Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
The JMR (Journal of Mosaic Research) is an international refereed journal on mosaics, annually published by the Bursa Uludağ University Mosaic Research Centre. JMR is published each year in November. The JMR is intended to be read by archaeologists, classicists, historians, epigraphers, scientists, heritage management specialists, restorators, conservators, modern mosaic artists and others concerned with mosaics found around the world. In addition to analyze the archaeological data from excavations, surveys and laboratory research, the JMR publishes technical and methodological studies of general significance and reviews articles that appeal to a wide professional readership. The JMR also publishes book reviews, brief articles, etc.
All parties involved in the publishing process must adhere to the expected standards of ethical behavior. Publications are made in accordance with these standards and rules, taking into account the International Standards of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for Editors and Authors.
Referee Process
After the plagiarism check, suitable articles are evaluated by the editor in terms of originality, methodology, importance of the subject covered and compatibility with the scope of the journal.
A single blind referee process is used in the evaluation of articles. Articles are evaluated by at least two independent referees. At least two positive referee opinions are required for an article to be published. Referees fill out the Referee Evaluation Form for the articles they evaluate. In this form, the referees also state their decisions regarding whether the article they evaluate is publishable or not and the reasons for their decisions. Referees are required to complete their evaluations within the time given to them and are expected to comply with the ethical responsibilities specified here.
Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
- All papers will be subject to a refereeing process, and may be discussed at meetings of the journal’s scientific committee, if necessary. Detailed comments from referees are normally forwarded to the author, anonymously, by the Editor and if necessary, the authors may be invited to revise their manuscripts.
- JMR applies the single blind review principle in the article evaluation process, in which the author(s) do not recognize the reviewers and the referees see the names of the author(s).
- Peer-review is defined as obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the field.
- Referees judgments should be objective.
- Referees should have no conflict of interest.
- Referees should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.
- Reviewed articles should be treated confidentially. Referees cannot communicate directly with author(s); The article evaluation forms and the notes stated on the text are forwarded to the author(s) by the editors.
- Referees are required to fill in the “Referee Evaluation Form” for the articles they have evaluated. The referees are required to indicate in this form their decision as to whether the article they have evaluated can be published or not, and the reasons for their decision.
- JMR does not pay referees for article evaluation at any stage.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
- The Editor and the Editorial Board are in charge of the scientific content and writing standards relating to the journal.
- Editors have full responsibility and authority to accept or reject an article.
- Editors should not have a conflict of interest with articles that they accept or reject.
- Editors should be accepted only articles that will contribute to the field.
- Editors should support the publication or retraction of the correction when errors are found.
- Editors must keep the referees private and avoid plagiarism / fake data.
- Editors shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
- Authours should include a statement in their articles that the research and publication ethics are complied with.
- It is necessary to comply with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used. Authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder when using previously published content, including images, tables or any other content in print or electronic format. The all legal, financial and criminal responsibility on this subject belongs to the authors.
- Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process. All of the manuscripts submitted to the JMR are evaluated by a single blind review process.
- All authors have to significantly contribute to the research. The author(s) should correctly cite the sources they use in their articles and prepare their articles in accordance with the “Instructions to Authors (Spelling Rules and Style of Citation)” determined by the journal.
- All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
- Articles should not be sent simultaneously to the JMR and to another publication. JMR does not accept translations of articles that have already been published elsewhere. Contributors should be aware that the JMR retains the copyright for materials appearing within its pages.
- JMR is requesting from the authors to obtain an approved document from the head of excavation or museum if they use photographs of excavations, archives of excavations or archives of museums in their article, and to submit them to JMR.
- Supporting persons, institutions or organizations and their contributions should be indicated in publications made as a result of researches conducted with support.
- If the article is produced from the author’s master’s or doctoral thesis or a project, this should be stated. Slicing, ie publishing more than one article from a single study, should not be done.
- JMR does not charge author / authors for publishing at any stage.
- Author(s) should send the “Copyright Transfer Form” prepared for JMR to the editors both electronically and by mail, after reaching them that their articles have been accepted for publication.
Confidentiality Statement
All of the data (personal information such as names and last names of authors, email addresses, etc.) are solely to be used by the scholarly studies of the journal This data is not to be used for other purposes or shared with third parties on any account.
Copyright and Licencing
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the ideas, suggestions, and sources used in their manuscripts. No copyright fees are paid to the articles published in the journal. Following acceptance to be published in the journal, authors transfer the copyright of their manuscripts to JMR, thus waiving the copyright of their manuscripts. JMR is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ("CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) International Licence. Written permission is required from the publisher for use of its contents for commercial purposes.
Statement of Open Access
JMR is an Open Access journal and provides immediate open access to its contents. The Journal aims to promote the development of global Open Access to scientific information and research.
Plagiarism Detection
Eligible studies will be scanned with internationally accepted academic plagiarism detector (ex-cluding individual citations, bibliographies and footnotes cited in accordance with academic rules). Studies with more than 15% similarity will be sent back to the author/authors together with the scan result report. The plagiarism detection is done by iThenticate software.
The printed version of our journal is archived in various libraries and the electronic version in indexes. In the case that the journal ceases to its activities; previous articles can be obtained from these places.