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Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 6, 01.01.2020



  • Almodiel, M.C. (2017). Social media as learning tool among online learners. .ASEAN Journal of Open Distance Learning, 9 (2), 63-71.
  • Beltran-Cruz, M., & Cruz, S. B. B. (2013). The use of internet-based social media as a tool in enhancing student’s learning experiences in biological sciences. Higher Learning Research Communications, 3 (4), 68-80. DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v3i4.170
  • Bik H.M. & Goldstein, M.C. (2013). An introduction to social media for scientists. PLoS Biology, 11 (4): e1001535. DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001535
  • Bohon, W., Robinson, S., Arrowsmith, R., & Semken, S. (2013). Building an effective social media strategy for science programs. Eos, 94 (27), 237-244.
  • Bombaci, S.P., Farr, C.M., Gallo, H.T., Mangan, A.M., Stinson, L.T., Kaushik, M., & Pejchar, L. (2015). Using Twitter to communicate conservation science from a professional conference. Conservation Biology, 30 (1), 216-225. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12570
  • Bowen, G.A., Gordon, N.S., & Chojnacki, M.K. (2017). Advocacy through social media: exploring student engagement in addressing social issues. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 21 (3), 5-30.
  • Collins, K., Shiffman, D., Rock J. (2016). How are scientists using social media in the workplace? PLoS ONE, 11 (10): e0162680. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0162680
  • Cruz, F. & Jamias, S.B. (2013). Scientists’ use of social media: the case of researchers at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. First Mondays, 18 (4). DOI: 10.5210/fm.v18i4.4296
  • Darling, E.S., Shiffman, D., Cȏté, I.M., & Drew, J.A. (2013). The role of Twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 32-43. DOI: 10.4033/iee.2013.6.6.f
  • Faizi, R., El Afia, A., & Chiheb, R. (2013). Exploring the potential benefits of using social media in education. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 3 (4), 50-53. DOI: 10.3991/ijep.v3i4.2836
  • Kent, M. L. (2013). Using social media dialogically: public relations role in reviving democracy. Public Relations Review, 39, 337-345. DOI:10.1016/j.pubrev.2013.07.024
  • Lee, N.M. & VanDyke, M.S. (2015). Set it and forget it: the one-way use of social media by government agencies communicating science. Science Communication, 1-9. DOI: 10.1177/1075547015588600
  • Lutz, S.R., Popp, A., van Emmerik, T., Gleeson, T., Kalaugher, L., Möbius, K., Mudde, T., Walton, B., Hut, R., Savenije, H., Slater, L.J., Solcerova, A., Stoof, C.R., & Zink, M. (2018). HESS Opinions: Science in today’s media landscape – challenges and lessons from hydrologists and journalists. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 3589–3599. DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-3589-2018
  • McClain, C.R. (2017). Practices and promises of Facebook for science outreach: becoming a “Nerd of Trust”. PLoS Biol, 15 (6): e2002020. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2002020
  • Moltaji, N. (2018). Effects of textual and visual information in social media on international students’ choice of study destination: a qualitative study on how forms of information in social media affect international students’ decision-making with regards to the choice of study destination (Master’s thesis). Stockholm Business School, Sweden. Retrieved from
  • Mim, F.N., Islam, M.A., & Paul, G.K. (2018). Impact of the use of social media on students’ academic performance and behavior change. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 3 (1), 299-302.
  • Neenan, E.E. & Roche, J. (2016) Geoscience education in an Irish context: a need for research. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 4, 1-8. DOI: 10.4236/gep.2016.46001
  • Orlanda-Ventayen, C.C. & Ventayen, R.J.M. (2017). Role of social media in education: a teacher’s perspective. ASEAN Journal of Open Distance Learning, 9 (2). 1-7.
  • Priem, J. & Costello, K.L. (2010). How and why scholars cite on Twitter. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 47 (1), 1-4. DOI: 10.1002/meet.14504701201
  • Schroeder, J. & Greenbowe, T.J. (2009). The chemistry of Facebook: using social networking to create an online community for the organic chemistry laboratory. Innovate: Journal of Online Education, 5 (4), Article 3. Retrieved from
  • Serrano, J.V. & Yambao, Y.I.A. (2015). Social media as a venue for online class collaboration. ASEAN Journal of Open Distance Learning, 7 (2), 17-26.
  • Spencer, C.J., Gunderson, K.L., Hoiland, C.W., & Schleiffarth, W.K. (2017). Earth-science outreach using an integrated social media platform. GSA Today, 27.
  • DOI:
  • Stewart, I. S. & Lewis, D. (2017). Communicating contested geoscience to the public: Moving from‘matters offact’to‘matters of concern’. Earth-Science Reviews, 174, 122-133. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.09.003
  • Stewart, I.S. & Nield, T. (2013). Earth stories: Context and narrative in the communication of popular geoscience. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 124 (4), 699-712.
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2012.08.008
  • Su, L.Y., Akin, H., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D.A., & Xenos, M.A. (2015). Science news consumption patterns and their implications for public understanding of science. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 92 (3), 597-616.
  • DOI: 10.1177/1077699015586415
  • Tarantino, K., McDonough, J., & Hua, M. (2013). Effects of student engagement with social media on student learning: a review of literature. The Journal of Technology in Student Affairs, Summer 2013. Retrieved from
  • Thackeray, R. & Hunter, M.A. (2010). Empowering youth: use of technology in advocacy to affect social change. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15, 575-591. DOI: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2009.01503.x
  • UP Geological Society. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Van Eperen, L. and Marincola, F.M. (2011). How scientists use social media to communicate their research. Journal of Translational Medicine, 9(199), 1-3.
  • Weingart, P. & Guenther, L. (2016). Science communication and the issue of trust. Journal of Science Communication, 15 (5), 1-11. DOI: 10.22323/2.15050301
  • Wilkinson C. & Weitkamp, E. (2013). A case study in serendipity: environmental researchers use of traditional and social media for dissemination. PLoS ONE, 8 (12): e84339. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0084339

A Student Organization’s Use of Social Media in Promoting the Geosciences

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 1 - 6, 01.01.2020


Social media has changed the landscape of human communication and interaction. Scientists, researchers, and scientific organizations are now gradually engaging in these online platforms. Understanding how social media works requires a closer look at the current practices and beliefs of its users. This study sought to determine how an undergraduate student organization used social media in achieving its goal of promoting the geosciences. It also aimed to describe the perceived usefulness of social media in this endeavor. To this end, members of the University of the Philippines Geological Society answered an online survey. Results revealed that the majority of the respondents use social media to acquire and disseminate geoscience-related content. They expressed positive perceptions of its use in promoting the geosciences. Content analysis of the organization's Facebook page showed that it was used for academic and non-academic organizational activities. It is recommended that similar studies involving more groups and social media platforms be conducted.


  • Almodiel, M.C. (2017). Social media as learning tool among online learners. .ASEAN Journal of Open Distance Learning, 9 (2), 63-71.
  • Beltran-Cruz, M., & Cruz, S. B. B. (2013). The use of internet-based social media as a tool in enhancing student’s learning experiences in biological sciences. Higher Learning Research Communications, 3 (4), 68-80. DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v3i4.170
  • Bik H.M. & Goldstein, M.C. (2013). An introduction to social media for scientists. PLoS Biology, 11 (4): e1001535. DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001535
  • Bohon, W., Robinson, S., Arrowsmith, R., & Semken, S. (2013). Building an effective social media strategy for science programs. Eos, 94 (27), 237-244.
  • Bombaci, S.P., Farr, C.M., Gallo, H.T., Mangan, A.M., Stinson, L.T., Kaushik, M., & Pejchar, L. (2015). Using Twitter to communicate conservation science from a professional conference. Conservation Biology, 30 (1), 216-225. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12570
  • Bowen, G.A., Gordon, N.S., & Chojnacki, M.K. (2017). Advocacy through social media: exploring student engagement in addressing social issues. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 21 (3), 5-30.
  • Collins, K., Shiffman, D., Rock J. (2016). How are scientists using social media in the workplace? PLoS ONE, 11 (10): e0162680. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0162680
  • Cruz, F. & Jamias, S.B. (2013). Scientists’ use of social media: the case of researchers at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. First Mondays, 18 (4). DOI: 10.5210/fm.v18i4.4296
  • Darling, E.S., Shiffman, D., Cȏté, I.M., & Drew, J.A. (2013). The role of Twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution, 6, 32-43. DOI: 10.4033/iee.2013.6.6.f
  • Faizi, R., El Afia, A., & Chiheb, R. (2013). Exploring the potential benefits of using social media in education. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 3 (4), 50-53. DOI: 10.3991/ijep.v3i4.2836
  • Kent, M. L. (2013). Using social media dialogically: public relations role in reviving democracy. Public Relations Review, 39, 337-345. DOI:10.1016/j.pubrev.2013.07.024
  • Lee, N.M. & VanDyke, M.S. (2015). Set it and forget it: the one-way use of social media by government agencies communicating science. Science Communication, 1-9. DOI: 10.1177/1075547015588600
  • Lutz, S.R., Popp, A., van Emmerik, T., Gleeson, T., Kalaugher, L., Möbius, K., Mudde, T., Walton, B., Hut, R., Savenije, H., Slater, L.J., Solcerova, A., Stoof, C.R., & Zink, M. (2018). HESS Opinions: Science in today’s media landscape – challenges and lessons from hydrologists and journalists. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 3589–3599. DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-3589-2018
  • McClain, C.R. (2017). Practices and promises of Facebook for science outreach: becoming a “Nerd of Trust”. PLoS Biol, 15 (6): e2002020. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2002020
  • Moltaji, N. (2018). Effects of textual and visual information in social media on international students’ choice of study destination: a qualitative study on how forms of information in social media affect international students’ decision-making with regards to the choice of study destination (Master’s thesis). Stockholm Business School, Sweden. Retrieved from
  • Mim, F.N., Islam, M.A., & Paul, G.K. (2018). Impact of the use of social media on students’ academic performance and behavior change. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 3 (1), 299-302.
  • Neenan, E.E. & Roche, J. (2016) Geoscience education in an Irish context: a need for research. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 4, 1-8. DOI: 10.4236/gep.2016.46001
  • Orlanda-Ventayen, C.C. & Ventayen, R.J.M. (2017). Role of social media in education: a teacher’s perspective. ASEAN Journal of Open Distance Learning, 9 (2). 1-7.
  • Priem, J. & Costello, K.L. (2010). How and why scholars cite on Twitter. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 47 (1), 1-4. DOI: 10.1002/meet.14504701201
  • Schroeder, J. & Greenbowe, T.J. (2009). The chemistry of Facebook: using social networking to create an online community for the organic chemistry laboratory. Innovate: Journal of Online Education, 5 (4), Article 3. Retrieved from
  • Serrano, J.V. & Yambao, Y.I.A. (2015). Social media as a venue for online class collaboration. ASEAN Journal of Open Distance Learning, 7 (2), 17-26.
  • Spencer, C.J., Gunderson, K.L., Hoiland, C.W., & Schleiffarth, W.K. (2017). Earth-science outreach using an integrated social media platform. GSA Today, 27.
  • DOI:
  • Stewart, I. S. & Lewis, D. (2017). Communicating contested geoscience to the public: Moving from‘matters offact’to‘matters of concern’. Earth-Science Reviews, 174, 122-133. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.09.003
  • Stewart, I.S. & Nield, T. (2013). Earth stories: Context and narrative in the communication of popular geoscience. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 124 (4), 699-712.
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2012.08.008
  • Su, L.Y., Akin, H., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D.A., & Xenos, M.A. (2015). Science news consumption patterns and their implications for public understanding of science. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 92 (3), 597-616.
  • DOI: 10.1177/1077699015586415
  • Tarantino, K., McDonough, J., & Hua, M. (2013). Effects of student engagement with social media on student learning: a review of literature. The Journal of Technology in Student Affairs, Summer 2013. Retrieved from
  • Thackeray, R. & Hunter, M.A. (2010). Empowering youth: use of technology in advocacy to affect social change. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15, 575-591. DOI: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2009.01503.x
  • UP Geological Society. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Van Eperen, L. and Marincola, F.M. (2011). How scientists use social media to communicate their research. Journal of Translational Medicine, 9(199), 1-3.
  • Weingart, P. & Guenther, L. (2016). Science communication and the issue of trust. Journal of Science Communication, 15 (5), 1-11. DOI: 10.22323/2.15050301
  • Wilkinson C. & Weitkamp, E. (2013). A case study in serendipity: environmental researchers use of traditional and social media for dissemination. PLoS ONE, 8 (12): e84339. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0084339
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Christoper Jan Bacurin Landicho

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Landicho, C. J. B. (2020). A Student Organization’s Use of Social Media in Promoting the Geosciences. Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age, 5(1), 1-6.

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