Year 2021,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 61 - 72, 31.07.2021
Akın Şahin
Ülker Çolakoğlu
Osman Nuri Özdoğan
- Aktaş, A. (2011). Ağırlama Hizmet İşletmelerinde Yiyecek İçecek Yönetimi. Detay Yayıncılık.
- Andersson, D. T., & Mossberg, L. (2004). The Dining Experience: do Restaurants Satisfy Customer Needs? Food Service Technology, 4 (4), 90-98. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-5740.2004.00105.x
- Arı, A. (2019). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi
- Ashley, B., Hollows, J., Jones, S., & Taylor, B. (2004). Food and Cultural Studies. Routledge. 141-153.
- Aubke, F. (2014). Creative Hot Spots: A Network Analysis of German Michelin-Starred Chefs, Creativity and Innovation Management Journal, 23(1), 1-17. doi: 10.1111/caim.12044
- Auty, S. (1992). Consumer Choice and Segmentation in the Restaurant Industry. The Service Industries Journal, 12(3): 324-339.
- Bayram, M. (2015). Otel İşletmelerine Yönelik Çevrimiçi Tüketici Değerlendirmelerinin Analizi. Doktora Tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Ankara.
- Bekar, A., & Dönmez, F. G. (2016). Tüketicilerin Dışarıda Yemek Yeme Nedenlerine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme. Social Sciences, 11(1): 1-15.
- Bucak, T., & Köse, C. Z. (2014). The Aplication of Michelin’s Star Standarts in Restaurant Business; Hamburg Le Canard Sample, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2 (2), 21-35. Doi: 10.15640/jthm.v2n2a2
- Chang, J., Khan, M. A., & Tsai, C. T. (2012). Dining Occasions, Service Failures And Customer Complaint Behaviours: An Empirical Assessment. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14(6): 601-615.
- Cheang, M. (2002). Older Adults' Frequent Visits To A Fast-Food Restaurant: Nonobligatory Social interaction And The Significance Of Play İn A “Third Place”. Journal of Aging Studies, 16(3): 303-321.
- Clark, M. A., & Wood, R. C. (1998). Consumer Loyalty in The Restaurant İndustry a Preliminary Exploration Of The İssues. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 10(4): 139-144.
- DiPietro, R. (2017). Restaurant and foodservice research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(4): 1203-1234.
- ElBulli. (2020). History. Retrieved from
- Ertürk, M. (2018). Tüketicilerin Dışarıda Yemek Yeme Nedenleri. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 17(3): 1203-1224.
- Etemad, S. R. (2018). Are Customers Ready to Accept Revenue Management Practices in The Restaurant İndustry. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35(4): 846-856.
- GuideMichelin. (2020). Guide Michelin About Us. Retrieved from
Gustafsson, I. B., Öström, Å., Johansson, J., & Mossberg, L. (2006). The Five Aspects Meal Model: A Tool For Developing Meal Services in Restaurants. Journal of foodservice, 17(2): 84-93.
- Han, H., & Kim, W. (2009). Outcomes of Relatıonal Benefıts: Restaurant Customers' Perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26(8): 820-835.
- Hansen, K. V., Jensen, Ø., & Gustafsson, I. B. (2005). The Meal Experiences of A la Carte Restaurant Customers. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 5(2): 135-151.
- Henley, J. (2004). Michelin Bean Spiller Loses Court Battle, The Guardian. Retrieved from
- Jani, D., & Han, H. (2011). Investigating The Key Factors Affecting Behavioral İntentions: Evidence From A Full Service Restaurant Setting. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(7): 1000-1018.
- Johns, N., & Howard, A. (1998). Customer Expectations Versus Perceptions of Service Performance in The Foodservice Industry. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 9(3): 248-265. Doi: 10.1108/09564239810223556
- Johnson, C., Surlemont, B., Nicod, P., & Revaz, F. (2005). Behind The Stars: A Concise Typology Of Michelin Restaurants İn Europe. Cornell Hotel And Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 170–187.
- Kivela, J. (1997). Restaurant Marketing: Selection And Segmentation İn Hong Kong. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 9(3): 116-123.
- Koo, L., Tao, F. K., & Yeung, J. H. (1999). Preferential Segmentation of Restaurant Attributes Through Conjoint Analysis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(5): 242-253.
- Kovacs, S., & Boka, Z. (2015). Hungarian Cuisine With Respect to Restaurant Awards and Consumers’ Opinion, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 27 (1), 33-49.
- Lee, J. H., & Hwang, J. (2011). Luxury Marketing: The İnfluences of Psychological and Demographic Characteristics on Attitudes Toward Luxury Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(3): 658-669.
- Lewis, R. C. (1981). Restaurant Advertising-Appeals And Consumers İntentions. Journal of Advertising Research, 21(5): 69-74.
- MaxQDA. (2020). Nitel & Karma Yöntemler için Profesyonel Veri Analizi Yazılımı. Retrieved from
- Öndaş, M. (2016). Dünyanın en iyi Michelin Yıldızlı Restoranları. Retrieved from
- Özdoğan, N. O. (2014). Yiyecek İçecek Endüstrisinde Trendler Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar, Başarı Hikayeleri. Ankara: Detay yayıncılık. 111-123.
- Pantelidis, I. S. (2010). Electronic Meal Experience: A Content Analysis of Online Restaurant Comments. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 51(4): 483-491.
- Parikh, A. A., Behnke, C., Almanza, B., Nelson, D., & Vorvoreanu, M. (2016). Comparative Content Analysis of Professional, Semi-Professional And User-Generated Restaurant Reviews. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 20(5): 497-511.
- Park, C. (2004). Efficient or Enjoyable? Consumer Values of Eating-Out and Fast Food Restaurant Consumption in Korea. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 23(1): 87-94. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2003.08.001
- Scozzafava, G., Contini, C., Romano, C., & Casini, L. (2017). Eating Out: Which Restaurant To Choose? British Food Journal, 119(8): 1870-1883.
- Taşdağıtıcı, E. (2016). Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinde Sınıflandırma Sistemleri. Ankara’daki 1. Sınıf Restoran İşletmelerinin Algısına Yönelik Bir Uygulama. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Turizm İşletmeciliği Anabilim Dalı.
- Tepe, U. (2020). Michelin Rehberi. Retrieved from
- Tez, Z. (2015). Lezzetin Tarihi: Geçmişten Bugüne Yiyecek, İçecek ve Keyif Vericiler (3. Baskı), İstanbul: Hayykitap.
- TheWorld’s50Best. (2019). About Us The World's 50 Best Restaurants. Retrieved from
- TheWorld’s50Best. (2019). The Liste 1-10 Mirazur. Retrieved from
- TheWorld’s50Best. (2020). Best Of The Best El Bulli. Retrieved from
- TheWorld’s50Best. (2020). Best Of The Best The Fat Duck. Retrieved from
- Topsakal, C., Merey, Z., & Keçe, M. (2013). Göçle Gelen Ailelerin Çocuklarının Eğitim-Öğretim Hakkı ve Sorunları Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi The Journal of International Social Research. C:6 S:27.
- Warde, A., & Martens, L. (2000). Eating Out: Social Differentiation, Consumption and Pleasure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wheatley, J. (2012). Curse of the Michelin star. Retrieved from
- Winkler, A. (2008). 100 Beste Köche. Neustadt: Neuer Umschau Buchverlag.
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2008). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Yıldırım, H. M., Çeti, B., Özcan, S., Dülgaroğlu, O., & Özer, F. (2016). Turizm Sektöründe Hizmet Kalitesinin Sağlanması Açısından Türkiye’de Turizm Eğitiminin Analizi: Karabük Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 446-455.
A research on customer experiences and perceptions for Michelin starred restaurants
Year 2021,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 61 - 72, 31.07.2021
Akın Şahin
Ülker Çolakoğlu
Osman Nuri Özdoğan
Michelin Guide is one of the well known world-recognized restaurant rating systems. This guide gives star symbols to restaurants that meet certain standards. Being a Michelin-starred restaurant in gastronomy sector is very important in terms of prestige. Having a star is becoming a factor that significantly affects customer potential as it means attesting to the flavour and ambience of restaurants. In this research, which measures consumers' perceptions of choosing Michelin restaurants, consumer reviews from Tripadvisor site were evaluated and to understand point of view of chefs and the managers a face to face interview conducted to 9 Michelin restaurants. The purpose of the study is to investigate the reasons that drive consumers to visit Michelin starred restaurants and to understand their perceptions. The research found that consumers are curious about Michelin restaurants, preferring to experience different titles such as food quality, hospitality, service and decoration from other restaurants. In addition, consumers who prefer Michelin restaurants evaluate the service as a whole, and the issues they care about come after the quality of the food.

- Aktaş, A. (2011). Ağırlama Hizmet İşletmelerinde Yiyecek İçecek Yönetimi. Detay Yayıncılık.
- Andersson, D. T., & Mossberg, L. (2004). The Dining Experience: do Restaurants Satisfy Customer Needs? Food Service Technology, 4 (4), 90-98. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-5740.2004.00105.x
- Arı, A. (2019). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi
- Ashley, B., Hollows, J., Jones, S., & Taylor, B. (2004). Food and Cultural Studies. Routledge. 141-153.
- Aubke, F. (2014). Creative Hot Spots: A Network Analysis of German Michelin-Starred Chefs, Creativity and Innovation Management Journal, 23(1), 1-17. doi: 10.1111/caim.12044
- Auty, S. (1992). Consumer Choice and Segmentation in the Restaurant Industry. The Service Industries Journal, 12(3): 324-339.
- Bayram, M. (2015). Otel İşletmelerine Yönelik Çevrimiçi Tüketici Değerlendirmelerinin Analizi. Doktora Tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Ankara.
- Bekar, A., & Dönmez, F. G. (2016). Tüketicilerin Dışarıda Yemek Yeme Nedenlerine İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme. Social Sciences, 11(1): 1-15.
- Bucak, T., & Köse, C. Z. (2014). The Aplication of Michelin’s Star Standarts in Restaurant Business; Hamburg Le Canard Sample, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2 (2), 21-35. Doi: 10.15640/jthm.v2n2a2
- Chang, J., Khan, M. A., & Tsai, C. T. (2012). Dining Occasions, Service Failures And Customer Complaint Behaviours: An Empirical Assessment. International Journal of Tourism Research, 14(6): 601-615.
- Cheang, M. (2002). Older Adults' Frequent Visits To A Fast-Food Restaurant: Nonobligatory Social interaction And The Significance Of Play İn A “Third Place”. Journal of Aging Studies, 16(3): 303-321.
- Clark, M. A., & Wood, R. C. (1998). Consumer Loyalty in The Restaurant İndustry a Preliminary Exploration Of The İssues. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 10(4): 139-144.
- DiPietro, R. (2017). Restaurant and foodservice research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(4): 1203-1234.
- ElBulli. (2020). History. Retrieved from
- Ertürk, M. (2018). Tüketicilerin Dışarıda Yemek Yeme Nedenleri. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 17(3): 1203-1224.
- Etemad, S. R. (2018). Are Customers Ready to Accept Revenue Management Practices in The Restaurant İndustry. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35(4): 846-856.
- GuideMichelin. (2020). Guide Michelin About Us. Retrieved from
Gustafsson, I. B., Öström, Å., Johansson, J., & Mossberg, L. (2006). The Five Aspects Meal Model: A Tool For Developing Meal Services in Restaurants. Journal of foodservice, 17(2): 84-93.
- Han, H., & Kim, W. (2009). Outcomes of Relatıonal Benefıts: Restaurant Customers' Perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26(8): 820-835.
- Hansen, K. V., Jensen, Ø., & Gustafsson, I. B. (2005). The Meal Experiences of A la Carte Restaurant Customers. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 5(2): 135-151.
- Henley, J. (2004). Michelin Bean Spiller Loses Court Battle, The Guardian. Retrieved from
- Jani, D., & Han, H. (2011). Investigating The Key Factors Affecting Behavioral İntentions: Evidence From A Full Service Restaurant Setting. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(7): 1000-1018.
- Johns, N., & Howard, A. (1998). Customer Expectations Versus Perceptions of Service Performance in The Foodservice Industry. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 9(3): 248-265. Doi: 10.1108/09564239810223556
- Johnson, C., Surlemont, B., Nicod, P., & Revaz, F. (2005). Behind The Stars: A Concise Typology Of Michelin Restaurants İn Europe. Cornell Hotel And Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(2), 170–187.
- Kivela, J. (1997). Restaurant Marketing: Selection And Segmentation İn Hong Kong. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 9(3): 116-123.
- Koo, L., Tao, F. K., & Yeung, J. H. (1999). Preferential Segmentation of Restaurant Attributes Through Conjoint Analysis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(5): 242-253.
- Kovacs, S., & Boka, Z. (2015). Hungarian Cuisine With Respect to Restaurant Awards and Consumers’ Opinion, Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 27 (1), 33-49.
- Lee, J. H., & Hwang, J. (2011). Luxury Marketing: The İnfluences of Psychological and Demographic Characteristics on Attitudes Toward Luxury Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(3): 658-669.
- Lewis, R. C. (1981). Restaurant Advertising-Appeals And Consumers İntentions. Journal of Advertising Research, 21(5): 69-74.
- MaxQDA. (2020). Nitel & Karma Yöntemler için Profesyonel Veri Analizi Yazılımı. Retrieved from
- Öndaş, M. (2016). Dünyanın en iyi Michelin Yıldızlı Restoranları. Retrieved from
- Özdoğan, N. O. (2014). Yiyecek İçecek Endüstrisinde Trendler Kavramlar, Yaklaşımlar, Başarı Hikayeleri. Ankara: Detay yayıncılık. 111-123.
- Pantelidis, I. S. (2010). Electronic Meal Experience: A Content Analysis of Online Restaurant Comments. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 51(4): 483-491.
- Parikh, A. A., Behnke, C., Almanza, B., Nelson, D., & Vorvoreanu, M. (2016). Comparative Content Analysis of Professional, Semi-Professional And User-Generated Restaurant Reviews. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 20(5): 497-511.
- Park, C. (2004). Efficient or Enjoyable? Consumer Values of Eating-Out and Fast Food Restaurant Consumption in Korea. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 23(1): 87-94. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2003.08.001
- Scozzafava, G., Contini, C., Romano, C., & Casini, L. (2017). Eating Out: Which Restaurant To Choose? British Food Journal, 119(8): 1870-1883.
- Taşdağıtıcı, E. (2016). Yiyecek İçecek İşletmelerinde Sınıflandırma Sistemleri. Ankara’daki 1. Sınıf Restoran İşletmelerinin Algısına Yönelik Bir Uygulama. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Turizm İşletmeciliği Anabilim Dalı.
- Tepe, U. (2020). Michelin Rehberi. Retrieved from
- Tez, Z. (2015). Lezzetin Tarihi: Geçmişten Bugüne Yiyecek, İçecek ve Keyif Vericiler (3. Baskı), İstanbul: Hayykitap.
- TheWorld’s50Best. (2019). About Us The World's 50 Best Restaurants. Retrieved from
- TheWorld’s50Best. (2019). The Liste 1-10 Mirazur. Retrieved from
- TheWorld’s50Best. (2020). Best Of The Best El Bulli. Retrieved from
- TheWorld’s50Best. (2020). Best Of The Best The Fat Duck. Retrieved from
- Topsakal, C., Merey, Z., & Keçe, M. (2013). Göçle Gelen Ailelerin Çocuklarının Eğitim-Öğretim Hakkı ve Sorunları Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi The Journal of International Social Research. C:6 S:27.
- Warde, A., & Martens, L. (2000). Eating Out: Social Differentiation, Consumption and Pleasure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wheatley, J. (2012). Curse of the Michelin star. Retrieved from
- Winkler, A. (2008). 100 Beste Köche. Neustadt: Neuer Umschau Buchverlag.
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2008). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
- Yıldırım, H. M., Çeti, B., Özcan, S., Dülgaroğlu, O., & Özer, F. (2016). Turizm Sektöründe Hizmet Kalitesinin Sağlanması Açısından Türkiye’de Turizm Eğitiminin Analizi: Karabük Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 446-455.