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Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 90 - 96, 01.09.2013



  • Berges,!J.A.,!D.E.!Varela!and P.J.!Harrison,!2002.!Effects! of!temperature!on!growth!rate,!cell!composition!and! nitrogen! metabolism! in! the! marine! diatom! Thalassiosira)pseudonana (Bacillariophyceae).!Marine) Eco.)Prog.)Series Vol:235;139M146.
  • Burmaster,!D.E.!and!S.W. Chisholm,!1979.!A!comparison! of! two!methods! for!measuring!phosphate!uptake!by! Monochrysis) lutheri Droop! Grown! in! continuous! culture.!J.)Exp. Marine)Bio. and)Eco., 39: 187M202.
  • Chalup,! M.S.! and! E.A.! Laws,! 1990.! A! Test! of! the! Assumptions! and! Predictions! of! Recent! Microalgal! Growth! Models! with! the! Marine! Phytoplankter! Pavlova)lutheri Limnol.!Oceanogr,!35(3):!583M596
  • Cochlan,! W.P.! and! P.J.! Harrison,! 1991.! Kinetiks! of! nitrogen!(nitrate,!ammonium!and!urea)!uptake!by!the! picoflagellate!Micromonas)pusilla (Prasinophyceae).!J) Exp.!Marine!Bio.!and!Eco. 153:129M141.
  • Gordon,!R.!and!R.W.!Drum, 1994.!The!chemical!basis!of! diatom!morphogenesis.!Int.)Rev.)Cytol. 150:!243M372.
  • Guillard,! R.R.L.! 1975.! Culture! of! phytoplankton! for! feeding! marine! invertebrates.! in:! Culture! of! marine! invertebrate! animals.! Smith! WL, Chanley! MH! (eds.),! Plenum!Press,!New!York,!pp.!26M60
  • Guillard,! R.R.L.,! 1973.! Chapter! 19:! Divition! Rates.! in:! Handbook!of!Phycological!MethodsMCulture!Methods! and! Growth! MeasureM ments.! Cambridge! University! Press,!pp.!289M311.
  • Haris,!A.S.D.,!L.K.!Medlin,! J.!Lewis!and! Jones,!K.J. 1995.! Thalassiosira! species! (Bacillariophyceae)! from! a! Scottish!seaMloch.!Eur.) J.)Phycology. Vol.!30.!pp.!117M 131.
  • Koray,! T.! 2004.! Potentially! toxic! and! harmful! phytoplankton! species!along! the!coast!of! the!Turkey! Seas.!In:!Steidinger!KA,!Lansberg!JH,!Tomas!CR,!Vargo!
  • GA! Editors.! Harmful! Algae! 2002.! Florida! Fish! and! Wildlife! Conservation! Commission,! Florida! Inst.! Of! Oceanography!and!IOC!of!UNESCO.!pp.!335M337.
  • Laws,E.A.! and! D.C.L.! Wong,! 1978.! Studuies! of! carbon! and! nitrogen! metabolism! by! the! three! marine! phytoplankton! spesies! in! nitrateMlimited! continuous! culture.!Journal!of!Phycology,)14:406M416
  • Levasseur,! M.,! Thompson,! P.A.,! Harrison,! P.J., 1993.! Physiological! accumulation! of! marine! phytoplankton! to!different!nitrogen!sources. J!Phycol., 29:!587M595.
  • Li,! W.K.W. 1984.! A! modified! logistic! growth! equation:! effects! of! cadmium! chloride! on! the! diatom,! Thalassiosira) weissflogii) and! the! dinoflagellate,! Amphidinium) carteri ın! unialgal! and! bialgal! batch! cultures.!Aqua.!Toxic.. 5:!307M313.
  • Montagnes,! D.J.S.! and! D.J.! Franklin,! 2001.! Effects! of! temperature! on! diatom! volum,! growth! rate,! and!! coarbon! and! nitrogen! content:! Reconsidering! some! paradigms. Limnol.!Oceanogr., 46(8):!2008M2018.
  • Muylaert,! K.! and! K.! Sabbe,! 1996.! The! diatom! genus! Thalassiosira)(Bacillariophyta)!in! the!estuaries! of! the! Schelde! (Belgium/! The! Netherlands)! and! the! Elbe! (Germany).!Bot.)Mar. Vol.!39.!pp.!103M115.
  • Paasche,! E.! 1975.! Growth! of! the! plankton! diatom! Thalassiosira) nordenskioeldii Cleve! at! low! silicate! concentrations.!J.)Exp.)Marine)Bio.)Eco., 18:!173M183
  • Parsow,! J.S.,! P.J.! Harrison! and! P.A.! Thompson,! 1985.! Interpreting!changes!in!uptake!kinetics!in!the!marine! diatom! Thalassiosira) pseudonana) (Husedt).! J! Exp.! Marine!Bio.!and!Eco. 91:!53M64.
  • Redalje,! D.G.! and! E.A.! Laws, 1983.! The! effects! of! environmental! faktors! on! growth! and! the! chemical! and! biochemical! composition! of! marine! diatoms.! I.! Light!and!temperature!effects.!J.!Marine!Bio.!and!Eco.! 68:59M79
  • Riegman,! R.,! F.! Colijn,! J.F.P.! Malscchaert! and! H.T.! Kloosterhuis, 1990.!Assesment!of!growth!rate!limiting! nutrient! in! the! North! Sea! by! the! use! of! nutrientM uptake! kinetics.!Netherlands! J.! Sea! Research. 26! (1):! 53M60.
  • Shelknanloymilan,!L,!T.!Atıcı,!O.!Obal,!2012.!Removal!of! nitrogen! and! phosphate! by! using! Choleralla) vulgaris) on! synthetic! and! organic! materials! waste! water.! Biological!Diversity!and!Conservation.!5/2:!89M94
  • Strickland,! J.D.H.! and! T.R.! Parsons,! 1972.! A! Practical! Handbook! of! Seawater! Analysis.! Fisheries! Research! Board!of!Canada.!Bull.!167.!Ottowa,!pp.!310.
  • Strzepek,! R.F. and! N.M.! Price, 2000.! Influence! of! irridiance!and!temperature!on!the!iron!content!of!the! marine! diatom! Thalassiosira) wissflogii (Bacillariophyceae).! Marine! Eco.! Prog.! Series. 206:107M117
  • ŞişmanMAydın!G.,!A.!Kocataş!,B.!Büyükışık.!2009.!Effects! of! light! and! temperature! on! the! growth! rate! of! potentially! harmful! marine! diatome:! Thalassiosira) allenii) Takano! (Bacillariophyceae).! African! J.of! Biotech.,8!(19):!4983M4990.
  • Wood,! R.D.! 1975.! Hydrobotanical! Methods.! University! Park!Press,!Baltimore,!pp.!173.
  • Yin,! K.,! P.J.! Harrison! and,! Q.! Dortch,! 1998.! Lack! of! ammonium!inhibition! of! nitrate! uptake! for!a! diatom! grown! under! low! ligth! conditions.! J.! Exp.! Marine! Bio.and!Eco. 228:!151M165.

Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 90 - 96, 01.09.2013


TUBİTAK]ULAKBİM Tarım, Veteriner ve Biyoloji Bilimleri Veri Tabanı (TVBBVT) Tarafından taranmaktadır / Indexed by TUBİTAK] ULAKBİM&Agriculture, Veterinary and Biological Sciences Database


  • Berges,!J.A.,!D.E.!Varela!and P.J.!Harrison,!2002.!Effects! of!temperature!on!growth!rate,!cell!composition!and! nitrogen! metabolism! in! the! marine! diatom! Thalassiosira)pseudonana (Bacillariophyceae).!Marine) Eco.)Prog.)Series Vol:235;139M146.
  • Burmaster,!D.E.!and!S.W. Chisholm,!1979.!A!comparison! of! two!methods! for!measuring!phosphate!uptake!by! Monochrysis) lutheri Droop! Grown! in! continuous! culture.!J.)Exp. Marine)Bio. and)Eco., 39: 187M202.
  • Chalup,! M.S.! and! E.A.! Laws,! 1990.! A! Test! of! the! Assumptions! and! Predictions! of! Recent! Microalgal! Growth! Models! with! the! Marine! Phytoplankter! Pavlova)lutheri Limnol.!Oceanogr,!35(3):!583M596
  • Cochlan,! W.P.! and! P.J.! Harrison,! 1991.! Kinetiks! of! nitrogen!(nitrate,!ammonium!and!urea)!uptake!by!the! picoflagellate!Micromonas)pusilla (Prasinophyceae).!J) Exp.!Marine!Bio.!and!Eco. 153:129M141.
  • Gordon,!R.!and!R.W.!Drum, 1994.!The!chemical!basis!of! diatom!morphogenesis.!Int.)Rev.)Cytol. 150:!243M372.
  • Guillard,! R.R.L.! 1975.! Culture! of! phytoplankton! for! feeding! marine! invertebrates.! in:! Culture! of! marine! invertebrate! animals.! Smith! WL, Chanley! MH! (eds.),! Plenum!Press,!New!York,!pp.!26M60
  • Guillard,! R.R.L.,! 1973.! Chapter! 19:! Divition! Rates.! in:! Handbook!of!Phycological!MethodsMCulture!Methods! and! Growth! MeasureM ments.! Cambridge! University! Press,!pp.!289M311.
  • Haris,!A.S.D.,!L.K.!Medlin,! J.!Lewis!and! Jones,!K.J. 1995.! Thalassiosira! species! (Bacillariophyceae)! from! a! Scottish!seaMloch.!Eur.) J.)Phycology. Vol.!30.!pp.!117M 131.
  • Koray,! T.! 2004.! Potentially! toxic! and! harmful! phytoplankton! species!along! the!coast!of! the!Turkey! Seas.!In:!Steidinger!KA,!Lansberg!JH,!Tomas!CR,!Vargo!
  • GA! Editors.! Harmful! Algae! 2002.! Florida! Fish! and! Wildlife! Conservation! Commission,! Florida! Inst.! Of! Oceanography!and!IOC!of!UNESCO.!pp.!335M337.
  • Laws,E.A.! and! D.C.L.! Wong,! 1978.! Studuies! of! carbon! and! nitrogen! metabolism! by! the! three! marine! phytoplankton! spesies! in! nitrateMlimited! continuous! culture.!Journal!of!Phycology,)14:406M416
  • Levasseur,! M.,! Thompson,! P.A.,! Harrison,! P.J., 1993.! Physiological! accumulation! of! marine! phytoplankton! to!different!nitrogen!sources. J!Phycol., 29:!587M595.
  • Li,! W.K.W. 1984.! A! modified! logistic! growth! equation:! effects! of! cadmium! chloride! on! the! diatom,! Thalassiosira) weissflogii) and! the! dinoflagellate,! Amphidinium) carteri ın! unialgal! and! bialgal! batch! cultures.!Aqua.!Toxic.. 5:!307M313.
  • Montagnes,! D.J.S.! and! D.J.! Franklin,! 2001.! Effects! of! temperature! on! diatom! volum,! growth! rate,! and!! coarbon! and! nitrogen! content:! Reconsidering! some! paradigms. Limnol.!Oceanogr., 46(8):!2008M2018.
  • Muylaert,! K.! and! K.! Sabbe,! 1996.! The! diatom! genus! Thalassiosira)(Bacillariophyta)!in! the!estuaries! of! the! Schelde! (Belgium/! The! Netherlands)! and! the! Elbe! (Germany).!Bot.)Mar. Vol.!39.!pp.!103M115.
  • Paasche,! E.! 1975.! Growth! of! the! plankton! diatom! Thalassiosira) nordenskioeldii Cleve! at! low! silicate! concentrations.!J.)Exp.)Marine)Bio.)Eco., 18:!173M183
  • Parsow,! J.S.,! P.J.! Harrison! and! P.A.! Thompson,! 1985.! Interpreting!changes!in!uptake!kinetics!in!the!marine! diatom! Thalassiosira) pseudonana) (Husedt).! J! Exp.! Marine!Bio.!and!Eco. 91:!53M64.
  • Redalje,! D.G.! and! E.A.! Laws, 1983.! The! effects! of! environmental! faktors! on! growth! and! the! chemical! and! biochemical! composition! of! marine! diatoms.! I.! Light!and!temperature!effects.!J.!Marine!Bio.!and!Eco.! 68:59M79
  • Riegman,! R.,! F.! Colijn,! J.F.P.! Malscchaert! and! H.T.! Kloosterhuis, 1990.!Assesment!of!growth!rate!limiting! nutrient! in! the! North! Sea! by! the! use! of! nutrientM uptake! kinetics.!Netherlands! J.! Sea! Research. 26! (1):! 53M60.
  • Shelknanloymilan,!L,!T.!Atıcı,!O.!Obal,!2012.!Removal!of! nitrogen! and! phosphate! by! using! Choleralla) vulgaris) on! synthetic! and! organic! materials! waste! water.! Biological!Diversity!and!Conservation.!5/2:!89M94
  • Strickland,! J.D.H.! and! T.R.! Parsons,! 1972.! A! Practical! Handbook! of! Seawater! Analysis.! Fisheries! Research! Board!of!Canada.!Bull.!167.!Ottowa,!pp.!310.
  • Strzepek,! R.F. and! N.M.! Price, 2000.! Influence! of! irridiance!and!temperature!on!the!iron!content!of!the! marine! diatom! Thalassiosira) wissflogii (Bacillariophyceae).! Marine! Eco.! Prog.! Series. 206:107M117
  • ŞişmanMAydın!G.,!A.!Kocataş!,B.!Büyükışık.!2009.!Effects! of! light! and! temperature! on! the! growth! rate! of! potentially! harmful! marine! diatome:! Thalassiosira) allenii) Takano! (Bacillariophyceae).! African! J.of! Biotech.,8!(19):!4983M4990.
  • Wood,! R.D.! 1975.! Hydrobotanical! Methods.! University! Park!Press,!Baltimore,!pp.!173.
  • Yin,! K.,! P.J.! Harrison! and,! Q.! Dortch,! 1998.! Lack! of! ammonium!inhibition! of! nitrate! uptake! for!a! diatom! grown! under! low! ligth! conditions.! J.! Exp.! Marine! Bio.and!Eco. 228:!151M165.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

G. Ş. Aydın This is me

B. Büyükışık This is me

A. Kocataş This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Submission Date November 2, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Aydın, G. S., Büyükışık, B., & Kocataş, A. (2013). Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(3), 90-96.
AMA Aydın GS, Büyükışık B, Kocataş A. Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi. JOTAF. September 2013;10(3):90-96.
Chicago Aydın, G. Ş., B. Büyükışık, and A. Kocataş. “Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10, no. 3 (September 2013): 90-96.
EndNote Aydın GS, Büyükışık B, Kocataş A (September 1, 2013) Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10 3 90–96.
IEEE G. S. Aydın, B. Büyükışık, and A. Kocataş, “Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi”, JOTAF, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 90–96, 2013.
ISNAD Aydın, G. Ş. et al. “Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10/3 (September 2013), 90-96.
JAMA Aydın GS, Büyükışık B, Kocataş A. Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi. JOTAF. 2013;10:90–96.
MLA Aydın, G. Ş. et al. “Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 3, 2013, pp. 90-96.
Vancouver Aydın GS, Büyükışık B, Kocataş A. Farklı Azot Kaynağının (No3 Ve Nh4) Zararlı Denizel Diyatomu Thalassiosira Allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae) Büyümesi Üzerine Etkisi. JOTAF. 2013;10(3):90-6.