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Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 25 - 32, 01.06.2019



  • Aaron, S., & Anderson, M. (2018). Social Media Use in 2018.
  • Adams, S. H., Brindis, C. D., Mulye, T. P., Irwin, C. E., Nelson, C. D., & Park, M. J. (2009). Trends in Adolescent and Young Adult Health in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(1), 8–24.
  • Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, (55), 469–480.
  • Birch, A. (1997). Developmental Psychology: From Infancy to Adulthood. Macmillan.
  • Bonnie, R. J., Stroud, C., & Breiner, H. (2014). Investing in the health and well-being of young adults. Washington, DC, US: National Academies Press.
  • Brown, J. D., & Bobkowski, P. S. (2011). Older and newer media: Patterns of use and effects on adolescents’ health and well-being. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21, 95–113.
  • Byrne, J., Kardefelt-Winther, D., Livingstone, S., & Stoilova, M. (2016). Global Kids Online: Research synthesis, 1–75.
  • Cénat, J. M., Hébert, M., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., Guerrier, M., & Derivois, D. (2014). Cyberbullying, psychological distress and self-esteem among youth in Quebec schools. Journal of Affective Disorders, 169, 7–9.
  • Choi, M., Glassman, M., & Cristol, D. (2017). What it means to be a citizen in the internet age: Development of a reliable and valid digital citizenship scale. Computers and Education, 107, 100–112.
  • Cohen, D. (2017). 86% of U.S. Adults Aged 18-29 Are Social Media Users (Report). Retrieved November 21, 2018, from
  • Coyne, S. M., Padilla-Walker, L. M., & Howard, E. (2013). Emerging in a digital world: a decade review of media use, effects, and gratifications in emerging adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 1, 125–137.
  • Döring, N. (2014). Consensual sexting among adolescents: Risk prevention through abstinence education or safer sexting? Cyberpsychology, 8(1).
  • Duerager, A., & Livingstone, S. (2012). How can parents support children’ s internet safety? EU Kids Online, 1–6. Retrieved from
  • Erikson, E. H. (1975). Childhood and Society. Penguin.
  • Henderson, R., & Robertson, M. (2000). Who wants to be an entrepreneur? Young adult attitudes to entrepreneurship as a career. Career development international, 5(6), 279-287.
  • Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2008). Cyberbullying: an explanatory analysis of factors related to offending and victimization. Deviant Behavior, 29, 129–156.
  • Hoy, M. G., & Milne, G. (2013). Gender Differences in Privacy-Related Measures for Young Adult Facebook Users. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 10(2), 28–45.
  • Kaiser Family Foundation. (2010). Generation M2: Media in the lives of 8- to 18- year olds. Menlo Park, CA.
  • Kaneda, T., & Duduis, G. (2017). 2017 World Population Data Sheet With Focus on Youth. Retrieved January 3, 2019, from
  • Ling, R. (2002). Adolescents girls and young adult men: two sub-cultures of the mobile telephone. Revista De Estudios De Juventud.
  • Lipsman, A. (2004). Marketers Take Note: The Elusive 18-34 Year-Old is Habitually Online. Retrieved January 12, 2019, from
  • Livingstone, S. (2013). Tools for researchers. Retrieved December 14, 2018, from
  • Livingstone, S. (2016). Global Kids Online. Lse, (November). Retrieved from
  • Livingstone, S., & Bulger, M. (2014). A Global Research Agenda for Children’s Rights in the Digital Age. Journal of Children and Media, 8(4), 317–335.
  • Livingstone, S., & Bulger, M. E. (2012). A Global Agenda for Children’s Rights in the Digital Age, (September).
  • Mishna, F., Saini, M., & Solomon, S. (2009). Ongoing and online: Children and youth’s perceptions of cyber bullying. Children and Youth Services Review, 31(12), 1222–1228.
  • Müller, C. R., Pfetsch, J., & Ittel, A. (2014). Ethical Media Competence as a Protective Factor Against Cyberbullying and Cybervictimization Among German School Students. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(10), 644–651.
  • Nawaila, M. B., Kanbul, S., & Ozdamli, F. (2018). Digital child rights: A review. Children and Youth Services Review.
  • Nawaila, M. B., Kanbul, S., & Uzunboylu, H. (2018). Toward Making Social Media Effective in our Classrooms: A 9-Point Method. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 12(4), 59.
  • Nielsen, M. B., Hetland, J., Matthiesen, S. B., & Einarsen, S. (2012). Longitudinal relationships between workplace bullying and psychological distress. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 38-46.
  • Odgers, C. (2018). Smartphones are bad for children. Nature, 554, 432.
  • Ong, R. (2015). Cyber-bullying and young people: How Hong Kong keeps the new playground safe. Computer Law and Security Review, 31(5), 668–678.
  • Perrin, A. (2015). Social media usage: 2005-2015.
  • Schneider, S. K., O’donnell, L., Stueve, A., & Coulter, R. W. S. (2012). Cyberbullying, school bullying, and psychological distress: A regional census of high school students. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 171–177.
  • Simsek, E., & Simsek, A. (2013). New literacies for digital citizenship. Contemporary Educational Technology, 4(2), 126–137.
  • (2019). Average number of social media accounts per internet user from 2013 to 2017. Retrieved January 8, 2019, from
  • Sun, J. (2006). Online and On Target: 18-34 Year Olds. Retrieved October 11, 2018, from
  • United Nations Fund for Population Activities. (2013). Adolescent and youth demographics: A brief overview.
  • van Schalkwyk, G. I., Marin, C. E., Ortiz, M., Rolison, M., Qayyum, Z., McPartland, J. C., Derivois, D. (2017). Digital Inequality and Developmental Trajectories of Low-income, Immigrant, and Minority Children. Pediatrics, 140 (Supplement 2), 100–112.
  • Vaterlaus, J. M., Patten, E. V., Roche, C., & Young, J. A. (2015). Gettinghealthy: The perceived influence of social media on young adult health behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 45(January 2014), 151–157.
  • Xenos, M., & Foot, K. (2008). Not your father’s internet: The generation gap in online politics. W. L. Bennett (Ed.).

Is this risky? Accessing Digital Literacy Level among Young Adult's in TRNC

Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 25 - 32, 01.06.2019


Young adulthood is an important development time period for humans where majority of them spend most of their time with technology. Which constitute all the millennials of whom are digital natives. Most of the people in this category pride themselves as tech-savvy and are so immersed in technology to the extent that drawing a boundary between offline and online is difficult if not impossible. This overconfidence most often than not leads this young people into committing risky behaviors online. Global research institute interested with children are now paying a very close attention when it comes to children’s right in the digital world. Whereas internet policy was design to suit adult internet users. leaving the young adult vulnerable. This research work explores the digital world of this young adults by conducting a mixed method research where open-ended questionnaires were given to 512 randomly selected undergraduate students of Near East University of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and an interview was conducted to 50 randomly selected students among the 512 for the purpose of data collection. With the aim of associate evidence with the continued global discourse regarding rights and wellbeing of people in the digital world with special focus on internet access, level of digital literacy, technological usage and applications, risk, vulnerabilities, mediation and other online habits. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS software version 20. The questionnaire shows high reliability with Cronbach alpha at 0.89. The result shows that young adults of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are conscious of their online behavior although majority confessed to not undergoing digital literacy classes. It was also noted that majority of the young adults accept friendship requests from everyone but will really agree to meet social media friends in real life. Majority of the respondents say they are conscious of what they share online and the data they gave but a significant number of them confess to vulgar chats.


  • Aaron, S., & Anderson, M. (2018). Social Media Use in 2018.
  • Adams, S. H., Brindis, C. D., Mulye, T. P., Irwin, C. E., Nelson, C. D., & Park, M. J. (2009). Trends in Adolescent and Young Adult Health in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(1), 8–24.
  • Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, (55), 469–480.
  • Birch, A. (1997). Developmental Psychology: From Infancy to Adulthood. Macmillan.
  • Bonnie, R. J., Stroud, C., & Breiner, H. (2014). Investing in the health and well-being of young adults. Washington, DC, US: National Academies Press.
  • Brown, J. D., & Bobkowski, P. S. (2011). Older and newer media: Patterns of use and effects on adolescents’ health and well-being. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21, 95–113.
  • Byrne, J., Kardefelt-Winther, D., Livingstone, S., & Stoilova, M. (2016). Global Kids Online: Research synthesis, 1–75.
  • Cénat, J. M., Hébert, M., Blais, M., Lavoie, F., Guerrier, M., & Derivois, D. (2014). Cyberbullying, psychological distress and self-esteem among youth in Quebec schools. Journal of Affective Disorders, 169, 7–9.
  • Choi, M., Glassman, M., & Cristol, D. (2017). What it means to be a citizen in the internet age: Development of a reliable and valid digital citizenship scale. Computers and Education, 107, 100–112.
  • Cohen, D. (2017). 86% of U.S. Adults Aged 18-29 Are Social Media Users (Report). Retrieved November 21, 2018, from
  • Coyne, S. M., Padilla-Walker, L. M., & Howard, E. (2013). Emerging in a digital world: a decade review of media use, effects, and gratifications in emerging adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 1, 125–137.
  • Döring, N. (2014). Consensual sexting among adolescents: Risk prevention through abstinence education or safer sexting? Cyberpsychology, 8(1).
  • Duerager, A., & Livingstone, S. (2012). How can parents support children’ s internet safety? EU Kids Online, 1–6. Retrieved from
  • Erikson, E. H. (1975). Childhood and Society. Penguin.
  • Henderson, R., & Robertson, M. (2000). Who wants to be an entrepreneur? Young adult attitudes to entrepreneurship as a career. Career development international, 5(6), 279-287.
  • Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2008). Cyberbullying: an explanatory analysis of factors related to offending and victimization. Deviant Behavior, 29, 129–156.
  • Hoy, M. G., & Milne, G. (2013). Gender Differences in Privacy-Related Measures for Young Adult Facebook Users. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 10(2), 28–45.
  • Kaiser Family Foundation. (2010). Generation M2: Media in the lives of 8- to 18- year olds. Menlo Park, CA.
  • Kaneda, T., & Duduis, G. (2017). 2017 World Population Data Sheet With Focus on Youth. Retrieved January 3, 2019, from
  • Ling, R. (2002). Adolescents girls and young adult men: two sub-cultures of the mobile telephone. Revista De Estudios De Juventud.
  • Lipsman, A. (2004). Marketers Take Note: The Elusive 18-34 Year-Old is Habitually Online. Retrieved January 12, 2019, from
  • Livingstone, S. (2013). Tools for researchers. Retrieved December 14, 2018, from
  • Livingstone, S. (2016). Global Kids Online. Lse, (November). Retrieved from
  • Livingstone, S., & Bulger, M. (2014). A Global Research Agenda for Children’s Rights in the Digital Age. Journal of Children and Media, 8(4), 317–335.
  • Livingstone, S., & Bulger, M. E. (2012). A Global Agenda for Children’s Rights in the Digital Age, (September).
  • Mishna, F., Saini, M., & Solomon, S. (2009). Ongoing and online: Children and youth’s perceptions of cyber bullying. Children and Youth Services Review, 31(12), 1222–1228.
  • Müller, C. R., Pfetsch, J., & Ittel, A. (2014). Ethical Media Competence as a Protective Factor Against Cyberbullying and Cybervictimization Among German School Students. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(10), 644–651.
  • Nawaila, M. B., Kanbul, S., & Ozdamli, F. (2018). Digital child rights: A review. Children and Youth Services Review.
  • Nawaila, M. B., Kanbul, S., & Uzunboylu, H. (2018). Toward Making Social Media Effective in our Classrooms: A 9-Point Method. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 12(4), 59.
  • Nielsen, M. B., Hetland, J., Matthiesen, S. B., & Einarsen, S. (2012). Longitudinal relationships between workplace bullying and psychological distress. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 38-46.
  • Odgers, C. (2018). Smartphones are bad for children. Nature, 554, 432.
  • Ong, R. (2015). Cyber-bullying and young people: How Hong Kong keeps the new playground safe. Computer Law and Security Review, 31(5), 668–678.
  • Perrin, A. (2015). Social media usage: 2005-2015.
  • Schneider, S. K., O’donnell, L., Stueve, A., & Coulter, R. W. S. (2012). Cyberbullying, school bullying, and psychological distress: A regional census of high school students. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 171–177.
  • Simsek, E., & Simsek, A. (2013). New literacies for digital citizenship. Contemporary Educational Technology, 4(2), 126–137.
  • (2019). Average number of social media accounts per internet user from 2013 to 2017. Retrieved January 8, 2019, from
  • Sun, J. (2006). Online and On Target: 18-34 Year Olds. Retrieved October 11, 2018, from
  • United Nations Fund for Population Activities. (2013). Adolescent and youth demographics: A brief overview.
  • van Schalkwyk, G. I., Marin, C. E., Ortiz, M., Rolison, M., Qayyum, Z., McPartland, J. C., Derivois, D. (2017). Digital Inequality and Developmental Trajectories of Low-income, Immigrant, and Minority Children. Pediatrics, 140 (Supplement 2), 100–112.
  • Vaterlaus, J. M., Patten, E. V., Roche, C., & Young, J. A. (2015). Gettinghealthy: The perceived influence of social media on young adult health behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 45(January 2014), 151–157.
  • Xenos, M., & Foot, K. (2008). Not your father’s internet: The generation gap in online politics. W. L. Bennett (Ed.).
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Muhammad Bello Nawaila This is me

Sezer Kanbul This is me

Saleh Waziri Mustapha This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Nawaila, M. B., Kanbul, S., & Mustapha, S. W. (2019). Is this risky? Accessing Digital Literacy Level among Young Adult’s in TRNC. Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age, 4(2), 25-32.

Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age 2023. © 2023. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 19195

Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age. All rights reserved, 2023. ISSN:2458-8350