Neutrosophic ideals of a Γ-semiring are introducedand studied in the sense of Smarandache[14], along with someoperations such as intersection, composition, cartesian productetc. on them. Among the other results/characterizations, it isshown that all the operations are structure preserving
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T. J. Ross, J. M. Booker, V. J. Parkinson, Fuzzy logic and probability : Bridiging the gap, ASA-SIAM Series on Statistics and Applied Probability, Alexandria, 2002.
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Year 2014,
Volume: 3 Issue: 6, 51 - 61, 01.06.2014
K. Atanassov, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 20 (1986) 87 - 96.
S. Broumi, F. Smarandache and P. K. Maji, Intuitionistic neutrosphic soft set over Rings , Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 2, No. 3 (2014) 120 - 126.
S. Broumi, I. Deli and F. Smarandache, Relations on interval valued neutrosophic soft sets, Journal of New Results in Science, 5 (2014) 01 - 20.
N. J. Cutland, Nonstandard Analysis and its Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1988.
J. S. Golan, Semirings and their applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Do- drecht, 1999.
G. J. Klir and B. Yuan, Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic- Theory and Applications, Pren- tice Hail P T R Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1995.
U. Hebisch, J. Weinert, Semirings algebraic theory and application in computer science, World Scientific,1998.
P. K. Maji, Neutrosophic soft set, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2013) 157 - 168.
D. Mandal, Neutrosophic ideals of semirings, submitted. M.M.K. Rao, Γ-semirings - 1, Southeast Asian Bull. of Math., 19 (1995), 49-54.
A. Robinson, Nonstandard Analysis, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1996.
A. Rosenfeld, Fuzzy groups, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 35 (1971), 512-517.
T. J. Ross, J. M. Booker, V. J. Parkinson, Fuzzy logic and probability : Bridiging the gap, ASA-SIAM Series on Statistics and Applied Probability, Alexandria, 2002.
F. Smarandache, Neutrosophic set- a generalization of the intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math., 24 (2005) 287 - 297.
L. A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Information and Control, 8 (1965) 338 - 353.