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Sağlık Çalışanlarına Yönelik Şiddetin Çözümünde İletişim Becerilerinin Rolü: Sistematik Derleme

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 576 - 605, 25.04.2021


Sağlıkta şiddet son yıllarda çok fazla artan güncel olayların başında gelmektedir. Doktor-hasta-sağlık çalışanı üçgeninde yaşanan iletişim becerilerinin yetersizliği ve bazı demografik faktörler sağlıkta şiddeti arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışma, son yıllarda artan sağlıkta şiddet durumunun sebeplerini araştırmayı ve iletişim becerilerinin rolünü ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Çalışma, dünyada son üç yıl içerisinde yapılmış olan sağlıkta şiddet çalışmalarının sistematik derleme yolu ile analizini ve iletişim becerilerinin sağlıkta şiddet kavramındaki rolünü araştırmayı hedeflemektedir. Araştırmanın modeli sistematik derlemedir. Veri toplama, üç ayrı veritabanında (Scopus, Web of Science ve Sage), anahtar kelimeler gelişmiş arama yapılarak (örn; doctor and violence) tüm erişime açık makalelerde 2017 Ocak ile 2020 Ocak aralığındaki makaleler taranarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın yönteminde iki araştırmacı bağımsız bir şekilde her bir makaleyi detaylı bir şekilde inceleyerek araştırmanın özüne en uygun olan makaleleri seçmişlerdir. Makalelerin seçiminde nitel, kesitsel, prevalans çalışmaları için Joanna Briggs Institute Kritik Değerlendirme Kontrol Listesi kullanılmıştır ve araştırma raporunun yazımında PRISMA Bildirimi kontrol listesi seçilmiştir. Araştırmanın bulgularında veritabanında anahtar sözcülerle yapılan ilk taramada toplamda 759 makaleye ulaşılmıştır. Yalnızca özet ve anahtar sözcüklere bakılarak yapılan ilk elemede 116 tane makaleye indirilmiştir. İkinci analiz başlık, anahtar sözcüler, özet ve sonuca bakılarak elenmiştir. Bu inceleme sonucunda da araştırma konusuna uygun 16 makaleye ulaşılmıştır.


  • KAYNAKÇA Ahmed, F. & Memon, M. K. (2018). “Violence Against Doctors, A Serious Concern For Healthcare Organizations To Ponder About”, Annals Of Medicine And Surgery, 25, 3-5.
  • Amerıcan Academy Of Family Physıcıans, (1999). “Good Communication Is Sign Of Good Medicine For Fp Of The Year.” Erişim Adresi: Http:// Www.Aafp.Org/Fpr/991000fr/10.Html
  • Amerıcan Assocıatıon Of Medıcal Colleges, (1999). “Aamc Report Aims To Enhance Communications Skills Training At Us. Medical Schools, Aamc Issues Doctor-Patient Communications Fact Sheet, Launches ‘Doctoring 101” Erişim Adresi: Http://Www.Aamc.Org/Newsroom/Pressrel/1999/991026.Html
  • Amerıcan Assocıatıon Of Medıcal Colleges, (1999). “Aamc Report Aims To Enhance Communications Skills Training At U.S. Medical Schools, Aamc Issues Doctor-Patient Communications Fact Sheet, Launches ‘Doctoring 101.” Erişim Adresi: Http://Www.Aamc.Org/Newsroom/Pressrel/ 1999/991026.Html.
  • Amerıcan Medıcal Assocıatıon, (2005). “Ama To New York Times: Good Physician-Patient Communication Helps All Doctors” Erişim Adresi: Http://Www.Ama-Assn.Org/Ama/Pub/Category/15788.Html.
  • Brophy, J., T., Keıth, M. M & Hurley, M. (2018). Assaulted And Unhear Violence Against Healthcare Staff New Solutions, A Journal Of Environmental And Occupational Health Policy, Vol. 27(4), 581–606.
  • Cegala, D. J. & Broz, L. (2005). Physician Communication Skills Training: A Review Of Theoretical Backgrounds, Objectives And Skills, Medical Education, 36, 1004–1016.
  • Deng, S. & Ningxi, Y. (2018). Doctors’ Job Satisfaction And Its Relationships With Doctor-Patient Relationship And Work-Family Conflict İn China: A Structural Equation Modeling, Inquıry, The Journal Of Health Care Organization, Provision And Financing, Vol. 55, 1–11.
  • Dutta, M. J. (2009). Health Communication: Trends And Future Directions, Health Communication in The New Media Landscape. (Edit. Parker, Jerry ve Thorson, Esther), Springer Publishing Company.
  • Frıedlander, Myrna L., Kangos, K. A. & Maestro, K. J. (2019). Introducing An Observational Rating System For Studying Concordance İn Patient–Physician Relationships, The Counseling Psychologist, Vol. 47(5), 796–819.
  • Ganguly, G. (2020). Violence Against Doctors: A Multisystem Failure, Current Science, Vol. 118, No. 1, 10.
  • Jonas, S. & Goldsteen, R. (2007). An Introduction To The U.S. Health Care System. New York: Springer Publishing.
  • Karaçam, Z. (2013). Sistematik Derleme Metodolojisi: Sistematik Derleme Hazırlamak İçin Bir Rehber, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokul Ed, 6 (1), 26-33.
  • Kumar, N. P. & Betadur, D. C. (2019). Study On Mitigation Of Workplace Violence. Medical Journal Armed Forces India.
  • Lammers, J. C. & Barbour, J. (2005). Organizational Forms And The Provision of Health Care. In T. L. Thompson, A. M. Dorsey, K. I. Miller, & R. Parrott (Edit.), Handbook Of Health Communication, Mahwah, Nj: Erlbaum, 319–346.
  • Leung, T. P.; Phillips, L. Bryant & C. Hegarty, K. (2018). How Family Doctors Perceived Their ‘Readiness’ And ‘Preparedness’ To İdentify And Respond to Intimate Partner Abuse: A Qualitative Study, Family Practice, Vol. 35, No. 4, 517–523.
  • Lıu, Y. Huang, Y. Gao, H. Cheng, X. (2017). Communication Skills Training: Adapting To The Trends And Moving Forward, Bioscience Trends. 11(2), 142-147.
  • Lu, L. Dong, M.- Wang-Shi B., Vd. (2018). Prevalence Of Workplace Violence Against Health-Care Professionals İn China: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis of Observational Surveys., Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1-12.
  • Murray-Johnson, L. Ve Witte, K. (2005). Looking Toward The Future: Health Message Design Strategies in T. L. Thompson, A. M. Dorsey, K. I. Miller, R. Parrott (Edit.), Handbook Of Health Communication, 473–496.
  • Nilsen, S. & Malterud, K. (2017). What Happens When The Doctor Denies A Patient’s Request? A Qualitative Interview Study Among General Practitioners in Norway, Scandinavian Journal Of Primary Health Care, 35:2, 201-207.
  • Pinar, T. Acikel, C., Pinar, G.,vd. (2017). Workplace Violence İn The Health Sector in Turkey: A National Study, Journal Of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 37(15) 2345–2365.
  • Schıavo, R. (2007). Health Communication From Theory to Practice. Jossey Bass.
  • Sıngh, M. (2017). Intolerance and Violence Against Doctors, Indian J Pediatr, 84(10), 768–773.
  • Yaşar, Z. F., Durukan E. vd. (2017). A University Hospital Patients And Their Relatives’ Opinions On Violence İn Health, Romanian Journal Of Legal Medicine, 25, 65-69.
  • Zeng, Y., Zhang, L., Vd. (2018). Analysis Of Current Situation And Influencing Factor Of Medicine Disputes Among Different Levels Of Medical Institutions Based On The Game Theory İn Xiamen Of China, A Cross-Sectional Survey, Medicine, 97, 38.
  • Zhan, Y. Kıma, S. K., Zhou, L., Vd. (2019). Patient Violence And Health Professionals’ Occupational Outcomes İn China: A Time-Lagged Survey Study, International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 94, 120–130.
  • Zhang, L., Qıu Y., Vd. (2019). How Difficult Doctor–Patient Relationships Impair Physicians’ Work Engagement: The Roles Of Prosocial Motivation And Problem-Solving, Pondering Psychological Reports, 0(0), 1-18.

The Role of Communication Skills in Solving Violence Against Healthcare Professionals: A Systematic Review

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 576 - 605, 25.04.2021


Health violence is one of the current events that have increased in recent years. Insufficient communication skills in the basis of patient-health worker and some demographic factors increase the severity in health. The study aims to analyze the analysis of health violence studies carried out in the last three years through systematic compilation and the role of communication skills in the concept of violence in health. The model of the research is systematic review and meta-thematic analysis. Data collection was carried out in three separate databases (Scopus, Web of Science and Sage), with an advanced search of keywords (e.g. Doctor and violence) by scanning articles from January 2017 to January 2020 in all accessible articles. In the method of the study, the two researchers independently selected the articles that best fit the essence of the research by examining each article in detail. In the selection of the articles, Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Evaluation Checklist was used for qualitative, cross-sectional, prevalence studies and PRISMA Notification checklist was selected in the research report writing. In the findings of the research, a total of 759 articles were reached in the first scan with key words in the database. It was downloaded to 116 articles in the first elimination by looking only at the abstract and key words. The second analysis was eliminated by looking at the title, key words, summary and conclusion. As a result of this review, 16 articles suitable for the research topic were reached.


  • KAYNAKÇA Ahmed, F. & Memon, M. K. (2018). “Violence Against Doctors, A Serious Concern For Healthcare Organizations To Ponder About”, Annals Of Medicine And Surgery, 25, 3-5.
  • Amerıcan Academy Of Family Physıcıans, (1999). “Good Communication Is Sign Of Good Medicine For Fp Of The Year.” Erişim Adresi: Http:// Www.Aafp.Org/Fpr/991000fr/10.Html
  • Amerıcan Assocıatıon Of Medıcal Colleges, (1999). “Aamc Report Aims To Enhance Communications Skills Training At Us. Medical Schools, Aamc Issues Doctor-Patient Communications Fact Sheet, Launches ‘Doctoring 101” Erişim Adresi: Http://Www.Aamc.Org/Newsroom/Pressrel/1999/991026.Html
  • Amerıcan Assocıatıon Of Medıcal Colleges, (1999). “Aamc Report Aims To Enhance Communications Skills Training At U.S. Medical Schools, Aamc Issues Doctor-Patient Communications Fact Sheet, Launches ‘Doctoring 101.” Erişim Adresi: Http://Www.Aamc.Org/Newsroom/Pressrel/ 1999/991026.Html.
  • Amerıcan Medıcal Assocıatıon, (2005). “Ama To New York Times: Good Physician-Patient Communication Helps All Doctors” Erişim Adresi: Http://Www.Ama-Assn.Org/Ama/Pub/Category/15788.Html.
  • Brophy, J., T., Keıth, M. M & Hurley, M. (2018). Assaulted And Unhear Violence Against Healthcare Staff New Solutions, A Journal Of Environmental And Occupational Health Policy, Vol. 27(4), 581–606.
  • Cegala, D. J. & Broz, L. (2005). Physician Communication Skills Training: A Review Of Theoretical Backgrounds, Objectives And Skills, Medical Education, 36, 1004–1016.
  • Deng, S. & Ningxi, Y. (2018). Doctors’ Job Satisfaction And Its Relationships With Doctor-Patient Relationship And Work-Family Conflict İn China: A Structural Equation Modeling, Inquıry, The Journal Of Health Care Organization, Provision And Financing, Vol. 55, 1–11.
  • Dutta, M. J. (2009). Health Communication: Trends And Future Directions, Health Communication in The New Media Landscape. (Edit. Parker, Jerry ve Thorson, Esther), Springer Publishing Company.
  • Frıedlander, Myrna L., Kangos, K. A. & Maestro, K. J. (2019). Introducing An Observational Rating System For Studying Concordance İn Patient–Physician Relationships, The Counseling Psychologist, Vol. 47(5), 796–819.
  • Ganguly, G. (2020). Violence Against Doctors: A Multisystem Failure, Current Science, Vol. 118, No. 1, 10.
  • Jonas, S. & Goldsteen, R. (2007). An Introduction To The U.S. Health Care System. New York: Springer Publishing.
  • Karaçam, Z. (2013). Sistematik Derleme Metodolojisi: Sistematik Derleme Hazırlamak İçin Bir Rehber, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokul Ed, 6 (1), 26-33.
  • Kumar, N. P. & Betadur, D. C. (2019). Study On Mitigation Of Workplace Violence. Medical Journal Armed Forces India.
  • Lammers, J. C. & Barbour, J. (2005). Organizational Forms And The Provision of Health Care. In T. L. Thompson, A. M. Dorsey, K. I. Miller, & R. Parrott (Edit.), Handbook Of Health Communication, Mahwah, Nj: Erlbaum, 319–346.
  • Leung, T. P.; Phillips, L. Bryant & C. Hegarty, K. (2018). How Family Doctors Perceived Their ‘Readiness’ And ‘Preparedness’ To İdentify And Respond to Intimate Partner Abuse: A Qualitative Study, Family Practice, Vol. 35, No. 4, 517–523.
  • Lıu, Y. Huang, Y. Gao, H. Cheng, X. (2017). Communication Skills Training: Adapting To The Trends And Moving Forward, Bioscience Trends. 11(2), 142-147.
  • Lu, L. Dong, M.- Wang-Shi B., Vd. (2018). Prevalence Of Workplace Violence Against Health-Care Professionals İn China: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis of Observational Surveys., Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1-12.
  • Murray-Johnson, L. Ve Witte, K. (2005). Looking Toward The Future: Health Message Design Strategies in T. L. Thompson, A. M. Dorsey, K. I. Miller, R. Parrott (Edit.), Handbook Of Health Communication, 473–496.
  • Nilsen, S. & Malterud, K. (2017). What Happens When The Doctor Denies A Patient’s Request? A Qualitative Interview Study Among General Practitioners in Norway, Scandinavian Journal Of Primary Health Care, 35:2, 201-207.
  • Pinar, T. Acikel, C., Pinar, G.,vd. (2017). Workplace Violence İn The Health Sector in Turkey: A National Study, Journal Of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 37(15) 2345–2365.
  • Schıavo, R. (2007). Health Communication From Theory to Practice. Jossey Bass.
  • Sıngh, M. (2017). Intolerance and Violence Against Doctors, Indian J Pediatr, 84(10), 768–773.
  • Yaşar, Z. F., Durukan E. vd. (2017). A University Hospital Patients And Their Relatives’ Opinions On Violence İn Health, Romanian Journal Of Legal Medicine, 25, 65-69.
  • Zeng, Y., Zhang, L., Vd. (2018). Analysis Of Current Situation And Influencing Factor Of Medicine Disputes Among Different Levels Of Medical Institutions Based On The Game Theory İn Xiamen Of China, A Cross-Sectional Survey, Medicine, 97, 38.
  • Zhan, Y. Kıma, S. K., Zhou, L., Vd. (2019). Patient Violence And Health Professionals’ Occupational Outcomes İn China: A Time-Lagged Survey Study, International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 94, 120–130.
  • Zhang, L., Qıu Y., Vd. (2019). How Difficult Doctor–Patient Relationships Impair Physicians’ Work Engagement: The Roles Of Prosocial Motivation And Problem-Solving, Pondering Psychological Reports, 0(0), 1-18.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Selma Didem Özşenler 0000-0003-4627-7948

Publication Date April 25, 2021
Submission Date August 10, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Özşenler, S. D. (2021). Sağlık Çalışanlarına Yönelik Şiddetin Çözümünde İletişim Becerilerinin Rolü: Sistematik Derleme. Selçuk İletişim, 14(2), 576-605.