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Örgütsel İletişimin İşgörenlerin Duygu Gösterimlerinin Yönetimine Olan Etkisi

Year 2010, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 18 - 33, 19.11.2013


Bu çalışma “duygusal emek” kavramı konusunda yürütülmüştür. 1983 yılında Arlie Russell Hocshchild tarafından kaleme alınan “The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feelings – Yönetilen Kalpler: Duyguların Ticarileştirilmesi” adlı kitapta ilk kez dile getirilen duygusal emek; çalışanın kurum tarafından belirlenen duyguları sergilemesi, duygularını istendik yönde yönetmesi anlamını taşımakta idi. Hocschild'ın çalışmasından bu yana duygusal emek, çok sayıda disiplinin araştırma konusu olmuş; sosyoloji, yönetim, iletişim gibi disiplinlerin katkılarıyla geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada duygusal emek kavramı açıklanmış, kavrama getirilen temel yaklaşımlar, duygusal davranış kuralları, duygusal emeğin boyutları ve sonuçları literatürde yapılmış ampirik çalışmalardan örneklerle ortaya konulmuştur. Duygusal emek kavramının örgütsel iletişim alanının önemli bir parçası olduğundan hareketle aralarındaki ilişkiye değinilmiştir.



  • Abraham R (1998) Emotional Dissonance in Organizations: A Conseptualization of Consequences, Mediators and Moderators, Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, 19 (3), 137-146.
  • Aiello J R ve Kolb K J (1995) Electronic Performance Monitoring and Social Context: Impact on Productivity and Stress, Journal of Applied Psychology, 80, 339-353.
  • Akça F (2008) Örgütsel Tükenmişlik ve Stres M. Özdevecioğlu ve H. Karadal (ed), Örgütsel Davranışta Seçme Konular: Organizasyonların Karanlık Yönleri ve Verimlilik Azaltıcı Davranışlar, İlke Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Anleu S R ve Mack K (2005) Magistrates' Everyday Work and Emotional Labour, Journal Of Law And Socıety 32 (4), 590-614.
  • Ashforth B E ve Humphrey R H (1993) Emotional Labor in Service Roles: The Influence of Identity”, Academy of Management Review, 18 (1), 88-115.
  • David R ve Henderson R (2000) Electronic Performance Monitoring: A laboratory Investigation of the Influence of Monitoring and Difficulty on Task Performance, Mood State, and Self Reported Stress Levels, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30, 906-920.
  • Diefendorff J M, Croyle M H ve Gosserand R H (2005) The Dimensionality and Antecedents of Emotional Labor Strategies, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66, 339-357.
  • Grandey A A (1999) The Effects of Emotional Labor: Employee Attitudes, Stress and Performance, Doktora Tezi, Colorado State University, Colorado.
  • Grandey A A (2000) Emotion Regulation in the Workplace: A New Way to Conceptualize Emotional Labor, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5, (1), 95-110.
  • Grandey A A (2003) When ‘The Show Must Go On’: Surface Acting and Deep Acting as Determinants of Emotional Exhaustion and Peer-Rated Service Delivery, Academy of Management Journal, 46 (1), 86-96.
  • Hochschild A R (1979) Emotion Work, Feeling Rules and Social Structure, American Journal of Sociology, 85, 551-575.
  • Hochschild A R (1983) The Managed Hearth: Commercialization of Human Feeling, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Irving R H, Higgins C A ve Safayeni F R (1986) Computurised Performance Monitoring Systems: Use and Abuse, Communication of the ACM. 29 (8), 794-801.
  • Izgar H (2008) İş Doyumu, Izgar H (ed), Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, Eğitim Akademi Yayınları, Konya.
  • Köksel L (2009) İş Yaşamında Duygusal Emek ve Ampirik Bir Çalışma, Doktora Tezi, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi, Sos. Bil. Enst., Manisa.
  • Kruml S M ve Geddes D (2000) Exploring the Dimensions of Emotional Labor: The Heart of Hochschild’s Work, Management Communication Quarterly, 14 (8), 8-49.
  • Mann S (2007) Expectations of Emotional Display in the Workplace, Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, 28 (6), 552570.
  • Mastracci S H, Newman M A ve Guy M E (2006) Appraising Emotion Work: Determining Whether Emotional Labour is Valued in Government Jobs, The American Review of Public Administration, 36 (2), 123-138.
  • Middleton D R (1989) Emotional Style: The Cultural Ordering of Emotions, Ethos, 17, (2), 187-201.
  • Morris J A ve Feldman D C (1996) The Dimensions, Antecedents and Consequences of Emotional Labor, Academy of Management Review, 21 (4), 986-1010.
  • Morris J A ve Feldman D C (1997) Managing Emotions in the Workplace. Journal of Managerial Issues, 9 (3), 257-274.
  • Murphy A G (1998) Hidden Transcripts of Flight Attendant Resistance. Management Communication Quarterly, 11, 499-535.
  • Öz E Ü (2007) Duygusal Emek Davranışlarının Çalışanların İş Sonuçlarına Etkisi, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Rafaeli A ve Sutton R I (1987) Expression of Emotion as Part of the Work Role, The Academy of Management Review, 12 (1), 23-37.
  • Robbins S P ve Judge T A (2007) Organizational Behavior, Pearson Prestice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Rosci F (1981) Grin and Sell it. Successful Meetings, June, 106-107.
  • Rutter D R ve Fielding P J (1988) Sources of Occupational Stress: An Examination of British Prison Officers, Work and Stress, 2, 291– 299.
  • Shuler S ve Sypher B D (2000) Seeking Emotional Labour: Whenmanaging Heart Enhances the Work Experience, Management Communication Quarterly, 14, 50-89.
  • Smith M J, Carayon P, Sanders K J, Lim S Y ve LeGrande D (1992) Employee Stres and Health Complaints in Jobs with and without Monitoring, Applied Ergonomics, 23, 17-27.
  • Sutton R I ve Rafaeli A (1988) Untangling the Relationship Between Displayed Emotions and Organizational Sales: The Case of Convenience Stores, The Academy of Management Journal, 31 (3), 461-487.
  • Sürgevil O (2006) Çalışma Hayatında Tükenmişlik Sendromu: Tükenmişlikle Mücadele Teknikleri, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Tracy S J (2000) Becoming a Character for Commerce: Emotional Labour, selfSubordination, and Discursive Construction of Identity in a Total Institution, Management Communication Quarterly, 14, 90-128.
  • Veenhoven R (1993) Is Happiness a Trait? Social Indicators Research, 26, 477-536.
  • Wharton A S ve Erickson R C (1993) Managing Emotions on the Job and at Home: Understanding the Consequences of Multiple Emotional Roles, Academy of Management Review, 18 (3), 457-486.
  • Wharton A S (1999) The Psychosocial Consequences of Emotional Labor, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 561, 158-176.
  • Zapf D, Vogt C, Seifert C, Mertini H ve Isic A (1999) Emotion Work as a Source of Stress. The Concept and Development of an Instrument, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8, 371–400.
  • Zapf D (2002) Emotion Work and Psychological Well-Being. A Review of the Literature and Some Conceptual Considerations, Human Resource Management Review, 12, 1 – 32.
Year 2010, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 18 - 33, 19.11.2013



  • Abraham R (1998) Emotional Dissonance in Organizations: A Conseptualization of Consequences, Mediators and Moderators, Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, 19 (3), 137-146.
  • Aiello J R ve Kolb K J (1995) Electronic Performance Monitoring and Social Context: Impact on Productivity and Stress, Journal of Applied Psychology, 80, 339-353.
  • Akça F (2008) Örgütsel Tükenmişlik ve Stres M. Özdevecioğlu ve H. Karadal (ed), Örgütsel Davranışta Seçme Konular: Organizasyonların Karanlık Yönleri ve Verimlilik Azaltıcı Davranışlar, İlke Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Anleu S R ve Mack K (2005) Magistrates' Everyday Work and Emotional Labour, Journal Of Law And Socıety 32 (4), 590-614.
  • Ashforth B E ve Humphrey R H (1993) Emotional Labor in Service Roles: The Influence of Identity”, Academy of Management Review, 18 (1), 88-115.
  • David R ve Henderson R (2000) Electronic Performance Monitoring: A laboratory Investigation of the Influence of Monitoring and Difficulty on Task Performance, Mood State, and Self Reported Stress Levels, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30, 906-920.
  • Diefendorff J M, Croyle M H ve Gosserand R H (2005) The Dimensionality and Antecedents of Emotional Labor Strategies, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66, 339-357.
  • Grandey A A (1999) The Effects of Emotional Labor: Employee Attitudes, Stress and Performance, Doktora Tezi, Colorado State University, Colorado.
  • Grandey A A (2000) Emotion Regulation in the Workplace: A New Way to Conceptualize Emotional Labor, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5, (1), 95-110.
  • Grandey A A (2003) When ‘The Show Must Go On’: Surface Acting and Deep Acting as Determinants of Emotional Exhaustion and Peer-Rated Service Delivery, Academy of Management Journal, 46 (1), 86-96.
  • Hochschild A R (1979) Emotion Work, Feeling Rules and Social Structure, American Journal of Sociology, 85, 551-575.
  • Hochschild A R (1983) The Managed Hearth: Commercialization of Human Feeling, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Irving R H, Higgins C A ve Safayeni F R (1986) Computurised Performance Monitoring Systems: Use and Abuse, Communication of the ACM. 29 (8), 794-801.
  • Izgar H (2008) İş Doyumu, Izgar H (ed), Endüstri ve Örgüt Psikolojisi, Eğitim Akademi Yayınları, Konya.
  • Köksel L (2009) İş Yaşamında Duygusal Emek ve Ampirik Bir Çalışma, Doktora Tezi, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi, Sos. Bil. Enst., Manisa.
  • Kruml S M ve Geddes D (2000) Exploring the Dimensions of Emotional Labor: The Heart of Hochschild’s Work, Management Communication Quarterly, 14 (8), 8-49.
  • Mann S (2007) Expectations of Emotional Display in the Workplace, Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, 28 (6), 552570.
  • Mastracci S H, Newman M A ve Guy M E (2006) Appraising Emotion Work: Determining Whether Emotional Labour is Valued in Government Jobs, The American Review of Public Administration, 36 (2), 123-138.
  • Middleton D R (1989) Emotional Style: The Cultural Ordering of Emotions, Ethos, 17, (2), 187-201.
  • Morris J A ve Feldman D C (1996) The Dimensions, Antecedents and Consequences of Emotional Labor, Academy of Management Review, 21 (4), 986-1010.
  • Morris J A ve Feldman D C (1997) Managing Emotions in the Workplace. Journal of Managerial Issues, 9 (3), 257-274.
  • Murphy A G (1998) Hidden Transcripts of Flight Attendant Resistance. Management Communication Quarterly, 11, 499-535.
  • Öz E Ü (2007) Duygusal Emek Davranışlarının Çalışanların İş Sonuçlarına Etkisi, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Rafaeli A ve Sutton R I (1987) Expression of Emotion as Part of the Work Role, The Academy of Management Review, 12 (1), 23-37.
  • Robbins S P ve Judge T A (2007) Organizational Behavior, Pearson Prestice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Rosci F (1981) Grin and Sell it. Successful Meetings, June, 106-107.
  • Rutter D R ve Fielding P J (1988) Sources of Occupational Stress: An Examination of British Prison Officers, Work and Stress, 2, 291– 299.
  • Shuler S ve Sypher B D (2000) Seeking Emotional Labour: Whenmanaging Heart Enhances the Work Experience, Management Communication Quarterly, 14, 50-89.
  • Smith M J, Carayon P, Sanders K J, Lim S Y ve LeGrande D (1992) Employee Stres and Health Complaints in Jobs with and without Monitoring, Applied Ergonomics, 23, 17-27.
  • Sutton R I ve Rafaeli A (1988) Untangling the Relationship Between Displayed Emotions and Organizational Sales: The Case of Convenience Stores, The Academy of Management Journal, 31 (3), 461-487.
  • Sürgevil O (2006) Çalışma Hayatında Tükenmişlik Sendromu: Tükenmişlikle Mücadele Teknikleri, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Tracy S J (2000) Becoming a Character for Commerce: Emotional Labour, selfSubordination, and Discursive Construction of Identity in a Total Institution, Management Communication Quarterly, 14, 90-128.
  • Veenhoven R (1993) Is Happiness a Trait? Social Indicators Research, 26, 477-536.
  • Wharton A S ve Erickson R C (1993) Managing Emotions on the Job and at Home: Understanding the Consequences of Multiple Emotional Roles, Academy of Management Review, 18 (3), 457-486.
  • Wharton A S (1999) The Psychosocial Consequences of Emotional Labor, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 561, 158-176.
  • Zapf D, Vogt C, Seifert C, Mertini H ve Isic A (1999) Emotion Work as a Source of Stress. The Concept and Development of an Instrument, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 8, 371–400.
  • Zapf D (2002) Emotion Work and Psychological Well-Being. A Review of the Literature and Some Conceptual Considerations, Human Resource Management Review, 12, 1 – 32.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Compilation Articles

Erhan Eroğlu This is me

Publication Date November 19, 2013
Submission Date December 4, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Eroğlu, E. (2013). Örgütsel İletişimin İşgörenlerin Duygu Gösterimlerinin Yönetimine Olan Etkisi. Selçuk İletişim, 6(3), 18-33.