik, “Synagogue Floors in the Balkans: Religious and Historical Implications”, Niš and Byzantium XII, 115-128.
  • Maguire 1990 H. Maguire, Earth and Ocean: The Terrestrial World in Early Byzantine Art, Penn State.
  • Marazov 2005 I. Marazov, Die Antike Thrakien, Sofia.
  • Pépin 1964 J. Pépin, Théologie cosmique et théologie chrétienne, Paris.
  • Pillinger et al. 1999 R. Pillinger - V. Popova - B. Zimmermann, Corpus der spätantiken und früchrilichen Wandmalereien Bulgariens, Wien.
  • Pillinger et al. 2016 R. Pillinger - A. Lirsch - V. Popova, Corpus der spätantiken und frühchristlichen Mosaiken Bulgariens, Wien.
  • Попова 2010 В. Попова, “Мозайките на вилата в квартал Филиповци на София”, Изкуствоведски четения: 186-193.(V. Popova,“The Mosaic Pavements of the Villa in the Quarter Filipovtsi in Sofia”, Art Historians’ Readings, 186-193).
  • Popova 1981 V. Popova, “The Bishop Ioannes Basilica in Sandaski”, Spartacus, Symposium rebus spartaci gestis dedicatum 2050, Sofia, 173-181.
  • Popova 2016 V. Popova, “Vons vitae in Late Antique Monuments from Bulgaria”, Studia academica šumenensia 3, 154-188
  • Popova 2017 V. Popova, “On the Date and the Interpretation of the Complex at the Southwestern Gate of Augusta Traiana-Beroe”, Studia academica šumenensia 4, 57-96.
  • Popova 2019 V. Popova, “The Mosaic Pavements of the Episcopal Basilica in Marcianopolis”, Niš and Byzantium XVII, 97-114.
  • Popova 2021 V. Popova, “The Personification of Eirene from the Episcopal Residence in Philippopolis/Plovdiv”, Niš and Byzantium XIX, 299-324.
  • Popova 2022a V. Popova, “Chrismons and Crosses on the Late Antique Mosaic Pavements from Bulgaria”, JMR 15, 333-350.
  • Popova 2022b V. Popova, “The Early Non-Figural Mosaic Pavements in the Metropolitan Basilica of Philippopolis in Thracia”, Niš and Byzantium XX, 175-210.
  • Rakocija 2015 M. Rakocija, “Motives of everyday Life of Niš in the Early Cristian Tombs: Explanation of Artist’s Workshop”, Niš and Byzantium XIII, 111-130.
  • Шаранков 2011 Н. Шаранков. ‘Плиний Стари. Естествена история (откъси)’, Ах, Мария. Обсебена от античността. София: 83-104. (N. Sharankov, ‘Plinius the Elder, Natural History (Excerpts).’ Ah, Maria. Obsessed by Antiquity. Sofia, 83-104).
  • Sharankov 2007 N. Sharankov, “Maximus of Apamea, loved by Thrace and the World”, M. Mayer - G. Baraka - A. Guzmán Almagro (eds.), XII Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae (Monografies de la Secció Històrico-Arqueològica 10), Barcelona, 1343-1350.
  • Solovieva 2010 O. Solovieva, “Epiphanius of Salamis and his Invention of Iconoclasm in the Fourth Century A.D.”, Fides et Historia 42.1, 21-46.
  • Topalilov 2016 I. Topalilov, “Local Workshops in Late Antique Philippopolis, Thrace; Some Considerations”, L. Neira Jimenés (ed.), Estudios sobre mosaicos sobre mosaicos antiquos y medievales, Roma, 181-188.
  • Topalilov 2020a I. Topalilov, “Тhe Mosaic Pavements in Philippopolis, Thrace, in 6th century CE. Some Considerations”, JMR 13, 257-279.
  • Топалилов 2020b I. Toпалилов, ‘Contra arianos в късноантична Тракия’, ЛAБедия, Институт по Балканистика, проект online. (I. Topalilov, ‘Contra arianos in Late Antique Thracia’, LABedia, Encyсlopedia of the Late Antque Balkans, Sofia, online project of the Institute of Balkan Studies to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).
  • Topalilov 2022 I. Topalilov, “The Mosaic Pavements in Philippopolis and Augusta Traiana from Constantine I till Theodosius I. A Short Review”, Cercetări Archeologice 29, 1, 259-286.
  • Топалилов 2019 И. Топалилов, “Върху един аспект на топосната литургия в Константинопол през IV в. In honorem 6. Юбилеен сборник в чест на 70-годишнината на проф. д.и.н. Иван Йорданов”, Шумен. (I. Topalilov, On One Aspect of the Stational Liturgy in Constantinople in 4th Century, A Tribute to Prof. Jordanov’s 70th Anniversary), Shumen.
  • Yotov - Minchev 2018 V. Yotov - Al. Minchev, “Christianization in the Everyday Life in the Late Antique Port Town at Cape Sveti Stefan near Byala, Varna Region”, Acta Tiberiopolitani,164-170.
  • Wittkower 1939 R. Wittkower. “Eagle and Serpent. A Study in the Migration of Symbols”, Journal of the Warburg Institute 2, 4, 293-325.
  • Wolska-Conus 1990 W. Wolska-Conus, “La «Topographie Chrétienne» de Cosmas Indicopleustès: hypothèses sur quelques thèmes de son Illustrationnes”, REByz 48, 1, 155-191.
  • Zavadskaya 2013 I. Zavadskaya, “Early Christian Painted Tombs in Crimea”, Mitteilungen der Christlicher Archäologie 18, 41-68.

Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria

Year 2023, Issue: 16, 315 - 342, 03.11.2023


The article traces the cosmologic structure and its separate components, reflected on the Late Antique mosaic pavements from the ancient provinces of present-day Bulgaria. Distinguished are three basic historical periods of development. The observations reveal that these lands were receiving ready cosmogonic structure’s schemes after the act of cosmogony from the big artistic centers of Italy, Greece, Asia Minor and North Africa. For several reasons, the cosmologic structure and the components of the Late Antique mosaic pavements from Bulgaria are not full, but limited and adapted, with many missing figural representations in the mosaic pavements and the tomb wall paintings, differently to the Western and the Eastern Mediterranean. This is considered a kind of proto-iconoclasm, due to the influence of heresies and the concrete historical, religious and artistic development. The joyful picture of the Christian Universe changes and disintegrates after the Justinianic period, and the previous Order and Harmony, including the place of each sphere and cosmologic element, is already not fixed, but in free mixture with other figural and symbolic images. The old cosmologic picture comes to its logical end and is replaced by a new one after the beginning of 7th century.


  • Abura 2015 J. Abura, “Die Jahreszeiten –Jüglinge im Kuppel-Mosaik von Centcelles und ihre Ikonographische Domäne in der Spätantike”, A. Arbeiter - D. Korol (Hrsg.), Der Kuppelbau von Centcelles: Neue Forschungen zu einem enigmatischen Denkmal von Weltrang, Tübingen, Berlin, Wasmuth, 227-233.
  • Balty 1981 J. Balty, Guide d’Ápamée, Bruxelles.
  • Barnard 1974 W. L. Barnard, Graeco-Roman and Oriental Background of the Iconoclastic Controversy, Leiden.
  • Boev 2018 Z. Boev, “Birds in Everyday Life and Art in Bulgaria (Thracian and Roman Periods)”, Historia Naturalis Bulgarica 27, 3-39.
  • Boev 2020 Z. Boev. “Bird images in the mosaics of Late Antique basilicas in town of Sandanski (Blagoevgrad Region, SW Bulgaria)” , Historia Naturalis Bulgarica 41,13-21.
  • Bozhinova - Topalilov 2022 E. Bozhinova - I. Topalilov, “Newly discovered Mosaic Pavement in Philippopolis, Thrace, Bulgaria”, AIEMA, La mosaique en contexte,17-21 octobre, Pré-actes, Lyon, 13-14.
  • Cvetković-Tomašević 1978 G. Cvetković-Tomašević, Ranovizantijski podni mozaici. Dardanija, Makedonija, Novi Epir, Filozofski Fakultet u Beogradu, Institut za Istoriju Umetnosti, Belgrade (Early Byzantine Pavement Mosaics. Dardania, Macedonia, Epirus Novus, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Institute of the History of Art, Belgrade).
  • Динчев 2014 В. Динчев. “Св. София” и Сердика, София (V. Dinchev. ‘Hl. Sophia und Serdica, Sofia).
  • Fiocchi Nicolai et al. 1998 V. Fiocci Nicolai - F. Bisconti - D. Mazzoleni (eds.), Le Catacombe cristiane di Roma. Origini, sviluppo, apparati dekorativi, dokumentazione epigrafica (Collezione della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra), Roma.
  • Grabar 1988 A. Grabar, Byzance - symbolism cosmologique et monuments religieux d’art de la fin de L’Antiquité et du Moyen age, t. I, Paris.
  • Jenott - Gribetz 2013 L. Jenott – S. K. Gribetz, Jewish and Christian Cosmogony in Late Antiquity, Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 155, Tübingen.
  • Kitzinger 1954 E. Kitzinger, “The Cult of Images before Iconoclasm”, DOP 8, 87-150.
  • Kolarik 2014 R. Kolarik, “Synagogue Floors in the Balkans: Religious and Historical Implications”, Niš and Byzantium XII, 115-128.
  • Maguire 1990 H. Maguire, Earth and Ocean: The Terrestrial World in Early Byzantine Art, Penn State.
  • Marazov 2005 I. Marazov, Die Antike Thrakien, Sofia.
  • Pépin 1964 J. Pépin, Théologie cosmique et théologie chrétienne, Paris.
  • Pillinger et al. 1999 R. Pillinger - V. Popova - B. Zimmermann, Corpus der spätantiken und früchrilichen Wandmalereien Bulgariens, Wien.
  • Pillinger et al. 2016 R. Pillinger - A. Lirsch - V. Popova, Corpus der spätantiken und frühchristlichen Mosaiken Bulgariens, Wien.
  • Попова 2010 В. Попова, “Мозайките на вилата в квартал Филиповци на София”, Изкуствоведски четения: 186-193.(V. Popova,“The Mosaic Pavements of the Villa in the Quarter Filipovtsi in Sofia”, Art Historians’ Readings, 186-193).
  • Popova 1981 V. Popova, “The Bishop Ioannes Basilica in Sandaski”, Spartacus, Symposium rebus spartaci gestis dedicatum 2050, Sofia, 173-181.
  • Popova 2016 V. Popova, “Vons vitae in Late Antique Monuments from Bulgaria”, Studia academica šumenensia 3, 154-188
  • Popova 2017 V. Popova, “On the Date and the Interpretation of the Complex at the Southwestern Gate of Augusta Traiana-Beroe”, Studia academica šumenensia 4, 57-96.
  • Popova 2019 V. Popova, “The Mosaic Pavements of the Episcopal Basilica in Marcianopolis”, Niš and Byzantium XVII, 97-114.
  • Popova 2021 V. Popova, “The Personification of Eirene from the Episcopal Residence in Philippopolis/Plovdiv”, Niš and Byzantium XIX, 299-324.
  • Popova 2022a V. Popova, “Chrismons and Crosses on the Late Antique Mosaic Pavements from Bulgaria”, JMR 15, 333-350.
  • Popova 2022b V. Popova, “The Early Non-Figural Mosaic Pavements in the Metropolitan Basilica of Philippopolis in Thracia”, Niš and Byzantium XX, 175-210.
  • Rakocija 2015 M. Rakocija, “Motives of everyday Life of Niš in the Early Cristian Tombs: Explanation of Artist’s Workshop”, Niš and Byzantium XIII, 111-130.
  • Шаранков 2011 Н. Шаранков. ‘Плиний Стари. Естествена история (откъси)’, Ах, Мария. Обсебена от античността. София: 83-104. (N. Sharankov, ‘Plinius the Elder, Natural History (Excerpts).’ Ah, Maria. Obsessed by Antiquity. Sofia, 83-104).
  • Sharankov 2007 N. Sharankov, “Maximus of Apamea, loved by Thrace and the World”, M. Mayer - G. Baraka - A. Guzmán Almagro (eds.), XII Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae (Monografies de la Secció Històrico-Arqueològica 10), Barcelona, 1343-1350.
  • Solovieva 2010 O. Solovieva, “Epiphanius of Salamis and his Invention of Iconoclasm in the Fourth Century A.D.”, Fides et Historia 42.1, 21-46.
  • Topalilov 2016 I. Topalilov, “Local Workshops in Late Antique Philippopolis, Thrace; Some Considerations”, L. Neira Jimenés (ed.), Estudios sobre mosaicos sobre mosaicos antiquos y medievales, Roma, 181-188.
  • Topalilov 2020a I. Topalilov, “Тhe Mosaic Pavements in Philippopolis, Thrace, in 6th century CE. Some Considerations”, JMR 13, 257-279.
  • Топалилов 2020b I. Toпалилов, ‘Contra arianos в късноантична Тракия’, ЛAБедия, Институт по Балканистика, проект online. (I. Topalilov, ‘Contra arianos in Late Antique Thracia’, LABedia, Encyсlopedia of the Late Antque Balkans, Sofia, online project of the Institute of Balkan Studies to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences).
  • Topalilov 2022 I. Topalilov, “The Mosaic Pavements in Philippopolis and Augusta Traiana from Constantine I till Theodosius I. A Short Review”, Cercetări Archeologice 29, 1, 259-286.
  • Топалилов 2019 И. Топалилов, “Върху един аспект на топосната литургия в Константинопол през IV в. In honorem 6. Юбилеен сборник в чест на 70-годишнината на проф. д.и.н. Иван Йорданов”, Шумен. (I. Topalilov, On One Aspect of the Stational Liturgy in Constantinople in 4th Century, A Tribute to Prof. Jordanov’s 70th Anniversary), Shumen.
  • Yotov - Minchev 2018 V. Yotov - Al. Minchev, “Christianization in the Everyday Life in the Late Antique Port Town at Cape Sveti Stefan near Byala, Varna Region”, Acta Tiberiopolitani,164-170.
  • Wittkower 1939 R. Wittkower. “Eagle and Serpent. A Study in the Migration of Symbols”, Journal of the Warburg Institute 2, 4, 293-325.
  • Wolska-Conus 1990 W. Wolska-Conus, “La «Topographie Chrétienne» de Cosmas Indicopleustès: hypothèses sur quelques thèmes de son Illustrationnes”, REByz 48, 1, 155-191.
  • Zavadskaya 2013 I. Zavadskaya, “Early Christian Painted Tombs in Crimea”, Mitteilungen der Christlicher Archäologie 18, 41-68.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeological Science
Journal Section Article

Vania Popova This is me

Publication Date November 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 16


APA Popova, V. (2023). Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria. Journal of Mosaic Research(16), 315-342.
AMA Popova V. Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria. JMR. November 2023;(16):315-342. doi:10.26658/jmr.1376838
Chicago Popova, Vania. “Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 16 (November 2023): 315-42.
EndNote Popova V (November 1, 2023) Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria. Journal of Mosaic Research 16 315–342.
IEEE V. Popova, “Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria”, JMR, no. 16, pp. 315–342, November 2023, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1376838.
ISNAD Popova, Vania. “Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria”. Journal of Mosaic Research 16 (November 2023), 315-342.
JAMA Popova V. Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria. JMR. 2023;:315–342.
MLA Popova, Vania. “Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 16, 2023, pp. 315-42, doi:10.26658/jmr.1376838.
Vancouver Popova V. Cosmologic Representations on the Late Antique Mosaics from Bulgaria. JMR. 2023(16):315-42.

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