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Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 281 - 320, 01.01.2015


Nowadays as digital communication technologies are increasingly becoming more predominant in daily life, it is vital to conduct research on the current situation of radio and television broadcasting, which are now described as traditional. Particularly, research on youngsters who are active users of these new media settings highlight a decline in radio and television consumption. Taking these arguments into account, a survey on the tendency of young people to listen to the radio was conducted as part of this study. The research is predicated on questions that were asked to young listeners with regards to what they listen to, when they listen to it, how they listen, which things they listen and why they listen these. According to the findings of the research, as indicated in the leading studies of this field, it was concluded that the primary consumption content in radio is music, they listened to the radio generally 2-4 hours during weekdays and 1-2 hours during weekends, radio was mostly preferred while travelling but depending on the time of the day, late night times were also highly preferred to listen to the radio. Moreover, according to the findings obtained as to why they listen to the radio, it was discovered that radio is considered as a tool to address entertainment, information, mood support and socialization needs


  • Abelman R (2005) Tuning In to Radio: Promoting Audience Transference During
  • Frequency Shifts, Journal of Radio Studies, 12(1), 14-31, doi: 10.1207/ s15506843jr s1201_3
  • Albarran A B, Anderson T , Bejar L G, Bussart A L , Daggett E , Gibson S , Gorman M , Greer D , Guo M, Horst J L , Khalaf T , Lay J P, McCracken M, Mott B, Way H (2007) “What Happened to Our Audience?” Radio and New
  • Technology Uses and Gratifications Among Young Adult Users, Journal of Radio Studies, 14(2), 92-101. doi: 10.1080/10955040701583171
  • Arbitron Reasearch (2013a) Radio Delivers Fall- 2013, us/ en/insights/reports/2013/radio-by-the-numbers-fall-2013.html, erişim tarihi: Temmuz 2014.
  • Arbitron (2013b) Radio Today 2013 How America Listens to Radio Executive
  • Summary, 2013_ execsum. pdf, erişim tarihi: 5.06.2014.
  • Ataman E Ö (2009) Sayısal Çağda Sayısal Radyo Yayıncılığı: Sayısal Ses Ya- yın(DAB) Teknolojisi ve Türkiye'deki Yansıması, Selçuk İletişim, 6(1), 214-226.
  • Baker A J C (2009) Comparing the Regulatory Models of Net-Radio with
  • Traditional Radio, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 7(1), 1-14. Beer D (2007) Tune Out: Music, Soundscapes And The Urban Mise-En-Scène,
  • Information, Communication and Society, 10(6), 846-866, doi:10.1080/1369 1180701751031
  • Berry R (2006) Will the iPod Kill the Radio Star? Profiling Podcasting as Radio,
  • Convergence: The International Journal of Research, 12(2), 143-162, doi: 10.1177 /1354856506066522
  • Book C L ve Grady D A (2005) Consumer Adoption of New Radio Distribution
  • Systems, NAB Grant Report, communications /connections/2005/aug_05/satelliteradio.pdf
  • Çokluk Ö, Şekercioğlu G, Büyüköztürk Ş (2012) Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değiş- kenli İstatistik:SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, Pegem Akademi Yayınları, Anka- ra.
  • Drotner K (2005) Media On The Move:Personalized Media And The Transformation Of Publicness, Journal of Media Practice, 6(1), 53-64.
  • Edison Research and Triton Digital (2014) The İnfinite Dial 2014, 2014-from-Edison-Research-and-Triton-Digital.pdf, erişim tarihi: 5.08.2014.
  • Erdoğan İ (2002) İletişimi Anlamak, Erk Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Eurostat, Individuals Using The Internet For Listening To Webradio/Watching Web Television, ?tab =table&plugin=1&pcode=tin00100&language=en
  • Ferguson D A, Greer C F, Reardon M E (2007) Uses and Gratifications of MP3
  • Players by College Students: Are iPods More Popular than Radio?, Journal of Radio Studies, 14(2), 102-121. doi:10.1080/10955040701583197
  • Free D A (2005) New Radio–A Turn-On For Young Adults and A Turn-Off From
  • AM and FM, Annual Conference of The Association for Journalism and Mass Communication, August, San Antonio, Texas, A2=ind0602b&L=aejmc&T=0&F=&S=&P=4723
  • Giger T (t.y.) New Generation Listeners Live in a Multi-Platform World, radio-listeners-in-a-multi-platform-world/, erişim tarihi: 5.09.2014.
  • Hanson K (2011) Fourth Golden Age is Almost Here (Video Dosyası),
  • Heller G (1999) The Association Between Music Research and CHR Radio
  • Stations' Arbitron Ratings, Journal of Radio Studies, 6(2), 246-269. doi: 1080/19376529909391726
  • Hulsink W (2005) Tides in Communication Politics?, Gazette: The International Journal 1177/0016549205057563 Communication Studies, 67(6), 569-5 doi:
  • IAB (2012) Turkish Digital Landscape in a Nutshell, sunumlar/ turkish-digital-landscape-in-a-nutshell-0
  • Katz Media Group (2013) Broadcast Radio vs Pandora, http://www.katz- 33-4097-9460-a73649c4faa9&View=0494a50e-e15e-42ac-932e-a520792fc7e8&Root
  • Folder=%2Fourcompanies%2FRA%2FgarberDocs%2FDigital&ID=139,erişim tari- hi: 08.2014.
  • Kaye M ve Popperwell A (1995) Radyo Dersleri, Tuğrul Eryılmaz (çev), Yapı
  • Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul. Keith M C (2007a) The Radio Station: Broadcast, Satellite and Internet-7th.ed., Focal Press, Oxford.
  • Keith M C (2007b) The Long Road to Radio Studies, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 51(3), 530-536. doi:10.1080/08838150701457644
  • Kiefl B (2012a) Why Do People Listen To The Radio (Part 3), http://mediatrends- erişim tarihi: 5.09.2014. ,
  • Kiefl B (2012b) Why Do People Listen To The Radio (Part 2) http://mediatrends-, tarihi: 5.09.2014. erişim
  • Lin C A (2004) Webcasting Adoption: Technology Fluidity,-User 'Innovativeness, and Media Substitution, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 48(3), 157- 1 doi: 10.1207/s15506878jobem4803_6
  • Lin C A (2009) Exploring the Online Radio Adoption Decision-Making Process:
  • Cognition, Attitude, and Technology Fluidity, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 86(4), 884-899. doi:10.1177/107769900908600410
  • Mattelart A (2001) İletişimin Dünyasallaşması, Halime Yücel (çev), İletişim Ya- yınları, İstanbul.
  • McClung S, Pompper D, Kinnally W (2007)The Functions of Radio for Teens:
  • Where Radio Fits Among Youth Media Choices, Atlantic Journal of Communication, 15(2), 103-119. McDowell W ve Dick S J (2003) Switching Radio Stations While Driving:
  • Magnitude, Motivation, and Measurement Issues, Journal of Radio Studies, 10(1), 46- doi: 10.1207/s15506843jrs1001_6
  • Moreno E, Martínez-Costa P ve Amoedo A (2009) Radio and The Web:
  • Communication Strategies of Spanish Radio Networks on The Web (2006-2008),
  • Observatorio (OBS*) Journal, 121-137. Mooney C T (2010) Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out: Radio Listening, Ownership
  • Policy, and Technology, Journal of Media Economics, 23, 231–248. doi: 1080/08997764.2010.527229
  • Napoli P M (2012) Audience Evolution and the Future of Audience Research, International 1080/14241277.2012.675753 on Media Management, 14(2), 79- doi:
  • Nielsen (February 2014) State Of The Media: Audio Today 2014, How America
  • Listens, audio-today-2014.html, erişim tarihi: 20.08.2014.
  • OFCOM (2013) Communications Market Report 2013, http://stakeholders.ofcom., erişim tarihi: 1.09.2014.
  • Phillips D D (1999) Adolescent Uses of Audio: Personal Music and Radio Music,
  • Journal of Radio Studies, 6(2), 222-235. doi: 10.1080/19376529909391724
  • Priestman C (2013) Web Radio, Radio Production For Internet Streaming, Focal Press, New York.
  • RAB (2011) Radio: The Emotional Multiplier, adChannel/Radio_the_Emotional_Multiplier-RABUK.pdf, 02014. erişim tarihi:
  • Radyo Televizyon Üst Kurulu (2010) Radyo Dinleme Eğilimleri Araştırması-2, a962-6844537adb76, erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2014.
  • RAJAR (Quarter 2, 2014), RAJAR Data Release, docs/news/RAJAR_DataRelease_InfographicQ22014.pdf, erişim tarihi: 1.09.2014.
  • Ross K (2001) All Ears: Radio, Reception and Discourses of Disability, Media
  • Culture Society,2001(23), 419-437. doi: 10.1177/016344301023004001
  • Rubin A M, Haridakis P M, Hullman G A, Sun S, Chikombero P M ve Pornsakulvanich V (2003) Television Exposure Not Predictive of Terrorism Fear,
  • Newspaper Research Journal , 24 (1), 128-145. Seddon C (2011) Lifestyles and Social Participation, Office For National Statistics, trends-41 /lifestyles-chapter.pdf, erişim tarihi: 20.08.2014.
  • Winocur R (2005) Radio and Everyday Life: Uses and Meanings in the Domestic
  • Sphere, Television New Media, 2005(6), 319-332. doi: 10.1177/1527476405276472


Year 2015, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 281 - 320, 01.01.2015


Sayısal iletişim teknolojilerinin gündelik yaşamda hakimiyetini giderek arttırdığı günümüzde artık geleneksel kelimesi ile tamlanan radyo ve televizyon yayıncılığının durumunu da araştırmak önemlidir. Özellikle de yeni medya ortamlarının aktif kullanıcısı konumundaki gençlerin medya kullanımları üzerine yapılan araştırmalarda radyo ve televizyon tüketimlerinde bir gerilemeye vurgu yapılmaktadır.  Bu çalışmada, bu tür argümanlar da göz önüne alınarak, gençlerin radyo dinleme eğilimleri üzerine bir anket çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada genç dinler kitlenin, ne dinledikleri, ne zaman dinledikleri, nasıl dinledikleri, neyi dinledikleri ve neden dinledikleri soruları üzerinden hareket edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre, öncül çalışmalarda da belirtildiği gibi, radyoda birincil tüketim içeriğinin müzik olduğu, radyo dinleme sürelerinin günlük hafta içi 2-4 saat hafta sonları 1-2 saat aralığında gerçekleştiği, radyonun daha çok seyahatler sırasında tercih edildiği ancak gün bölümlerine göre gece saatlerinin dinlemek için daha çok tercih edildiği sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca radyonun neden dinlendiği ile ilgili elde edilen bulgulara göre radyo, eğlence, bilgi edinme, duygu durumuna destek, sosyalleşme gereksinimlerinden dolayı takip edilmektedir.



  • Abelman R (2005) Tuning In to Radio: Promoting Audience Transference During
  • Frequency Shifts, Journal of Radio Studies, 12(1), 14-31, doi: 10.1207/ s15506843jr s1201_3
  • Albarran A B, Anderson T , Bejar L G, Bussart A L , Daggett E , Gibson S , Gorman M , Greer D , Guo M, Horst J L , Khalaf T , Lay J P, McCracken M, Mott B, Way H (2007) “What Happened to Our Audience?” Radio and New
  • Technology Uses and Gratifications Among Young Adult Users, Journal of Radio Studies, 14(2), 92-101. doi: 10.1080/10955040701583171
  • Arbitron Reasearch (2013a) Radio Delivers Fall- 2013, us/ en/insights/reports/2013/radio-by-the-numbers-fall-2013.html, erişim tarihi: Temmuz 2014.
  • Arbitron (2013b) Radio Today 2013 How America Listens to Radio Executive
  • Summary, 2013_ execsum. pdf, erişim tarihi: 5.06.2014.
  • Ataman E Ö (2009) Sayısal Çağda Sayısal Radyo Yayıncılığı: Sayısal Ses Ya- yın(DAB) Teknolojisi ve Türkiye'deki Yansıması, Selçuk İletişim, 6(1), 214-226.
  • Baker A J C (2009) Comparing the Regulatory Models of Net-Radio with
  • Traditional Radio, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society, 7(1), 1-14. Beer D (2007) Tune Out: Music, Soundscapes And The Urban Mise-En-Scène,
  • Information, Communication and Society, 10(6), 846-866, doi:10.1080/1369 1180701751031
  • Berry R (2006) Will the iPod Kill the Radio Star? Profiling Podcasting as Radio,
  • Convergence: The International Journal of Research, 12(2), 143-162, doi: 10.1177 /1354856506066522
  • Book C L ve Grady D A (2005) Consumer Adoption of New Radio Distribution
  • Systems, NAB Grant Report, communications /connections/2005/aug_05/satelliteradio.pdf
  • Çokluk Ö, Şekercioğlu G, Büyüköztürk Ş (2012) Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değiş- kenli İstatistik:SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, Pegem Akademi Yayınları, Anka- ra.
  • Drotner K (2005) Media On The Move:Personalized Media And The Transformation Of Publicness, Journal of Media Practice, 6(1), 53-64.
  • Edison Research and Triton Digital (2014) The İnfinite Dial 2014, 2014-from-Edison-Research-and-Triton-Digital.pdf, erişim tarihi: 5.08.2014.
  • Erdoğan İ (2002) İletişimi Anlamak, Erk Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Eurostat, Individuals Using The Internet For Listening To Webradio/Watching Web Television, ?tab =table&plugin=1&pcode=tin00100&language=en
  • Ferguson D A, Greer C F, Reardon M E (2007) Uses and Gratifications of MP3
  • Players by College Students: Are iPods More Popular than Radio?, Journal of Radio Studies, 14(2), 102-121. doi:10.1080/10955040701583197
  • Free D A (2005) New Radio–A Turn-On For Young Adults and A Turn-Off From
  • AM and FM, Annual Conference of The Association for Journalism and Mass Communication, August, San Antonio, Texas, A2=ind0602b&L=aejmc&T=0&F=&S=&P=4723
  • Giger T (t.y.) New Generation Listeners Live in a Multi-Platform World, radio-listeners-in-a-multi-platform-world/, erişim tarihi: 5.09.2014.
  • Hanson K (2011) Fourth Golden Age is Almost Here (Video Dosyası),
  • Heller G (1999) The Association Between Music Research and CHR Radio
  • Stations' Arbitron Ratings, Journal of Radio Studies, 6(2), 246-269. doi: 1080/19376529909391726
  • Hulsink W (2005) Tides in Communication Politics?, Gazette: The International Journal 1177/0016549205057563 Communication Studies, 67(6), 569-5 doi:
  • IAB (2012) Turkish Digital Landscape in a Nutshell, sunumlar/ turkish-digital-landscape-in-a-nutshell-0
  • Katz Media Group (2013) Broadcast Radio vs Pandora, http://www.katz- 33-4097-9460-a73649c4faa9&View=0494a50e-e15e-42ac-932e-a520792fc7e8&Root
  • Folder=%2Fourcompanies%2FRA%2FgarberDocs%2FDigital&ID=139,erişim tari- hi: 08.2014.
  • Kaye M ve Popperwell A (1995) Radyo Dersleri, Tuğrul Eryılmaz (çev), Yapı
  • Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul. Keith M C (2007a) The Radio Station: Broadcast, Satellite and Internet-7th.ed., Focal Press, Oxford.
  • Keith M C (2007b) The Long Road to Radio Studies, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 51(3), 530-536. doi:10.1080/08838150701457644
  • Kiefl B (2012a) Why Do People Listen To The Radio (Part 3), http://mediatrends- erişim tarihi: 5.09.2014. ,
  • Kiefl B (2012b) Why Do People Listen To The Radio (Part 2) http://mediatrends-, tarihi: 5.09.2014. erişim
  • Lin C A (2004) Webcasting Adoption: Technology Fluidity,-User 'Innovativeness, and Media Substitution, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 48(3), 157- 1 doi: 10.1207/s15506878jobem4803_6
  • Lin C A (2009) Exploring the Online Radio Adoption Decision-Making Process:
  • Cognition, Attitude, and Technology Fluidity, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 86(4), 884-899. doi:10.1177/107769900908600410
  • Mattelart A (2001) İletişimin Dünyasallaşması, Halime Yücel (çev), İletişim Ya- yınları, İstanbul.
  • McClung S, Pompper D, Kinnally W (2007)The Functions of Radio for Teens:
  • Where Radio Fits Among Youth Media Choices, Atlantic Journal of Communication, 15(2), 103-119. McDowell W ve Dick S J (2003) Switching Radio Stations While Driving:
  • Magnitude, Motivation, and Measurement Issues, Journal of Radio Studies, 10(1), 46- doi: 10.1207/s15506843jrs1001_6
  • Moreno E, Martínez-Costa P ve Amoedo A (2009) Radio and The Web:
  • Communication Strategies of Spanish Radio Networks on The Web (2006-2008),
  • Observatorio (OBS*) Journal, 121-137. Mooney C T (2010) Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out: Radio Listening, Ownership
  • Policy, and Technology, Journal of Media Economics, 23, 231–248. doi: 1080/08997764.2010.527229
  • Napoli P M (2012) Audience Evolution and the Future of Audience Research, International 1080/14241277.2012.675753 on Media Management, 14(2), 79- doi:
  • Nielsen (February 2014) State Of The Media: Audio Today 2014, How America
  • Listens, audio-today-2014.html, erişim tarihi: 20.08.2014.
  • OFCOM (2013) Communications Market Report 2013, http://stakeholders.ofcom., erişim tarihi: 1.09.2014.
  • Phillips D D (1999) Adolescent Uses of Audio: Personal Music and Radio Music,
  • Journal of Radio Studies, 6(2), 222-235. doi: 10.1080/19376529909391724
  • Priestman C (2013) Web Radio, Radio Production For Internet Streaming, Focal Press, New York.
  • RAB (2011) Radio: The Emotional Multiplier, adChannel/Radio_the_Emotional_Multiplier-RABUK.pdf, 02014. erişim tarihi:
  • Radyo Televizyon Üst Kurulu (2010) Radyo Dinleme Eğilimleri Araştırması-2, a962-6844537adb76, erişim tarihi: Mayıs 2014.
  • RAJAR (Quarter 2, 2014), RAJAR Data Release, docs/news/RAJAR_DataRelease_InfographicQ22014.pdf, erişim tarihi: 1.09.2014.
  • Ross K (2001) All Ears: Radio, Reception and Discourses of Disability, Media
  • Culture Society,2001(23), 419-437. doi: 10.1177/016344301023004001
  • Rubin A M, Haridakis P M, Hullman G A, Sun S, Chikombero P M ve Pornsakulvanich V (2003) Television Exposure Not Predictive of Terrorism Fear,
  • Newspaper Research Journal , 24 (1), 128-145. Seddon C (2011) Lifestyles and Social Participation, Office For National Statistics, trends-41 /lifestyles-chapter.pdf, erişim tarihi: 20.08.2014.
  • Winocur R (2005) Radio and Everyday Life: Uses and Meanings in the Domestic
  • Sphere, Television New Media, 2005(6), 319-332. doi: 10.1177/1527476405276472
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Compilation Articles

Sedat Özel

Publication Date January 1, 2015
Submission Date February 5, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 8 Issue: 4
