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Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development

Year 2013, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 97 - 106, 01.09.2013



  • Antonelli,!!C.!2003.!!The!Digital!!Divide:!Understanding!! The! Economics! ! of! New! Information! ! and! Communication!!Technology!in!!the!Global!!Economy,! Information Economics!!and! Policy!!15,!!2003.!!
  • Cecchini,!!!S.!!and!!C.!!Scott,!!2003.!!Can!Information!and!! Communications!Technology!!Applications!Contribute!! to! Poverty Reduction?! ! Lessons! From! ! Rural! India,!! Information! Technology! ! for! Development! 10(2003)!! 73c84.!
  • Colecchia,!!A.!!and!!P.!Schreyer,!!2002.!!The!Contribution!! of Information!!and!Communication!!Technologies!to!! Economic! Growth! ! in! Nine! ! OECD Countries,! ! OECD!
  • Economic!!Studies!No:!!34,!!2002/1.!DPT,!!2011.!Bilgi!! Toplumu!İstatistikleri!!2011,!DPT!!Yayın!No:!!2826.!
  • Elnaggar,! ! A.! 2008.! ! Towards! Gender Equal! ! Access! to!! ICT,!!Information!!Technology!for!!Development,!!Vol.! 14!!(4) 280–293!!(2008),!DOI:!!10.1002/itdj.20100.!
  • Gelb,!!E.,!A.!!Maru,!J.!!Brodgen,!E. Dodsworth,!!R.!Samii,!! V.! ! Pesce,! ! 2008.! Adoption! ! of! ! ICT! Enabled!! Information
  • Systems! ! for! ! Agricultural! ! Development! ! ! and! ! Rural!! Viability,! ! ICT! ! Adoption! Workshop! at! the! ! IAALDc AFITAcWCCA! Conference,! The! Global! ! Forum! on! Agricultural Research! ! (PrecConference! workshop!! summary,!August!!2008),!Japan.!!
  • Hafkin,!N., and!N.!Taggart,! 2001.!Gender,!!information! technology! and! developing! countries: An! ! analytical!! study.! Washington,! ! DC:! ! Academy! ! for! Educational!! Development. (Retrieved! ! May! ! 25,! ! 2012,! ! from!!! Book/Home.htm,).!
  • Jalava,! ! J.! and!M.! Pohjola,! ! 2002.! Economic! Growth! in!! the! New Economy:! ! Evidence! from! ! Advanced! Economies,! ! Information! Economics! ! and! Policy 14,! 2002.! ! Kora,! G.! 2006.! Viability! ! of! Commercial! Rural! ICT!!Centers:!The!Case
  • of! ! Tanzania,! ! Building! Knowledge! ! Management!! Strategies! ! for! Effective! ! Rural! Development! in! East! Africa,!International!!Support!Group,!Canada,!p.25.
  • Lio,! M. and! ! M.C.! ! Liu,! ! ! 2006.! ! ICT! ! and! ! Agricultural!!! Productivity:! ! Evidence! ! from CrosscCountry! Data,! Agricultural! Economics! 34! ! (2006)! 221–228.! Lutz,!
  • M.B.! 2003. An! Analysis! ! of! The! ! Determinants! and!! Effects! of! ! ICT! Diffusion! ! in! Developing Countries,! Information!Technology! for!Development! ! 10! (2003)! 151–169.!
  • Mwabu,! G. and! ! E.! ! Thorbecke,! ! 2001.! ! Rural!! Development,! ! Economic! ! Growth! ! and! ! Poverty Reduction!in!!SubcSaharan!Africa.! Journal!!of!African! Economies.!!13(1),!16–65.
  • McNamara,! K.S.,! ! 2003.! Information! and! Communication! ! Technologies,! Poverty! and Development:! ! Learning! from! ! Experience,! ! A! Background! ! Paper! ! for! the! ! infoDev Annual!! Symposium,!!!December!!9c10,!!!Geneva,!!Switzerland!!
  • Olhan,! ! ! E.! ! 2011. Türkiye’de! Kırsal! ! İstihdamın! Yapısı,!! FAO!Birleşmiş!Milletler!!Ortak!Programı, Herkes!!İçin! İnsana!!Yakışır!İş:!!Ulusal!Gençlik!!İstihdam! Programı!! ve!Antalya Pilot!Bölge!Uygulaması.!!
  • Singh,! N.! 2003.! India’s! ! Information! Technolog! Sector: What! ! Contribution! To! ! Broader! Economic!! Development?,!OECD!!Development!Centre Technical! Papers!no:207,!!March!2003.!
  • TÜİK,! 2011.! ! İstihdam! Edilenlerin! Yıllara Göre! ! İktisadi!! Faaliyet!!Kolları.!!www.tü,!!21.03.2011.!!TÜİK,!! 2009. Yoksulluk!Çalışması!!Sonuçları.!www.tü!!
  • TZOB,!2010.!Zirai!!ve!İktisadi Rapor!(2007c2010),!Türkiye! Ziraat!Odaları!Birliği.!
  • URLc1. ( p?nt=289).!!
  • URLc2.! ! ! Vodafone Çiftçi! Kulübü,! 14! ! Mayıs! Dünya! Çiftçiler! Günü! kapsamında! ! Samsung! Galaxy! Pocket “Akıllı! ! Çiftçi! ! Telefonu”nu! ! çok! ! ! avantajlı! ! fiyatlarla!! çiftçilere! ! sunuyor. 43592,!!access!date:!!16.05.2012
  • URLc3.!!Information!and!!Communication!!Technologies!! in! Developing! ! Countries,! April! ! 2011.! ! http://www.!! ICT.pdf
  • URLc4.! ! Dünya! Ekonomik! ! Forumu,! Küresel! ! Bilgi! Teknolojileri! ! Raporu! 2009c2010,! (26.03.2010),!!!,! ! 21.03.2012.! ! ! URLc5c!!
  • TÜBİTAKcBİLTEN, 2001.! ! Bilgi! ! Teknolojileri! ! Yaygınlık!! ve!Kullanım!!Araştırması!!(BTYKA)!!2000 Kamusal!!Değerlendirme!!Raporu,!!Bilgi!Teknolojileri!!ve!! Elektronik! ! Araştırma Enstitüsü,! Ankara.!,!access!date:!10.05.2012

Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development

Year 2013, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 97 - 106, 01.09.2013


TUBİTAK]ULAKBİM Tarım, Veteriner ve Biyoloji Bilimleri Veri Tabanı (TVBBVT) Tarafından taranmaktadır / Indexed by TUBİTAK] ULAKBİM&Agriculture, Veterinary and Biological Sciences Database


  • Antonelli,!!C.!2003.!!The!Digital!!Divide:!Understanding!! The! Economics! ! of! New! Information! ! and! Communication!!Technology!in!!the!Global!!Economy,! Information Economics!!and! Policy!!15,!!2003.!!
  • Cecchini,!!!S.!!and!!C.!!Scott,!!2003.!!Can!Information!and!! Communications!Technology!!Applications!Contribute!! to! Poverty Reduction?! ! Lessons! From! ! Rural! India,!! Information! Technology! ! for! Development! 10(2003)!! 73c84.!
  • Colecchia,!!A.!!and!!P.!Schreyer,!!2002.!!The!Contribution!! of Information!!and!Communication!!Technologies!to!! Economic! Growth! ! in! Nine! ! OECD Countries,! ! OECD!
  • Economic!!Studies!No:!!34,!!2002/1.!DPT,!!2011.!Bilgi!! Toplumu!İstatistikleri!!2011,!DPT!!Yayın!No:!!2826.!
  • Elnaggar,! ! A.! 2008.! ! Towards! Gender Equal! ! Access! to!! ICT,!!Information!!Technology!for!!Development,!!Vol.! 14!!(4) 280–293!!(2008),!DOI:!!10.1002/itdj.20100.!
  • Gelb,!!E.,!A.!!Maru,!J.!!Brodgen,!E. Dodsworth,!!R.!Samii,!! V.! ! Pesce,! ! 2008.! Adoption! ! of! ! ICT! Enabled!! Information
  • Systems! ! for! ! Agricultural! ! Development! ! ! and! ! Rural!! Viability,! ! ICT! ! Adoption! Workshop! at! the! ! IAALDc AFITAcWCCA! Conference,! The! Global! ! Forum! on! Agricultural Research! ! (PrecConference! workshop!! summary,!August!!2008),!Japan.!!
  • Hafkin,!N., and!N.!Taggart,! 2001.!Gender,!!information! technology! and! developing! countries: An! ! analytical!! study.! Washington,! ! DC:! ! Academy! ! for! Educational!! Development. (Retrieved! ! May! ! 25,! ! 2012,! ! from!!! Book/Home.htm,).!
  • Jalava,! ! J.! and!M.! Pohjola,! ! 2002.! Economic! Growth! in!! the! New Economy:! ! Evidence! from! ! Advanced! Economies,! ! Information! Economics! ! and! Policy 14,! 2002.! ! Kora,! G.! 2006.! Viability! ! of! Commercial! Rural! ICT!!Centers:!The!Case
  • of! ! Tanzania,! ! Building! Knowledge! ! Management!! Strategies! ! for! Effective! ! Rural! Development! in! East! Africa,!International!!Support!Group,!Canada,!p.25.
  • Lio,! M. and! ! M.C.! ! Liu,! ! ! 2006.! ! ICT! ! and! ! Agricultural!!! Productivity:! ! Evidence! ! from CrosscCountry! Data,! Agricultural! Economics! 34! ! (2006)! 221–228.! Lutz,!
  • M.B.! 2003. An! Analysis! ! of! The! ! Determinants! and!! Effects! of! ! ICT! Diffusion! ! in! Developing Countries,! Information!Technology! for!Development! ! 10! (2003)! 151–169.!
  • Mwabu,! G. and! ! E.! ! Thorbecke,! ! 2001.! ! Rural!! Development,! ! Economic! ! Growth! ! and! ! Poverty Reduction!in!!SubcSaharan!Africa.! Journal!!of!African! Economies.!!13(1),!16–65.
  • McNamara,! K.S.,! ! 2003.! Information! and! Communication! ! Technologies,! Poverty! and Development:! ! Learning! from! ! Experience,! ! A! Background! ! Paper! ! for! the! ! infoDev Annual!! Symposium,!!!December!!9c10,!!!Geneva,!!Switzerland!!
  • Olhan,! ! ! E.! ! 2011. Türkiye’de! Kırsal! ! İstihdamın! Yapısı,!! FAO!Birleşmiş!Milletler!!Ortak!Programı, Herkes!!İçin! İnsana!!Yakışır!İş:!!Ulusal!Gençlik!!İstihdam! Programı!! ve!Antalya Pilot!Bölge!Uygulaması.!!
  • Singh,! N.! 2003.! India’s! ! Information! Technolog! Sector: What! ! Contribution! To! ! Broader! Economic!! Development?,!OECD!!Development!Centre Technical! Papers!no:207,!!March!2003.!
  • TÜİK,! 2011.! ! İstihdam! Edilenlerin! Yıllara Göre! ! İktisadi!! Faaliyet!!Kolları.!!www.tü,!!21.03.2011.!!TÜİK,!! 2009. Yoksulluk!Çalışması!!Sonuçları.!www.tü!!
  • TZOB,!2010.!Zirai!!ve!İktisadi Rapor!(2007c2010),!Türkiye! Ziraat!Odaları!Birliği.!
  • URLc1. ( p?nt=289).!!
  • URLc2.! ! ! Vodafone Çiftçi! Kulübü,! 14! ! Mayıs! Dünya! Çiftçiler! Günü! kapsamında! ! Samsung! Galaxy! Pocket “Akıllı! ! Çiftçi! ! Telefonu”nu! ! çok! ! ! avantajlı! ! fiyatlarla!! çiftçilere! ! sunuyor. 43592,!!access!date:!!16.05.2012
  • URLc3.!!Information!and!!Communication!!Technologies!! in! Developing! ! Countries,! April! ! 2011.! ! http://www.!! ICT.pdf
  • URLc4.! ! Dünya! Ekonomik! ! Forumu,! Küresel! ! Bilgi! Teknolojileri! ! Raporu! 2009c2010,! (26.03.2010),!!!,! ! 21.03.2012.! ! ! URLc5c!!
  • TÜBİTAKcBİLTEN, 2001.! ! Bilgi! ! Teknolojileri! ! Yaygınlık!! ve!Kullanım!!Araştırması!!(BTYKA)!!2000 Kamusal!!Değerlendirme!!Raporu,!!Bilgi!Teknolojileri!!ve!! Elektronik! ! Araştırma Enstitüsü,! Ankara.!,!access!date:!10.05.2012
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

S. T. Rad This is me

Ş. Kurt This is me

S. Polatöz This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Submission Date November 2, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Rad, S. T., Kurt, S., & Polatöz, S. (2013). Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(3), 97-106.
AMA Rad ST, Kurt S, Polatöz S. Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development. JOTAF. September 2013;10(3):97-106.
Chicago Rad, S. T., Ş. Kurt, and S. Polatöz. “Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10, no. 3 (September 2013): 97-106.
EndNote Rad ST, Kurt S, Polatöz S (September 1, 2013) Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10 3 97–106.
IEEE S. T. Rad, S. Kurt, and S. Polatöz, “Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development”, JOTAF, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 97–106, 2013.
ISNAD Rad, S. T. et al. “Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10/3 (September 2013), 97-106.
JAMA Rad ST, Kurt S, Polatöz S. Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development. JOTAF. 2013;10:97–106.
MLA Rad, S. T. et al. “Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 3, 2013, pp. 97-106.
Vancouver Rad ST, Kurt S, Polatöz S. Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Mersın (Turkey); Prospects For Rural Development. JOTAF. 2013;10(3):97-106.