Research Article
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Year 2023, , 291 - 302, 03.07.2023



  • Acar, S. C. (2021). An investigation into gender representations in an English coursebook. Focus on ELT Journal, 3(2), 51-64.
  • Atar, C., & Erdem, C. (2020). A sociolinguistic perspective in the analysis of English textbooks: Development of a checklist. Research in Pedagogy, 10(2), 398-416.
  • Aydınoğlu, N. (2014). Gender in English language teaching coursebooks. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158, 233-239. https://doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.08
  • Bax, S. (2003). CALL—past, present and future. System, 31(1), 13-28.
  • Brandl, K. (2005). Review of are you ready to" Moodle"?. Language Learning and Technology. 9(2), 16-23.
  • Çakır, I. (2010). The frequency of culture-specific elements in the ELT coursebooks at elementary schools in Turkey. Novitas-Royal, 4(2), 182-189.
  • Çakır, N. (2021). Evaluating English textbook: A sociolinguistic perspective. The Literacy Trek, 7(2), 65-80.
  • Caldwell, Z. (2019). English teachers’ perceptions and opinions on the use of instructional technologies in the inclusive classroom. Student Research Submissions. 356.
  • Cavus, N., & Ibrahim, D. (2009). m‐Learning: An experiment in using SMS to support learning new English language words. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(1), 78-91.
  • Çelik, S., & Aytın, K. (2014). Teachers' views on digital educational tools in English language learning: benefits and challenges in the Turkish context. TESL-EJ, 18(2), 1-18.
  • Çelik, S., & Erbay, Ş. (2013). Cultural perspectives of Turkish ELT coursebooks: Do standardized teaching texts incorporate intercultural features?”. Education and Science, 38(167), 336-351.
  • Chou, P. T. (2010). Advantages and disadvantages of ESL course books. The Internet TESL Journal, 16(11).
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). California: Sage.
  • Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your coursebook (1st ed.). Oxford: Heineman.
  • Dalgarno, B., & Lee, M. J. (2010). What are the learning affordances of 3‐D virtual environments?. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(1), 10-32.
  • Demir, Y., & Yavuz, M. (2017). Do ELT coursebooks still suffer from gender inequalities? A case study from Turkey. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13(1), 103-122.
  • Demirbaş, M. N. (2013). Investigating intercultural elements in English coursebooks. Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty, 14(2), 291-304.
  • Elmalı, A. (2019). The Analysis of the Speaking Activities in English Coursebooks of Ministry of Education in the Context of Classroom-Based Assessment Activities (Published master’s thesis). Cerrahpaşa University, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Garinger, D. (2002). Textbook selection for the ESL classroom. Center for Applied Linguistics Digest, 2(10), 99-102.
  • Godwin-Jones, R. (2011). Mobile apps for language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 15(2), 2-11.
  • Gokturk-Saglam, A. L., & Sert, S. (2012). Perceptions of in-service teachers regarding technology integrated English language teaching. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 3(3), 1-14.
  • Gülbahar, Y. (2007). Technology planning: a roadmap to successful technology integration in schools. Computers & Education, 49(4), 943-956.
  • Guo, Z., & Xu, L. (2016). Study on the integration mode of computer network technology and college English curriculum. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 11(8).
  • Hardy, J. V. (1999). Teacher attitudes toward and knowledge of computer technology. Computers in the Schools, 14(3-4), 119-136.
  • Hişmanoğlu, M. (2011). The integration of information and communication technology into current ELT coursebooks: a critical analysis. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 37-45.
  • Howard, J., & Major, J. (2004). Guidelines for designing effective English language teaching materials. The TESOLANZ Journal, 12(10), 50-58.
  • İyitoğlu, O., & Alcı, B. (2015). A qualitative research on 2nd grade teachers’ opinions about 2nd grade English language teaching curriculum. Ilkogretim Online, 14(2).
  • Kim, H., & Kwon, Y. (2012). Exploring smartphone applications for effective mobile-assisted language learning. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, 15(1), 31-57.
  • Kizilet, E., & Özmen, K. S. (2017). ICT integration in Turkey: Evaluation of English language e-content of the FATIH project. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 16(4), 33-41.
  • Koç, H. K. (2017). The current positions of intercultural communication elements in secondary school course books in Turkey. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 4(4), 435-447.
  • Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2016). Mobile assistance in language learning: A critical appraisal. In A. Palalas and M. Ally (Ed.), The international handbook of mobile-assisted language learning. (pp. 138-160). Beijing: China Central Radio & TV University Press.
  • Langdon, S., & Taylor, J. (2005). “Making our lives easier”: Using free learning management systems in the ESL environment. Teaching English with Technology, 5(3).
  • Littlejohn, A. P. (1992). Why are English language teaching materials the way they are?. (Published doctoral dissertation). University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK.
  • Luo, H., & Lei, J. (2012). Emerging technologies for interactive learning in the ICT age. In Jia J. (Ed.), Educational stages and interactive learning: From kindergarten to workplace training (pp. 73-91). Hershey: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-0137-6.ch005
  • Marques, J. F., & McCall, C. (2005). The application of interrater reliability as a solidification instrument in a phenomenological study. The Qualitative Report, 10(3), 439-462.
  • McDonald, N., Schoenebeck, S., & Forte, A. (2019). Reliability and inter-rater reliability in qualitative research: norms and guidelines for CSCW and HCI practice. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 3(72), 1-23.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Piccoli, G., Ahmad, R., & Ives, B. (2001). Web-based virtual learning environments: A research framework and a preliminary assessment of effectiveness in basic IT skills training. MIS Quarterly, 401-426.
  • Poláková, P., & Klímová, B. (2019). Mobile technology and generation Z in the English language classroom—A preliminary study. Education Sciences, 9(3), 203.
  • Puentedura, R. (2006). Transformation, technology, and education [Blog post]. Retrieved from
  • Puentedura, R. R. (2014). SAMR and TPCK: A hands-on approach to classroom practice. Hipassus. En ligne: http://www. hippasus. com/rrpweblog/archives/2012/09/03/BuildingUponSA M R. pdf. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Education Board of Education (MoNE-BoE). (2018). Secondary Education Institutions English Curriculum (9th -12th Grades) Ankara: Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education.
  • Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching (8th ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Roschelle, J. M., Pea, R. D., Hoadley, C. M., Gordin, D. N., & Means, B. M. (2000). Changing how and what children learn in school with computer-based technologies. The Future of Children, 10(2), 76-101.
  • Şahin, S. (2020). Developing a checklist for English language teaching course book analysis. International Journal of Education and Research, 8(1), 107-120.
  • Sariçoban, A., & Can, N. (2012). An evaluation of the 9th grade local and the international English course books in terms of aims and methodology. Online Journal of Counseling & Education, 1(4), 8-17.
  • Schreier, M. (2012). Qualitative content analysis in practice (1st ed.). London: Sage Publications. Şeker, M., & Dinçer, A. (2014). An analysis of gender stereotyping in English teaching course books. Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 43(1), 90-98.
  • Semerci, A., & Aydin, M. K. (2018). Examining high school teachers’ attitudes towards ICT use in education. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(2), 93-105.
  • Sheldon, L. E. (1988). Evaluating ELT textbooks and materials. ELT Journal, 42(4), 237-246. Söğüt, S. (2018). Gender representations in high school EFL coursebooks: an investigation of job and adjective attributions. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(3), 1722-1737.
  • Solak, E., & Bayar, A. (2015). Current challenges in English language learning in Turkish EFL context. Participatory Educational Research, 2(1), 106-115.
  • Solhi, M., Masrı, M. S., Şahin, Ş., & Yılmaz, H. S. (2020). Evaluation of the English language coursebooks used at the Turkish public elementary schools. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(3), 1282-1308.
  • Solhi, M., Mert, Y. Z., Çelen, Z., & Kısa, R. (2021). Evaluating the long-term effectiveness of English language coursebooks at Turkish public high schools. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1), 458-483.
  • Tai, Y. (2012). Contextualizing a MALL: Practice design and evaluation. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 220-230.
  • Tekir, S., & Arikan, A. (2007). An analysis of English language teaching coursebooks by Turkish writers: “let's speak English 7” example. Online Submission, 4(2), 1-18.
  • Thornton, P., & Houser, C. (2005). Using mobile phones in English education in Japan. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(3), 217-228.
  • Tomlinson, B. (2008). Language acquisition and language learning materials. In Tomlinson B. (Ed.), English language learning materials: A critical review (pp. 3-13). London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • Torsani, S. (2016). CALL Teacher Education: Language Teachers and Technology Integration (1st ed.). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. (11. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Yüksel, I., & Eren, E. (2016). ELT preservice teachers’ perceptions and opinions on how to integrate ICT in language classes. Anatolian Journal of Education, 1(1), 71-88.
  • Zengin, Ö., & Aksu, M. (2017). A review study on the integration of technology into foreign language education in Turkey. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 50(2), 79-104.

Investigating Technology Integration into English Language Coursebooks: A Systematic Evaluation

Year 2023, , 291 - 302, 03.07.2023


Among a variety of language learning materials, the crucial role that coursebooks have on learning and teaching processes takes a great deal of attention in the scholarly literature. English language coursebooks have been thought of as one of the most pivotal instruments for effective and systematic language learning experiences. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to address the issue of developing English language coursebooks that meet current requirements of the 21st century. This study aims to explore the extent of technological affordances in English coursebooks used in upper secondary schools in Türkiye. To achieve this aim, a qualitative methodology based on content analysis has been taken as a methodological approach. In this regard, an evaluation checklist for technology integration has been developed and used in the study. Data were collected investigating the content of the two coursebooks from the 9th grade and 10th grade used in Türkiye. Overall, the findings substantiate that despite some notable attempts to integrate technology into current coursebooks, further work is required to develop a well-designed and systematic standard for technological affordances in the content of current coursebooks. The findings provide several insights and implications for developing technology-integrated coursebooks, thus promoting technology-enhanced teaching and learning practices.


  • Acar, S. C. (2021). An investigation into gender representations in an English coursebook. Focus on ELT Journal, 3(2), 51-64.
  • Atar, C., & Erdem, C. (2020). A sociolinguistic perspective in the analysis of English textbooks: Development of a checklist. Research in Pedagogy, 10(2), 398-416.
  • Aydınoğlu, N. (2014). Gender in English language teaching coursebooks. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158, 233-239. https://doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.08
  • Bax, S. (2003). CALL—past, present and future. System, 31(1), 13-28.
  • Brandl, K. (2005). Review of are you ready to" Moodle"?. Language Learning and Technology. 9(2), 16-23.
  • Çakır, I. (2010). The frequency of culture-specific elements in the ELT coursebooks at elementary schools in Turkey. Novitas-Royal, 4(2), 182-189.
  • Çakır, N. (2021). Evaluating English textbook: A sociolinguistic perspective. The Literacy Trek, 7(2), 65-80.
  • Caldwell, Z. (2019). English teachers’ perceptions and opinions on the use of instructional technologies in the inclusive classroom. Student Research Submissions. 356.
  • Cavus, N., & Ibrahim, D. (2009). m‐Learning: An experiment in using SMS to support learning new English language words. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(1), 78-91.
  • Çelik, S., & Aytın, K. (2014). Teachers' views on digital educational tools in English language learning: benefits and challenges in the Turkish context. TESL-EJ, 18(2), 1-18.
  • Çelik, S., & Erbay, Ş. (2013). Cultural perspectives of Turkish ELT coursebooks: Do standardized teaching texts incorporate intercultural features?”. Education and Science, 38(167), 336-351.
  • Chou, P. T. (2010). Advantages and disadvantages of ESL course books. The Internet TESL Journal, 16(11).
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). California: Sage.
  • Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your coursebook (1st ed.). Oxford: Heineman.
  • Dalgarno, B., & Lee, M. J. (2010). What are the learning affordances of 3‐D virtual environments?. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(1), 10-32.
  • Demir, Y., & Yavuz, M. (2017). Do ELT coursebooks still suffer from gender inequalities? A case study from Turkey. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13(1), 103-122.
  • Demirbaş, M. N. (2013). Investigating intercultural elements in English coursebooks. Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty, 14(2), 291-304.
  • Elmalı, A. (2019). The Analysis of the Speaking Activities in English Coursebooks of Ministry of Education in the Context of Classroom-Based Assessment Activities (Published master’s thesis). Cerrahpaşa University, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Garinger, D. (2002). Textbook selection for the ESL classroom. Center for Applied Linguistics Digest, 2(10), 99-102.
  • Godwin-Jones, R. (2011). Mobile apps for language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 15(2), 2-11.
  • Gokturk-Saglam, A. L., & Sert, S. (2012). Perceptions of in-service teachers regarding technology integrated English language teaching. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 3(3), 1-14.
  • Gülbahar, Y. (2007). Technology planning: a roadmap to successful technology integration in schools. Computers & Education, 49(4), 943-956.
  • Guo, Z., & Xu, L. (2016). Study on the integration mode of computer network technology and college English curriculum. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 11(8).
  • Hardy, J. V. (1999). Teacher attitudes toward and knowledge of computer technology. Computers in the Schools, 14(3-4), 119-136.
  • Hişmanoğlu, M. (2011). The integration of information and communication technology into current ELT coursebooks: a critical analysis. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 37-45.
  • Howard, J., & Major, J. (2004). Guidelines for designing effective English language teaching materials. The TESOLANZ Journal, 12(10), 50-58.
  • İyitoğlu, O., & Alcı, B. (2015). A qualitative research on 2nd grade teachers’ opinions about 2nd grade English language teaching curriculum. Ilkogretim Online, 14(2).
  • Kim, H., & Kwon, Y. (2012). Exploring smartphone applications for effective mobile-assisted language learning. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning, 15(1), 31-57.
  • Kizilet, E., & Özmen, K. S. (2017). ICT integration in Turkey: Evaluation of English language e-content of the FATIH project. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 16(4), 33-41.
  • Koç, H. K. (2017). The current positions of intercultural communication elements in secondary school course books in Turkey. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET), 4(4), 435-447.
  • Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2016). Mobile assistance in language learning: A critical appraisal. In A. Palalas and M. Ally (Ed.), The international handbook of mobile-assisted language learning. (pp. 138-160). Beijing: China Central Radio & TV University Press.
  • Langdon, S., & Taylor, J. (2005). “Making our lives easier”: Using free learning management systems in the ESL environment. Teaching English with Technology, 5(3).
  • Littlejohn, A. P. (1992). Why are English language teaching materials the way they are?. (Published doctoral dissertation). University of Lancaster, Lancaster, UK.
  • Luo, H., & Lei, J. (2012). Emerging technologies for interactive learning in the ICT age. In Jia J. (Ed.), Educational stages and interactive learning: From kindergarten to workplace training (pp. 73-91). Hershey: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-0137-6.ch005
  • Marques, J. F., & McCall, C. (2005). The application of interrater reliability as a solidification instrument in a phenomenological study. The Qualitative Report, 10(3), 439-462.
  • McDonald, N., Schoenebeck, S., & Forte, A. (2019). Reliability and inter-rater reliability in qualitative research: norms and guidelines for CSCW and HCI practice. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 3(72), 1-23.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Piccoli, G., Ahmad, R., & Ives, B. (2001). Web-based virtual learning environments: A research framework and a preliminary assessment of effectiveness in basic IT skills training. MIS Quarterly, 401-426.
  • Poláková, P., & Klímová, B. (2019). Mobile technology and generation Z in the English language classroom—A preliminary study. Education Sciences, 9(3), 203.
  • Puentedura, R. (2006). Transformation, technology, and education [Blog post]. Retrieved from
  • Puentedura, R. R. (2014). SAMR and TPCK: A hands-on approach to classroom practice. Hipassus. En ligne: http://www. hippasus. com/rrpweblog/archives/2012/09/03/BuildingUponSA M R. pdf. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of National Education Board of Education (MoNE-BoE). (2018). Secondary Education Institutions English Curriculum (9th -12th Grades) Ankara: Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education.
  • Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum development in language teaching (8th ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Roschelle, J. M., Pea, R. D., Hoadley, C. M., Gordin, D. N., & Means, B. M. (2000). Changing how and what children learn in school with computer-based technologies. The Future of Children, 10(2), 76-101.
  • Şahin, S. (2020). Developing a checklist for English language teaching course book analysis. International Journal of Education and Research, 8(1), 107-120.
  • Sariçoban, A., & Can, N. (2012). An evaluation of the 9th grade local and the international English course books in terms of aims and methodology. Online Journal of Counseling & Education, 1(4), 8-17.
  • Schreier, M. (2012). Qualitative content analysis in practice (1st ed.). London: Sage Publications. Şeker, M., & Dinçer, A. (2014). An analysis of gender stereotyping in English teaching course books. Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 43(1), 90-98.
  • Semerci, A., & Aydin, M. K. (2018). Examining high school teachers’ attitudes towards ICT use in education. International Journal of Progressive Education, 14(2), 93-105.
  • Sheldon, L. E. (1988). Evaluating ELT textbooks and materials. ELT Journal, 42(4), 237-246. Söğüt, S. (2018). Gender representations in high school EFL coursebooks: an investigation of job and adjective attributions. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(3), 1722-1737.
  • Solak, E., & Bayar, A. (2015). Current challenges in English language learning in Turkish EFL context. Participatory Educational Research, 2(1), 106-115.
  • Solhi, M., Masrı, M. S., Şahin, Ş., & Yılmaz, H. S. (2020). Evaluation of the English language coursebooks used at the Turkish public elementary schools. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 16(3), 1282-1308.
  • Solhi, M., Mert, Y. Z., Çelen, Z., & Kısa, R. (2021). Evaluating the long-term effectiveness of English language coursebooks at Turkish public high schools. Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1), 458-483.
  • Tai, Y. (2012). Contextualizing a MALL: Practice design and evaluation. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 220-230.
  • Tekir, S., & Arikan, A. (2007). An analysis of English language teaching coursebooks by Turkish writers: “let's speak English 7” example. Online Submission, 4(2), 1-18.
  • Thornton, P., & Houser, C. (2005). Using mobile phones in English education in Japan. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(3), 217-228.
  • Tomlinson, B. (2008). Language acquisition and language learning materials. In Tomlinson B. (Ed.), English language learning materials: A critical review (pp. 3-13). London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • Torsani, S. (2016). CALL Teacher Education: Language Teachers and Technology Integration (1st ed.). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. (11. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Yüksel, I., & Eren, E. (2016). ELT preservice teachers’ perceptions and opinions on how to integrate ICT in language classes. Anatolian Journal of Education, 1(1), 71-88.
  • Zengin, Ö., & Aksu, M. (2017). A review study on the integration of technology into foreign language education in Turkey. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 50(2), 79-104.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Article

Tutku Özkan 0000-0002-4875-427X

Asuman Aşık 0000-0003-3293-1283

Publication Date July 3, 2023
Submission Date February 8, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Özkan, T., & Aşık, A. (2023). Investigating Technology Integration into English Language Coursebooks: A Systematic Evaluation. Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age, 8(2), 291-302.

Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age 2023. © 2023. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 19195

Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age. All rights reserved, 2023. ISSN:2458-8350