Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese
Year 2013 ,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 92 - 103, 01.06.2013
N.Y. Delice O. Guneser Y. K. Yuceer
Anonymous.! (2007a).! Dokuzuncu! kalkınma! planı! gıda! sanayi!özel!ihtisas!komisyonu!!raporu,!No:!DPT:!27209 OIK:!673,!Ankara,!Turkey.
Anonymous! 2007b.! European! research! on! traditional! foods! Web! sites.!! ! (Date! of! retrieval:!28/01/2012).
Anonymous! 2011.! Consumer! behavior:! the! psychology! of! marketing.! web! site:!! (Date! of! retrieval:!30/01/2012).
Bakke,! A.! and! Z.! Vickers.! 2007.! Consumer! liking! of! refined! and! whole! wheat! breads.! Journal! of! Food! Science!72:!S473–480.
Barcenas! P,! Perez! de! San! Roman! R,! Perez! Elortodo! FJ,! Albisu!M.! 2001.! Consumer! preference! structures! for! traditional! Spanish! cheeses! and! their! relationship! with!sensory!properties.!Food!Quality!and!Preference! 12:2699279.
Bitinas,! B.! 1974.! Statistiniai! metodai pedagogikoje! ir! psichologijoje.!Kaunas:Sviesa.
Blackwell,! RD.,! PW.! Miniard! and! JF.! Engel.! 2001.! Consumer! behavior.! Harcourt! College! Publishers,! Orlando!570!p.
Bradley,!JRL.,!JE.!Arnold,!DM.!Barbano,!RG!Semerad!and! DE.! Smith,! BK.Vines.! 1992.! Chemical! and! physical! methods.! In:! Marshal! RT,! Editor.! Standard! methods! for! the! examination! of! dairy! products.! American! Public! Health! Association,! Washington,! DC.! p.! 433– 531.
Celik! Ates,! H.! and! M.! Ceylan.! 2010.! ! Effects! of! socio9 economic! factors! on! the! consumption! of! milk,! yoghurt,! and! cheese! Insights! from! Turkey.! British! Food!Journal!112:!2349250.
Dastan,! H.,! M.S.! Aday! and! E.! Yilmaz.! 2009.! Edible! fats/oils!consumption!patterns!of! Turkish!families.!Academic!Food!Journal!7:!6913.
Diler,!M.,! E.! Akbag,! V.! Isik,! E.! Avsar! and! H.! Erkayacan.! 2011.! Farklı! ısıl! işlemlerin! ve! depolama! sürelerinin! Ezine! peynirinde! biyojen! amin! oluşumu! üzerine! etkilerinin! araştırılması.! Gıda,! Tarım! ve! Hayvancılık! Bakanlığı,! TAGEM,! 09/03/01/156! Project! No:! 220.! Turkey.
Drake,! SL.,! P.D.,! Gerard! and! M.A.! Drake.! 2008.!! Consumer! preferences! for! mild! Cheddar! cheese! flavors.!!Journal!of!Food!Science!73:!4499455.
Drake!S.L.,!K.!Lopetcharat,!S.,!Clark,!H.S.,!Kwak,!S.Y.!Lee,! M.A.!Drake.!2009.!!Mapping!differences!in!consumer! perception! of! sharp! Cheddar! cheese! in! the! United! States.!Journal!of!Food!Science!74:!2769285.!!
Fox!P.,!P.T.!Guinee,!T.M.!Cogan!and!P.L.H.!McSWeeney.! 2000.! Fundamentals! of! cheese! science.! An! Aspen! Publisher,!Inc.,!Maryland.!559!p.!
Hayaloglu,! A.A,! M.! Guven! and! P.! Fox.! 2002.! Microbiological, biochemical! and! technological! properties! of! Turkish! White! cheese! ‘Beyaz! Peynir’,! International!Dairy!Journal!12:!6359648.
Huang,! C.L.! and! J.! FU.! 1995.! Conjoint! analysis! of! consumer! preferences! and! evaluations! of! a! processed! meat.! ! Journal! of! International Food&! Agribusiness!Marketing!7:!35953.!
Hysen,!B,!V.!Mensur,!G.!Muje,!M.!Hajrip,!G.!Halim!and! B.! Njazi.! 2008.! ! Analysis! of! consumer! behavior! in! regard! to! dairy! products! in! Kosova.! Journal! of!! Agricultural!Research!46:!3119320.
IDF.!1993.!IDF!Standard!20B!Milk,!Determination!of!the! Nitrogen! (Kjeldahl! Method)! and! Calculation! of! the! Crude! Protein! Content.! Brussels,! Belgium:! International!Dairy!Federation.
Karagul9Yuceer,!Y.,! B.!Tuncel,!O.!Guneser,! B.!Engin,!M.! Isleten,! K.! Yasar! and! M.! Mendes.! 2009.! Characterization!of!aroma!active!compounds,!sensory! properties!and!proteolysis!in!Ezine!cheese.!Journal!of! Dairy!Science!92:!414694157.
Karagul9Yuceer,!Y.,!M.,!İsleten,!C.!and!Uysal9Pala.!2008.! Sensory! characteristics! of! Ezine! cheese.! Journal! of! Sensory!Studies.!22: 49965.
Liggett,!R.E.,!M.A.!Drake!and!J.F.!Delwiche.!2008.!Impact! of! flavor! attributes! on! consumer! liking! of! Swiss! cheese.!Journal!of!Dairy!Science!91:!4669476.
Likert! R.! 1932.! A! technique! for! the! measurement! of! attitudes.!Archives!of!Psychology!140:1–55.
Mesias! F.J.,! M.,! Escribano,! A.R.! De! Ledesma! and! F.! Pulido.! 2003.! Market! segmentation! of! cheese! consumers:! an! approach! using! consumer’s! attitudes! purchase! behavior! and! sociodemographic! variables.! International!Journal!of!Dairy!Technology!56:1499155.!!
Meilgaard,!M.,!G.V.!Civille!and!B.T.!Carr.!1999.!Sensory! evaluation! techniques.! Boca! Raton! ,! FL:! ! CRC! Press,! Inc.,!377!p.
Murphy,!M.,!C.!Cowan,!H.!Meehan!and!S.!O’Reilly.!2004.! A!Conjoint!Analysis!of!Irish!Consumer!Preferences!for! Farmhouse!Cheese.!British!Food Journal! 106:!2889300.
Murray,! J.M.! and! C.M.! Delahunty.! 2000.! Mapping! consumer! preference! for! the! sensory! and! packaging! attributes! of! Cheddar! cheese.! Food! Quality! and! Preference!11:!4199435.
NEN.! 1969.! Netherlands! Standard! 3059.! Butyrometric! determination of! the! fat! content! of! cheese! (Gerber9 van! Gulik! method).! Netherlands! Milk! and! Dairy! Journal!23:!214–220.
Ritvanen,!T.,!S.!Lampolahti,!L.!Lilleberg,!T.!Tupasela,!M.! Isoniemi,!U.!Appelbye,!T.!Lyytikainen,!S.!Eerola!and!E.! Uusi9Rauva.! 2005.! Sensory! evaluation,! chemical! composition! and! consumer! acceptance! of! full! and! reduced! fat! cheese! in! the! Finnish! market.! Food! Quality!and!Preference!16:!4799492.
Ryffel,! S.,! P.! Piccanali! and! U.! Butikofer.! 2008.! Sensory! descriptive! analysis! and! consumer! acceptability! of! selected! Swiss! goat! and! sheep! cheese.! Small! Ruminant!Research!79:!80986.!
Sert,! D.! 2004.! Pastörize! ve! çiğ! sütten! işlenen! kaşar! peynirlerinin! olgunlaşma! sırasında! oluşan! bazı! özelliklerinin!belirlenmesi.![Master!of!Science!Thesis],! Selcuk!University,!Konya,!Turkey.!
Sheskin! D.J.! 2004.! Handbook! of! parametric! and! nonparametric! statistical! procedures.! New! York:! Chapman!and!Hall!⁄CRCpress.1193!p.
Solomon,!M.,!G.!Bamossy,!S.!Askegaard!and!M.K.!Hogg.! 2006.! Consumer! behavior:! A! European! perspective,! Pearson!Education!Limited,!Essex.!645p.
Teng,!D.,!A.!Wilcock!and!M.!Aung.!2004.!Cheese!quality! at! framers!markets:! observation! of! vendor! practices! and! survey! of! consumer! perception.! Food! Control,! 15:!5799587.!!!!!!!
Tuncel,!N.B.,!O.!Guneser,!B.!Engin,!K.!Yasar,!N.N.!Zorba! and! Y.! Karagul9Yuceer.! 2010.! Ezine! peyniri! II.! olgunlaşma! süresince! proteoliz! düzeyi.! Gıda! 35:! 219 26.
Consumer Expectation and Preference of Ezine Cheese
Year 2013 ,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 92 - 103, 01.06.2013
N.Y. Delice O. Guneser Y. K. Yuceer
TUBİTAK]ULAKBİM Tarım, Veteriner ve Biyoloji Bilimleri Veri Tabanı (TVBBVT) Tarafından taranmaktadır / Indexed by TUBİTAK] ULAKBİM&Agriculture, Veterinary and Biological Sciences Database
Anonymous.! (2007a).! Dokuzuncu! kalkınma! planı! gıda! sanayi!özel!ihtisas!komisyonu!!raporu,!No:!DPT:!27209 OIK:!673,!Ankara,!Turkey.
Anonymous! 2007b.! European! research! on! traditional! foods! Web! sites.!! ! (Date! of! retrieval:!28/01/2012).
Anonymous! 2011.! Consumer! behavior:! the! psychology! of! marketing.! web! site:!! (Date! of! retrieval:!30/01/2012).
Bakke,! A.! and! Z.! Vickers.! 2007.! Consumer! liking! of! refined! and! whole! wheat! breads.! Journal! of! Food! Science!72:!S473–480.
Barcenas! P,! Perez! de! San! Roman! R,! Perez! Elortodo! FJ,! Albisu!M.! 2001.! Consumer! preference! structures! for! traditional! Spanish! cheeses! and! their! relationship! with!sensory!properties.!Food!Quality!and!Preference! 12:2699279.
Bitinas,! B.! 1974.! Statistiniai! metodai pedagogikoje! ir! psichologijoje.!Kaunas:Sviesa.
Blackwell,! RD.,! PW.! Miniard! and! JF.! Engel.! 2001.! Consumer! behavior.! Harcourt! College! Publishers,! Orlando!570!p.
Bradley,!JRL.,!JE.!Arnold,!DM.!Barbano,!RG!Semerad!and! DE.! Smith,! BK.Vines.! 1992.! Chemical! and! physical! methods.! In:! Marshal! RT,! Editor.! Standard! methods! for! the! examination! of! dairy! products.! American! Public! Health! Association,! Washington,! DC.! p.! 433– 531.
Celik! Ates,! H.! and! M.! Ceylan.! 2010.! ! Effects! of! socio9 economic! factors! on! the! consumption! of! milk,! yoghurt,! and! cheese! Insights! from! Turkey.! British! Food!Journal!112:!2349250.
Dastan,! H.,! M.S.! Aday! and! E.! Yilmaz.! 2009.! Edible! fats/oils!consumption!patterns!of! Turkish!families.!Academic!Food!Journal!7:!6913.
Diler,!M.,! E.! Akbag,! V.! Isik,! E.! Avsar! and! H.! Erkayacan.! 2011.! Farklı! ısıl! işlemlerin! ve! depolama! sürelerinin! Ezine! peynirinde! biyojen! amin! oluşumu! üzerine! etkilerinin! araştırılması.! Gıda,! Tarım! ve! Hayvancılık! Bakanlığı,! TAGEM,! 09/03/01/156! Project! No:! 220.! Turkey.
Drake,! SL.,! P.D.,! Gerard! and! M.A.! Drake.! 2008.!! Consumer! preferences! for! mild! Cheddar! cheese! flavors.!!Journal!of!Food!Science!73:!4499455.
Drake!S.L.,!K.!Lopetcharat,!S.,!Clark,!H.S.,!Kwak,!S.Y.!Lee,! M.A.!Drake.!2009.!!Mapping!differences!in!consumer! perception! of! sharp! Cheddar! cheese! in! the! United! States.!Journal!of!Food!Science!74:!2769285.!!
Fox!P.,!P.T.!Guinee,!T.M.!Cogan!and!P.L.H.!McSWeeney.! 2000.! Fundamentals! of! cheese! science.! An! Aspen! Publisher,!Inc.,!Maryland.!559!p.!
Hayaloglu,! A.A,! M.! Guven! and! P.! Fox.! 2002.! Microbiological, biochemical! and! technological! properties! of! Turkish! White! cheese! ‘Beyaz! Peynir’,! International!Dairy!Journal!12:!6359648.
Huang,! C.L.! and! J.! FU.! 1995.! Conjoint! analysis! of! consumer! preferences! and! evaluations! of! a! processed! meat.! ! Journal! of! International Food&! Agribusiness!Marketing!7:!35953.!
Hysen,!B,!V.!Mensur,!G.!Muje,!M.!Hajrip,!G.!Halim!and! B.! Njazi.! 2008.! ! Analysis! of! consumer! behavior! in! regard! to! dairy! products! in! Kosova.! Journal! of!! Agricultural!Research!46:!3119320.
IDF.!1993.!IDF!Standard!20B!Milk,!Determination!of!the! Nitrogen! (Kjeldahl! Method)! and! Calculation! of! the! Crude! Protein! Content.! Brussels,! Belgium:! International!Dairy!Federation.
Karagul9Yuceer,!Y.,! B.!Tuncel,!O.!Guneser,! B.!Engin,!M.! Isleten,! K.! Yasar! and! M.! Mendes.! 2009.! Characterization!of!aroma!active!compounds,!sensory! properties!and!proteolysis!in!Ezine!cheese.!Journal!of! Dairy!Science!92:!414694157.
Karagul9Yuceer,!Y.,!M.,!İsleten,!C.!and!Uysal9Pala.!2008.! Sensory! characteristics! of! Ezine! cheese.! Journal! of! Sensory!Studies.!22: 49965.
Liggett,!R.E.,!M.A.!Drake!and!J.F.!Delwiche.!2008.!Impact! of! flavor! attributes! on! consumer! liking! of! Swiss! cheese.!Journal!of!Dairy!Science!91:!4669476.
Likert! R.! 1932.! A! technique! for! the! measurement! of! attitudes.!Archives!of!Psychology!140:1–55.
Mesias! F.J.,! M.,! Escribano,! A.R.! De! Ledesma! and! F.! Pulido.! 2003.! Market! segmentation! of! cheese! consumers:! an! approach! using! consumer’s! attitudes! purchase! behavior! and! sociodemographic! variables.! International!Journal!of!Dairy!Technology!56:1499155.!!
Meilgaard,!M.,!G.V.!Civille!and!B.T.!Carr.!1999.!Sensory! evaluation! techniques.! Boca! Raton! ,! FL:! ! CRC! Press,! Inc.,!377!p.
Murphy,!M.,!C.!Cowan,!H.!Meehan!and!S.!O’Reilly.!2004.! A!Conjoint!Analysis!of!Irish!Consumer!Preferences!for! Farmhouse!Cheese.!British!Food Journal! 106:!2889300.
Murray,! J.M.! and! C.M.! Delahunty.! 2000.! Mapping! consumer! preference! for! the! sensory! and! packaging! attributes! of! Cheddar! cheese.! Food! Quality! and! Preference!11:!4199435.
NEN.! 1969.! Netherlands! Standard! 3059.! Butyrometric! determination of! the! fat! content! of! cheese! (Gerber9 van! Gulik! method).! Netherlands! Milk! and! Dairy! Journal!23:!214–220.
Ritvanen,!T.,!S.!Lampolahti,!L.!Lilleberg,!T.!Tupasela,!M.! Isoniemi,!U.!Appelbye,!T.!Lyytikainen,!S.!Eerola!and!E.! Uusi9Rauva.! 2005.! Sensory! evaluation,! chemical! composition! and! consumer! acceptance! of! full! and! reduced! fat! cheese! in! the! Finnish! market.! Food! Quality!and!Preference!16:!4799492.
Ryffel,! S.,! P.! Piccanali! and! U.! Butikofer.! 2008.! Sensory! descriptive! analysis! and! consumer! acceptability! of! selected! Swiss! goat! and! sheep! cheese.! Small! Ruminant!Research!79:!80986.!
Sert,! D.! 2004.! Pastörize! ve! çiğ! sütten! işlenen! kaşar! peynirlerinin! olgunlaşma! sırasında! oluşan! bazı! özelliklerinin!belirlenmesi.![Master!of!Science!Thesis],! Selcuk!University,!Konya,!Turkey.!
Sheskin! D.J.! 2004.! Handbook! of! parametric! and! nonparametric! statistical! procedures.! New! York:! Chapman!and!Hall!⁄CRCpress.1193!p.
Solomon,!M.,!G.!Bamossy,!S.!Askegaard!and!M.K.!Hogg.! 2006.! Consumer! behavior:! A! European! perspective,! Pearson!Education!Limited,!Essex.!645p.
Teng,!D.,!A.!Wilcock!and!M.!Aung.!2004.!Cheese!quality! at! framers!markets:! observation! of! vendor! practices! and! survey! of! consumer! perception.! Food! Control,! 15:!5799587.!!!!!!!
Tuncel,!N.B.,!O.!Guneser,!B.!Engin,!K.!Yasar,!N.N.!Zorba! and! Y.! Karagul9Yuceer.! 2010.! Ezine! peyniri! II.! olgunlaşma! süresince! proteoliz! düzeyi.! Gıda! 35:! 219 26.
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