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Vermikompostun Farklı Tekstürlü Toprakların Agregat Stabilitesi, Hacim Ağırlığı ve Bazı Kimyasal Özelliklerine Etkisi

Year 2020, , 1 - 11, 26.01.2020


Bu çalışmada, organik
bir gübre olan vermikompostun farklı tekstüre sahip iki toprağın bazı fiziksel
ve kimyasal özellikleri üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Deneme, 2 toprak tipi,
5 vermikompost dozu ve 3 tekerrür olmak üzere toplam 30 saksıdan oluşmaktadır.
Kuru ağırlık üzerinden hesaplanan vermikompost dozları 5 kg’lık saksılara
uygulanmış toprak-vermikompost karışımları laboratuvar koşullarında yaklaşık 90
gün inkübasyona bırakılmışlardır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre vermikompost
uygulaması her iki toprak tipinde de organik madde miktarını, pH, elektriksel
iletkenlik (EC) ve katyon değişim kapasitesi (KDK) değerlerini önemli düzeyde
arttırmıştır. Toprakların pH değerleri asit karakterli olan tınlı topraklarda
yükselmiş, nispeten yüksek pH ya sahip killi topraklarda düşmüştür. Yüksek
organik madde içeriğine sahip olması nedeni ile vermikompost toprakların KDK
içeriklerini önemli düzeyde arttırmıştır. Toprakların organik madde miktarları
ile CEC değerleri arasında pozitif ve önemli korelasyon bulunmuştur. Vermikompost
toprakların fiziksel özelliklerini de olumlu etkilemiş ve agregat stabilitesini
arttırırken hacim ağırlığını düşürmüştür. Vermikompost agregat stabilitesini
tınlı toprak tipinde önemli düzeyde arttırırken, killi toprak tipinde etkisi
belirgin bulunmamıştır. 


  • Amlinger, F., S. Peyr, J. Geszit, P. Dreher, K. Weinfurtner, and S. Nortcliff. 2007. Beneficial Effects of Compost Application on Fertility and Productivity of Soils: A Literature Study. Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna, Austria.
  • Arancon, N.Q., C.A. Edwards, S. Lee, R. Byrne. 2006. Effects of humic acids from vermicomposts on plant growth. European Journal of Soil Biology, 42(1): 65-69.
  • Azarmi, R., M.T. Giglou and R.D. Taleshmikal. 2008. Influence of vermicompost on soil chemical and physical properties in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) field. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(14): 2397-2401.
  • Bahtiyar, M. 1997. Toprak Fiziği. Trakya Üni. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 260, Tekirdağ.
  • Blake GR and K.H. Hartge. 1986. Bulk density. In: A. Klute (Editor), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1. Physical ve Mineralogical Methods. 2nd edn. Agronomy, 9. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, pp: 363- 382.
  • Demir, H., İ. Sönmez and E. Polat. 2010. Ülkemiz için Yeni Bir Organik Gübre: Solucan Gübresi. International Conference on Organic Agriculture in Scope of Environmental Problems, Famagusta, 3-7 Şubat 2010, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti, sayfa:15.
  • Dinç, U., S. Şenol, S. Kapur, İ. Atalay and C. Cangir. 1993. Türkiye Toprakları. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları No: 51, Adana.
  • Eibisch, N., W. Durner, M. Bechtold, R. Fuß, R. Mikutta, S.K. Woche and M. Helfrich. 2015. Does water repellency of pyrochars and hydrochars counter their positive effects on soil hydraulic properties?. Geoderma, 245: 31-39.
  • Erhart, E., and W. Hartl. 2010. Compost use in organic farming. In Genetic Engineering, Biofertilisation, Soil Quality and Organic Farming. Springer Neth. (pp. 311-345).
  • Gutierrez-Miceli, F.A., J. Santiago-Borraz, J.A.M. Molina, C.C. Nafate, M. Abud-Archila, M.A.O. Llaven, R.R. Rosales and L. Dendooven. 2007. Vermicompost as a soil supplement to improve growth, yield and fruit quality of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum). Bioresource Technology, 98: 2781-2786.
  • Hemmat, A., N. Aghilinategh, Y. Rezainejad and M. Sadeghi. 2010. Long-term impacts of municipal solid waste compost, sewage sludge and farmyard manure application on organic carbon, bulk density and consistency limits of a calcareous soil in central Iran. Soil and Tillage Research, 108(1): 43-50.
  • Karami, A., M. Homaee, S. Afzalinia, H. Ruhipour and S. Basirat. 2012. Organic resource management: impacts on soil aggregate stability and other soil physico-chemical properties. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 148: 22-28.
  • Kemper, W.D. and R.C. Rosenau. 1986. Aggregate stability and size distribution. In A Klute (ed.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. 2nd ed. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI. p. 425-442
  • Loeppert, R.H. and D.L. Suarez. 1996. Carbonate and Gypsum. In: Sparks D.L. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3-Chemical Methods. SSSA Book Series: 5, Madison, pp. 437-474
  • Loveland, P. and J. Webb. 2003. Is there a critical level of OM in the agricultural soils of temperate regions: a review. Soil and Tillage Research, 70(1): 1-18.
  • Mahmoud, E.K. and M.M. Ibrahim. 2012. Effect of vermicompost and its mixtures with water treatment residuals on soil chemical properties and barley growth. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 12(3): 431-440.
  • Mamedov, A.I. 2014. Soil water retention and structure stability as affected by water quality/Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 3: 89-94
  • Nelson, D.W. and L.E. Sommers, 1996. Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, and OM. In: Sparks D.L. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3-Chemical Methods. SSSA Book Series: 5, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 961-1010
  • Piccolo, A., P. Zaccheo, P.G. Genevini. 1992. Chemical characterization of humic substances extracted from organic-waste-amended soils. Bioresource technology, 40(3): 275-282.
  • Romaniuk, R., L. Giuffré and R. Romero. 2011. A soil quality index to evaluate the vermicompost amendments effects on soil properties. J. Environ. Prot., 2: 502–510.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 2010. Keys to soil taxonomy, (11. Edition). USDA, National Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1960. Principles and Procedures of Statistics with Special Reference to the Biological Approach. New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • Sumner, M.E. and W.P. Miller. 1996. Cation Exchange Capacity and Exchange Coefficients. In: Sparks D.L. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3-Chemical Methods. SSSA Book Series: 5, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 1201-1229.
  • Şimşek-Erşahin, Y. 2007. Vermikompost Ürünlerinin Eldesi ve Tarımsal Üretimde Kullanım Alternatifleri. GOÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 24 (2): 99-107.
  • Tavalı, İ.E., İ.Uz and Ş. Orman. 2014. Vermikompost ve Tavuk Gübresinin Yazlık Kabağın (Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Sakız) Verim ve Kalitesi ile Toprağın Bazı Kimyasal Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri, Akdeniz Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2): 119-124.
  • Tejada, M., A.M. García-Martínez and J. Parrado. 2009. Effects of a vermicompost composted with beet vinasse on soil properties, soil losses and soil restoration. Catena, 77(3): 238–247.
  • U.S. Salinity Lab. Staff. 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkaline Soils. Agro. Handbook, 60, U.S.A.

Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils with Different Textures

Year 2020, , 1 - 11, 26.01.2020


This study was conducted to investigate the
effects of vermicompost treatments on physical and chemical characteristics of
two soils with different textures. Experiment was conducted in 30 pots with two
different soil types, 5 vermicompost doses and 3 replications. Vermicompost
doses were placed into 5 kg pots in dry bases and soil-vermicompost mixtures
were incubated under laboratory conditions for about 90 days. Vermicompost
treatments had significant effects on organic matter content, pH, electrical
conductivity (EC) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of both soils. Increasing organic
matter contents and salinity values were observed with increasing vermicompost
doses. As compared to the control treatment, soil salinity greatly increased
with the greatest vermicompost dose (
16 t da-1). With vermicompost
treatments, pH of acidic loamy soils increased and pH of clay soils with
relatively high pH levels decreased. Since vermicompost has high organic matter
content, it increased soil CEC values significantly. There were significant
positive correlations between organic matter content and CEC values of the
soils. Vermicompost treatments had positive effects also on soil physical
characteristics, increased aggregate stability (AS) and decreased bulk density
(BD) of the soils. While vermicompost treatments increased aggregate stability
of loamy soils remarkably, such effects were not remarkable in clay soils. 


  • Amlinger, F., S. Peyr, J. Geszit, P. Dreher, K. Weinfurtner, and S. Nortcliff. 2007. Beneficial Effects of Compost Application on Fertility and Productivity of Soils: A Literature Study. Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Vienna, Austria.
  • Arancon, N.Q., C.A. Edwards, S. Lee, R. Byrne. 2006. Effects of humic acids from vermicomposts on plant growth. European Journal of Soil Biology, 42(1): 65-69.
  • Azarmi, R., M.T. Giglou and R.D. Taleshmikal. 2008. Influence of vermicompost on soil chemical and physical properties in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) field. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(14): 2397-2401.
  • Bahtiyar, M. 1997. Toprak Fiziği. Trakya Üni. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 260, Tekirdağ.
  • Blake GR and K.H. Hartge. 1986. Bulk density. In: A. Klute (Editor), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1. Physical ve Mineralogical Methods. 2nd edn. Agronomy, 9. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, pp: 363- 382.
  • Demir, H., İ. Sönmez and E. Polat. 2010. Ülkemiz için Yeni Bir Organik Gübre: Solucan Gübresi. International Conference on Organic Agriculture in Scope of Environmental Problems, Famagusta, 3-7 Şubat 2010, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti, sayfa:15.
  • Dinç, U., S. Şenol, S. Kapur, İ. Atalay and C. Cangir. 1993. Türkiye Toprakları. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları No: 51, Adana.
  • Eibisch, N., W. Durner, M. Bechtold, R. Fuß, R. Mikutta, S.K. Woche and M. Helfrich. 2015. Does water repellency of pyrochars and hydrochars counter their positive effects on soil hydraulic properties?. Geoderma, 245: 31-39.
  • Erhart, E., and W. Hartl. 2010. Compost use in organic farming. In Genetic Engineering, Biofertilisation, Soil Quality and Organic Farming. Springer Neth. (pp. 311-345).
  • Gutierrez-Miceli, F.A., J. Santiago-Borraz, J.A.M. Molina, C.C. Nafate, M. Abud-Archila, M.A.O. Llaven, R.R. Rosales and L. Dendooven. 2007. Vermicompost as a soil supplement to improve growth, yield and fruit quality of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum). Bioresource Technology, 98: 2781-2786.
  • Hemmat, A., N. Aghilinategh, Y. Rezainejad and M. Sadeghi. 2010. Long-term impacts of municipal solid waste compost, sewage sludge and farmyard manure application on organic carbon, bulk density and consistency limits of a calcareous soil in central Iran. Soil and Tillage Research, 108(1): 43-50.
  • Karami, A., M. Homaee, S. Afzalinia, H. Ruhipour and S. Basirat. 2012. Organic resource management: impacts on soil aggregate stability and other soil physico-chemical properties. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 148: 22-28.
  • Kemper, W.D. and R.C. Rosenau. 1986. Aggregate stability and size distribution. In A Klute (ed.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 1. 2nd ed. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI. p. 425-442
  • Loeppert, R.H. and D.L. Suarez. 1996. Carbonate and Gypsum. In: Sparks D.L. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3-Chemical Methods. SSSA Book Series: 5, Madison, pp. 437-474
  • Loveland, P. and J. Webb. 2003. Is there a critical level of OM in the agricultural soils of temperate regions: a review. Soil and Tillage Research, 70(1): 1-18.
  • Mahmoud, E.K. and M.M. Ibrahim. 2012. Effect of vermicompost and its mixtures with water treatment residuals on soil chemical properties and barley growth. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 12(3): 431-440.
  • Mamedov, A.I. 2014. Soil water retention and structure stability as affected by water quality/Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 3: 89-94
  • Nelson, D.W. and L.E. Sommers, 1996. Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, and OM. In: Sparks D.L. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3-Chemical Methods. SSSA Book Series: 5, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 961-1010
  • Piccolo, A., P. Zaccheo, P.G. Genevini. 1992. Chemical characterization of humic substances extracted from organic-waste-amended soils. Bioresource technology, 40(3): 275-282.
  • Romaniuk, R., L. Giuffré and R. Romero. 2011. A soil quality index to evaluate the vermicompost amendments effects on soil properties. J. Environ. Prot., 2: 502–510.
  • Soil Survey Staff, 2010. Keys to soil taxonomy, (11. Edition). USDA, National Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1960. Principles and Procedures of Statistics with Special Reference to the Biological Approach. New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • Sumner, M.E. and W.P. Miller. 1996. Cation Exchange Capacity and Exchange Coefficients. In: Sparks D.L. (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3-Chemical Methods. SSSA Book Series: 5, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 1201-1229.
  • Şimşek-Erşahin, Y. 2007. Vermikompost Ürünlerinin Eldesi ve Tarımsal Üretimde Kullanım Alternatifleri. GOÜ. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 24 (2): 99-107.
  • Tavalı, İ.E., İ.Uz and Ş. Orman. 2014. Vermikompost ve Tavuk Gübresinin Yazlık Kabağın (Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Sakız) Verim ve Kalitesi ile Toprağın Bazı Kimyasal Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri, Akdeniz Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2): 119-124.
  • Tejada, M., A.M. García-Martínez and J. Parrado. 2009. Effects of a vermicompost composted with beet vinasse on soil properties, soil losses and soil restoration. Catena, 77(3): 238–247.
  • U.S. Salinity Lab. Staff. 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkaline Soils. Agro. Handbook, 60, U.S.A.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Tezcan Aktaş This is me 0000-0002-4252-5150

Orhan Yüksel 0000-0003-0679-8722

Publication Date January 26, 2020
Submission Date July 30, 2019
Acceptance Date October 17, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Aktaş, T., & Yüksel, O. (2020). Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils with Different Textures. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1), 1-11.
AMA Aktaş T, Yüksel O. Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils with Different Textures. JOTAF. January 2020;17(1):1-11. doi:10.33462/jotaf.598809
Chicago Aktaş, Tezcan, and Orhan Yüksel. “Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils With Different Textures”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 17, no. 1 (January 2020): 1-11.
EndNote Aktaş T, Yüksel O (January 1, 2020) Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils with Different Textures. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 1 1–11.
IEEE T. Aktaş and O. Yüksel, “Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils with Different Textures”, JOTAF, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1–11, 2020, doi: 10.33462/jotaf.598809.
ISNAD Aktaş, Tezcan - Yüksel, Orhan. “Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils With Different Textures”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 17/1 (January 2020), 1-11.
JAMA Aktaş T, Yüksel O. Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils with Different Textures. JOTAF. 2020;17:1–11.
MLA Aktaş, Tezcan and Orhan Yüksel. “Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils With Different Textures”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-11, doi:10.33462/jotaf.598809.
Vancouver Aktaş T, Yüksel O. Effects of Vermicompost on Aggregate Stability, Bulk Density and Some Chemical Characteristics of Soils with Different Textures. JOTAF. 2020;17(1):1-11.