Research Article
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The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica'Napus'L.)

Year 2013, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 59 - 63, 01.09.2013


This study was conducted in order to determine the effect of increasing doses of sulfur (S) application on some macro and micro elements, vitamin C, protein contents and biological properties of canola plant. In the experiment four doses of S (S0: 0 mg  kgO1, S1: 20 mg kgO1, S2: 40 mg kgO1, S3: 60 mg kgO1) were applied as NH4SO4 fertilizer in greenhouse conditions. The content of Vitamin C content of canola plant decreased with increasing doses application of S. Vitamin C content of canola plant was obtained for S0 dose as 28.41 mg 100O1 g and decreased Vitamin C content of canola plant with increasing S application and 22.36 mg 100O1 gobtained for S3 dose. Protein content of canola plant increased from S0 dose to S2 dose with S application and decreased for S3 dose application.  Protein content of canola plant was found 33.71 % for S2 dose. On the other hand, Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe) and Copper (Cu) nutrient elements contents of canola plant increased with Sapplication  but these increases were not found statistically significant. The highest Nitrogen (N) (6.68 %), Phosphorus (P) (0.80 %) and Zinc (Zn) (47.4 mg kgO1) contents were obtained with S2 dose!and the highest Mangan (Mn) (70.6 mg kgO1) content were obtained with S3 dose of canola plant. Some biological properties of canola plant increased with increasing sulfur application. Plant height was determined as 37.16 cm, plant weight as 101.87g and number of leaves a plant as 8.33 for S3 dose application. Canola plant can be an alternative product rather for vegetables which  have rapid growth periods such as lettuce, cress, rocket, fresh onion, garlic, and leek from the months of late fall to  early spring even until the beginning of summer.


  • Abd!ElOHamed,! K.E.,! Elwan,!M.W.M.,! (2010).!Genotype! by!environment!interaction!and!!henotypic!stability!of! yield! and! quality! in! broccoli! (Barassica! oleracea! var.! italica).!J.!Agric.!Sci.!Mansoura!Univ.!1!(6),!819–835.
  • Ahmad!G,!Jan!A,!Arif!M,!Jan!MT!and!Khattak!RA!(2007).! Influence! of! nitrogen! and! sulfur! fertilization! on! quality! of! canola! (Brassica! napus! L.)! under! rainfed! conditions.! Journal! of! Zhejiang! University! Science.! 8(10):731O737.
  • Barillari! J,! Cervellati! R,! Costa! S,! Guerra!MC,! Speroni! E,! Utan!A!and!Lori!R! (2006).!Antioxidant!and!choleretic! properties! of! Raphanus! sativus! L! sprout! (Kaiware! Daikon)! extract.! Journal! of! Agricultural! and! Food! Chemistry.!54!(26):9773O9778.
  • Bhardwaj! HL,! Hamama! AA! and! Rangappa! M! (2003).! Characteristics!of!nutritional!quality!of!canola!greens.! HortScience.!38(6):!1156O1158.
  • Dixon! G! (2006).! Vegetable! brassica! and! related! crucifers.!CABI!publishing.!ISBNO9780851993959.
  • Düzgünes!O,! Kavuncu!O,! Kesici!T!and!Gürbüz!F! (1987).! Arastirma!ve!deneme!metodlari.!A.Ü.!Ziraat!Fakültesi! Yayinlari,!No:1021,!Ankara.
  • Elwan!MWM.!and!!KE!Abd!ElOHamed,! (2011).!Influence! of! nitrogen! form,! growing! season! and! sulfur! fertilization! on! yield! and! the! content! of! nitrate! and! vitamin!C!of!broccoli!Scientia!Horticulturae!127:!181– 187.
  • Front! R,! RioOCelestino! M,! Cartea! E! and! HaroOBailon! A! (2005).! Quantification! of! glucosinolates! in! leaves! of! leaf! rape! (Brassica! napus! ssp.! Pabularia)! by! nearinfrared! spectroscopy.! Phytochemistry! 66:175O 185.
  • Grant! CA,! Mahli! SS! and! Karamanos! RE! (2012).! Sulfur! management! for! rapeseed.! Field! Crops! Research.! 128:!119–128
  • Giannaukourou! MC! and! Taoukis! PS! (2003).! Kinetic! modeling!of!vitamin!C!loss!in!frozen!green!vegetables! under! variable! storage! conditions.! Food! Chemistry! 83:!33O41.
  • Halstead,S,!Bloem!E,!Schung!E! (2008).!History!of! sulfur! deficiency!in! crops.!In:! Jez,! J.! (Ed.),!Sulfur:!A!Missing! Link! Between! Soils,! Crops,! and! Nutrition.! American! Society! of! Agronomy,! Crop! Science! Society! of! America,! Soil! Science! Society! of America,! Madison,! WI,!pp.!45–58.
  • Jing! J,! Koroleva! OA,! Gibson! J,! Swanston! T,! Magan! J,! Hang! Y,! Rowland! IR! and!Wagstaff! C! (2009).! Analysis! of! Phytochemical! Composition!and! Chemoprotective! Capacity! of! Rocket! (Eruca! sativa! and! Diplotaxis! tenuifolia)! Leafy! Salad! Following! Cultivation! in! Different!Environments.! J.!Agric.!Food!Chem.!57(12):! 5227–5234.
  • Kacar! B.! and! İnal! A.! (2010).! Plant! Analysis! (2nd! ed).! Nobel!Publ.!No:!1241,!Ankara.
  • Kawashima!LM!and!Soares!LM!(2003).!Mineral!profile!of! raw! and! cooked! vegetables! consumed! in! southern! Brazil.! Journal! of! Food! Composition! and! Analysis.! 16:605O611.
  • Kristal! AR! and! Lampe! JW! (2002).! Brassica! vegetables! and! prostate! cancer! risk:! A! review! of! the! epidemiological!evidence.!Nutrient!and!Cancer,!42(1):! 1–9.
  • Kohlmeier! L! and! Su! L! (1997).! Cruciferous! vegetable! consumption! and! colorectal! cancer! risk:! MetaO analysis! of! the! epidemiological! evidence.! Journal! of! the! Federation! of! American! Societies! for! Experimental!Biology.!(11):!369.!
  • Korus! A! (2010).! Level! of! vitamin! C,! polyphenols! and! antioxidant! and! enzymatic! Activity! in! three! varieties! of! kale! (Brassica! Oleracea! L.! var.! Acephala)! at! different!stages! of!maturity.! International! Journal! of! Food!Properties,!14:!1069O1080.
  • Kuhnlein!HV! (1990).!Nutrient!values!in!indigenous!wild! plant!greens!and!roots!used!by!Naxalk!people!of!Bella! Coole,!British!Colombia.!Journal!of!Food!Composition! and!Analysis.!2:!38–46.
  • MillerOCebert! RL,! Sistani! NA! and! Cebert! E! (2009).! Comparative! mineral! composition! among! canola! cultivars! and! other! cruciferous! leafy! greens.! Journal! of!Food!Composition!and!Analysis!(22):!112–116.
  • Nieuwhof! M! (1969).! Cole! Crops,! Leonard! Hill,! London,! p.!102O104.
  • Podsedek!A!(2007).!Natural!antioxidant!and!antioxidant! capacity! of! Brassica! vegetables.! Food! Science! and! Technology, 40(1):!1O11.
  • Shanidi! F! (1990).! Canola! and! rapeseed,! production,! chemistry,! nutrition! and! processing! technology,! AVI! Book.!ISBNO0O442O00295O5.
  • Steinmetz! KA! and Potter! JD! (1996).! Vegetables,! fruits,! and! cereal! fiber! intake! and! risk! of! coronary! heart! disease among! men.! The! Journal! of! the! American! Medical!Association.!96:1027O1039.
  • Thomson! CA,! Newton! TR,! Graver! EJ,! Jackson! KA,! Reid! PM,! Hartz! VL,! Cussler! EC! and! Hakim! LA! (2007).! Cruciferous!vegetable!intake!questionnaire!improved! cruciferous!vegetable!intake!estimates.!Journal!of!the! American!Dietetic!Association.!107:!631O643.
  • Tirasoglu!E,!Cevik!U,!Ertugral!B,!Apaydin!G,!Baltas!H!and! Ertugrul! M! (2005).! Determination! of! trace! elements! in!cole! (Brassica!oleraceae!var.!acephale)!at!Trabzon! region!in!Turkey!Journal!of!Quantitative!Spectroscopy! &!Radiative!Transfer.!94:!181–187
  • Wiedenhoeft!M,!Bharton,!BA! (1994).!Management!and! environment! effects! on! Brassica! forage! quality.! Agron.!J.!86:!227–237.
  • Van!Duyn!MA!and!Pivonka!E!(2000).!Overview!of!health! benefits! of! fruit! and! vegetable! consumption! for! the! dietetics! professional;! selective! literature.! Journal! of!! American!Dietetic!Association.!100:!1511–1521.
  • Verhoeven! DTH,! Goldbohm! RA,! Van! Poppel! G,! Verhagen! H! and! Van! Den! B! (1996).! PA:! Epidemiological! studies! on! Brassica! vegetables! and! cancer! risk.! Cancer! Epidemiol.! Biomarkers! Prev.! 5:$ 733–748.

Artan Miktarlarda Kükürt Uygulamasinin Kanola (Brassica'Napus'L.) Bitkisinin Bazı Besin Elementi, Vitamin C, Protein Kapsami Ve Biyolojik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 59 - 63, 01.09.2013


Bu araştırmada kanola bitkisine artan miktarlarda kükürt uygulamasının bitkinin bazı makro ve mikro besin elementi, vitamin C, protein kapsamı ve biyolojik özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla sera koşullarında yapılan sakı denemesinde kanola bitkisine dört doz kükürt (S0: 0 mg kgO1 , S1: 20 mg kgO1 , S2: 40 mg kgO1 ,  S3: 60 mg kgO1 ) ile NH4SO4 formunda azot uygulaması yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonunda artan kükürt dozları bitkinin  C vitamini kapsamını azaltmıştır.S0 kükürt dozunda C vitamini 28.41 mg 100O1 gliken S3 dozunda ise 22.36 mg 100O1 g olarak ölçülmüştür. Bitkinin protein içeriği S2 dozuna kadar artmış ve daha sonra ise azalmıştır. Bitkinin protein içeriği S2 dozu için % 33.71 olarak belirlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan bitkinin K, Ca, Mg, Fe ve Cu içerikleri de kükürt uygulaması ile birlikte artmıştır. Bitkinin en yüksek N (%!6.68), P (%!0.80) ve Zn (47.4 mg kgO1) kapsamı S2 dozunda ve Mn (70.6 mg kgO1) ise S3 dozunda belirlenmiştir. Bitkinin bazı biyolojik özellikleri de kükürt uygulaması ile birlikte artmıştır. Bitki gövde yüksekliği 37.16 cm, bitki ağırlığı 101.87 g ve bitkide yaprak sayısı 8.33 olarak S3 dozunda belirlenmiştir. Bu araştırmada kanola bitkisinin sebze olarak tüketilmesi lahana,tere, roka, yeşik soğan, sarmısak ve  pırasa gibi yeşil sebzeler için erken ilkbahardan yaz mevsimi başlangıcına  kadar alternative bir bitki olabileceği ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Abd!ElOHamed,! K.E.,! Elwan,!M.W.M.,! (2010).!Genotype! by!environment!interaction!and!!henotypic!stability!of! yield! and! quality! in! broccoli! (Barassica! oleracea! var.! italica).!J.!Agric.!Sci.!Mansoura!Univ.!1!(6),!819–835.
  • Ahmad!G,!Jan!A,!Arif!M,!Jan!MT!and!Khattak!RA!(2007).! Influence! of! nitrogen! and! sulfur! fertilization! on! quality! of! canola! (Brassica! napus! L.)! under! rainfed! conditions.! Journal! of! Zhejiang! University! Science.! 8(10):731O737.
  • Barillari! J,! Cervellati! R,! Costa! S,! Guerra!MC,! Speroni! E,! Utan!A!and!Lori!R! (2006).!Antioxidant!and!choleretic! properties! of! Raphanus! sativus! L! sprout! (Kaiware! Daikon)! extract.! Journal! of! Agricultural! and! Food! Chemistry.!54!(26):9773O9778.
  • Bhardwaj! HL,! Hamama! AA! and! Rangappa! M! (2003).! Characteristics!of!nutritional!quality!of!canola!greens.! HortScience.!38(6):!1156O1158.
  • Dixon! G! (2006).! Vegetable! brassica! and! related! crucifers.!CABI!publishing.!ISBNO9780851993959.
  • Düzgünes!O,! Kavuncu!O,! Kesici!T!and!Gürbüz!F! (1987).! Arastirma!ve!deneme!metodlari.!A.Ü.!Ziraat!Fakültesi! Yayinlari,!No:1021,!Ankara.
  • Elwan!MWM.!and!!KE!Abd!ElOHamed,! (2011).!Influence! of! nitrogen! form,! growing! season! and! sulfur! fertilization! on! yield! and! the! content! of! nitrate! and! vitamin!C!of!broccoli!Scientia!Horticulturae!127:!181– 187.
  • Front! R,! RioOCelestino! M,! Cartea! E! and! HaroOBailon! A! (2005).! Quantification! of! glucosinolates! in! leaves! of! leaf! rape! (Brassica! napus! ssp.! Pabularia)! by! nearinfrared! spectroscopy.! Phytochemistry! 66:175O 185.
  • Grant! CA,! Mahli! SS! and! Karamanos! RE! (2012).! Sulfur! management! for! rapeseed.! Field! Crops! Research.! 128:!119–128
  • Giannaukourou! MC! and! Taoukis! PS! (2003).! Kinetic! modeling!of!vitamin!C!loss!in!frozen!green!vegetables! under! variable! storage! conditions.! Food! Chemistry! 83:!33O41.
  • Halstead,S,!Bloem!E,!Schung!E! (2008).!History!of! sulfur! deficiency!in! crops.!In:! Jez,! J.! (Ed.),!Sulfur:!A!Missing! Link! Between! Soils,! Crops,! and! Nutrition.! American! Society! of! Agronomy,! Crop! Science! Society! of! America,! Soil! Science! Society! of America,! Madison,! WI,!pp.!45–58.
  • Jing! J,! Koroleva! OA,! Gibson! J,! Swanston! T,! Magan! J,! Hang! Y,! Rowland! IR! and!Wagstaff! C! (2009).! Analysis! of! Phytochemical! Composition!and! Chemoprotective! Capacity! of! Rocket! (Eruca! sativa! and! Diplotaxis! tenuifolia)! Leafy! Salad! Following! Cultivation! in! Different!Environments.! J.!Agric.!Food!Chem.!57(12):! 5227–5234.
  • Kacar! B.! and! İnal! A.! (2010).! Plant! Analysis! (2nd! ed).! Nobel!Publ.!No:!1241,!Ankara.
  • Kawashima!LM!and!Soares!LM!(2003).!Mineral!profile!of! raw! and! cooked! vegetables! consumed! in! southern! Brazil.! Journal! of! Food! Composition! and! Analysis.! 16:605O611.
  • Kristal! AR! and! Lampe! JW! (2002).! Brassica! vegetables! and! prostate! cancer! risk:! A! review! of! the! epidemiological!evidence.!Nutrient!and!Cancer,!42(1):! 1–9.
  • Kohlmeier! L! and! Su! L! (1997).! Cruciferous! vegetable! consumption! and! colorectal! cancer! risk:! MetaO analysis! of! the! epidemiological! evidence.! Journal! of! the! Federation! of! American! Societies! for! Experimental!Biology.!(11):!369.!
  • Korus! A! (2010).! Level! of! vitamin! C,! polyphenols! and! antioxidant! and! enzymatic! Activity! in! three! varieties! of! kale! (Brassica! Oleracea! L.! var.! Acephala)! at! different!stages! of!maturity.! International! Journal! of! Food!Properties,!14:!1069O1080.
  • Kuhnlein!HV! (1990).!Nutrient!values!in!indigenous!wild! plant!greens!and!roots!used!by!Naxalk!people!of!Bella! Coole,!British!Colombia.!Journal!of!Food!Composition! and!Analysis.!2:!38–46.
  • MillerOCebert! RL,! Sistani! NA! and! Cebert! E! (2009).! Comparative! mineral! composition! among! canola! cultivars! and! other! cruciferous! leafy! greens.! Journal! of!Food!Composition!and!Analysis!(22):!112–116.
  • Nieuwhof! M! (1969).! Cole! Crops,! Leonard! Hill,! London,! p.!102O104.
  • Podsedek!A!(2007).!Natural!antioxidant!and!antioxidant! capacity! of! Brassica! vegetables.! Food! Science! and! Technology, 40(1):!1O11.
  • Shanidi! F! (1990).! Canola! and! rapeseed,! production,! chemistry,! nutrition! and! processing! technology,! AVI! Book.!ISBNO0O442O00295O5.
  • Steinmetz! KA! and Potter! JD! (1996).! Vegetables,! fruits,! and! cereal! fiber! intake! and! risk! of! coronary! heart! disease among! men.! The! Journal! of! the! American! Medical!Association.!96:1027O1039.
  • Thomson! CA,! Newton! TR,! Graver! EJ,! Jackson! KA,! Reid! PM,! Hartz! VL,! Cussler! EC! and! Hakim! LA! (2007).! Cruciferous!vegetable!intake!questionnaire!improved! cruciferous!vegetable!intake!estimates.!Journal!of!the! American!Dietetic!Association.!107:!631O643.
  • Tirasoglu!E,!Cevik!U,!Ertugral!B,!Apaydin!G,!Baltas!H!and! Ertugrul! M! (2005).! Determination! of! trace! elements! in!cole! (Brassica!oleraceae!var.!acephale)!at!Trabzon! region!in!Turkey!Journal!of!Quantitative!Spectroscopy! &!Radiative!Transfer.!94:!181–187
  • Wiedenhoeft!M,!Bharton,!BA! (1994).!Management!and! environment! effects! on! Brassica! forage! quality.! Agron.!J.!86:!227–237.
  • Van!Duyn!MA!and!Pivonka!E!(2000).!Overview!of!health! benefits! of! fruit! and! vegetable! consumption! for! the! dietetics! professional;! selective! literature.! Journal! of!! American!Dietetic!Association.!100:!1511–1521.
  • Verhoeven! DTH,! Goldbohm! RA,! Van! Poppel! G,! Verhagen! H! and! Van! Den! B! (1996).! PA:! Epidemiological! studies! on! Brassica! vegetables! and! cancer! risk.! Cancer! Epidemiol.! Biomarkers! Prev.! 5:$ 733–748.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

S. Adiloğlu This is me

F. Eryılmaz Açıkgöz This is me

Aydın Adiloğlu This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Submission Date November 2, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Adiloğlu, S., Açıkgöz, F. E., & Adiloğlu, A. (2013). The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica’Napus’L.). Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(3), 59-63.
AMA Adiloğlu S, Açıkgöz FE, Adiloğlu A. The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica’Napus’L.). JOTAF. September 2013;10(3):59-63.
Chicago Adiloğlu, S., F. Eryılmaz Açıkgöz, and Aydın Adiloğlu. “The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica’Napus’L.)”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10, no. 3 (September 2013): 59-63.
EndNote Adiloğlu S, Açıkgöz FE, Adiloğlu A (September 1, 2013) The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica’Napus’L.). Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10 3 59–63.
IEEE S. Adiloğlu, F. E. Açıkgöz, and A. Adiloğlu, “The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica’Napus’L.)”, JOTAF, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 59–63, 2013.
ISNAD Adiloğlu, S. et al. “The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica’Napus’L.)”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10/3 (September 2013), 59-63.
JAMA Adiloğlu S, Açıkgöz FE, Adiloğlu A. The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica’Napus’L.). JOTAF. 2013;10:59–63.
MLA Adiloğlu, S. et al. “The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica’Napus’L.)”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 3, 2013, pp. 59-63.
Vancouver Adiloğlu S, Açıkgöz FE, Adiloğlu A. The Effect of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Application of Some Nutrient Elements, Vitamin C, Protein Contents And Biological Properties of Canola Plant (Brassica’Napus’L.). JOTAF. 2013;10(3):59-63.