Research Article
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Year 2024, Issue: 17, 13 - 43, 04.11.2024



  • Abdallah 2016 K. Abdallah, “Funerary Mosaic Found in Northern Syria”, JMR 9, 1-9.
  • Avellis 2008 L. Avellis, “Note sull’iconografia di Noè nell’arca (III-VI sec.)”, VeteraChr 45, 19-45.
  • Azéma 1984 Y. Azéma, “Sur la date de la mort de Theodoret de Cyr”, Pallas 31, 137-155.
  • Balty 1977 J. Balty, Mosaïques de Syrie, Bruxelles.
  • Borgia 2008 E. Borgia, “First Notes on the Architecture of the Roman Temple at Elaiussa Sebaste”, OLBA 16, 249-276.
  • Borgia 2019 E. Borgia, “La chiesa bizantina nel tempio di Elaioussa-Sebaste e un‘iscrizione funeraria inedita”, A. Polosa - H. A. Kızılarslanoğlu - M. Oral (eds.), ΣΕΒΑΣΤΉ Studies in honour of Eugenia Equini Schneider, İstanbul, 365-384.
  • Borgia 2020 E. Borgia, “A building site from a ruin. The Early Byzantine Ecclesiastical Complex within the Roman Temple of Elaioussa Sebaste (Cilicia)”, K. Piesker - U. Wulf-Rheidt (eds.), Umgebaut: Umbau-, Umnutzungs- und Umwertungsprozesse in der antiken Architektur: internationales Kolloquium in Berlin vom 21.-24. Februar 2018 veranstaltet vom Architekturreferat des DAI, 423-432.
  • Brett 1942 G. Brett, “The Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople”, JWCI 5, 34-43.
  • Breytenbach 2014 C. Breytenbach, “The Early Christians and Their Greek Bible. Quotations from the Psalms and Isaiah in Inscriptions from Asia Minor”, W. Kraus - S. Kreuzer (eds.), Die Septuaginta. Text, Wirkung, Rezeption, 4. Internationale Fachtagung Veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Tübingen, 759-774.
  • Budde 1960 L. Budde, “Die frühchristlichen Mosaiken von Misis-Mopsuehestia in Kilikien”, Pantheon 18, 116-126.
  • Budde 1969 L. Budde, Antike Mosaiken in Kilikien I, Frühchristliche Mosaiken in Misis–Mopsuestia, Recklinghausen.
  • Budde 1972 L. Budde, Antike Mosaiken in Kilikien, Die heidnischen Mosaiken 2, Recklinghausen.
  • Campbell 1988 S. Campbell, The Mosaics of Antioch, Subsidia Mediaevalia 15, Toronto.
  • Campbell 1995 S. Campbell, “The Peaceful Kingdom: A Liturgical Interpretation”, R. Ling - J. Peter (eds.), Fifth International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Supplementary Series 9.2, Ann Arbor, 125-134. Campbell 1998 S. Campbell, The Mosaics of Anemurium, Toronto.
  • Candemir - Wagner 1978 H. Candemir - J. Wagner, “Christliche Mosaiken in der nördlichen Euphratesia”, S. Şahin - F. K. Dörner (eds.), Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens: Festschrift für Friedrich Karl Dörner zum 65. Geburtstag am 28 Februar 1976 /1, Leiden, 192-231.
  • Chéhab 1958 M. Chéhab, Mosaiques du Liban, Paris.
  • Clements 2010 R. Clements, “A Shelter amid the Flood: Noah’s Ark in Early Jewish and Christian Art”, M. E. Stone - A. Amihay - V. Hillel (eds.), Noah and his Book(s), Atlanta, 277-299.
  • Cortese 2022 A. Cortese, Cilicia as Sacred Landscape in Late Antiquity, A Journey on the Trail of Apostles, Martyrs and Local Saints, Wiesbaden.
  • de Vaux 1938 R. de Vaux, “Une mosaique byzantine a Ma’in (Transjordanie)”, RB 47.2, 227-258.
  • Elton et al. 2007 H. Elton - E. Equini Schneider - D. Wannagat, Temple to Church - The Transformation of Religious Sites from Paganism to Christianity in Cilicia, İstanbul.
  • Equini Schneider 1999 E. Equini Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste: Campagne di scavo 1995–1997 I, Rome.
  • Equini Schneider 2003 E. Equini Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste: Un porto tra Oriente e Occidente II, Rome.
  • Equini Schneider 2010 E. Equini Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste: L’Agora Romana III, İstanbul.
  • Forsyth 1961 G. H. Forsyth, “An early Byzantine church at Kanlǐ Divane in Cilicia”, M. Meiss (ed.), Essays in Honor of Erwin Panofsky, New York, 127-137.
  • Foss 1977 C. Foss, “Two Inscriptions Attributed to the Seventh Century A.D.”, ZPE 25, 282-288.
  • Gough 1954 M. Gough, “A Temple and Church at Ayaş (Cilicia)”, AnSt 4, 49-64.
  • Gough 1958 M. Gough, “The “Paradise of Dağ Pazarı”: A Newly Discovered Early Christian Mosaic in Southern Asia Minor”, ILN 233, 644-646.
  • Gough 1959a M. Gough, “Report on Work Carried out During Summer 1958”, AnSt 9, 7-8.
  • Gough 1959b M. Gough, “Karlık and Dağ Pazarı”, TAD 9, 5-6.
  • Gough 1965 M. Gough, “Christian Archaeology in Turkey”, Atti del VI Congresso di Archeologia Cristiana, Ravenna, 405-412.
  • Gough 1972 M. Gough, “The Emperor Zeno and Some Cilician Churches”, AnSt 22, 199-212.
  • Gough 1974 M. Gough, “The Peaceful Kingdom: An Early Christian Mosaic Pavement in Cilicia Campestris”, Mélanges Mansel I, 411-419.
  • Grabar 1960 A. Grabar, “Recherches sur les sources juives de l’art paléochrétien”, CArch, Fin de l’antiquité et moyen-âge 11, 41-71.
  • Guinot 1982 J.-N. Guinot, Théodoret de Cyr – Commentaire sur Isaie, Vol. II, Paris.
  • Hachlili 2009 R. Hachlili, Ancient Mosaic Pavements: Themes, Issues, and Trends; Selected Studies, Leiden-Boston.
  • Hagel - Tomaschitz 1998 S. Hagel - K. Tomaschitz, Repertorium der Westkilikischen Inschriften, Vienna.
  • Herzfeld - Guyer 1930 E. Herzfeld - S. Guyer, Meriamlik und Korykos: christliche Ruinenstätten des rauhen Kilikiens, Vol. 2, Manchester.
  • Hild et al. 1990 F. Hild - H. Hellenkemper - G. Hellenkemper-Salies, “Kilikien”, M. Restle (ed.), Kathedra - Kreta. Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst 4 Stuttgart, 182-356.
  • Hill 1996 S. Hill, The Early Byzantine Churches of Cilicia and Isauria, Aldershot.
  • Hill 1998 S. Hill, “Alahan and Dağ Pazarı”, R. Matthews (ed.), Ancient Anatolia: Fifty Years’ Work by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, London, 315-337.
  • Ilan - Damati 1987 Z. Ilan - E. Damati, “The Synagogue and Beth-Midrash at Ancient Meroth”, Qadmoniot: A Journal for the Antiquities of Eretz-Israel and Bible Lands 20, 87-96.
  • Janowski 2014 B. Janowski, “Der Wolf und das Lamm: Zum eschatologischen Tierfrieden in Jes. 11,6-9.”, B. Janowski (ed.), Der nahe und der ferne Gott. Beiträge zur Theologie des Alten Testaments 5, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 55-70.
  • Jesnick 1997 I. Jesnick, The Image of Orpheus in Roman Mosaic, BAR International Serie 671, Oxford.
  • Jourdan 2010 F. Jourdan, Orphée et les chrétiens. La réception du mythe d‘Orphée dans la littérature grecque des cinq premiers siècles, I: Orphée, du repoussoir au préfigurateur du Christ, Paris.
  • Jourdan 2011 F. Jourdan, Orphée et les chrétiens: la réception du mythe d‘Orphée dans la littérature chrétienne grecque des cinq premiers siècles / 2: Pourquoi Orphée ?, Paris.
  • Jourdan 2015 F. Jourdan, “Orpheus (Orphik)”, LRAC 26, 576-613.
  • Kadar 1968 Z. Kadar, “Philia ton zoon”, Acta Antiqua 16, 257-270.
  • Kautzsch 1936 R. Kautzsch, Kapitellstudien. Beiträge zu einer Geschichte des spätantiken Kapitells im Osten vom vierten bis ins siebente Jahrhundert, Berlin.
  • Keil - Wilhelm 1931 J. Keil - A. Wilhelm, Denkmäler aus dem Rauhen Kilikien, MAMA, Vol. 3, Manchester.
  • Lavin 1963 I. Lavin, “The Hunting Mosaics of Antioch and Their Sources. A Study of Compositional Principles in the Development of Early Mediaeval Style”, DOP 17, 179-286.
  • Le Quien 1958 M. Le Quien, Oriens Christianus II, Unchanged Publication of Paris 1740, Graz.
  • Magness et al. 2017 J. Magness - S. Kisilevitz - M. Grey - D. Mizzi - K. Britt, “Huqoq - 2016: Preliminary Report”, Hadashot Arkheologiyot: ExcIsr 129, 1-7.
  • Magness 2019 J. Magness, “Inside the Huqoq Synagogue”, Biblical Archaeology Review 45.3, 24-38.
  • Metzger 2010 M. Metzger, “Weinstock und Tierfriede: Erwägungen zu einem Mosaik aus dem Libanon”, H. Ch. Goßmann (ed.), Hebräische Sprache und Altes Testament, Nordhausen, 143-170.
  • Moracchini-Mazel 1965 G. Moracchini-Mazel, “Le pavement en mosaique de la basilique et du baptistère de Mariana”, Archeologia 5, 51-59.
  • Najjar - Sa’id 1994 M. Najjar - F. Sa’id, “A new Umayyad church at Khilda - Amman”, StBiFranc 44, 547-560.
  • Ovacık et al. (in press) A. Ovacık - I. Keskin - H. Ekinci - B. Karasolak, “Adana Mozaikleri”, H. Pamir - I. Işıklıkaya-Laubscher (eds.), Homage to Antioch Mosaics: Current Stand and Perspectives International Conference and Workshop, Antakya, Hatay.
  • Peschlow 2004 U. Peschlow, “Kapitell”, RAC 20, 57-123.
  • Piccirillo 1976 M. Piccirillo, “New Discoveries on Mount Nebo”, AAJ 21, 55-59.
  • Piccirillo 1986 M. Piccirillo, “The Burnt Palace of Madaba”, ADAJ 30, 333-339.
  • Piccirillo 1993 M. Piccirillo, The Mosaics of Jordan, Amman.
  • Piccirillo 2007 M. Piccirillo, “Civic Edifices in the Madaba Region”, K. Galor - T. Waliszewski (eds.), From Antioch to Alexandria: Recent Studies in Domestic Architecture, Warsaw, 151-167.
  • Pietersma - Wright 2007 A. Pietersma - B. G. Wright, A New English Translation of the Septuagint, Oxford (online edition).
  • Pillinger 1978 R. Pillinger, “Noe zwischen zwei Tauben”, RivAC 54, 97-102.
  • Possekel 2009 U. Possekel, “Orpheus among the Animals. A New Dated Mosaic from Osrhoene”, OrChr 92, 1-35.
  • Russell 1977 J. Russell, “Excavations at Anemurium (1987)”, EchosCl 23.1, 1-7.
  • Russell 1987 J. Russell, The Mosaic Inscriptions of Anemurium, Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 13, Vienna.
  • Russell 1989 J. Russell, “Christianity at Anemurium (Cilicia)”, N. Duval (ed.), Actes du XIe Congrès International d’archéologie Chrétienne, Lyon, Vienne, Grenoble, Genève, Aoste, Paris, 1621-1637.
  • Russell 2021 J. Russell, The Canadian Excavations at Anemurium in Cilicia, Drémil Lafage.
  • Stern 1974 H. Stern, “Orphée dans l‘art paléochrétien”, CArch 23, 1-16.
  • van den Ven 1962 P. van den Ven, La Vie ancienne de S. Syméon Stylite le Jeune (521-592), Subsidia Hagiographica 31, Société des Bollandistes, Vol. 2, Brussels.
  • Vieillefon 2003 L. Vieillefon, La figure d’Orphée dans l’antiquité tardive. Les mutations d‘un mythe du héros païen au chantre chrétien, Paris.
  • Vriezen 2003 K. Vriezen, “‚De leeuw zal stro eten als het rund. De wolf en het lam zullen teaken weiden.‘ Een oudoosters paradijsthema in mozaieken in Byzantijns Palaestina/Arabia”, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 57, 126-134.
  • Watta 2018 S. Watta, Sakrale Zonen im frühen Kirchenbau des Nahen Ostens: zum Kommunikationspotenzial von Bodenmosaiken für die Schaffung heiliger Räume, Wiesbaden.
  • Wisskirchen 2002 R. Wisskirchen, “Der bekleidete Adam thront inmitten der Tiere. Zum Bodenmosaik des Mittelschiffs der Nordkirche von Huarte/Syrien”, JbAC 45, 137-156.
  • Wisskirchen 2009 R. Wisskirchen, “Zum „Tierfrieden“ in spätantiken Denkmälern (nach Gen. 1,29f, Jes. 11,6/8 und 65,25)”, JbAC 52, 142-163.
  • Zollt 1994 T. Zollt, Kapitellplastik Konstantinopels vom 4. bis 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Mit einem Beitrag zur Untersuchung des ionischen Kämpferkapitells, AMS 14, Bonn.

The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings

Year 2024, Issue: 17, 13 - 43, 04.11.2024


This article examines a topic that has been only partially investigated to date, namely that of the iconic depiction of the so-called “Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah” on mosaics located in late antique church buildings in the region of Cilicia (southeastern modern Turkey). These mosaics are sometimes accompanied by the verse of Isaiah 11:6 or 65:25. Many of these Cilician mosaics lie in a state of neglect or have suffered great damage in recent years. Referring, therefore, to the excavation reports and to personal observations, I attempt a reconstruction of the iconography and of the mosaics’ locations within their respective Christian buildings, where possible.
Starting with a short introduction on the meaning of the “Peaceful Kingdom” as described in Isaiah 11:6 and 65:25, the article presents a detailed analysis of the Cilician/Isaurian case studies. Similar examples from neighbouring regions in the East and the only identifiable case study in the West (Corsica) are also briefly discussed. Next, possible archetypes from which the representation of animals might have originated and influenced the origin of the “Peaceful Kingdom” motif are considered. In conclusion, after briefly outlining the different interpretations given by scholars on the meaning of the “Peaceful Kingdom” mosaics, an attempt will be made to interpret the Cilician case studies in light of a combined analysis both of positioning within the building and liturgical use.


  • Abdallah 2016 K. Abdallah, “Funerary Mosaic Found in Northern Syria”, JMR 9, 1-9.
  • Avellis 2008 L. Avellis, “Note sull’iconografia di Noè nell’arca (III-VI sec.)”, VeteraChr 45, 19-45.
  • Azéma 1984 Y. Azéma, “Sur la date de la mort de Theodoret de Cyr”, Pallas 31, 137-155.
  • Balty 1977 J. Balty, Mosaïques de Syrie, Bruxelles.
  • Borgia 2008 E. Borgia, “First Notes on the Architecture of the Roman Temple at Elaiussa Sebaste”, OLBA 16, 249-276.
  • Borgia 2019 E. Borgia, “La chiesa bizantina nel tempio di Elaioussa-Sebaste e un‘iscrizione funeraria inedita”, A. Polosa - H. A. Kızılarslanoğlu - M. Oral (eds.), ΣΕΒΑΣΤΉ Studies in honour of Eugenia Equini Schneider, İstanbul, 365-384.
  • Borgia 2020 E. Borgia, “A building site from a ruin. The Early Byzantine Ecclesiastical Complex within the Roman Temple of Elaioussa Sebaste (Cilicia)”, K. Piesker - U. Wulf-Rheidt (eds.), Umgebaut: Umbau-, Umnutzungs- und Umwertungsprozesse in der antiken Architektur: internationales Kolloquium in Berlin vom 21.-24. Februar 2018 veranstaltet vom Architekturreferat des DAI, 423-432.
  • Brett 1942 G. Brett, “The Mosaic of the Great Palace in Constantinople”, JWCI 5, 34-43.
  • Breytenbach 2014 C. Breytenbach, “The Early Christians and Their Greek Bible. Quotations from the Psalms and Isaiah in Inscriptions from Asia Minor”, W. Kraus - S. Kreuzer (eds.), Die Septuaginta. Text, Wirkung, Rezeption, 4. Internationale Fachtagung Veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Tübingen, 759-774.
  • Budde 1960 L. Budde, “Die frühchristlichen Mosaiken von Misis-Mopsuehestia in Kilikien”, Pantheon 18, 116-126.
  • Budde 1969 L. Budde, Antike Mosaiken in Kilikien I, Frühchristliche Mosaiken in Misis–Mopsuestia, Recklinghausen.
  • Budde 1972 L. Budde, Antike Mosaiken in Kilikien, Die heidnischen Mosaiken 2, Recklinghausen.
  • Campbell 1988 S. Campbell, The Mosaics of Antioch, Subsidia Mediaevalia 15, Toronto.
  • Campbell 1995 S. Campbell, “The Peaceful Kingdom: A Liturgical Interpretation”, R. Ling - J. Peter (eds.), Fifth International Colloquium on Ancient Mosaics, Supplementary Series 9.2, Ann Arbor, 125-134. Campbell 1998 S. Campbell, The Mosaics of Anemurium, Toronto.
  • Candemir - Wagner 1978 H. Candemir - J. Wagner, “Christliche Mosaiken in der nördlichen Euphratesia”, S. Şahin - F. K. Dörner (eds.), Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens: Festschrift für Friedrich Karl Dörner zum 65. Geburtstag am 28 Februar 1976 /1, Leiden, 192-231.
  • Chéhab 1958 M. Chéhab, Mosaiques du Liban, Paris.
  • Clements 2010 R. Clements, “A Shelter amid the Flood: Noah’s Ark in Early Jewish and Christian Art”, M. E. Stone - A. Amihay - V. Hillel (eds.), Noah and his Book(s), Atlanta, 277-299.
  • Cortese 2022 A. Cortese, Cilicia as Sacred Landscape in Late Antiquity, A Journey on the Trail of Apostles, Martyrs and Local Saints, Wiesbaden.
  • de Vaux 1938 R. de Vaux, “Une mosaique byzantine a Ma’in (Transjordanie)”, RB 47.2, 227-258.
  • Elton et al. 2007 H. Elton - E. Equini Schneider - D. Wannagat, Temple to Church - The Transformation of Religious Sites from Paganism to Christianity in Cilicia, İstanbul.
  • Equini Schneider 1999 E. Equini Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste: Campagne di scavo 1995–1997 I, Rome.
  • Equini Schneider 2003 E. Equini Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste: Un porto tra Oriente e Occidente II, Rome.
  • Equini Schneider 2010 E. Equini Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste: L’Agora Romana III, İstanbul.
  • Forsyth 1961 G. H. Forsyth, “An early Byzantine church at Kanlǐ Divane in Cilicia”, M. Meiss (ed.), Essays in Honor of Erwin Panofsky, New York, 127-137.
  • Foss 1977 C. Foss, “Two Inscriptions Attributed to the Seventh Century A.D.”, ZPE 25, 282-288.
  • Gough 1954 M. Gough, “A Temple and Church at Ayaş (Cilicia)”, AnSt 4, 49-64.
  • Gough 1958 M. Gough, “The “Paradise of Dağ Pazarı”: A Newly Discovered Early Christian Mosaic in Southern Asia Minor”, ILN 233, 644-646.
  • Gough 1959a M. Gough, “Report on Work Carried out During Summer 1958”, AnSt 9, 7-8.
  • Gough 1959b M. Gough, “Karlık and Dağ Pazarı”, TAD 9, 5-6.
  • Gough 1965 M. Gough, “Christian Archaeology in Turkey”, Atti del VI Congresso di Archeologia Cristiana, Ravenna, 405-412.
  • Gough 1972 M. Gough, “The Emperor Zeno and Some Cilician Churches”, AnSt 22, 199-212.
  • Gough 1974 M. Gough, “The Peaceful Kingdom: An Early Christian Mosaic Pavement in Cilicia Campestris”, Mélanges Mansel I, 411-419.
  • Grabar 1960 A. Grabar, “Recherches sur les sources juives de l’art paléochrétien”, CArch, Fin de l’antiquité et moyen-âge 11, 41-71.
  • Guinot 1982 J.-N. Guinot, Théodoret de Cyr – Commentaire sur Isaie, Vol. II, Paris.
  • Hachlili 2009 R. Hachlili, Ancient Mosaic Pavements: Themes, Issues, and Trends; Selected Studies, Leiden-Boston.
  • Hagel - Tomaschitz 1998 S. Hagel - K. Tomaschitz, Repertorium der Westkilikischen Inschriften, Vienna.
  • Herzfeld - Guyer 1930 E. Herzfeld - S. Guyer, Meriamlik und Korykos: christliche Ruinenstätten des rauhen Kilikiens, Vol. 2, Manchester.
  • Hild et al. 1990 F. Hild - H. Hellenkemper - G. Hellenkemper-Salies, “Kilikien”, M. Restle (ed.), Kathedra - Kreta. Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst 4 Stuttgart, 182-356.
  • Hill 1996 S. Hill, The Early Byzantine Churches of Cilicia and Isauria, Aldershot.
  • Hill 1998 S. Hill, “Alahan and Dağ Pazarı”, R. Matthews (ed.), Ancient Anatolia: Fifty Years’ Work by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, London, 315-337.
  • Ilan - Damati 1987 Z. Ilan - E. Damati, “The Synagogue and Beth-Midrash at Ancient Meroth”, Qadmoniot: A Journal for the Antiquities of Eretz-Israel and Bible Lands 20, 87-96.
  • Janowski 2014 B. Janowski, “Der Wolf und das Lamm: Zum eschatologischen Tierfrieden in Jes. 11,6-9.”, B. Janowski (ed.), Der nahe und der ferne Gott. Beiträge zur Theologie des Alten Testaments 5, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 55-70.
  • Jesnick 1997 I. Jesnick, The Image of Orpheus in Roman Mosaic, BAR International Serie 671, Oxford.
  • Jourdan 2010 F. Jourdan, Orphée et les chrétiens. La réception du mythe d‘Orphée dans la littérature grecque des cinq premiers siècles, I: Orphée, du repoussoir au préfigurateur du Christ, Paris.
  • Jourdan 2011 F. Jourdan, Orphée et les chrétiens: la réception du mythe d‘Orphée dans la littérature chrétienne grecque des cinq premiers siècles / 2: Pourquoi Orphée ?, Paris.
  • Jourdan 2015 F. Jourdan, “Orpheus (Orphik)”, LRAC 26, 576-613.
  • Kadar 1968 Z. Kadar, “Philia ton zoon”, Acta Antiqua 16, 257-270.
  • Kautzsch 1936 R. Kautzsch, Kapitellstudien. Beiträge zu einer Geschichte des spätantiken Kapitells im Osten vom vierten bis ins siebente Jahrhundert, Berlin.
  • Keil - Wilhelm 1931 J. Keil - A. Wilhelm, Denkmäler aus dem Rauhen Kilikien, MAMA, Vol. 3, Manchester.
  • Lavin 1963 I. Lavin, “The Hunting Mosaics of Antioch and Their Sources. A Study of Compositional Principles in the Development of Early Mediaeval Style”, DOP 17, 179-286.
  • Le Quien 1958 M. Le Quien, Oriens Christianus II, Unchanged Publication of Paris 1740, Graz.
  • Magness et al. 2017 J. Magness - S. Kisilevitz - M. Grey - D. Mizzi - K. Britt, “Huqoq - 2016: Preliminary Report”, Hadashot Arkheologiyot: ExcIsr 129, 1-7.
  • Magness 2019 J. Magness, “Inside the Huqoq Synagogue”, Biblical Archaeology Review 45.3, 24-38.
  • Metzger 2010 M. Metzger, “Weinstock und Tierfriede: Erwägungen zu einem Mosaik aus dem Libanon”, H. Ch. Goßmann (ed.), Hebräische Sprache und Altes Testament, Nordhausen, 143-170.
  • Moracchini-Mazel 1965 G. Moracchini-Mazel, “Le pavement en mosaique de la basilique et du baptistère de Mariana”, Archeologia 5, 51-59.
  • Najjar - Sa’id 1994 M. Najjar - F. Sa’id, “A new Umayyad church at Khilda - Amman”, StBiFranc 44, 547-560.
  • Ovacık et al. (in press) A. Ovacık - I. Keskin - H. Ekinci - B. Karasolak, “Adana Mozaikleri”, H. Pamir - I. Işıklıkaya-Laubscher (eds.), Homage to Antioch Mosaics: Current Stand and Perspectives International Conference and Workshop, Antakya, Hatay.
  • Peschlow 2004 U. Peschlow, “Kapitell”, RAC 20, 57-123.
  • Piccirillo 1976 M. Piccirillo, “New Discoveries on Mount Nebo”, AAJ 21, 55-59.
  • Piccirillo 1986 M. Piccirillo, “The Burnt Palace of Madaba”, ADAJ 30, 333-339.
  • Piccirillo 1993 M. Piccirillo, The Mosaics of Jordan, Amman.
  • Piccirillo 2007 M. Piccirillo, “Civic Edifices in the Madaba Region”, K. Galor - T. Waliszewski (eds.), From Antioch to Alexandria: Recent Studies in Domestic Architecture, Warsaw, 151-167.
  • Pietersma - Wright 2007 A. Pietersma - B. G. Wright, A New English Translation of the Septuagint, Oxford (online edition).
  • Pillinger 1978 R. Pillinger, “Noe zwischen zwei Tauben”, RivAC 54, 97-102.
  • Possekel 2009 U. Possekel, “Orpheus among the Animals. A New Dated Mosaic from Osrhoene”, OrChr 92, 1-35.
  • Russell 1977 J. Russell, “Excavations at Anemurium (1987)”, EchosCl 23.1, 1-7.
  • Russell 1987 J. Russell, The Mosaic Inscriptions of Anemurium, Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 13, Vienna.
  • Russell 1989 J. Russell, “Christianity at Anemurium (Cilicia)”, N. Duval (ed.), Actes du XIe Congrès International d’archéologie Chrétienne, Lyon, Vienne, Grenoble, Genève, Aoste, Paris, 1621-1637.
  • Russell 2021 J. Russell, The Canadian Excavations at Anemurium in Cilicia, Drémil Lafage.
  • Stern 1974 H. Stern, “Orphée dans l‘art paléochrétien”, CArch 23, 1-16.
  • van den Ven 1962 P. van den Ven, La Vie ancienne de S. Syméon Stylite le Jeune (521-592), Subsidia Hagiographica 31, Société des Bollandistes, Vol. 2, Brussels.
  • Vieillefon 2003 L. Vieillefon, La figure d’Orphée dans l’antiquité tardive. Les mutations d‘un mythe du héros païen au chantre chrétien, Paris.
  • Vriezen 2003 K. Vriezen, “‚De leeuw zal stro eten als het rund. De wolf en het lam zullen teaken weiden.‘ Een oudoosters paradijsthema in mozaieken in Byzantijns Palaestina/Arabia”, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 57, 126-134.
  • Watta 2018 S. Watta, Sakrale Zonen im frühen Kirchenbau des Nahen Ostens: zum Kommunikationspotenzial von Bodenmosaiken für die Schaffung heiliger Räume, Wiesbaden.
  • Wisskirchen 2002 R. Wisskirchen, “Der bekleidete Adam thront inmitten der Tiere. Zum Bodenmosaik des Mittelschiffs der Nordkirche von Huarte/Syrien”, JbAC 45, 137-156.
  • Wisskirchen 2009 R. Wisskirchen, “Zum „Tierfrieden“ in spätantiken Denkmälern (nach Gen. 1,29f, Jes. 11,6/8 und 65,25)”, JbAC 52, 142-163.
  • Zollt 1994 T. Zollt, Kapitellplastik Konstantinopels vom 4. bis 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Mit einem Beitrag zur Untersuchung des ionischen Kämpferkapitells, AMS 14, Bonn.
There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeological Science
Journal Section Article

Arabella Cortese This is me 0000-0002-0024-1387

Early Pub Date October 23, 2024
Publication Date November 4, 2024
Submission Date February 10, 2024
Acceptance Date September 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 17


APA Cortese, A. (2024). The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings. Journal of Mosaic Research(17), 13-43.
AMA Cortese A. The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings. JMR. November 2024;(17):13-43. doi:10.26658/jmr.1564656
Chicago Cortese, Arabella. “The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 17 (November 2024): 13-43.
EndNote Cortese A (November 1, 2024) The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings. Journal of Mosaic Research 17 13–43.
IEEE A. Cortese, “The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings”, JMR, no. 17, pp. 13–43, November 2024, doi: 10.26658/jmr.1564656.
ISNAD Cortese, Arabella. “The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings”. Journal of Mosaic Research 17 (November 2024), 13-43.
JAMA Cortese A. The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings. JMR. 2024;:13–43.
MLA Cortese, Arabella. “The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 17, 2024, pp. 13-43, doi:10.26658/jmr.1564656.
Vancouver Cortese A. The Peaceful Kingdom of Isaiah in Late Antique Mosaic Pavements of Cilician and Isaurian Church Buildings. JMR. 2024(17):13-4.

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