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Year 2016, , 17 - 33, 18.07.2016


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the attitudes of university students towards using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and media tools in learning English and their emotional intelligence. It also investigated whether the attitudes of university students towards using ICT and media tools in learning English and their emotional intelligence varied according to their gender and departments.  The Turkish adaption of the revised Schutte emotional scale and The Attitude Scale for the Use of Media and ICT in Learning English were used as instruments to collect data in the study, which involved 143 female and 84 male, in total 227, university students. The independent t test, one way analysis of variance and Pearson product moment correlation technique were used to analyze the data obtained related with the variables gender, departments and emotional intelligence respectively. A positive relationship between the attitudes of participants and emotional intelligence was found. The other finding was that the attitudes of university students towards ICT and media use in learning English varied significantly according to their gender and departments. It was recommended that more comprehensives studies be conducted with different and various working groups to develop new language programs from broader perspectives.  

This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the attitudes of university students towards using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and media tools in learning English and their emotional intelligence. It also investigated whether the attitudes of university students towards using ICT and media tools in learning English and their emotional intelligence varied according to their gender and departments.  The Turkish adaption of the revised Schutte emotional scale and The Attitude Scale for the Use of Media and ICT in Learning English were used as instruments to collect data in the study, which involved 143 female and 84 male, in total 227, university students. The independent t test, one way analysis of variance and Pearson product moment correlation technique were used to analyze the data obtained related with the variables gender, departments and emotional intelligence respectively. A positive relationship between the attitudes of participants and emotional intelligence was found. The other finding was that the attitudes of university students towards ICT and media use in learning English varied significantly according to their gender and departments. It was recommended that more comprehensives studies be conducted with different and various working groups to develop new language programs from broader perspectives.  


  • Austin, E J , Saklofske, D H, Huang, S H & McKenney, D (2004) Measurement Of Trait Emotional Intelligence: Testing And Cross-Validating A Modified Version of Schutte et al.’s (1998), Measure Personality and Individual Differences, 36(3), 555–562. DOI:10.1016/S0191-8869(03)00114-4
  • Averill, J R, & Nunley, E P (1992) Voyages of the Heart: Living an Emotionally Creative, Free Press, New York.
  • Baek, Y (2008) What Hinders Teachers in Using Computer and Video Games in the Classroom? Exploring Factors Inhibiting the Uptake of Computer and Video Games, Cyber, Psychology and Behavior, 11(6), 665–671.
  • Bar-On R (1997) Emotional Quotient Inventory: Technical Manual, Multi-Health Systems, Toronto.
  • Bar-On R (2000) Emotional and Social Intelligence: Insights from the Emotional Quotient Inventory, R. Bar-On & J D Parker (Eds.), the Handbook of Emotional Intelligence, Jossey-Bass, San Franciso, 363–388.
  • Bar-On R (2006) The Bar-On Modelof Emotional-Social Intelligence (ESI), Psicothema, 18, supl, 13-25.
  • Bax S (2003) CALL- Past, Present and Future, System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 31(1), 13–28.
  • Beatty K (2003) Computers in the Language Classroom, D Nunan (ed), Practical English Language Teaching, Mc Graw Hill Publishing, Singapore, 247–266.
  • Becta (2008) How do Boys and Girls Differ in their Use of ICT? on February,2, 2016 retrieved from
  • Berce J, Lanfranco S and Vehovar V (2008) E- Governance: Information and Communication Technology Knowledge Management and Learning Organisation Culture, Informatica, 32(2), 189–205.
  • Bimber B (2000) Measuring the Gender Gap on the Internet, Social Science Quarterly, 81(3), 868–876.
  • Boyatzis R, Goleman D and Rhee K (2000) Clustering Competence in Emotional Intelligence: Insights from the Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI), R. Bar-On and J D Parker (eds), Handbook of Emotional Intelligence, Jossey-Bass, San Franciso, 343–362
  • Cassen R, McNally S and Vignoles A (2015) Making a Difference in Education: What the Evidence Says, Taylor&Francis Group /Routledge, , London, New York.
  • Cooper R K and Sawaf A (1997) Executive EQ Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organiztons, The Berkley Publishing, New York.
  • Çapan S A (2012) Teacher Attitudes towards Computer Use in EFL Classrooms, Frontiers Language Teaching, 3, 248–254.
  • Çuhadar C and Yücel M (2010) Yabancı Dil Öğretmeni Adaylarının Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerinin Öğretim Amaçlı Kullanımına Yönelik Öz-yeterlilik Algıları, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27, 199–210.
  • Davidow W H (2012) Overconnected: The Promise and Threat of the Internet, Delphinium Books, New York, California.
  • Demirbilek M and Yücel Z (2011) İngilizce Öğretmenlerinin Bilgisayarın Yabancı Dil Öğretim Ve Öğreniminde Kullanımı Hakkındaki Görüşleri Uludağ Üniveristesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(1), 217–246.
  • Dudeney G and Hockly N (2012) ICT in ELT: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going?, ELT Journal, 64(4), 533–542.
  • EF (Education First) (2015) English Proficiency Index 2015 on January, 23, 2016 retrieved from
  • Erdoğdu M Y (2008) Duygusal Zekanın Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi, Research on Emotional Quotient in Terms of Certain Variables, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7, 23, 62- 76, on January,14, 2016 retrieved from
  • http:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/50000681405000087673-1-PB%20(1).pdf
  • Esfandiari R and Ekdradi E (2014) Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Emotional Intelligence and their Performance on Cloze Test, Elsevier Science Direct Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98, 435–444.
  • Gardner H (1983) Frames of Mind Basic Books, New York.
  • Goleman D (1995) Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books, New York.
  • Goleman D (1998) Working with Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books, New York.
  • Graddol D (2000) The Future of English, The British Council, U.K.
  • Grewal D and Salovey P (2005) Feeling Smart: The Science of Emotional Intelligence, American Scientist, 93, 330–339.
  • Grossman M, Wood W (1993) Sex Differences in Intensity of Emotional Experience: A Social Role Interpretation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93(65), 1010–1022.
  • Güneyli A, Birikim Ö and Perkan, C (2009) Computer Use in Foreign Language Teaching: A Case Study From North Cyprus, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 34, 37–54.
  • Güven Z Z (2015) The Use of ICT and Media Tools in Learning English: A Scale Development Study, International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 3(2), 312–323.
  • Harrod N R , Scheer S D (2005) An Exploration of Adolescent Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Demographic Characteristics, Adolescence, 40 (159), 503-512.
  • Heeks R (2008) ICT4D 2.0: The Next Phase of Applying ICT for International Development, Computer, 41(6), 26–33.
  • Henle J (1996) Classical mathematics. Baroque Mathematics. Romantic Mathematics? Also Atonal, Nez Age, Minimalist and Punk Mathematics, the American Mathematical Monthly, 103 (1), 18-29.
  • Hilbert H (2010) Digital Gender Divide or Technologically Empowered Women in Developing Countries?, Women’s Studies International Forum, 3(6), 479–489.
  • Internet World Stats (2015) Internet World Users by Language: Top Ten Languages, on December, 22, 2015 retrieved from
  • ISPACT (2015) ICT, the Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency, on December, 21, 2015 retrieved from
  • Junco R (2012) The Relationship between Frequency of Facebook Use Participation in Facebook Activities, and Student Engagement, Computers & Education, 58, 162–171.
  • Kelkar G and Nathan D (2002). Gender Relations and Technological Change in Asia, Current Sociology, 50(3), 427–441.
  • Kellner D (2005) New Technologies and Alienation: Some Critical Reflections, L Langman and D Kalekin-Fishman (Eds), The Evolution of Alienation Trauma Promise and Millenium, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Maryland, 47–68.
  • Khajehnoori B (2010) The Relationship between ICT’s and Adolescents' Delinquencies Case Study: Students in Abadeh County, Journal of Applied Sociology, 39(3), 113–134.
  • Lam L (2012) Review of Use of Animation as a Supplementary Learning Material of Physiology Content in Four Academic Years, The Electronic Journal of E-Learning, 10(4), 377–386.
  • Livingstone S (2012) Critical Reflections on the Benefits of ICT in Education, Oxford Review of Education, 38(1), 9–24.
  • Mayer J D and Geher G (1996) Emotional Intelligence and the Identification of Emotion, Intelligence, 22, 89–113.
  • Mayer J D and Salovey P (1995) Emotional Intelligence and the Construction and Regulation of Feelings, Applied & Preventive Psychology, 4, 197–208.
  • Mayer J D and Salovey P (1997) What is Emotional Intelligence?, P Salovey and D J Sluyter (eds), Emotional Development and Emotional Intelligence, Basic Books, New York, 3-34.
  • Mayer J D, Salovey, P and Caruso, D (2004) Emotional Intelligence: Theory, Findings and Implications, Psychological Inquiry, 15, 197–215.
  • Mitchell K J, Becker-Blease K A and Finkelhor D (2005) Inventory of Problematic Encountered in Clinical Practice, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36, 498-509.
  • Mousapour G and Khorrram A (2015) The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence and Their Teaching Styles International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 4(4), 3–14.
  • Murray D E (2000) Changing Technologies, Changing Literacy Communities,. Language Learning and Technology, 4(2), 43–58.
  • Ofcom (2008) Media Literacy Audit: Report on UK Children’s Media Literacy, on 24 January 2016 retrieved from
  • Olatoye R (2011) Levels of Participation in ICT Training Programmes, Computer Anxiety and ICT Utilization among Selected Professionals, International Journal of Education and Communication Technology, 7(2), 15–26.
  • Papadopoulos A (2002) Mathematics and Music Theory: from Pythagoras to Rameau, the Mathematical Intelligencer, 24(1), 65-73.
  • Rainie L and Wellman B (2012) Networked: The New Social Operating System, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Rouis S, Limayem M and Salehi-Sangari E (2011) Impact of Facebook Usage on Students’ Academic Achievement: Role of Self-Regulation and Trust, Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 9(3), 961–994.
  • Salovey P and Mayer J D (1990) Emotional Intelligence, Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9, 185–211.
  • Sargın N (2012) Internet Addiction among Adolescence, Educational Research and Review, 7(27), 613-618
  • Sargın N (2013) Üniversite Öğrencilerinin İnternete Yönelik Tutumları ve Problemli İnternet Kullanımları- Internet Attitudes and Problematic Internet Use of University Students, Turkish Journal of Education, 2(2), 44-53.
  • Schutte N S, Malouff J M, Hall L E, Haggerty D J, Cooper J T, Golden C J and Dornheim L (1998) Development and Validation of a Measure of Emotional Intelligence, Personality and Individual Differences, 25 (2), 167–177.
  • Stein S J and Book H E (2011) EQ Edge Emotional Intelligence and your Success, Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint, Canada.
  • Subrahmanyam K, Kraut R, Greenfield P M and Gross, E F (2001) New Forms of Electronic Media: The Impact of Interactive Games and the Internet on Cognition, Socialization, and Behavior, DL Singer and J.L.
  • Singer (eds.), Handbook of Children and the Media, Thousand Oaks Sage Publications, California, 73–99.
  • Sucaromana U (2012) Contribution to Language Teaching and Learning: a Review of Emotional Intelligence, English Language Teaching, 5(9), 54–58, DOI:10.5539/elt.v5n9p54
  • Swain M (2013). The Inseparability of Cognition and Emotion in Second Language Learning, Language Teaching, 46, 195–207, DOI: 10.1017/S0261444811000486
  • Tatar A, Tok S and Saltukoglu G (2011) Adaptation of the Revised Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale into Turkish and Examination of its Psychometric Properties, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni-Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 21(4), 325–338, DOI: 10.5455/bcp.20110624015920
  • Tekekrek M and Ercan E (2012) Analysis of Teachers’ Attitude towards Internet Use: Example of Chemistry Teachers, Creative Education, 3 (3), 296-303.
  • TEPAV and British Council (2013) Turkey National Needs Assessment of State School English Language Teaching, on 22, December 2015 retrieved from
  • TUIK (2015) TurkStat, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage Survey in Households and Individuals, 2004-2015, on 11, February, 2016 retrieved from
  • Tuncay H (2002) Emotional Intelligence in ELT/EFL Curriculum, Journal of Istanbul Kültür University, 2, 21–34.
  • Tuyan S and Sadık S (2008) Hand in Hand with Emotions: A Social and Emotional Learning Program for EFL Students, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi., 17(3), 389–398.
  • UNCTAD (2014) Measuring ICT and Gender: An Assessment (Report Prepared for the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development), United Nations, New York and Geneva, on May, 2, 2015 retrieved from
  • Van-Vooren C and Bess C (2013) Teacher Tweets Improve Achievement for Eighth Grade Science Students, Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 11(1), 33–36.
  • Varank I (2007) Effectiveness of Quantitative Skills, Qualitative Skills, and Gender in Determining Computer Skills and Attitudes: A Casual Analysis, Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, 81 (2), 71-80.
  • Wang Q and Woo H L (2007) Systematic Planning for ICT Integration in Topic Learning, Educational Technology & Society, 10(1), 148–156.
  • Warschauer M (1996) Comparing Face-to-Face and Electronic Communication in the Second Language Classroom, CALICO Journal, 13(2), 7–26.
  • Zarafshan M (2012) the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Language Learning Strategies and English Proficiency among Iranian EFL University Students, Journal of Educational and Instructional Studies in the World, 2(3), 105–114.
Year 2016, , 17 - 33, 18.07.2016



  • Austin, E J , Saklofske, D H, Huang, S H & McKenney, D (2004) Measurement Of Trait Emotional Intelligence: Testing And Cross-Validating A Modified Version of Schutte et al.’s (1998), Measure Personality and Individual Differences, 36(3), 555–562. DOI:10.1016/S0191-8869(03)00114-4
  • Averill, J R, & Nunley, E P (1992) Voyages of the Heart: Living an Emotionally Creative, Free Press, New York.
  • Baek, Y (2008) What Hinders Teachers in Using Computer and Video Games in the Classroom? Exploring Factors Inhibiting the Uptake of Computer and Video Games, Cyber, Psychology and Behavior, 11(6), 665–671.
  • Bar-On R (1997) Emotional Quotient Inventory: Technical Manual, Multi-Health Systems, Toronto.
  • Bar-On R (2000) Emotional and Social Intelligence: Insights from the Emotional Quotient Inventory, R. Bar-On & J D Parker (Eds.), the Handbook of Emotional Intelligence, Jossey-Bass, San Franciso, 363–388.
  • Bar-On R (2006) The Bar-On Modelof Emotional-Social Intelligence (ESI), Psicothema, 18, supl, 13-25.
  • Bax S (2003) CALL- Past, Present and Future, System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 31(1), 13–28.
  • Beatty K (2003) Computers in the Language Classroom, D Nunan (ed), Practical English Language Teaching, Mc Graw Hill Publishing, Singapore, 247–266.
  • Becta (2008) How do Boys and Girls Differ in their Use of ICT? on February,2, 2016 retrieved from
  • Berce J, Lanfranco S and Vehovar V (2008) E- Governance: Information and Communication Technology Knowledge Management and Learning Organisation Culture, Informatica, 32(2), 189–205.
  • Bimber B (2000) Measuring the Gender Gap on the Internet, Social Science Quarterly, 81(3), 868–876.
  • Boyatzis R, Goleman D and Rhee K (2000) Clustering Competence in Emotional Intelligence: Insights from the Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI), R. Bar-On and J D Parker (eds), Handbook of Emotional Intelligence, Jossey-Bass, San Franciso, 343–362
  • Cassen R, McNally S and Vignoles A (2015) Making a Difference in Education: What the Evidence Says, Taylor&Francis Group /Routledge, , London, New York.
  • Cooper R K and Sawaf A (1997) Executive EQ Emotional Intelligence in Leadership and Organiztons, The Berkley Publishing, New York.
  • Çapan S A (2012) Teacher Attitudes towards Computer Use in EFL Classrooms, Frontiers Language Teaching, 3, 248–254.
  • Çuhadar C and Yücel M (2010) Yabancı Dil Öğretmeni Adaylarının Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerinin Öğretim Amaçlı Kullanımına Yönelik Öz-yeterlilik Algıları, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27, 199–210.
  • Davidow W H (2012) Overconnected: The Promise and Threat of the Internet, Delphinium Books, New York, California.
  • Demirbilek M and Yücel Z (2011) İngilizce Öğretmenlerinin Bilgisayarın Yabancı Dil Öğretim Ve Öğreniminde Kullanımı Hakkındaki Görüşleri Uludağ Üniveristesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(1), 217–246.
  • Dudeney G and Hockly N (2012) ICT in ELT: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going?, ELT Journal, 64(4), 533–542.
  • EF (Education First) (2015) English Proficiency Index 2015 on January, 23, 2016 retrieved from
  • Erdoğdu M Y (2008) Duygusal Zekanın Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi, Research on Emotional Quotient in Terms of Certain Variables, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7, 23, 62- 76, on January,14, 2016 retrieved from
  • http:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/50000681405000087673-1-PB%20(1).pdf
  • Esfandiari R and Ekdradi E (2014) Relationship between Iranian EFL Learners’ Emotional Intelligence and their Performance on Cloze Test, Elsevier Science Direct Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98, 435–444.
  • Gardner H (1983) Frames of Mind Basic Books, New York.
  • Goleman D (1995) Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books, New York.
  • Goleman D (1998) Working with Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books, New York.
  • Graddol D (2000) The Future of English, The British Council, U.K.
  • Grewal D and Salovey P (2005) Feeling Smart: The Science of Emotional Intelligence, American Scientist, 93, 330–339.
  • Grossman M, Wood W (1993) Sex Differences in Intensity of Emotional Experience: A Social Role Interpretation, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93(65), 1010–1022.
  • Güneyli A, Birikim Ö and Perkan, C (2009) Computer Use in Foreign Language Teaching: A Case Study From North Cyprus, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 34, 37–54.
  • Güven Z Z (2015) The Use of ICT and Media Tools in Learning English: A Scale Development Study, International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 3(2), 312–323.
  • Harrod N R , Scheer S D (2005) An Exploration of Adolescent Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Demographic Characteristics, Adolescence, 40 (159), 503-512.
  • Heeks R (2008) ICT4D 2.0: The Next Phase of Applying ICT for International Development, Computer, 41(6), 26–33.
  • Henle J (1996) Classical mathematics. Baroque Mathematics. Romantic Mathematics? Also Atonal, Nez Age, Minimalist and Punk Mathematics, the American Mathematical Monthly, 103 (1), 18-29.
  • Hilbert H (2010) Digital Gender Divide or Technologically Empowered Women in Developing Countries?, Women’s Studies International Forum, 3(6), 479–489.
  • Internet World Stats (2015) Internet World Users by Language: Top Ten Languages, on December, 22, 2015 retrieved from
  • ISPACT (2015) ICT, the Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency, on December, 21, 2015 retrieved from
  • Junco R (2012) The Relationship between Frequency of Facebook Use Participation in Facebook Activities, and Student Engagement, Computers & Education, 58, 162–171.
  • Kelkar G and Nathan D (2002). Gender Relations and Technological Change in Asia, Current Sociology, 50(3), 427–441.
  • Kellner D (2005) New Technologies and Alienation: Some Critical Reflections, L Langman and D Kalekin-Fishman (Eds), The Evolution of Alienation Trauma Promise and Millenium, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Maryland, 47–68.
  • Khajehnoori B (2010) The Relationship between ICT’s and Adolescents' Delinquencies Case Study: Students in Abadeh County, Journal of Applied Sociology, 39(3), 113–134.
  • Lam L (2012) Review of Use of Animation as a Supplementary Learning Material of Physiology Content in Four Academic Years, The Electronic Journal of E-Learning, 10(4), 377–386.
  • Livingstone S (2012) Critical Reflections on the Benefits of ICT in Education, Oxford Review of Education, 38(1), 9–24.
  • Mayer J D and Geher G (1996) Emotional Intelligence and the Identification of Emotion, Intelligence, 22, 89–113.
  • Mayer J D and Salovey P (1995) Emotional Intelligence and the Construction and Regulation of Feelings, Applied & Preventive Psychology, 4, 197–208.
  • Mayer J D and Salovey P (1997) What is Emotional Intelligence?, P Salovey and D J Sluyter (eds), Emotional Development and Emotional Intelligence, Basic Books, New York, 3-34.
  • Mayer J D, Salovey, P and Caruso, D (2004) Emotional Intelligence: Theory, Findings and Implications, Psychological Inquiry, 15, 197–215.
  • Mitchell K J, Becker-Blease K A and Finkelhor D (2005) Inventory of Problematic Encountered in Clinical Practice, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 36, 498-509.
  • Mousapour G and Khorrram A (2015) The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers’ Emotional Intelligence and Their Teaching Styles International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 4(4), 3–14.
  • Murray D E (2000) Changing Technologies, Changing Literacy Communities,. Language Learning and Technology, 4(2), 43–58.
  • Ofcom (2008) Media Literacy Audit: Report on UK Children’s Media Literacy, on 24 January 2016 retrieved from
  • Olatoye R (2011) Levels of Participation in ICT Training Programmes, Computer Anxiety and ICT Utilization among Selected Professionals, International Journal of Education and Communication Technology, 7(2), 15–26.
  • Papadopoulos A (2002) Mathematics and Music Theory: from Pythagoras to Rameau, the Mathematical Intelligencer, 24(1), 65-73.
  • Rainie L and Wellman B (2012) Networked: The New Social Operating System, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • Rouis S, Limayem M and Salehi-Sangari E (2011) Impact of Facebook Usage on Students’ Academic Achievement: Role of Self-Regulation and Trust, Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 9(3), 961–994.
  • Salovey P and Mayer J D (1990) Emotional Intelligence, Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9, 185–211.
  • Sargın N (2012) Internet Addiction among Adolescence, Educational Research and Review, 7(27), 613-618
  • Sargın N (2013) Üniversite Öğrencilerinin İnternete Yönelik Tutumları ve Problemli İnternet Kullanımları- Internet Attitudes and Problematic Internet Use of University Students, Turkish Journal of Education, 2(2), 44-53.
  • Schutte N S, Malouff J M, Hall L E, Haggerty D J, Cooper J T, Golden C J and Dornheim L (1998) Development and Validation of a Measure of Emotional Intelligence, Personality and Individual Differences, 25 (2), 167–177.
  • Stein S J and Book H E (2011) EQ Edge Emotional Intelligence and your Success, Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint, Canada.
  • Subrahmanyam K, Kraut R, Greenfield P M and Gross, E F (2001) New Forms of Electronic Media: The Impact of Interactive Games and the Internet on Cognition, Socialization, and Behavior, DL Singer and J.L.
  • Singer (eds.), Handbook of Children and the Media, Thousand Oaks Sage Publications, California, 73–99.
  • Sucaromana U (2012) Contribution to Language Teaching and Learning: a Review of Emotional Intelligence, English Language Teaching, 5(9), 54–58, DOI:10.5539/elt.v5n9p54
  • Swain M (2013). The Inseparability of Cognition and Emotion in Second Language Learning, Language Teaching, 46, 195–207, DOI: 10.1017/S0261444811000486
  • Tatar A, Tok S and Saltukoglu G (2011) Adaptation of the Revised Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale into Turkish and Examination of its Psychometric Properties, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni-Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 21(4), 325–338, DOI: 10.5455/bcp.20110624015920
  • Tekekrek M and Ercan E (2012) Analysis of Teachers’ Attitude towards Internet Use: Example of Chemistry Teachers, Creative Education, 3 (3), 296-303.
  • TEPAV and British Council (2013) Turkey National Needs Assessment of State School English Language Teaching, on 22, December 2015 retrieved from
  • TUIK (2015) TurkStat, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage Survey in Households and Individuals, 2004-2015, on 11, February, 2016 retrieved from
  • Tuncay H (2002) Emotional Intelligence in ELT/EFL Curriculum, Journal of Istanbul Kültür University, 2, 21–34.
  • Tuyan S and Sadık S (2008) Hand in Hand with Emotions: A Social and Emotional Learning Program for EFL Students, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi., 17(3), 389–398.
  • UNCTAD (2014) Measuring ICT and Gender: An Assessment (Report Prepared for the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development), United Nations, New York and Geneva, on May, 2, 2015 retrieved from
  • Van-Vooren C and Bess C (2013) Teacher Tweets Improve Achievement for Eighth Grade Science Students, Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 11(1), 33–36.
  • Varank I (2007) Effectiveness of Quantitative Skills, Qualitative Skills, and Gender in Determining Computer Skills and Attitudes: A Casual Analysis, Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, 81 (2), 71-80.
  • Wang Q and Woo H L (2007) Systematic Planning for ICT Integration in Topic Learning, Educational Technology & Society, 10(1), 148–156.
  • Warschauer M (1996) Comparing Face-to-Face and Electronic Communication in the Second Language Classroom, CALICO Journal, 13(2), 7–26.
  • Zarafshan M (2012) the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Language Learning Strategies and English Proficiency among Iranian EFL University Students, Journal of Educational and Instructional Studies in the World, 2(3), 105–114.
There are 77 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Articles

Z. Zuhal Güven

Publication Date July 18, 2016
Submission Date March 20, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016
