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Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese

Year 2013, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 92 - 103, 01.06.2013



  • Anonymous.! (2007a).! Dokuzuncu! kalkınma! planı! gıda! sanayi!özel!ihtisas!komisyonu!!raporu,!No:!DPT:!27209 OIK:!673,!Ankara,!Turkey.
  • Anonymous! 2007b.! European! research! on! traditional! foods! Web! sites.!! ! (Date! of! retrieval:!28/01/2012).
  • Anonymous! 2011.! Consumer! behavior:! the! psychology! of! marketing.! web! site:!! (Date! of! retrieval:!30/01/2012).
  • Bakke,! A.! and! Z.! Vickers.! 2007.! Consumer! liking! of! refined! and! whole! wheat! breads.! Journal! of! Food! Science!72:!S473–480.
  • Barcenas! P,! Perez! de! San! Roman! R,! Perez! Elortodo! FJ,! Albisu!M.! 2001.! Consumer! preference! structures! for! traditional! Spanish! cheeses! and! their! relationship! with!sensory!properties.!Food!Quality!and!Preference! 12:2699279.
  • Bitinas,! B.! 1974.! Statistiniai! metodai pedagogikoje! ir! psichologijoje.!Kaunas:Sviesa.
  • Blackwell,! RD.,! PW.! Miniard! and! JF.! Engel.! 2001.! Consumer! behavior.! Harcourt! College! Publishers,! Orlando!570!p.
  • Bradley,!JRL.,!JE.!Arnold,!DM.!Barbano,!RG!Semerad!and! DE.! Smith,! BK.Vines.! 1992.! Chemical! and! physical! methods.! In:! Marshal! RT,! Editor.! Standard! methods! for! the! examination! of! dairy! products.! American! Public! Health! Association,! Washington,! DC.! p.! 433– 531.
  • Celik! Ates,! H.! and! M.! Ceylan.! 2010.! ! Effects! of! socio9 economic! factors! on! the! consumption! of! milk,! yoghurt,! and! cheese! Insights! from! Turkey.! British! Food!Journal!112:!2349250.
  • Dastan,! H.,! M.S.! Aday! and! E.! Yilmaz.! 2009.! Edible! fats/oils!consumption!patterns!of! Turkish!families.!Academic!Food!Journal!7:!6913.
  • Diler,!M.,! E.! Akbag,! V.! Isik,! E.! Avsar! and! H.! Erkayacan.! 2011.! Farklı! ısıl! işlemlerin! ve! depolama! sürelerinin! Ezine! peynirinde! biyojen! amin! oluşumu! üzerine! etkilerinin! araştırılması.! Gıda,! Tarım! ve! Hayvancılık! Bakanlığı,! TAGEM,! 09/03/01/156! Project! No:! 220.! Turkey.
  • Drake,! SL.,! P.D.,! Gerard! and! M.A.! Drake.! 2008.!! Consumer! preferences! for! mild! Cheddar! cheese! flavors.!!Journal!of!Food!Science!73:!4499455.
  • Drake!S.L.,!K.!Lopetcharat,!S.,!Clark,!H.S.,!Kwak,!S.Y.!Lee,! M.A.!Drake.!2009.!!Mapping!differences!in!consumer! perception! of! sharp! Cheddar! cheese! in! the! United! States.!Journal!of!Food!Science!74:!2769285.!!
  • Fox!P.,!P.T.!Guinee,!T.M.!Cogan!and!P.L.H.!McSWeeney.! 2000.! Fundamentals! of! cheese! science.! An! Aspen! Publisher,!Inc.,!Maryland.!559!p.!
  • Hayaloglu,! A.A,! M.! Guven! and! P.! Fox.! 2002.! Microbiological, biochemical! and! technological! properties! of! Turkish! White! cheese! ‘Beyaz! Peynir’,! International!Dairy!Journal!12:!6359648.
  • Huang,! C.L.! and! J.! FU.! 1995.! Conjoint! analysis! of! consumer! preferences! and! evaluations! of! a! processed! meat.! ! Journal! of! International Food&! Agribusiness!Marketing!7:!35953.!
  • Hysen,!B,!V.!Mensur,!G.!Muje,!M.!Hajrip,!G.!Halim!and! B.! Njazi.! 2008.! ! Analysis! of! consumer! behavior! in! regard! to! dairy! products! in! Kosova.! Journal! of!! Agricultural!Research!46:!3119320.
  • IDF.!1993.!IDF!Standard!20B!Milk,!Determination!of!the! Nitrogen! (Kjeldahl! Method)! and! Calculation! of! the! Crude! Protein! Content.! Brussels,! Belgium:! International!Dairy!Federation.
  • Karagul9Yuceer,!Y.,! B.!Tuncel,!O.!Guneser,! B.!Engin,!M.! Isleten,! K.! Yasar! and! M.! Mendes.! 2009.! Characterization!of!aroma!active!compounds,!sensory! properties!and!proteolysis!in!Ezine!cheese.!Journal!of! Dairy!Science!92:!414694157.
  • Karagul9Yuceer,!Y.,!M.,!İsleten,!C.!and!Uysal9Pala.!2008.! Sensory! characteristics! of! Ezine! cheese.! Journal! of! Sensory!Studies.!22: 49965.
  • Liggett,!R.E.,!M.A.!Drake!and!J.F.!Delwiche.!2008.!Impact! of! flavor! attributes! on! consumer! liking! of! Swiss! cheese.!Journal!of!Dairy!Science!91:!4669476.
  • Likert! R.! 1932.! A! technique! for! the! measurement! of! attitudes.!Archives!of!Psychology!140:1–55.
  • Mesias! F.J.,! M.,! Escribano,! A.R.! De! Ledesma! and! F.! Pulido.! 2003.! Market! segmentation! of! cheese! consumers:! an! approach! using! consumer’s! attitudes! purchase! behavior! and! sociodemographic! variables.! International!Journal!of!Dairy!Technology!56:1499155.!!
  • Meilgaard,!M.,!G.V.!Civille!and!B.T.!Carr.!1999.!Sensory! evaluation! techniques.! Boca! Raton! ,! FL:! ! CRC! Press,! Inc.,!377!p.
  • Murphy,!M.,!C.!Cowan,!H.!Meehan!and!S.!O’Reilly.!2004.! A!Conjoint!Analysis!of!Irish!Consumer!Preferences!for! Farmhouse!Cheese.!British!Food Journal! 106:!2889300.
  • Murray,! J.M.! and! C.M.! Delahunty.! 2000.! Mapping! consumer! preference! for! the! sensory! and! packaging! attributes! of! Cheddar! cheese.! Food! Quality! and! Preference!11:!4199435.
  • NEN.! 1969.! Netherlands! Standard! 3059.! Butyrometric! determination of! the! fat! content! of! cheese! (Gerber9 van! Gulik! method).! Netherlands! Milk! and! Dairy! Journal!23:!214–220.
  • Ritvanen,!T.,!S.!Lampolahti,!L.!Lilleberg,!T.!Tupasela,!M.! Isoniemi,!U.!Appelbye,!T.!Lyytikainen,!S.!Eerola!and!E.! Uusi9Rauva.! 2005.! Sensory! evaluation,! chemical! composition! and! consumer! acceptance! of! full! and! reduced! fat! cheese! in! the! Finnish! market.! Food! Quality!and!Preference!16:!4799492.
  • Ryffel,! S.,! P.! Piccanali! and! U.! Butikofer.! 2008.! Sensory! descriptive! analysis! and! consumer! acceptability! of! selected! Swiss! goat! and! sheep! cheese.! Small! Ruminant!Research!79:!80986.!
  • Sert,! D.! 2004.! Pastörize! ve! çiğ! sütten! işlenen! kaşar! peynirlerinin! olgunlaşma! sırasında! oluşan! bazı! özelliklerinin!belirlenmesi.![Master!of!Science!Thesis],! Selcuk!University,!Konya,!Turkey.!
  • Sheskin! D.J.! 2004.! Handbook! of! parametric! and! nonparametric! statistical! procedures.! New! York:! Chapman!and!Hall!⁄CRCpress.1193!p.
  • Solomon,!M.,!G.!Bamossy,!S.!Askegaard!and!M.K.!Hogg.! 2006.! Consumer! behavior:! A! European! perspective,! Pearson!Education!Limited,!Essex.!645p.
  • Teng,!D.,!A.!Wilcock!and!M.!Aung.!2004.!Cheese!quality! at! framers!markets:! observation! of! vendor! practices! and! survey! of! consumer! perception.! Food! Control,! 15:!5799587.!!!!!!!
  • Tuncel,!N.B.,!O.!Guneser,!B.!Engin,!K.!Yasar,!N.N.!Zorba! and! Y.! Karagul9Yuceer.! 2010.! Ezine! peyniri! II.! olgunlaşma! süresince! proteoliz! düzeyi.! Gıda! 35:! 219 26.

Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese

Year 2013, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 92 - 103, 01.06.2013


TUBİTAK]ULAKBİM Tarım, Veteriner ve Biyoloji Bilimleri Veri Tabanı (TVBBVT) Tarafından taranmaktadır / Indexed by TUBİTAK] ULAKBİM&Agriculture, Veterinary and Biological Sciences Database


  • Anonymous.! (2007a).! Dokuzuncu! kalkınma! planı! gıda! sanayi!özel!ihtisas!komisyonu!!raporu,!No:!DPT:!27209 OIK:!673,!Ankara,!Turkey.
  • Anonymous! 2007b.! European! research! on! traditional! foods! Web! sites.!! ! (Date! of! retrieval:!28/01/2012).
  • Anonymous! 2011.! Consumer! behavior:! the! psychology! of! marketing.! web! site:!! (Date! of! retrieval:!30/01/2012).
  • Bakke,! A.! and! Z.! Vickers.! 2007.! Consumer! liking! of! refined! and! whole! wheat! breads.! Journal! of! Food! Science!72:!S473–480.
  • Barcenas! P,! Perez! de! San! Roman! R,! Perez! Elortodo! FJ,! Albisu!M.! 2001.! Consumer! preference! structures! for! traditional! Spanish! cheeses! and! their! relationship! with!sensory!properties.!Food!Quality!and!Preference! 12:2699279.
  • Bitinas,! B.! 1974.! Statistiniai! metodai pedagogikoje! ir! psichologijoje.!Kaunas:Sviesa.
  • Blackwell,! RD.,! PW.! Miniard! and! JF.! Engel.! 2001.! Consumer! behavior.! Harcourt! College! Publishers,! Orlando!570!p.
  • Bradley,!JRL.,!JE.!Arnold,!DM.!Barbano,!RG!Semerad!and! DE.! Smith,! BK.Vines.! 1992.! Chemical! and! physical! methods.! In:! Marshal! RT,! Editor.! Standard! methods! for! the! examination! of! dairy! products.! American! Public! Health! Association,! Washington,! DC.! p.! 433– 531.
  • Celik! Ates,! H.! and! M.! Ceylan.! 2010.! ! Effects! of! socio9 economic! factors! on! the! consumption! of! milk,! yoghurt,! and! cheese! Insights! from! Turkey.! British! Food!Journal!112:!2349250.
  • Dastan,! H.,! M.S.! Aday! and! E.! Yilmaz.! 2009.! Edible! fats/oils!consumption!patterns!of! Turkish!families.!Academic!Food!Journal!7:!6913.
  • Diler,!M.,! E.! Akbag,! V.! Isik,! E.! Avsar! and! H.! Erkayacan.! 2011.! Farklı! ısıl! işlemlerin! ve! depolama! sürelerinin! Ezine! peynirinde! biyojen! amin! oluşumu! üzerine! etkilerinin! araştırılması.! Gıda,! Tarım! ve! Hayvancılık! Bakanlığı,! TAGEM,! 09/03/01/156! Project! No:! 220.! Turkey.
  • Drake,! SL.,! P.D.,! Gerard! and! M.A.! Drake.! 2008.!! Consumer! preferences! for! mild! Cheddar! cheese! flavors.!!Journal!of!Food!Science!73:!4499455.
  • Drake!S.L.,!K.!Lopetcharat,!S.,!Clark,!H.S.,!Kwak,!S.Y.!Lee,! M.A.!Drake.!2009.!!Mapping!differences!in!consumer! perception! of! sharp! Cheddar! cheese! in! the! United! States.!Journal!of!Food!Science!74:!2769285.!!
  • Fox!P.,!P.T.!Guinee,!T.M.!Cogan!and!P.L.H.!McSWeeney.! 2000.! Fundamentals! of! cheese! science.! An! Aspen! Publisher,!Inc.,!Maryland.!559!p.!
  • Hayaloglu,! A.A,! M.! Guven! and! P.! Fox.! 2002.! Microbiological, biochemical! and! technological! properties! of! Turkish! White! cheese! ‘Beyaz! Peynir’,! International!Dairy!Journal!12:!6359648.
  • Huang,! C.L.! and! J.! FU.! 1995.! Conjoint! analysis! of! consumer! preferences! and! evaluations! of! a! processed! meat.! ! Journal! of! International Food&! Agribusiness!Marketing!7:!35953.!
  • Hysen,!B,!V.!Mensur,!G.!Muje,!M.!Hajrip,!G.!Halim!and! B.! Njazi.! 2008.! ! Analysis! of! consumer! behavior! in! regard! to! dairy! products! in! Kosova.! Journal! of!! Agricultural!Research!46:!3119320.
  • IDF.!1993.!IDF!Standard!20B!Milk,!Determination!of!the! Nitrogen! (Kjeldahl! Method)! and! Calculation! of! the! Crude! Protein! Content.! Brussels,! Belgium:! International!Dairy!Federation.
  • Karagul9Yuceer,!Y.,! B.!Tuncel,!O.!Guneser,! B.!Engin,!M.! Isleten,! K.! Yasar! and! M.! Mendes.! 2009.! Characterization!of!aroma!active!compounds,!sensory! properties!and!proteolysis!in!Ezine!cheese.!Journal!of! Dairy!Science!92:!414694157.
  • Karagul9Yuceer,!Y.,!M.,!İsleten,!C.!and!Uysal9Pala.!2008.! Sensory! characteristics! of! Ezine! cheese.! Journal! of! Sensory!Studies.!22: 49965.
  • Liggett,!R.E.,!M.A.!Drake!and!J.F.!Delwiche.!2008.!Impact! of! flavor! attributes! on! consumer! liking! of! Swiss! cheese.!Journal!of!Dairy!Science!91:!4669476.
  • Likert! R.! 1932.! A! technique! for! the! measurement! of! attitudes.!Archives!of!Psychology!140:1–55.
  • Mesias! F.J.,! M.,! Escribano,! A.R.! De! Ledesma! and! F.! Pulido.! 2003.! Market! segmentation! of! cheese! consumers:! an! approach! using! consumer’s! attitudes! purchase! behavior! and! sociodemographic! variables.! International!Journal!of!Dairy!Technology!56:1499155.!!
  • Meilgaard,!M.,!G.V.!Civille!and!B.T.!Carr.!1999.!Sensory! evaluation! techniques.! Boca! Raton! ,! FL:! ! CRC! Press,! Inc.,!377!p.
  • Murphy,!M.,!C.!Cowan,!H.!Meehan!and!S.!O’Reilly.!2004.! A!Conjoint!Analysis!of!Irish!Consumer!Preferences!for! Farmhouse!Cheese.!British!Food Journal! 106:!2889300.
  • Murray,! J.M.! and! C.M.! Delahunty.! 2000.! Mapping! consumer! preference! for! the! sensory! and! packaging! attributes! of! Cheddar! cheese.! Food! Quality! and! Preference!11:!4199435.
  • NEN.! 1969.! Netherlands! Standard! 3059.! Butyrometric! determination of! the! fat! content! of! cheese! (Gerber9 van! Gulik! method).! Netherlands! Milk! and! Dairy! Journal!23:!214–220.
  • Ritvanen,!T.,!S.!Lampolahti,!L.!Lilleberg,!T.!Tupasela,!M.! Isoniemi,!U.!Appelbye,!T.!Lyytikainen,!S.!Eerola!and!E.! Uusi9Rauva.! 2005.! Sensory! evaluation,! chemical! composition! and! consumer! acceptance! of! full! and! reduced! fat! cheese! in! the! Finnish! market.! Food! Quality!and!Preference!16:!4799492.
  • Ryffel,! S.,! P.! Piccanali! and! U.! Butikofer.! 2008.! Sensory! descriptive! analysis! and! consumer! acceptability! of! selected! Swiss! goat! and! sheep! cheese.! Small! Ruminant!Research!79:!80986.!
  • Sert,! D.! 2004.! Pastörize! ve! çiğ! sütten! işlenen! kaşar! peynirlerinin! olgunlaşma! sırasında! oluşan! bazı! özelliklerinin!belirlenmesi.![Master!of!Science!Thesis],! Selcuk!University,!Konya,!Turkey.!
  • Sheskin! D.J.! 2004.! Handbook! of! parametric! and! nonparametric! statistical! procedures.! New! York:! Chapman!and!Hall!⁄CRCpress.1193!p.
  • Solomon,!M.,!G.!Bamossy,!S.!Askegaard!and!M.K.!Hogg.! 2006.! Consumer! behavior:! A! European! perspective,! Pearson!Education!Limited,!Essex.!645p.
  • Teng,!D.,!A.!Wilcock!and!M.!Aung.!2004.!Cheese!quality! at! framers!markets:! observation! of! vendor! practices! and! survey! of! consumer! perception.! Food! Control,! 15:!5799587.!!!!!!!
  • Tuncel,!N.B.,!O.!Guneser,!B.!Engin,!K.!Yasar,!N.N.!Zorba! and! Y.! Karagul9Yuceer.! 2010.! Ezine! peyniri! II.! olgunlaşma! süresince! proteoliz! düzeyi.! Gıda! 35:! 219 26.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

N.Y. Delice O. Guneser Y. K. Yuceer This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Submission Date November 2, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Yuceer, N. D. . G. . K. (2013). Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(2), 92-103.
AMA Yuceer ND G K. Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese. JOTAF. June 2013;10(2):92-103.
Chicago Yuceer, N.Y. Delice O. Guneser Y. K. “Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10, no. 2 (June 2013): 92-103.
EndNote Yuceer ND G K (June 1, 2013) Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10 2 92–103.
IEEE N. D. . G. . K. Yuceer, “Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese”, JOTAF, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 92–103, 2013.
ISNAD Yuceer, N.Y. Delice O. Guneser Y. K. “Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10/2 (June 2013), 92-103.
JAMA Yuceer ND G K. Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese. JOTAF. 2013;10:92–103.
MLA Yuceer, N.Y. Delice O. Guneser Y. K. “Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, 2013, pp. 92-103.
Vancouver Yuceer ND G K. Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese. JOTAF. 2013;10(2):92-103.