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Yeni Geliştirilen Rizomlu Kamışsı Yumak ve Bazı Çim Türlerinin Karışımlarının Bazı Agronomik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 89 - 100, 31.12.2022


Bu araştırma; yeni geliştirilmiş Rizomlu Festuca arundinacea Schreb. ile birlikte Lolium perenne L. ve Poa pratensis L. çeşitlerinden oluşan farklı oranlardaki karışımların yeşil alan performanslarının belirlenmesi amacıyla, Sakarya/Pamukova ekolojik koşullarında 15 Ekim 2016 - 15 Ekim 2020 döneminde yürütülmüştür. Deneme, %100 Fa, %100 Lp, %100 Pp yalın ekim parsellerin yanısıra; Festuca arundinacea’nın farklı oranlarda karışımları (%90 Fa + %5 Lp + %5 Pp, %80 Fa + %10 Lp + %10 Pp, %70 Fa + %15 Lp + %15 Pp, %60 Fa + %20 Lp + %20 Pp, %50 Fa + %25 Lp + %25 Pp, %40 Fa + %30 Lp + %30 Pp, %30 Fa + %35 Lp + %35 Pp, %20 Fa + %40 Lp + %40 Pp, %10 Fa + %45 Lp + %45 Pp) kullanılarak Tesadüf Blokları Deneme Deseni’nde 4 tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırmada; sürgün boyu (cm), yeşil ot verimi (g/m2), kuru madde oranı (%), kuru ot verimi (g/m2), kök verimi (g/m2) ve çim kalitesi (1-9 puan) özellikleri incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre çim kalitesi açısından en yüksek rakamsal değerler %50 Fa + %25 Lp + %25 Pp ve %60 Fa + %20 Lp + %20 Pp karışımlarından alınmış, ancak diğer karışımların da aldıkları tatminkâr puanlarla bölgede ve benzer ekolojik koşullarda çim alan tesisinde kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • [1] J.B. Beard, “Turf grass: Science and culture”, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, (1973).
  • [2] E. Acikgoz, “Turfgrass establishment and maintenance technique”, Cevre Ltd.Co. Press 4. 1, Ofset, January 1994, On-Mat Co., Bursa, 203p, (1994), [in Turkish].
  • [3] R. Avcioglu, “Turf technique (Turf establishment & management)”, Ege University Press, Izmir, Turkey, 332p, (2014), [in Turkish].
  • [4] C.E. Hubbard, “Grasses”, A Pelican Original 3 rd Edition, Penguin Books, 27 Wrights Lane, London, England, 161p, (1987).
  • [5] G.E. Evans, “Tolerance of selected bluegrass and fescue tall to simulated human traffic”, Journal of Enviromental Horticulture, USA, 6: (1): 20, 10-14, (1988).
  • [6] M.S. Genckan, “Forages crops.”, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture Puplications: 417, Bornova-Izmir, 519p, (1983), [in Turkish].
  • [7] P. Annicchiarico, B. Lucaroni, E. Piano, L. Russi, F. Veronesi, “An Italian network for the evaluation of turf species and varieties”, Proceedings of the 22 nd Eucarpia Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Section Meeting, St Petersburg, Russia, 78-80, (2000).
  • [8] M. Volterrani, S. Miele, S. Magni, M. Gaetani, G. Pardini, “Bermuda-grass and seashore Paspalum winter overseeded with seven cool-season turf grasses”, Int. Turf. Soc. Res. Journal, 9: 957-961, (2001).
  • [9] Y. Jiang, B. Huang, “Effects of calcium on physiological responses of tall fescue and kentucky bluegrass to drought stress”, Int. Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 9, 297-302, (2001).
  • [10] L. Russi, P. Annicchiarico, P. Martiniell, C. Tomasonio, E. Piano, F. Veronesi, “Turf quality and reliability in varieties of four turf grass species in contrasting Italian environments”, International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 9: 917-921, (2004).
  • [11] P. Martiniello, “Variability of turf quality and phytocoenoses in areas of play in football grounds in Mediterranean environments”, Agricultural Med. 135: 209-220, (2005).
  • [12] P. Martiniello, E. D’Andrea, “Cool-season turf grass species adaptability in Mediterranean environments and quality traits of varieties”, European J. of Agr., Vol: 25(3), 234-242, (1987).
  • [13] S.S. Mangiafico, K. Guillard, “Anion exchange membrane soil nitrate predicts turfgrass color and yield.”, Crop Science, Volume 46, Issue 2, 569-577, (2006).
  • [14] I. Nizam, “The effect of nitrogen fertilization on seed yield and some plant properties of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)”, Journal of Tekirdag Agriculture Faculty, 2009 6 (2), 111-120, (2009).
  • [15] A. Simic, S. Vuckovic, R. Maletic, D. Sokolovic, N. Djordjevic, “The impact of seeding rate and inter-row spacing on Italian ryegrass for seed in the first harvest year”, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 33, 425-433, (2009).
  • [16] M. Yilmaz, R. Avcioglu, “Investigations on the turf performances of some grasses bare sowing for turfgrass and erosion control purposes in Tokat-Kazova conditions”, Turkey VIII. Field Crops Congres, 19-22 October, Hatay, 604-608, (2009). [in Turkish].
  • [17] B. Kir, R. Avcioglu, G. Demiroglu, A. Simic, “Performances of some cool season turfgrass species in mediterranean environment: I. Lolium perenne L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L. and Agrostis tenuis Sibth”., Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 15: 174-179, (2010).
  • [18] .A Salman, R. Avcioglu, “Performances of some cool season turf grasses in different fertilizer doses”, Ege University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 47: (3), 309-319, (2010). [in Turkish].
  • [19] G. Demiroglu, R. Avcioglu, B. Kir, A. Salman, “Investigations on texture weed invasion and density features of some cool season turf grass cultivars in Mediterranean Environment”, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. 13(4), 461-468, (2011).
  • [20] A. Salman, R. Avcioglu, M. Yilmaz, G. Demiroglu, “Performances of newly ıntroduced Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cultivars versus Lolium perenne L., in a mediterranean environment”, Turkish Jurnal of Field Crops, 16(2); 215-219, (2011).
  • [21] A. Salman, B. Budak, B. Kir, E.V. Kucukerbas, M. Yilmaz, “Effects of different fertilizer doses on seed yield and some plant characteristics in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and reed flour (Festuca arundinacea Shreb.) grass species”, Ege University Scientific Research Project. Report, No: 14-BAMYO_001, Izmir, 62p, (2017), [in Turkish].
  • [22] M. Yilmaz, G. Demiroglu, A. Salman, R. Avcioglu, “Determination of some properties of different doses of fertilizers applied in a turfgrass”, Turkey 9. Field Crops Congres, 12-15 September, Bursa, Turkey, 1696-1701, (2011), [in Turkish].
  • [23] M. Yilmaz, A. Salman, R. Avcioglu, “Investigations on the quantitative properties of some tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea schreb.) cultivars under Tokat ecological conditions”, Turkey 9. Field Crops Congres, 10-13 September, Konya, Turkey, 614-619, (2013), [in Turkish].
  • [24] M. Yilmaz, “Determining of turfgrass performance of certain tall fescue cultivars in cool season ecological conditions”, Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science 6-3, 42-48, (2018a).
  • [25] M. Yilmaz, “The Effects of different combination of combined fertilizer doses on some agronomic characteristics of turf mixture”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 27- No. 5/2018, 3068-3074p, (2018b).
  • [26] M. Yilmaz, “The Effects of different combination of combined fertilizer doses on some turfgrass performances of turf mixture”, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 51(4): 1357-1364, (2019).
  • [27] S.S. Ozkan, B. Kir, “Effects of overseeding times on different warm-season turfgrasses: Visual turf quality and some related characteristics”, Italian Journal of Agronomy 2021; 16: 3 (2021), 1820, (2021).
  • [28] E. Klapp, “Wiesen und weiden”, Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg, 271p, (1971).
  • [29] G.A. Jung, B.S. Baker, “Orchardgrass. Forages,” (Ed: ME Heath, RF Barnes, DS Metcalfe), Chapter: 24, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA, 224-232, (1985).
  • [30] K. Fiala, “Changes in the biomass of living and dead roots of grasslands due to antropgenic factors”, Rostlinna Vyroba, 34 (2), 159-168, (1988).
  • [31] M.S. Genckan, “Rehabilitation of meadow-range culture management”, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture Puplication No: 483, 2nd Edition, Bornova-Izmir, 655p, (1992), [in Turkish].
  • [32] M. Birant, “Investigations on the effect of different nitrogen levels on the agronomic and vegetational characteristics of some turfgrasses under Bornova conditions”, (Ph. D. Thesis), Ege University, Institute of Science, Izmir, Turkey, 111p, (1996), [in Turkish].
  • [33] M. Yilmaz, “Investigation on seed yield and turf properties of some grasses grown for turf grass and erosion control purposes in Tokat”, (Ph. D Thesis), Ege University, Institute of Science, Izmir, Turkey, 220p, (2000), [in Turkish].
  • [34] M. Yilmaz, R. Avcioglu, “Determination of root growth performance of some cool climate grains used in green field plant and erosion control”, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, ISSN: 1300-2910, Vol: 20, Issue: 1, p. 123-129, (2003), [in Turkish].
  • [35] O. Tarman, “Forage crops meadow and pasture culture”, Volume 1: General Principles, Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publication No: 464, Textbook: 157, Ankara, 222p, (1972), [in Turkish].
  • [36] A.R. Brohi, A. Aydeniz, “Fertilizers and fertilization”, Cumhuriyet University, Agriculture Faculty Press: 10, Course Book: 3, Tokat, 880p, (1991), [in Turkish].
  • [37] M. Yilmaz, “Effects on performances of turfgrass of fertilizer application in different dozes in Tokat ecological conditions”, Gaziosmanpasa University, Journal of the Agricultural Faculty, ISSN: 1300-2910, 20(1), 117-122, (2003), [in Turkish].
  • [38] B.J. Mehall, R.J. Hull, C.R. Skogley, “Cultivar variation in kentucky bluegrass: P and K nutritional factors”, Agronomy Journal, 75: 767-772, (1983).
  • [39] MJ. Sills, RN. Carrow, “Turfgrass growth”, N use and water use under soil compaction and N fertilization. Agronomy Journal. 75, 488-492, (1983).

Determination of Some Agronomic Proporties of Mixtures of Newly Developed Rhizome Tall Fescue and Some Turfgrass Species

Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 89 - 100, 31.12.2022


This study was conducted to determine the turfgrass performance of the mixtures newly developed Rhizome Festuca arundinacea Schreb. together with Lolium perenne L. and Poa pratensis L. cultivars in different ratios in Sakarya/Pamukova ecological conditions between 15 October 2016 and 15 October 2020. The experiment, 100% Fa, 100% Lp, 100% Pp lean sowing plots as well as mixtures of Festuca arundinacea in different ratios (90% Fa + 5% Lp + 5% Pp, 80% Fa + 10% Lp + 10% Pp, 70% Fa + 15% Lp + 15% Pp, 60% Fa + 20% Lp + 20% Pp, 50% Fa + 25% Lp + 25% Pp, 40% Fa + 30% Lp + 30% Pp, 30% Fa + 35% Lp + 35% Pp, 20% Fa + 40% Lp + 40% Pp, 10% Fa + 45% Lp + 45% Pp) was established in the randomized block design with four replications. In the study were measured; shoot length (cm), herbage yield (g m-2), dry matter ratio (%), hay yield (g m-2), root yield (g m-2) and visual turf quality (1-9 point) characteristics. According to the results of the research, the highest numerical values in terms of turfgrass quality were obtained from 50% Fa + 25% Lp + 25% Pp and 60% Fa + 20% Lp + 20% Pp mixtures and that, generally speaking, the other cultivars could be used in turf establishment in the region and in similar ecological conditions.


  • [1] J.B. Beard, “Turf grass: Science and culture”, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, (1973).
  • [2] E. Acikgoz, “Turfgrass establishment and maintenance technique”, Cevre Ltd.Co. Press 4. 1, Ofset, January 1994, On-Mat Co., Bursa, 203p, (1994), [in Turkish].
  • [3] R. Avcioglu, “Turf technique (Turf establishment & management)”, Ege University Press, Izmir, Turkey, 332p, (2014), [in Turkish].
  • [4] C.E. Hubbard, “Grasses”, A Pelican Original 3 rd Edition, Penguin Books, 27 Wrights Lane, London, England, 161p, (1987).
  • [5] G.E. Evans, “Tolerance of selected bluegrass and fescue tall to simulated human traffic”, Journal of Enviromental Horticulture, USA, 6: (1): 20, 10-14, (1988).
  • [6] M.S. Genckan, “Forages crops.”, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture Puplications: 417, Bornova-Izmir, 519p, (1983), [in Turkish].
  • [7] P. Annicchiarico, B. Lucaroni, E. Piano, L. Russi, F. Veronesi, “An Italian network for the evaluation of turf species and varieties”, Proceedings of the 22 nd Eucarpia Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Section Meeting, St Petersburg, Russia, 78-80, (2000).
  • [8] M. Volterrani, S. Miele, S. Magni, M. Gaetani, G. Pardini, “Bermuda-grass and seashore Paspalum winter overseeded with seven cool-season turf grasses”, Int. Turf. Soc. Res. Journal, 9: 957-961, (2001).
  • [9] Y. Jiang, B. Huang, “Effects of calcium on physiological responses of tall fescue and kentucky bluegrass to drought stress”, Int. Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 9, 297-302, (2001).
  • [10] L. Russi, P. Annicchiarico, P. Martiniell, C. Tomasonio, E. Piano, F. Veronesi, “Turf quality and reliability in varieties of four turf grass species in contrasting Italian environments”, International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 9: 917-921, (2004).
  • [11] P. Martiniello, “Variability of turf quality and phytocoenoses in areas of play in football grounds in Mediterranean environments”, Agricultural Med. 135: 209-220, (2005).
  • [12] P. Martiniello, E. D’Andrea, “Cool-season turf grass species adaptability in Mediterranean environments and quality traits of varieties”, European J. of Agr., Vol: 25(3), 234-242, (1987).
  • [13] S.S. Mangiafico, K. Guillard, “Anion exchange membrane soil nitrate predicts turfgrass color and yield.”, Crop Science, Volume 46, Issue 2, 569-577, (2006).
  • [14] I. Nizam, “The effect of nitrogen fertilization on seed yield and some plant properties of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)”, Journal of Tekirdag Agriculture Faculty, 2009 6 (2), 111-120, (2009).
  • [15] A. Simic, S. Vuckovic, R. Maletic, D. Sokolovic, N. Djordjevic, “The impact of seeding rate and inter-row spacing on Italian ryegrass for seed in the first harvest year”, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 33, 425-433, (2009).
  • [16] M. Yilmaz, R. Avcioglu, “Investigations on the turf performances of some grasses bare sowing for turfgrass and erosion control purposes in Tokat-Kazova conditions”, Turkey VIII. Field Crops Congres, 19-22 October, Hatay, 604-608, (2009). [in Turkish].
  • [17] B. Kir, R. Avcioglu, G. Demiroglu, A. Simic, “Performances of some cool season turfgrass species in mediterranean environment: I. Lolium perenne L., Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Poa pratensis L. and Agrostis tenuis Sibth”., Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 15: 174-179, (2010).
  • [18] .A Salman, R. Avcioglu, “Performances of some cool season turf grasses in different fertilizer doses”, Ege University Journal of Faculty of Agriculture, 47: (3), 309-319, (2010). [in Turkish].
  • [19] G. Demiroglu, R. Avcioglu, B. Kir, A. Salman, “Investigations on texture weed invasion and density features of some cool season turf grass cultivars in Mediterranean Environment”, International Journal of Agriculture & Biology. 13(4), 461-468, (2011).
  • [20] A. Salman, R. Avcioglu, M. Yilmaz, G. Demiroglu, “Performances of newly ıntroduced Festuca arundinacea Schreb. cultivars versus Lolium perenne L., in a mediterranean environment”, Turkish Jurnal of Field Crops, 16(2); 215-219, (2011).
  • [21] A. Salman, B. Budak, B. Kir, E.V. Kucukerbas, M. Yilmaz, “Effects of different fertilizer doses on seed yield and some plant characteristics in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and reed flour (Festuca arundinacea Shreb.) grass species”, Ege University Scientific Research Project. Report, No: 14-BAMYO_001, Izmir, 62p, (2017), [in Turkish].
  • [22] M. Yilmaz, G. Demiroglu, A. Salman, R. Avcioglu, “Determination of some properties of different doses of fertilizers applied in a turfgrass”, Turkey 9. Field Crops Congres, 12-15 September, Bursa, Turkey, 1696-1701, (2011), [in Turkish].
  • [23] M. Yilmaz, A. Salman, R. Avcioglu, “Investigations on the quantitative properties of some tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea schreb.) cultivars under Tokat ecological conditions”, Turkey 9. Field Crops Congres, 10-13 September, Konya, Turkey, 614-619, (2013), [in Turkish].
  • [24] M. Yilmaz, “Determining of turfgrass performance of certain tall fescue cultivars in cool season ecological conditions”, Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science 6-3, 42-48, (2018a).
  • [25] M. Yilmaz, “The Effects of different combination of combined fertilizer doses on some agronomic characteristics of turf mixture”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 27- No. 5/2018, 3068-3074p, (2018b).
  • [26] M. Yilmaz, “The Effects of different combination of combined fertilizer doses on some turfgrass performances of turf mixture”, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 51(4): 1357-1364, (2019).
  • [27] S.S. Ozkan, B. Kir, “Effects of overseeding times on different warm-season turfgrasses: Visual turf quality and some related characteristics”, Italian Journal of Agronomy 2021; 16: 3 (2021), 1820, (2021).
  • [28] E. Klapp, “Wiesen und weiden”, Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg, 271p, (1971).
  • [29] G.A. Jung, B.S. Baker, “Orchardgrass. Forages,” (Ed: ME Heath, RF Barnes, DS Metcalfe), Chapter: 24, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, USA, 224-232, (1985).
  • [30] K. Fiala, “Changes in the biomass of living and dead roots of grasslands due to antropgenic factors”, Rostlinna Vyroba, 34 (2), 159-168, (1988).
  • [31] M.S. Genckan, “Rehabilitation of meadow-range culture management”, Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture Puplication No: 483, 2nd Edition, Bornova-Izmir, 655p, (1992), [in Turkish].
  • [32] M. Birant, “Investigations on the effect of different nitrogen levels on the agronomic and vegetational characteristics of some turfgrasses under Bornova conditions”, (Ph. D. Thesis), Ege University, Institute of Science, Izmir, Turkey, 111p, (1996), [in Turkish].
  • [33] M. Yilmaz, “Investigation on seed yield and turf properties of some grasses grown for turf grass and erosion control purposes in Tokat”, (Ph. D Thesis), Ege University, Institute of Science, Izmir, Turkey, 220p, (2000), [in Turkish].
  • [34] M. Yilmaz, R. Avcioglu, “Determination of root growth performance of some cool climate grains used in green field plant and erosion control”, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, ISSN: 1300-2910, Vol: 20, Issue: 1, p. 123-129, (2003), [in Turkish].
  • [35] O. Tarman, “Forage crops meadow and pasture culture”, Volume 1: General Principles, Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publication No: 464, Textbook: 157, Ankara, 222p, (1972), [in Turkish].
  • [36] A.R. Brohi, A. Aydeniz, “Fertilizers and fertilization”, Cumhuriyet University, Agriculture Faculty Press: 10, Course Book: 3, Tokat, 880p, (1991), [in Turkish].
  • [37] M. Yilmaz, “Effects on performances of turfgrass of fertilizer application in different dozes in Tokat ecological conditions”, Gaziosmanpasa University, Journal of the Agricultural Faculty, ISSN: 1300-2910, 20(1), 117-122, (2003), [in Turkish].
  • [38] B.J. Mehall, R.J. Hull, C.R. Skogley, “Cultivar variation in kentucky bluegrass: P and K nutritional factors”, Agronomy Journal, 75: 767-772, (1983).
  • [39] MJ. Sills, RN. Carrow, “Turfgrass growth”, N use and water use under soil compaction and N fertilization. Agronomy Journal. 75, 488-492, (1983).
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Yılmaz 0000-0001-5256-245X

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Submission Date June 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Yılmaz, M. (2022). Determination of Some Agronomic Proporties of Mixtures of Newly Developed Rhizome Tall Fescue and Some Turfgrass Species. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 3(2), 89-100.