Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 55 - 72


In order to understand the historical development of artificial intelligence and its impact on the decision-making process in business management and to shed light on the developments in the field, the study was carried out using the literature review method.
In this context, the findings obtained in the literature review were examined in periods of 5 to 10 years from past to present and explained with historical and organizational examples (Huges,2021). AI has become an integral part of organizations structure in different ways. AI designed concepts in such as human resources, marketing, management, production and logistics is a need in today’s business life (World,2022).
'AI' applications, through coding and algorithms that can operate in integration with all areas of the industry, help create a more efficient working environment in terms of lower costs and sustainability. Innovative organizational changes also reshape the working principles of human beings and affect the critical decision-making process of managers (Van de Wetering, Mikalef, Dennehy, 2022).
In conclusion the research, aims to reveal the effect of artificial intelligence applications, which can analyze the situation by eliminating factors such as human emotions, ethics, morality or conscience, and calculate the probabilities and report the results, on decision-making in business life with exemplary applications of leading companies in their sector (Persson, 1964).


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  • Ambati, Loknath Sai; Narukonda, Kanthi; Bojja, Giridhar Reddy; and Bishop, David, Factors influencing the adoption of artificial intelligence in organizations – from an employee’s perspective (2020). Retrieved 5 October, 2023 from:
  • Benbya, H., & Pachidi, T. H. (2020). Artificial intelligence in organizations: Current state and future opportunities. MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 19: Iss. 4, Article 4 Pages 15-20.
  • McCarthy, J., Minsky, M.L., Rochester, N., Shannon, C.E., 1955, A Proposal for The Darthmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence
  • Dewhurst, M. ve Willmott, P. (2014). Manager and machine: The new leadership equation. McKinsey Quarterly, September.
  • Dirican, C. (2015). The impacts of robotics, artificial intelligence on business and economics. ProcediaSocial and Behaviour Sciences, 564-573.
  • Dwivedi, Y., Hughes, L., Ismagilova, E., Aarts, G., Coombs, C., Crick, T. D., Medaglia, R. (2021).
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Emerging Challenges, Opportunities, And Agenda for Research, Practice and Policy.
  • Forredellas, R., & Gallastegui, M. (2021). Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Business: Legal Regulations, Economic Impact and Perspective.
  • Haigh, T. (2003). How the computer became information technology: constructing information in corporate America, 1950-2000. Retrieved November 9, 2023 from link:
  • Jarrahi, M. H. (2018). Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making. Business Horizons 6, 577-586.
  • Holloway, C. (1983). Strategic management and artificial intelligence. Long Range Planning, 16(5), 89- 93.
  • Kriebitz, A. and Lütge, C. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: A Business Ethical Assessment. Cambridge University Press, 10-15.
  • Lüber, K. (2023). How are German businesses using ai? Retrieved September 16, 2023 from link:
  • Nelson, L. (2023). The importance of decision-making process in business. AFA Education. Retrieved October 18, 2023 from link:
  • Persson, S. (1964, June). An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Ekonomist Tidskrift Årg. 66, Volume 2, 88-112.
  • Pratt, M., Boudhane, M., Taskin, N. and Cakula, S. (2020). Use Of Ai for Improving Employee Motivation and Satisfaction. Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, Volume 2.
  • Quinlivan, J. (2023). How Amazon deploys collaborative robots in its operations to benefit employees and customers. About Amazon. Retrieved October 9, 2023 from link:
  • Rockwell, A. (2017). Artificial intelligence. Cambridge Special Edition.
  • Saba, D., Youcef, S. and Hadidi, A. (2020). The Role of Artificial Intelligence In Company's Decision Making. Enabling AI Applications in Data Science, 287-314.
  • Schultz, S. A. (2018). The rising tide of artificial intelligence and business automation: Developing an ethical framework. Business Horizons Volume 61, Issue 6, 823-832.
  • Schulz, M. D. (2023). Towards Ai Ethics’ Institutionalization: Knowledge Bridges from Business Ethics to Advance Organizational AI Ethics, 99-111.
  • Sestino, A. and Mauro, A. d. (2021). Leveraging artificial intelligence in business: implications, applications, and methods. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Volume 33(1), 16- 29.
  • Shubik, M. (2012). Bibliography on simulation, gaming, artificial intelligence and allied topics. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 55(309), 736-751.
  • Vaio, A. D., Palladino, R., Hassan, R., & Escobar, O. (2020). Artificial intelligence and business models in the sustainable development goals perspective: A systematic literature review. Journal of Business Research, Volume 121, 283-294
  • Von Krogh, G. (2018). Artifıcial intelligence in organizations: new opportunities for phenomenonbased theorizing.
  • Vora, H. K., Gholap, A., Jetha, K., Singh, T. R. & Chavda, V. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Delivery Design. Pharmaceutics. Retrieved September 15, 2023 from:
  • Wiederhold, G. and McCarthy, J. (1992). Arthur Samuel: Pioneer in machine learning. Article in IBM Journal of Research and Development, 25-37.
  • World, T. R.-P. (2022). Artificial intelligence ambidexterity, adaptive transformation capability, and their impact on performance under tumultuous times. Retrieved September 23, 2023 from:
  • Lake, B. M., Ullman, T. D., Tenenbaum, J. B., and Gershman, S. J. (2016). Building machines that learn and think like people. Retrieved October 10, 2023 from:
  • McGovern, A., Elmore, K. L., Gagne, D. J., Haupt, S. E., Karstens, C. D., Lagerquist, R., Smith, T., and Williams, J. K. (2017). Using artificial intelligence to improve real-time decision-making for high-impact weather. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (98:10), 2073–2090. Retrieved September 25, 2023 from link:
  • Miikkulainen, R., Iscoe, N., Shagrin, A., Rapp, R., Nazari, S., McGrath, P., Schoolland, C., Achkar, E., Brundage, M., Miller, J., Epstein, J., and Lamba, G. (2018). Sentient ascend: Ai-based massively multivariate conversion rate optimization, in thirty-second. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved November 5, 2023 from:
  • Torrado, R. R., Bontrager, P., Togelius, J., Liu, J., and Perez-Liebana, D. (2018). Deep reinforcement learning for general video game ai, IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 1–8. Retrieved October, 19, 2023 from:


Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 55 - 72


Yapay zekânın tarihsel gelişimini ve işletme yönetiminde karar alma sürecine etkisini anlamak ve bu alanadaki gelişmelere ışık tutmak amacıyla, literatür taraması yöntemiyle yürütülen çalışmada, bu kapsamda literatür taramasında elde edilen bulgular, geçmişten günümüze 5 ila 10 yıllık dönemler halinde incelenip, tarihsel ve organizasyonel örneklerle açıklanmıştır (Hughes, 2021). Yapay zeka" kavramı, insan kaynakları, pazarlama, yönetim, üretim, lojistik gibi organizasyonların temel parçalarıyle entegre edilerek, işletmelerin önem arz eden, ayrılmaz bir parçası haline geldi (World, 2022).
Endüstrinin her alanıyla entegre olarak faaliyet gösterebilen kodlamalar ve algoritmalar yoluyla iş hayatının bir parçası haline gelen ‘YZ’’uygulamaları, daha düşük maaliyetlerle çalışma imkanı yaratırken, sürdürülebilirlik açısından ise daha verimli çalışma ortamı oluşumuna destek olmaktadır. Yaşanan innovativ organizasyonel değişimler ise insanoğlunun çalışma prensiplerini de yeniden şekillendirerek, yöneticilerin kritik karar alma sürecini etkilemektedir (Van de Wetering, Mikalef, Dennehy, 2022).
Araştırma kapsamında, insan duyguları, etik, ahlak veya vicdan gibi faktörleri eleyerek durum analizi yapabilen ve olasılıkları hesaplayarak sonuçları raporlayan yapay zekâ uygulamalarının iş hayatında sektröründe lider firmaların örnek uygulamalarıyla karar almaya etkisini gözler önüne koymayı amaçlamaktadır (Persson, 1964).


Bu makaleyi yazıya dökme sürecimde beni destekleyen , yardım ve katkılarıyla beni yönlendiren, danışmanım Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mehmet Emin BAKAY hocama teşekkür ederim.


  • Amazon Team. (2023). Amazon Revenue. Retrieved September 10, 2023 from: ue%20for%20the%20twelve,a%2021.7%25%20increase%20from%202020.
  • Ambati, Loknath Sai; Narukonda, Kanthi; Bojja, Giridhar Reddy; and Bishop, David, Factors influencing the adoption of artificial intelligence in organizations – from an employee’s perspective (2020). Retrieved 5 October, 2023 from:
  • Benbya, H., & Pachidi, T. H. (2020). Artificial intelligence in organizations: Current state and future opportunities. MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 19: Iss. 4, Article 4 Pages 15-20.
  • McCarthy, J., Minsky, M.L., Rochester, N., Shannon, C.E., 1955, A Proposal for The Darthmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence
  • Dewhurst, M. ve Willmott, P. (2014). Manager and machine: The new leadership equation. McKinsey Quarterly, September.
  • Dirican, C. (2015). The impacts of robotics, artificial intelligence on business and economics. ProcediaSocial and Behaviour Sciences, 564-573.
  • Dwivedi, Y., Hughes, L., Ismagilova, E., Aarts, G., Coombs, C., Crick, T. D., Medaglia, R. (2021).
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Emerging Challenges, Opportunities, And Agenda for Research, Practice and Policy.
  • Forredellas, R., & Gallastegui, M. (2021). Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Business: Legal Regulations, Economic Impact and Perspective.
  • Haigh, T. (2003). How the computer became information technology: constructing information in corporate America, 1950-2000. Retrieved November 9, 2023 from link:
  • Jarrahi, M. H. (2018). Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making. Business Horizons 6, 577-586.
  • Holloway, C. (1983). Strategic management and artificial intelligence. Long Range Planning, 16(5), 89- 93.
  • Kriebitz, A. and Lütge, C. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: A Business Ethical Assessment. Cambridge University Press, 10-15.
  • Lüber, K. (2023). How are German businesses using ai? Retrieved September 16, 2023 from link:
  • Nelson, L. (2023). The importance of decision-making process in business. AFA Education. Retrieved October 18, 2023 from link:
  • Persson, S. (1964, June). An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Ekonomist Tidskrift Årg. 66, Volume 2, 88-112.
  • Pratt, M., Boudhane, M., Taskin, N. and Cakula, S. (2020). Use Of Ai for Improving Employee Motivation and Satisfaction. Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, Volume 2.
  • Quinlivan, J. (2023). How Amazon deploys collaborative robots in its operations to benefit employees and customers. About Amazon. Retrieved October 9, 2023 from link:
  • Rockwell, A. (2017). Artificial intelligence. Cambridge Special Edition.
  • Saba, D., Youcef, S. and Hadidi, A. (2020). The Role of Artificial Intelligence In Company's Decision Making. Enabling AI Applications in Data Science, 287-314.
  • Schultz, S. A. (2018). The rising tide of artificial intelligence and business automation: Developing an ethical framework. Business Horizons Volume 61, Issue 6, 823-832.
  • Schulz, M. D. (2023). Towards Ai Ethics’ Institutionalization: Knowledge Bridges from Business Ethics to Advance Organizational AI Ethics, 99-111.
  • Sestino, A. and Mauro, A. d. (2021). Leveraging artificial intelligence in business: implications, applications, and methods. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Volume 33(1), 16- 29.
  • Shubik, M. (2012). Bibliography on simulation, gaming, artificial intelligence and allied topics. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 55(309), 736-751.
  • Vaio, A. D., Palladino, R., Hassan, R., & Escobar, O. (2020). Artificial intelligence and business models in the sustainable development goals perspective: A systematic literature review. Journal of Business Research, Volume 121, 283-294
  • Von Krogh, G. (2018). Artifıcial intelligence in organizations: new opportunities for phenomenonbased theorizing.
  • Vora, H. K., Gholap, A., Jetha, K., Singh, T. R. & Chavda, V. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Delivery Design. Pharmaceutics. Retrieved September 15, 2023 from:
  • Wiederhold, G. and McCarthy, J. (1992). Arthur Samuel: Pioneer in machine learning. Article in IBM Journal of Research and Development, 25-37.
  • World, T. R.-P. (2022). Artificial intelligence ambidexterity, adaptive transformation capability, and their impact on performance under tumultuous times. Retrieved September 23, 2023 from:
  • Lake, B. M., Ullman, T. D., Tenenbaum, J. B., and Gershman, S. J. (2016). Building machines that learn and think like people. Retrieved October 10, 2023 from:
  • McGovern, A., Elmore, K. L., Gagne, D. J., Haupt, S. E., Karstens, C. D., Lagerquist, R., Smith, T., and Williams, J. K. (2017). Using artificial intelligence to improve real-time decision-making for high-impact weather. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (98:10), 2073–2090. Retrieved September 25, 2023 from link:
  • Miikkulainen, R., Iscoe, N., Shagrin, A., Rapp, R., Nazari, S., McGrath, P., Schoolland, C., Achkar, E., Brundage, M., Miller, J., Epstein, J., and Lamba, G. (2018). Sentient ascend: Ai-based massively multivariate conversion rate optimization, in thirty-second. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved November 5, 2023 from:
  • Torrado, R. R., Bontrager, P., Togelius, J., Liu, J., and Perez-Liebana, D. (2018). Deep reinforcement learning for general video game ai, IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, 1–8. Retrieved October, 19, 2023 from:
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Strategy, Management and Organisational Behaviour (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Aybuke Turan Ondes 0000-0001-6318-8862

Early Pub Date July 25, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date November 11, 2023
Acceptance Date March 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Turan Ondes, A. (2024). THE TRANSFORMATIVE ROLE OF AI IN CRITICAL DECISION-MAKING: A CORPORATE PERSPECTIVE. Journal of Business Innovation and Governance, 6(2), 55-72.
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Journal of Business Innovation and Governance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.