Research Article
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Year 2019, , 656 - 679, 27.07.2019


The purpose of the study is to analyse the content of investor relations web sites of the corporations on the basis of “access, positivity, openness, assurances, networking and sharing of tasks” strategies which are defined as relationship maintenance strategies in public relations. Within this framework, investor relations web sites of the corporations included in the top 10 in the 2016 research of Turkey’s top 500 companies published by Capital Magazine analysed in the context of public relations relationship maintenance strategies. It was determined that the most apparent category of access strategy on the investor relations web site is “labelling investor relations link” and “interactive content” within the scope of the positive strategy. In terms of openness strategy, “stock information”, “annual reports” and “list of the board of directors” categories became prominent. It is determined that “corporate governance” and “CEO’s message in annual report” are the categories that are most apparent in the context of the assurance strategy. It was observed that 10 corporations, which are analysed in terms of networking strategy, have turned to cooperation to establish relations with third parties and sharing of tasks strategy for problem solving was not included in the investor relations web sites of the corporations.


  • Babbie E R (2015) The Practice of Social Research, Cengage Learning, Canada. Berger A A (2015) Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Sage, Thousand Oaks, California. Brennan N and Kelly S (2000) Use of the Internet by Irish Companies for Investor Relations Purposes. IBAR, 21 (2), 107-135. Canary D J and Yum Y (2015) Relationship Maintenance Strategies, C R Berger and M E Roloff (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 1-9. DeSanto B and Bradin D (2011) Financial Public Relations, D. Moss and B DeSanto (eds), Public Relations: A Managerial Perspective, Sage, London, 243-264. Devereux M M and Peirson-Smith A (2009) Public Relations in Asia Pacific: Communicating Effectively Across Cultures, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore. Doorley J and Garcia H F (2015) Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication, Routledge, New York. Dozier D M, Grunig L A and Grunig J E (1995) Manager’s Guide to Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Mahwah, NJ. Erdoğan İ (2014) Teori ve Pratikte Halkla İlişkiler, Erk Yayınları, Ankara. Hassink H, Bollen L and Steggink M (2007) Symmetrical Versus Asymmetrical Company-İnvestor Communications via the Internet, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12 (2), 145-160. Hassink H, Bollen L and de Vries M (2008) Symmetrical Dialogue in Investor Relations, International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 16 (2), 166-182. Hayes D C, Hendrix J A and Kumar P D (2013) Public Relations Cases, Cengage Learning, Boston. Haywood R (2002) Manage Your Reputation: How to Plan Public Relations to Build & Protect the Organization’s Most Powerful Asset, Kogan Page Publishers, London. Heath R (2013) The Journey to Understand and Champion OPR Takes Many Roads, Some Not Yet Well Traveled, Public Relations Review, 39 (5), 426–431. Hedlin P (1999) The Internet as a Vehicle for Investor Relations: The Swedish case, European Accounting Review, 8 (2), 373-381. Hon, L C and Grunig J E (1999) Guidelines for Measuring Relationships in Public Relations. Gainesville, FL: The Institute For Public Relations, University of Florida, Gainesville, Hong Y and Kiousis S L (2007, May) Relationship maintenance with financial publics: An analysis of investor relations on small companies’ Web sites, Paper presented at the 57th annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, California. Johnston J and Zawawi C (2014) An Overview of Public Relations, J Johnston and M Sheenan (eds), Public Relations: Theory and Practice, Allen&Unwin, Australia, 3-19. Ki E J and Hon L C (2006) Relationship Maintenance Strategies on Fortune 500 Company Web Sites, Journal of Communication Management, 10 (1), 27-43. Kim S, Park J H and Wertz E K (2010) Expectation Gaps Between Stakeholders and Web-Based Corporate Public Relations Efforts: Focusing on Fortune 500 Corporate Web Sites, Public Relations Review, 36 (3), 215-221. Laskin A (2010) Managing investor relations: Strategies for effective communication, D D DuFrene (ed), Business Expert Press: New York. Laskin A (2013) Investor Relations, R L Heath (ed), Encyclopedia of Public Relations, Sage, Thousand Oaks, California, 482-486. Maitland A (1993) Stock Exchange Listings, Mergers and Acquisitions, P Bowman and R Bing (eds), Financial Public Relations, Butterworth, Oxford, 75-99. Marston C and Polei A (2004) Corporate Reporting on the Internet by German Companies, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 5 (3), 285-311. Mayring P (2004) Qualitative Content Analysis, U Flick, E von Kardoff and I Steinke (eds), A companion to qualitative research, Sage, London, 266-269. Ryan T and Jacobs C (2005) Using Investor Relations to Maximize Equity Valuation, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. Sha B L (2007) Dimensions of Public Relations: Moving Beyond Traditional Public Relations Models, S C Duhé (ed), New Media and Public Relations, Peter Lang Publishing, New York, 3-26. Swann P (2014) Cases in Public Relations Management: The Rise of Social Media and Activism, Routledge, New York. Theaker A (2004) The Public Relations Handbook, Routledge, Oxfordshire. Tosun N (2004) Financial Value and Public Relations. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 9 (3), 202-208. Waters R D and Bortree D S (2012). Advancing Relationship Management Theory: Mapping the Continuum of Relationship Types, Public Relations Review, 38 (1), 123-127.


Year 2019, , 656 - 679, 27.07.2019


Araştırmanın amacı kurumların yatırımcı ilişkileri web sitelerindeki
içeriği halkla ilişkilerde ilişki sürdürme stratejileri olarak tanımlanan
“erişim, pozitiflik, açıklık, güvence, ağ oluşturma ve görev paylaşımı”
stratejilerinden hareketle analiz etmektir. Bu kapsamda, Capital Dergisi
tarafından yayınlanan Türkiye’nin En Büyük 500 Şirketi 2016 araştırmasında ilk
10’da yer alan kurumların yatırımcı ilişkileri web siteleri halkla ilişkilerde
ilişki sürdürme stratejileri bağlamında incelenmiştir. İncelenen kurumların
yatırımcı ilişkileri web sitesinde en fazla belirgin erişim stratejisi
kategorisinin “link belirtme”, pozitiflik stratejisi kapsamında ise
“etkileşimli içerik” olduğu belirlenmiştir. Açıklık stratejisi açısından “hisse
bilgileri”, “yıllık raporlar” ve “yönetim kurulu listesi” kategorileri öne
çıkmıştır. Güvence stratejisi bağlamında en fazla belirgin olan kategorilerin
“kurumsal yönetişim” ve “yıllık raporda CEO mesajı” olduğu saptanmıştır. Ağ
oluşturma stratejisi açısından incelenen 10 kurumun da üçüncü taraflarla ilişki
kurmaya yönelik ortaklığa yöneldikleri, sorun çözmeye yönelik paylaşılan görev
faaliyetleri stratejisinin ise hiçbir kurumun yatırımcı ilişkileri web
sitesinde yer almadığı görülmüştür. 


  • Babbie E R (2015) The Practice of Social Research, Cengage Learning, Canada. Berger A A (2015) Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Sage, Thousand Oaks, California. Brennan N and Kelly S (2000) Use of the Internet by Irish Companies for Investor Relations Purposes. IBAR, 21 (2), 107-135. Canary D J and Yum Y (2015) Relationship Maintenance Strategies, C R Berger and M E Roloff (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication, John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, 1-9. DeSanto B and Bradin D (2011) Financial Public Relations, D. Moss and B DeSanto (eds), Public Relations: A Managerial Perspective, Sage, London, 243-264. Devereux M M and Peirson-Smith A (2009) Public Relations in Asia Pacific: Communicating Effectively Across Cultures, John Wiley & Sons, Singapore. Doorley J and Garcia H F (2015) Reputation Management: The Key to Successful Public Relations and Corporate Communication, Routledge, New York. Dozier D M, Grunig L A and Grunig J E (1995) Manager’s Guide to Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Mahwah, NJ. Erdoğan İ (2014) Teori ve Pratikte Halkla İlişkiler, Erk Yayınları, Ankara. Hassink H, Bollen L and Steggink M (2007) Symmetrical Versus Asymmetrical Company-İnvestor Communications via the Internet, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 12 (2), 145-160. Hassink H, Bollen L and de Vries M (2008) Symmetrical Dialogue in Investor Relations, International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 16 (2), 166-182. Hayes D C, Hendrix J A and Kumar P D (2013) Public Relations Cases, Cengage Learning, Boston. Haywood R (2002) Manage Your Reputation: How to Plan Public Relations to Build & Protect the Organization’s Most Powerful Asset, Kogan Page Publishers, London. Heath R (2013) The Journey to Understand and Champion OPR Takes Many Roads, Some Not Yet Well Traveled, Public Relations Review, 39 (5), 426–431. Hedlin P (1999) The Internet as a Vehicle for Investor Relations: The Swedish case, European Accounting Review, 8 (2), 373-381. Hon, L C and Grunig J E (1999) Guidelines for Measuring Relationships in Public Relations. Gainesville, FL: The Institute For Public Relations, University of Florida, Gainesville, Hong Y and Kiousis S L (2007, May) Relationship maintenance with financial publics: An analysis of investor relations on small companies’ Web sites, Paper presented at the 57th annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Francisco, California. Johnston J and Zawawi C (2014) An Overview of Public Relations, J Johnston and M Sheenan (eds), Public Relations: Theory and Practice, Allen&Unwin, Australia, 3-19. Ki E J and Hon L C (2006) Relationship Maintenance Strategies on Fortune 500 Company Web Sites, Journal of Communication Management, 10 (1), 27-43. Kim S, Park J H and Wertz E K (2010) Expectation Gaps Between Stakeholders and Web-Based Corporate Public Relations Efforts: Focusing on Fortune 500 Corporate Web Sites, Public Relations Review, 36 (3), 215-221. Laskin A (2010) Managing investor relations: Strategies for effective communication, D D DuFrene (ed), Business Expert Press: New York. Laskin A (2013) Investor Relations, R L Heath (ed), Encyclopedia of Public Relations, Sage, Thousand Oaks, California, 482-486. Maitland A (1993) Stock Exchange Listings, Mergers and Acquisitions, P Bowman and R Bing (eds), Financial Public Relations, Butterworth, Oxford, 75-99. Marston C and Polei A (2004) Corporate Reporting on the Internet by German Companies, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 5 (3), 285-311. Mayring P (2004) Qualitative Content Analysis, U Flick, E von Kardoff and I Steinke (eds), A companion to qualitative research, Sage, London, 266-269. Ryan T and Jacobs C (2005) Using Investor Relations to Maximize Equity Valuation, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. Sha B L (2007) Dimensions of Public Relations: Moving Beyond Traditional Public Relations Models, S C Duhé (ed), New Media and Public Relations, Peter Lang Publishing, New York, 3-26. Swann P (2014) Cases in Public Relations Management: The Rise of Social Media and Activism, Routledge, New York. Theaker A (2004) The Public Relations Handbook, Routledge, Oxfordshire. Tosun N (2004) Financial Value and Public Relations. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 9 (3), 202-208. Waters R D and Bortree D S (2012). Advancing Relationship Management Theory: Mapping the Continuum of Relationship Types, Public Relations Review, 38 (1), 123-127.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Özgür Kılınç 0000-0002-8697-162X

Mevlüt Akyol 0000-0002-2195-1652

Publication Date July 27, 2019
Submission Date March 6, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019
