Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 158 - 179, 27.01.2020


Yeni medyanın
güncel ve olası etkileri, birçok çalışmaya konu olmaktadır. Geleneksel iletişim
sürecini çift yönlü kılan ve iletişimsel lokal sınırları genişleten yeni
medyanın önemli sonuçlarından biri de mobil uygulamalardır. Akıllı telefonlarda
kullanılan ve bireysel birçok rutinin vazgeçilmezi olan mobil uygulamalar,
habercilik pratiklerine de aracılık etmektedir. Öyle ki bugün alternatif medya
oluşumları gibi birçok geleneksel medya kuruluşu da mobil uygulamalarını
oluşturmuş ve haberlerini kulanıcılara ilgili uygulamalar aracılığı ile
ulaştırmaya başlamıştır. Akıllı telefon kullanımının her gün yaygınlaştığı ve
habercilik alanın da teknoloji tabanlı geliştiği düşünüldüğünde, mobil uygulamalardaki
haberciliğinin yaygınlaşacağı ön görülebilir. Bu çalışmada Türk ulusal basınını
temsilen seçilen Hürriyet, Haber Türk ve Sabah'ın mobil uygulamaları
gazetecilik ve yapısallık bağlamında incelenmiştir. İlgili uygulamalar dış
basını temsilen seçilen New York Times, The Guardian ve CNN'in mobil
uygulamaları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Böylelikle mobil uygulama haberciliğinin
yapısallık ve ergonomi bağlamında analiz edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma
yöntemi hermenötik yaklaşımdır.


  • Aktas, C (2007) İnternet’in Gazeteciliğe Getirdiği Yenilikler, Selçuk İletişim 5 (1), 30-41.
  • Alejandro, J (2010) JOURNALISM IN THE AGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA, Reuters Institute Fellowship Paper University of Oxford, Hilary and Trinity Terms 2010 Sponsor: Thomson Reuters Foundation.
  • Aydogan, A (2012) İletişim Araştırmalarında İnternet Gazeteciliği: Bağlamsal Çalışmaların Eksikliği, İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma, No: 35, pp. 19-41.
  • Bagdikian, H B (2004) The New Media Monopoly: A Completely Revised and Updated Edition with Seven New Chapters, Beacon Press.
  • Bell, A (1991) The Language of News Media, Blackwell.
  • Boddy, W (2002) New Media as Old Media: Television, In The New Media Book, D. Harries (Editor), London: BFI Publishing, pp. 242-253.
  • Bardoel, J & Deuze, M (2001) Network Journalism: Converging Competences of Media Professionals and Professionalism, Australian Journalism Review, 23 (2), 91-103.
  • Chen, E; Pei, Y; Chen, S; Tian, Y; Kotcher, R & Tague, P (2014) "OAuth Demysti_ed for Mobile Application Developers" CCS’14, November 3–7, 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona.
  • Dashti, A (2008) Effect of Online Journalism on The Freedom of The Press: The Case of Kuwait, PhD Thesis Submitted in accordance with the requirements for Doctorate of Philosophy Department of Film, Media & Journalism University of Stirling.
  • Dennis, R A & Kinney, T S (1998) Testing Media Richness Theory in the New Media: The Effects of Cues, Feedback, and Task Equivocality, Information Systems Research, Published Online: September 1, 1998, Page Range: 256-274.
  • Doms, M & Morin, N (2004) Consumer Sentiment, the Economy, and the News Media, FRBSF Working Paper 2004-09.
  • Douai, A (2013) "New Media and Question of African Democracy". In New Media Influence on Social and Political Change in Africa, (Eds. Olorunnisola, A. A. & Douai, A.), pp. 1-14, IGI Global.
  • First Look (2015) "Meet Project Phoenix, the new NYT Android App", Web:, February 23, 2015.
  • Gee, P J (1999) An Introduction to Discourse Analysis Theory and Method, by Routledge.
  • Gee, P J (2009) New Digital Media and Learning as an Emerging Area and "Worked Examples" as One Way Forward, The John D. and Catherina T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning, MacArthur.
  • Godwin-Jones, R (2011) Emerging Technologies Mobile Apps for Language Learning. Language Learning & Technology. 15 (2), 2–11.
  • Grosser, K M, Hase, V & Blöbaum, B (2015) Trust in Online Journalism, In Trust and Communication in a Digitized World Models and Concepts of Trust Research, pp. 53-73, Eds. Bernd Blöbaum. Springer.
  • Häkkilä, J (2006) "Usability with Context-Aware Mobile Applicatıons Case Studies and Design Guidelines", Faculty of Technology Department of Electrical And Information Engineerıng, Universıty of Oulu, Acta Univ. Oul. C 263, 2006.
  • Hill, S & Lashmar, P (2014) Online Journalism: The Essential Guide, London: Sage Publications.
  • Hurriyet (2016) Hürriyet mobil rakiplerini açık ara geride bıraktı, Web:, 20 July 2016.
  • Inukollu, N V; Keshamoni, D D; Kang, T & Inukollu, M (2014) Factors Influencing Quality of Mobile Apps: Role of Mobile App Development Life Cycle, International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications 5 (5), 15-34.
  • Isbir, E (2017) Hermeneutik refleksiyonun liberal etik ve politik kuramlardaki yeri, Journal of Human Sciences, 14 (2), 1590-1608.
  • Jenkins, H; Clinton, K; Purushotma, R; Robison, J A & Weigel, M (2006) "An occasional paper on digital media and learning Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century", The MacArthur Foundation.
  • Jobe, W (2013) Native Apps vs. Mobile Web Apps, iJIM ‒ 7 (4), 27-32.
  • Kahne, J; Middaugh, E & Allen, D (2014) "Youth, New Media, and the Rise of Participatory Politics", March 19, 2014, Youth & Participatory Politics Research Network Working Papers No. 1.
  • Kamarck, C E & Gabriele, A (2015) "The news today: 7 trends in old and new Media", B Center for Effective Public Management at BROOKINGS, November 2015.
  • Khondker, H H (2011) "Role of the New Media in the Arab Spring", Globalizations 8:5, 675-679, Routledge.
  • Kırmızıoglu, H (2017) Hermeneutik, Postmodernizm ve İktisadi Yansımaları, Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları, 5 (5), 63-73, ICPESS Special Vol.
  • Kompare, D (2006) Publishing Flow: DVD Box Sets and the Reconception of Television, Television & New Media, Vol. 7 No. 4, November 2006 335–360, Sage Publications.
  • Lewis, D (2003) "Online news: a new genre? ", In New Media Language, Aitchison, J. & Lewis, M.D. (Eds.), pp. 95-104, Routledge.
  • Lievrouw, A L & Livingstone, S (2006) Handbook of New Media: Updated Student Edition, SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Manovich, L (2001) The Language of New Media, MIT Press.
  • Mitra, A (2011) New Media and Convergence: A Development Communication Perspective, Students’ Research, Global Media Journal – Indian Edition, Vol. 2, No. 2.
  • Mobiroller (2019) "Akıllı telefon ve mobil uygulamalarla ilgili en güncel istatistikler", Web:, March 14, 2018.
  • Möller, C (2013) "Social media and journalism, in From traditional to online media: Best practices and perspectives, 14th Central Asia Media Conference Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 5-6 July 2012, pp. 23-32, Eds. Mike Stone and Ilia Dohel, Vienna: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, 2013 - 126 pages, © 2013 The Representative on Freedom of the Media, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
  • Murphy, C S (2011) How Television Invented New Media, Rutgers University Press, Manufactured in the United States of America.
  • Narin, B (2015) Mobil Telefonlar ve Gazetecilik: Mobil Haber Üretimi ve Habere Mobilden Erişim, İnet-Tr’15, 1-3 December 2015, Istanbul University.
  • Ozyal, P (2016) Tık Odaklı Habercilik: Tık Odaklı Haberciliğin Türk Dijital Gazetelerindeki Kullanım Biçimleri, Global Media Journal TR Edition 6 (12), 273-301.
  • Paulsen, M & Tække, J (2013) "Social Media and Teaching ‐ Education in the new media environment", Paper to the 40th anniversary Nordmedia conference: Defending democracy, Oslo and Akershus University College. 8‐11 August 2013.
  • Price, G (2015) "Opportunities and Challenges for Journalism in the Digital Age: Asian and European Perspectives", Research Paper, Asia Programme | August 2015, Chatham House The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
  • Rakestraw, L T; Eunni, V R & Kasuganti, R R (2012) "The mobile apps industry: A case study", see AABRI,
  • Ravindranath, L; Nath, S; Padhye, J & Balakrishnan, H (2014) "Automatic and Scalable Fault Detection for Mobile Applications", MobiSys’14. June 16–19, 2014.
  • Redda, A Y (2012) "Cross platform Mobile Applications Development Mobile Apps Mobility", Master in Information Systems, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Computer and Information Science.
  • Salman, A (2009) ICT, the New Media (Internet) and Development: Malaysian Experience, The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, Volume 15 (1).
  • Spataru, C A (2010) "Agile Development Methods for Mobile Applications", Master of Science Computer Science School of Informatics University of Edinburgh.
  • Toprakkaya, A (2007) Felsefi Hermeneutik, SDU Felsefe, No: 4. pp. 75-93.
  • Tikle (2016) "Akıllı Telefon Kullanıcılarının Uygulama Kullanım Trendleri", Web:, March 18, 2016.
  • Unal, R (2017a) Yeni Medyada Yeni Habercilik ve İş Modeli Arayışları: Medyascope Örneği, Galatasaray Üniversitesi İleti-ş-im Dergisi, 26. pp. 83-107.
  • Unal, R (2017b) Mobil Canlı Yayın Uygulamalarının Habercilik Bağlamında Kullanımının Olanak ve Sınırlılıkları, Mersin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü e-Dergi, 1 (1), 24-37.
  • Van Dijk, A T (1995a) "Power and the News Media", In D. Paletz (Eds.), Political Communication and Action, pp. 9-36, Cresskill. NJ: Hampton Press.
  • Van Dijk, A T (1995b) Aims of Critical Discourse Analysis, Japanese Discourse, Vol 1, pp. 17-27.
  • Van Dijk, Jan A G M (2006) The Network Society Social Aspects of New Media, 2nd Edition, SAGE Publications.
  • Vasile Szabo, L (2014) The Future of Communication: from New Media to Postmedia, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 163. pp. 36-43.
  • Villegas, J.C, S (2015) Ethical and deontological aspects of online journalism. Their perception by journalists, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 70, pp. 91 to 109.
  • Zhenwei Qiang, C; Kuek, C S; Dymond, A & Esselaar, S (2012) "Mobile Applications for Agriculture and Rural Development", ICT Sector Unit. World Bank.


Year 2020, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 158 - 179, 27.01.2020


The current and
possible effects of the new media are the subject of many studies. Mobile
applications are one of the important consequences of the new media, which make
traditional communication processes bidirectional and expand communicative
local boundaries. Mobile applications, which are used in smartphones and are
indispensable for many individual routines, also act as intermediaries in news
reporting. So much so that many traditional media organizations such as
alternative media formations have created their mobile applications and have
started to transmit their news to the users through related applications. It is
anticipated that the use of smartphones will spread every day, and when it is
thought that the field of journalism is developed on the basis of technology,
it can be predicted that the journalism in mobile applications will become
widespread. In this study, Hurriyet, Haber Turk and Sabah's mobile
applications, which were chosen as representing the Turkish national press,
were examined in the context of journalism and structurality. Relevant
applications have been compared to the mobile applications of the New York
Times, The Guardian and CNN, which have been selected to represent the international
press. Thus, it is aimed to analyze mobile application journalism in terms of
structurality and ergonomics. The method of study is the hermeneutic approach.


  • Aktas, C (2007) İnternet’in Gazeteciliğe Getirdiği Yenilikler, Selçuk İletişim 5 (1), 30-41.
  • Alejandro, J (2010) JOURNALISM IN THE AGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA, Reuters Institute Fellowship Paper University of Oxford, Hilary and Trinity Terms 2010 Sponsor: Thomson Reuters Foundation.
  • Aydogan, A (2012) İletişim Araştırmalarında İnternet Gazeteciliği: Bağlamsal Çalışmaların Eksikliği, İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma, No: 35, pp. 19-41.
  • Bagdikian, H B (2004) The New Media Monopoly: A Completely Revised and Updated Edition with Seven New Chapters, Beacon Press.
  • Bell, A (1991) The Language of News Media, Blackwell.
  • Boddy, W (2002) New Media as Old Media: Television, In The New Media Book, D. Harries (Editor), London: BFI Publishing, pp. 242-253.
  • Bardoel, J & Deuze, M (2001) Network Journalism: Converging Competences of Media Professionals and Professionalism, Australian Journalism Review, 23 (2), 91-103.
  • Chen, E; Pei, Y; Chen, S; Tian, Y; Kotcher, R & Tague, P (2014) "OAuth Demysti_ed for Mobile Application Developers" CCS’14, November 3–7, 2014, Scottsdale, Arizona.
  • Dashti, A (2008) Effect of Online Journalism on The Freedom of The Press: The Case of Kuwait, PhD Thesis Submitted in accordance with the requirements for Doctorate of Philosophy Department of Film, Media & Journalism University of Stirling.
  • Dennis, R A & Kinney, T S (1998) Testing Media Richness Theory in the New Media: The Effects of Cues, Feedback, and Task Equivocality, Information Systems Research, Published Online: September 1, 1998, Page Range: 256-274.
  • Doms, M & Morin, N (2004) Consumer Sentiment, the Economy, and the News Media, FRBSF Working Paper 2004-09.
  • Douai, A (2013) "New Media and Question of African Democracy". In New Media Influence on Social and Political Change in Africa, (Eds. Olorunnisola, A. A. & Douai, A.), pp. 1-14, IGI Global.
  • First Look (2015) "Meet Project Phoenix, the new NYT Android App", Web:, February 23, 2015.
  • Gee, P J (1999) An Introduction to Discourse Analysis Theory and Method, by Routledge.
  • Gee, P J (2009) New Digital Media and Learning as an Emerging Area and "Worked Examples" as One Way Forward, The John D. and Catherina T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning, MacArthur.
  • Godwin-Jones, R (2011) Emerging Technologies Mobile Apps for Language Learning. Language Learning & Technology. 15 (2), 2–11.
  • Grosser, K M, Hase, V & Blöbaum, B (2015) Trust in Online Journalism, In Trust and Communication in a Digitized World Models and Concepts of Trust Research, pp. 53-73, Eds. Bernd Blöbaum. Springer.
  • Häkkilä, J (2006) "Usability with Context-Aware Mobile Applicatıons Case Studies and Design Guidelines", Faculty of Technology Department of Electrical And Information Engineerıng, Universıty of Oulu, Acta Univ. Oul. C 263, 2006.
  • Hill, S & Lashmar, P (2014) Online Journalism: The Essential Guide, London: Sage Publications.
  • Hurriyet (2016) Hürriyet mobil rakiplerini açık ara geride bıraktı, Web:, 20 July 2016.
  • Inukollu, N V; Keshamoni, D D; Kang, T & Inukollu, M (2014) Factors Influencing Quality of Mobile Apps: Role of Mobile App Development Life Cycle, International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications 5 (5), 15-34.
  • Isbir, E (2017) Hermeneutik refleksiyonun liberal etik ve politik kuramlardaki yeri, Journal of Human Sciences, 14 (2), 1590-1608.
  • Jenkins, H; Clinton, K; Purushotma, R; Robison, J A & Weigel, M (2006) "An occasional paper on digital media and learning Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century", The MacArthur Foundation.
  • Jobe, W (2013) Native Apps vs. Mobile Web Apps, iJIM ‒ 7 (4), 27-32.
  • Kahne, J; Middaugh, E & Allen, D (2014) "Youth, New Media, and the Rise of Participatory Politics", March 19, 2014, Youth & Participatory Politics Research Network Working Papers No. 1.
  • Kamarck, C E & Gabriele, A (2015) "The news today: 7 trends in old and new Media", B Center for Effective Public Management at BROOKINGS, November 2015.
  • Khondker, H H (2011) "Role of the New Media in the Arab Spring", Globalizations 8:5, 675-679, Routledge.
  • Kırmızıoglu, H (2017) Hermeneutik, Postmodernizm ve İktisadi Yansımaları, Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları, 5 (5), 63-73, ICPESS Special Vol.
  • Kompare, D (2006) Publishing Flow: DVD Box Sets and the Reconception of Television, Television & New Media, Vol. 7 No. 4, November 2006 335–360, Sage Publications.
  • Lewis, D (2003) "Online news: a new genre? ", In New Media Language, Aitchison, J. & Lewis, M.D. (Eds.), pp. 95-104, Routledge.
  • Lievrouw, A L & Livingstone, S (2006) Handbook of New Media: Updated Student Edition, SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Manovich, L (2001) The Language of New Media, MIT Press.
  • Mitra, A (2011) New Media and Convergence: A Development Communication Perspective, Students’ Research, Global Media Journal – Indian Edition, Vol. 2, No. 2.
  • Mobiroller (2019) "Akıllı telefon ve mobil uygulamalarla ilgili en güncel istatistikler", Web:, March 14, 2018.
  • Möller, C (2013) "Social media and journalism, in From traditional to online media: Best practices and perspectives, 14th Central Asia Media Conference Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 5-6 July 2012, pp. 23-32, Eds. Mike Stone and Ilia Dohel, Vienna: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, 2013 - 126 pages, © 2013 The Representative on Freedom of the Media, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
  • Murphy, C S (2011) How Television Invented New Media, Rutgers University Press, Manufactured in the United States of America.
  • Narin, B (2015) Mobil Telefonlar ve Gazetecilik: Mobil Haber Üretimi ve Habere Mobilden Erişim, İnet-Tr’15, 1-3 December 2015, Istanbul University.
  • Ozyal, P (2016) Tık Odaklı Habercilik: Tık Odaklı Haberciliğin Türk Dijital Gazetelerindeki Kullanım Biçimleri, Global Media Journal TR Edition 6 (12), 273-301.
  • Paulsen, M & Tække, J (2013) "Social Media and Teaching ‐ Education in the new media environment", Paper to the 40th anniversary Nordmedia conference: Defending democracy, Oslo and Akershus University College. 8‐11 August 2013.
  • Price, G (2015) "Opportunities and Challenges for Journalism in the Digital Age: Asian and European Perspectives", Research Paper, Asia Programme | August 2015, Chatham House The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
  • Rakestraw, L T; Eunni, V R & Kasuganti, R R (2012) "The mobile apps industry: A case study", see AABRI,
  • Ravindranath, L; Nath, S; Padhye, J & Balakrishnan, H (2014) "Automatic and Scalable Fault Detection for Mobile Applications", MobiSys’14. June 16–19, 2014.
  • Redda, A Y (2012) "Cross platform Mobile Applications Development Mobile Apps Mobility", Master in Information Systems, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Computer and Information Science.
  • Salman, A (2009) ICT, the New Media (Internet) and Development: Malaysian Experience, The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, Volume 15 (1).
  • Spataru, C A (2010) "Agile Development Methods for Mobile Applications", Master of Science Computer Science School of Informatics University of Edinburgh.
  • Toprakkaya, A (2007) Felsefi Hermeneutik, SDU Felsefe, No: 4. pp. 75-93.
  • Tikle (2016) "Akıllı Telefon Kullanıcılarının Uygulama Kullanım Trendleri", Web:, March 18, 2016.
  • Unal, R (2017a) Yeni Medyada Yeni Habercilik ve İş Modeli Arayışları: Medyascope Örneği, Galatasaray Üniversitesi İleti-ş-im Dergisi, 26. pp. 83-107.
  • Unal, R (2017b) Mobil Canlı Yayın Uygulamalarının Habercilik Bağlamında Kullanımının Olanak ve Sınırlılıkları, Mersin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü e-Dergi, 1 (1), 24-37.
  • Van Dijk, A T (1995a) "Power and the News Media", In D. Paletz (Eds.), Political Communication and Action, pp. 9-36, Cresskill. NJ: Hampton Press.
  • Van Dijk, A T (1995b) Aims of Critical Discourse Analysis, Japanese Discourse, Vol 1, pp. 17-27.
  • Van Dijk, Jan A G M (2006) The Network Society Social Aspects of New Media, 2nd Edition, SAGE Publications.
  • Vasile Szabo, L (2014) The Future of Communication: from New Media to Postmedia, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 163. pp. 36-43.
  • Villegas, J.C, S (2015) Ethical and deontological aspects of online journalism. Their perception by journalists, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 70, pp. 91 to 109.
  • Zhenwei Qiang, C; Kuek, C S; Dymond, A & Esselaar, S (2012) "Mobile Applications for Agriculture and Rural Development", ICT Sector Unit. World Bank.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Ceren Yegen 0000-0001-9582-0711

Publication Date January 27, 2020
Submission Date August 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 13 Issue: 1
