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The Limited Recognition of the Republic of Abkhazia and Russia’s Role in Abkhazia

Year 2020, , 1 - 22, 30.11.2020


International relations system is getting more complicated day by day. There are several actors within the international relations system currently which creates the complex relations. Limited recognized states within the system are one of the reasons for the emergence of the complex relations. The foundation of Abkhazia, TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus), South Ossetia etc and taking their roles with their patron states have broken the traditional perceptions within the international relations system. In this study, the picture of Abkhazia, a limitedly recognised-de-facto state is drawn economically, socially and politically. Inside of the picture, the independency process of Abkhazia is discussed by focusing on internal and external dynamics (Russia, International Organizations). Abkhazia has the capabilities to provide the necessities of being a state and established its foreign affairs as well. Russia is the most important and effective actor on these foreign affairs with Abkhazia. Under this framework, Russia’s foreign policy orientation and its role in Abkhazia-Georgia Conflict is discussed analytically by indicating the geopolitical priorities of Russia. Russia’s role in Abkhazia since 2008 conflict which increased economically, politically and militarily is also under investigation in this study. Finally, the Sui Generis status of Abkhazia is discussed with a deductive and qualitative methodology in this study.


  • Baikova, Tatyana, Izvestiya, (August 11,2020), BBC, , (Erişim: 15.09. 2013).
  • Chriba, A. Viacheslav “The International Legal Status of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Light of International Law”, in John Colarusso (Ed), Independence of Abkhazia and Prospects for the Caucasus, Ömür Matbaacılık, İstanbul, 2010.
  • Coleman, Youngblood Appendix: Abkhazia, Gerogia Review, 2013.
  • Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Abkhazia, 1925, (Erişim: 25 Ağustos, 2020)
  • Dogovor Mejdu Rossikoi Federatsiei i Respublikoi Abhaziya o Soyznichestve i Straegicheskom Partnerstve , 5 Marta 2015. (Erişim:15. 9.2029).
  • Dunne Tim, Milja Kurki, Smith Steve (2012), International Relations Theories, Discipline and Diversity, Third Edition, Oxford Publication.
  • European Parliament, Press Releases, 2018,
  • Euasianet (Jul 16, 2018),
  • Full Text: 1996 CIS Treaty on Abkhaz Sanctions, , (Erişim: 20.12. 2017).
  •  Fuller, Liz German seeks to kick to start Gerogian -Abkhaz Peace Talks, Radio FreeEurope-Radio Liberty, (Erişim: 15.09. 2013).
  • Ghazarians, Ara “From Frozen Conflicts to Unrecognized Republics:The de facto States in the Emergent Region of the Post-Soviet States of the South Caucasus”, the Faculty of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, December 2007, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi…
  • Hauer Neil, Abkhazia, Georgia and COVID: An opportunity from crisis, Middle East Institute, , September 28, 2020. Harzl, Benedikt “Nationalism and Politics of the Past: The Cases of Kosova and Abkhazia”, Review of Central and East European Law, Volume 36, Issue:1, 2011.
  • Hewitt, George “Abkhazia and Gerogia: Time for a Reassessment”, Brown Journal of World Affairs, Spring/Summer 2009, Vol:16, No 2.
  • Hille, Kathrine “Georgia wary of Moscow deals with South Ossetia and Abkhazia”, Financial Times, February 18, 2015. (Erişim: 20.01.2017)., Translated by: Guerman Grachev, (Erişim: 15.08. 2013)., (Erişim: 25.09. 2013).
  • International Crisis Group Report, Abkhazia: The Long Road to Reconciiation, 10 April 2013, p.3.
  • International Crisis Group, (2020),,
  • Interviev with Maxim Gunjia, Former Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, September 2008, Sukhum, Abkhazia.
  • Interview of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov by the Abkhazian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Moscow, 25 August 2013,, (Erişim:25.09.2013).
  • Interview with people from Kabardino Balkaria in Abkhazia, 2008.
  • Istanbul Document, 1999, OSCE İstanbul Summit, .
  • Kate S. Pease, Kelly International Organizations, Pearson, 2012.
  • Luke, March “Is Nationalism Rising in Russian Foreign Policy? The Case of Georgia”, Demokratizatsiya, Summer 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 3.
  • Ministery of Foreign affairs, Russia,, (Erişim: 16,08 2013). Mitchel, Lincoln, Democracy in Georgia Since the Rose Revolution, Orbis, East European Democratization, volüme, 50, Issue:4, Autumn, 2006, p. 669-676.
  • Qırım Haber Ajansı, (19 Ağustos, 2020), .
  • Petersen, Alexander, “The 1992-93 Gerogia-Azkhazia War: A Forgotten Conflict”, Caucasian Review of International Affairs, Vol:2, Issue: 4, Autumn 2008.
  • Relief Web,, Source: Pravda Translated by: Guerman Grachev, (Erişim: 15.09. 2020).
  • Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, The Responsibility to Protect, December,2001.
  • Sabah Gazetesi, 8 Eylül 2009. , (Erişim : 15.10 2020).
  • Shanahan Cutts, Noelle M. “Enemies Through the Gates: Russian Violations of International Law in the Georgia/Abkhazia Conflict”, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law , 2008, Vol. 40 Issue ½.
  • The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia (CCIRA)
  • The Guardian, October 6, 2006. , (Erişim, 15.9.2020). (Union Treaty Between the SSRG and SSRA), (Erişim: 28 Ağustos 2020)
  • United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia(UNOMIG),, (Erişim: 18.01. 2017), p.19; Interviews with people from Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, Abkhazia, October 2008.

Ограниченно признанная Абхазия и роль России

Year 2020, , 1 - 22, 30.11.2020


International relations system is getting more complicated day by day. There are several actors within the international relations system currently which creates the complex relations. Limited recognized states within the system are one of the reasons for the emergence of the complex relations. The foundation of Abkhazia, TRNC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus), South Ossetia etc and taking their roles with their patron states have broken the traditional perceptions within the international relations system. In this study, the picture of Abkhazia, a limitedly recognised-de-facto state is drawn economically, socially and politically. Inside of the picture, the independency process of Abkhazia is discussed by focusing on internal and external dynamics (Russia, International Organizations). Abkhazia has the capabilities to provide the necessities of being a state and established its foreign affairs as well. Russia is the most important and effective actor on these foreign affairs with Abkhazia. Under this framework, Russia’s foreign policy orientation and its role in Abkhazia-Georgia Conflict is discussed analytically by indicating the geopolitical priorities of Russia. Russia’s role in Abkhazia since 2008 conflict which increased economically, politically and militarily is also under investigation in this study. Finally, the Sui Generis status of Abkhazia is discussed with a deductive and qualitative methodology in this study.


  • Baikova, Tatyana, Izvestiya, (August 11,2020), BBC, , (Erişim: 15.09. 2013).
  • Chriba, A. Viacheslav “The International Legal Status of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Light of International Law”, in John Colarusso (Ed), Independence of Abkhazia and Prospects for the Caucasus, Ömür Matbaacılık, İstanbul, 2010.
  • Coleman, Youngblood Appendix: Abkhazia, Gerogia Review, 2013.
  • Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Abkhazia, 1925, (Erişim: 25 Ağustos, 2020)
  • Dogovor Mejdu Rossikoi Federatsiei i Respublikoi Abhaziya o Soyznichestve i Straegicheskom Partnerstve , 5 Marta 2015. (Erişim:15. 9.2029).
  • Dunne Tim, Milja Kurki, Smith Steve (2012), International Relations Theories, Discipline and Diversity, Third Edition, Oxford Publication.
  • European Parliament, Press Releases, 2018,
  • Euasianet (Jul 16, 2018),
  • Full Text: 1996 CIS Treaty on Abkhaz Sanctions, , (Erişim: 20.12. 2017).
  •  Fuller, Liz German seeks to kick to start Gerogian -Abkhaz Peace Talks, Radio FreeEurope-Radio Liberty, (Erişim: 15.09. 2013).
  • Ghazarians, Ara “From Frozen Conflicts to Unrecognized Republics:The de facto States in the Emergent Region of the Post-Soviet States of the South Caucasus”, the Faculty of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, December 2007, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi…
  • Hauer Neil, Abkhazia, Georgia and COVID: An opportunity from crisis, Middle East Institute, , September 28, 2020. Harzl, Benedikt “Nationalism and Politics of the Past: The Cases of Kosova and Abkhazia”, Review of Central and East European Law, Volume 36, Issue:1, 2011.
  • Hewitt, George “Abkhazia and Gerogia: Time for a Reassessment”, Brown Journal of World Affairs, Spring/Summer 2009, Vol:16, No 2.
  • Hille, Kathrine “Georgia wary of Moscow deals with South Ossetia and Abkhazia”, Financial Times, February 18, 2015. (Erişim: 20.01.2017)., Translated by: Guerman Grachev, (Erişim: 15.08. 2013)., (Erişim: 25.09. 2013).
  • International Crisis Group Report, Abkhazia: The Long Road to Reconciiation, 10 April 2013, p.3.
  • International Crisis Group, (2020),,
  • Interviev with Maxim Gunjia, Former Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, September 2008, Sukhum, Abkhazia.
  • Interview of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov by the Abkhazian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Moscow, 25 August 2013,, (Erişim:25.09.2013).
  • Interview with people from Kabardino Balkaria in Abkhazia, 2008.
  • Istanbul Document, 1999, OSCE İstanbul Summit, .
  • Kate S. Pease, Kelly International Organizations, Pearson, 2012.
  • Luke, March “Is Nationalism Rising in Russian Foreign Policy? The Case of Georgia”, Demokratizatsiya, Summer 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 3.
  • Ministery of Foreign affairs, Russia,, (Erişim: 16,08 2013). Mitchel, Lincoln, Democracy in Georgia Since the Rose Revolution, Orbis, East European Democratization, volüme, 50, Issue:4, Autumn, 2006, p. 669-676.
  • Qırım Haber Ajansı, (19 Ağustos, 2020), .
  • Petersen, Alexander, “The 1992-93 Gerogia-Azkhazia War: A Forgotten Conflict”, Caucasian Review of International Affairs, Vol:2, Issue: 4, Autumn 2008.
  • Relief Web,, Source: Pravda Translated by: Guerman Grachev, (Erişim: 15.09. 2020).
  • Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, The Responsibility to Protect, December,2001.
  • Sabah Gazetesi, 8 Eylül 2009. , (Erişim : 15.10 2020).
  • Shanahan Cutts, Noelle M. “Enemies Through the Gates: Russian Violations of International Law in the Georgia/Abkhazia Conflict”, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law , 2008, Vol. 40 Issue ½.
  • The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia (CCIRA)
  • The Guardian, October 6, 2006. , (Erişim, 15.9.2020). (Union Treaty Between the SSRG and SSRA), (Erişim: 28 Ağustos 2020)
  • United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia(UNOMIG),, (Erişim: 18.01. 2017), p.19; Interviews with people from Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, Abkhazia, October 2008.

Sınırlı Tanınan Abhazya Cumhuriyeti ve Rusya’nın Abhazya’daki Rolü [The Limited Recognition of the Republic of Abkhazia and Russia’s Role in Abkhazia]

Year 2020, , 1 - 22, 30.11.2020


Uluslararası ilişkiler sistemi gün geçtikçe karmaşıklaşmaktadır. Sistem içerisinde aktörlerin çeşitlenmesi ve aktörler arasındaki ilişkilerin de aynı oranda karmaşık bir hal almasıyla birlikte uluslararası ilişkiler sistemi de daha fazla karmaşıklaşmıştır. Bu karmaşıklığın derinleşmesinde uluslararası ilişkiler sistemi içerisinde sınırlı tanınan devletlerin ortaya çıkmasının büyük bir rolü vardır. Abhazya, KKTC, Kosova, Güney Osetya v.d. devletlerin kurulmaları ve hami devletleriyle birlikte uluslararası ilişkiler sistemi içerisinde aktör olarak yer almaları uluslararası ilişkiler sistemine dair ezberleri bozmuştur. Bu çalışmada de facto anlamda uluslararası ilişkiler sistemi içerisinde ezber bozan ve sınırlı tanınan devletlerden Abhazya Cumhuriyeti’nin ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasal anlamda resmi çizilmektedir. Bu resmin içerisinde Abhazya’nın bağımsızlığını ilan etme süreci ve bu süreçte iç dinamiklerin dış dinamiklerle (Rusya, Uluslararası Örgütler v.b.) olan etkileşimleri irdelenmektedir. Abhazya’nın devlet olmanın kriterlerini yerine getiren unsurların ve kurumların betimlenmesi ve bununla birlikte Abhazya devletinin dış aktörlerle olan ilişkileri analitik olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Dış aktörler bağlamında Rusya’nın en önemli ve etkin aktör olarak öne çıktığı görülmektedir. Bu çerçevede Abhaz-Gürcü çatışmasında Rusya’nın oynadığı rol ve değişken politikaları kendisinin jeopolitik ve dış politika perspektiflerine gönderme yapılarak değerlendirilmektedir. Rusya’nın 2008 savaşının ardından Abhazya’ya askeri ve siyasi anlamda yaklaşımı ve artan ekonomik etkinliği de bu çalışmada ayrıca incelenmektedir. Sonuç olarak çalışmada Sui Generis bir gerçeklik olan Abhazya Cumhuriyeti’nin konumu tümden gelim ve nitel bir yaklaşımla değerlendirilmektedir.


  • Baikova, Tatyana, Izvestiya, (August 11,2020), BBC, , (Erişim: 15.09. 2013).
  • Chriba, A. Viacheslav “The International Legal Status of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Light of International Law”, in John Colarusso (Ed), Independence of Abkhazia and Prospects for the Caucasus, Ömür Matbaacılık, İstanbul, 2010.
  • Coleman, Youngblood Appendix: Abkhazia, Gerogia Review, 2013.
  • Constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Abkhazia, 1925, (Erişim: 25 Ağustos, 2020)
  • Dogovor Mejdu Rossikoi Federatsiei i Respublikoi Abhaziya o Soyznichestve i Straegicheskom Partnerstve , 5 Marta 2015. (Erişim:15. 9.2029).
  • Dunne Tim, Milja Kurki, Smith Steve (2012), International Relations Theories, Discipline and Diversity, Third Edition, Oxford Publication.
  • European Parliament, Press Releases, 2018,
  • Euasianet (Jul 16, 2018),
  • Full Text: 1996 CIS Treaty on Abkhaz Sanctions, , (Erişim: 20.12. 2017).
  •  Fuller, Liz German seeks to kick to start Gerogian -Abkhaz Peace Talks, Radio FreeEurope-Radio Liberty, (Erişim: 15.09. 2013).
  • Ghazarians, Ara “From Frozen Conflicts to Unrecognized Republics:The de facto States in the Emergent Region of the Post-Soviet States of the South Caucasus”, the Faculty of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, December 2007, Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi…
  • Hauer Neil, Abkhazia, Georgia and COVID: An opportunity from crisis, Middle East Institute, , September 28, 2020. Harzl, Benedikt “Nationalism and Politics of the Past: The Cases of Kosova and Abkhazia”, Review of Central and East European Law, Volume 36, Issue:1, 2011.
  • Hewitt, George “Abkhazia and Gerogia: Time for a Reassessment”, Brown Journal of World Affairs, Spring/Summer 2009, Vol:16, No 2.
  • Hille, Kathrine “Georgia wary of Moscow deals with South Ossetia and Abkhazia”, Financial Times, February 18, 2015. (Erişim: 20.01.2017)., Translated by: Guerman Grachev, (Erişim: 15.08. 2013)., (Erişim: 25.09. 2013).
  • International Crisis Group Report, Abkhazia: The Long Road to Reconciiation, 10 April 2013, p.3.
  • International Crisis Group, (2020),,
  • Interviev with Maxim Gunjia, Former Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, September 2008, Sukhum, Abkhazia.
  • Interview of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov by the Abkhazian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Moscow, 25 August 2013,, (Erişim:25.09.2013).
  • Interview with people from Kabardino Balkaria in Abkhazia, 2008.
  • Istanbul Document, 1999, OSCE İstanbul Summit, .
  • Kate S. Pease, Kelly International Organizations, Pearson, 2012.
  • Luke, March “Is Nationalism Rising in Russian Foreign Policy? The Case of Georgia”, Demokratizatsiya, Summer 2011, Vol. 19 Issue 3.
  • Ministery of Foreign affairs, Russia,, (Erişim: 16,08 2013). Mitchel, Lincoln, Democracy in Georgia Since the Rose Revolution, Orbis, East European Democratization, volüme, 50, Issue:4, Autumn, 2006, p. 669-676.
  • Qırım Haber Ajansı, (19 Ağustos, 2020), .
  • Petersen, Alexander, “The 1992-93 Gerogia-Azkhazia War: A Forgotten Conflict”, Caucasian Review of International Affairs, Vol:2, Issue: 4, Autumn 2008.
  • Relief Web,, Source: Pravda Translated by: Guerman Grachev, (Erişim: 15.09. 2020).
  • Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, The Responsibility to Protect, December,2001.
  • Sabah Gazetesi, 8 Eylül 2009. , (Erişim : 15.10 2020).
  • Shanahan Cutts, Noelle M. “Enemies Through the Gates: Russian Violations of International Law in the Georgia/Abkhazia Conflict”, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law , 2008, Vol. 40 Issue ½.
  • The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia (CCIRA)
  • The Guardian, October 6, 2006. , (Erişim, 15.9.2020). (Union Treaty Between the SSRG and SSRA), (Erişim: 28 Ağustos 2020)
  • United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia(UNOMIG),, (Erişim: 18.01. 2017), p.19; Interviews with people from Kabardino-Balkaria Republic, Abkhazia, October 2008.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Article

Muhittin Tolga Ozsaglam 0000-0001-6028-3338

Publication Date November 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


MLA Ozsaglam, Muhittin Tolga. “Sınırlı Tanınan Abhazya Cumhuriyeti Ve Rusya’nın Abhazya’daki Rolü [The Limited Recognition of the Republic of Abkhazia and Russia’s Role in Abkhazia]”. Kafkasya Çalışmaları, vol. 6, no. 11, 2020, pp. 1-22, doi:10.21488/jocas.819525.
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