Soft Almost b-Continuous Mappings
Year 2018,
Issue: 23, 93 - 104, 01.06.2018
Samajh Singh Thakur
Alpa Singh Rajput
In the present paper, we introduce one class of soft mappings,namely soft almost
b-continuous mappings and investigate several properties of these mappings.This notion is stronger
than soft almost β-continuous mappings and is weaker than both soft almost pre-continuous mappings
and soft almost semi-continuous mappings.The diagrams of implications among these soft
classes of mappings and some known classes of mappings have been established.
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Year 2018,
Issue: 23, 93 - 104, 01.06.2018
Samajh Singh Thakur
Alpa Singh Rajput
- [1] M. Akdag , A. Ozkan, soft b-open sets and soft b-continuous functions, Math
Sci 8:124 DOI 10.1007/s40096-014-0124-7 (2014).
- [2] M. Akdag, A. Ozkan, On Soft Preopen Sets and Soft Pre Separation Axioms,
Gazi University Journal of Science, 27 (4), (2014) 1077–1083.
- [3] M. Akdag, A. Ozkan, On Soft β−Open Sets and Soft β−continuous Functions,
The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 843456, 6 pages(2014).
- [4] M. Akdag, A. Ozkan, On soft α-open sets and soft α-continuous functions, Abstract
and Applied Analysis http// 2014 Article
ID 891341,(2014), 7 pages.
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sets in soft topological spaces. International Journal Of Mathematical
Archive, 4(2) (2013), 1-7.
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in soft set theory, Comput. Math. Appl., 57( 2009), 1547-1553.
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Appl. Math. Inf. Sci., 7, (1) (2013), 287–294.
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Math. Appl., 62 (2011), 4058-4067.
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7(3)(2011), 471-481.
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(2003), 555-562.
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Nat. Comput., 4(1) (2008) 1-12.
- [12] J. Mahanta and P. K. Das , On soft topological space via semi open and semi
closed soft sets, Kyungpook Math. J., 54(2014), 221–236.
- [13] W. K. Min, A note on soft topological spaces, Comput. Math. Appl., 62 (2011),
- [14] D. Molodtsov, Soft set theory first results, Comput. Math. Appl., 37 (1999), 19-
31. Gnanambal Ilango and Mrudula Ravindran, On Soft Preopen Sets in Soft
Topological Spaces.International Journal of Mathematics Research, 5(4)(2013),
- [15] M. Shabir and M. Naz, On soft topological spaces, Comput. Math. Appl., 61
(2011), 1786-1799.
- [16] S. S. Thakur, Alpa Singh Rajput,Connectedness Between Soft Sets, New Mathematics
and Natural Computation, 14( 1)(2018),1–19.
- [17] S. S. Thakur and Alpa Singh Rajput, Extremally Disconnectedness in Soft
Topological Spaces,(Submitted).
- [18] S. S. Thakur and Alpa Singh Rajput, Soft Almost Continuous Mappings, International
Journal of Advances in Mathematics, 2017 (1), (2017), 22-29.
- [19] S. S. Thakur and Alpa Singh Rajput, Soft Almost α-Continuous Mappings,(Submitted).
- [20] S. S. Thakur, Alpa Singh Rajput and M. R. Dhakad, Soft Almost SemiContinuous
Mappings, Malaya J. Mat., 5(2)(2017), 395-400.
- [21] S. S. Thakur and Alpa Singh Rajput, Soft Almost Pre-Continuous Mappings,
The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 26 (2)( 2018), 439–449.
- [22] S. S. Thakur and Alpa Singh Rajput, Soft Almost β-Continuous Mappings,
- [23] S. Yuksel., Soft Regular Generalized Closed Sets in Soft Topological Spaces,
Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, 8 (8) (2014), 355-367.
- [24] Y. Yumak, A. K. Kayamakci, Soft β-open sets and their application,
- [25] I. Zorlutana, N. Akdag and W. K. Min, Remarks on soft topological spaces,
Ann. Fuzzy Math. Inf., 3(2) (2012), 171–185.
- [26] I. Zorlutuna, H. Cakir, On Continuity of Soft Mappings, Appl. Math. Inf. Sci.,
9(1)( 2015), 403-409.