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Phytosterols as Functional Food Ingredients

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 153 - 159, 01.06.2006



  • Anon., 1989. Analysis of steryl glycosides. In: Nes WD., Parish EJ. (eds) Analysis of sterols and other biologically significant steroids. Academic Press Inc., San Diego, USA.
  • Anon., 2000. Scientific Committee on Food: European Commission. Opinion of SCF on a request for the safety assessment of the use of phytosterol esters in yellow fat spreads. Available: en.pdf.
  • Anon., 2002. EU Scientific Committee on Food. General view on the long-term effects of the intake of elevated levels of phytosterols from multiple dietary sources, with particular attention. Available: _en.pdf.
  • Anon., 2003a. Functional foods fact sheet: Plant stanols and sterols. Available: publications/factsheets/sterolfs.cfm.
  • Anon., 2003b. Food and Drug Administration. Letter regarding enforcement discretion with respect to expanded use of an interim final rule about sterol/stanol esters and reduced risk of coronary heart disease. Available at:
  • Anon., 2004. Commission Regulation (EC) No.608/2004 of March 2004 concerning the labeling of foods and food ingredients with added phytosterols, phytosterols esters, and phytostanols and/or phytostanol esters. Available: 2004/ l_097/l_09720040401en00440045.pdf.
  • Anon., 2005. Phytosterol esters (plant sterol and stanol esters). Available: hottop29.htm.
  • Akihisa, T., W.Kokke and T.Tamura, 1991. Naturally occurring sterols and related compounds from plants. In Physiology and Biochemistry of Sterols (G.W.Peterson and W.D.Nes, Eds.), pp.172-28. AOCS, Champaign, IL.
  • Awad, A.B. and C.S.Fink, 2000. Phytosterols as anticancer dietary components: evidence and mechanism of action. J. Nutr. 130:2127-2130.
  • Bean, G.A. 1973. Phytosterols. Adv. Lipid Res. 11:193-218.
  • Berger, A., P.J.H.Jones and S.S.Abumweis, 2004. Plant sterols: factors affecting their efficacy and safety as functional food ingredients. Lipids Health Dis.3:1-54.
  • Clifton, P. 2002. Plant sterol and stanols-comparison and contrasts. Sterol versus stanols in cholesterol-lowering: is there a different? Atherosclerosis 3:5-9.
  • Clifton, P.M., M.Noakes, D.Sullivan, N.Erichsen, D.Ross, G.Annison, A.Fassoulakis, M.Cehun and P.Nestel, 2004. Cholesterol-lowering effects of plant sterol esters differ in milk, yoghurt, bread and cereal.
  • Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 58:503-509.
  • Dutta, P.C. and L.A.Appelqvist, 1996. Saturated sterols (stanols) in unhydrogenated and hydrogenated edible vegetable oils and in cereal lipids. J. Sci. Food Agric. 71:383-391.
  • Fenton, M. 1992. Chromatographic separation of cholesterol in foods. J. Chromatogr. 624:369388.
  • Ferrari, R.A., W.Esteves, K.D.Mukherjee and E.Schulte, 1997. Alteration of sterols and steryl esters in vegetable oils during refining. J. Agric. Food Chem. 45:4753-4757.
  • Gilbert, R., M.D.Thompson and S.M.Grundy, 2005. History and development of plant sterol and stanol esters for cholesterol-lowering purposes. Am. J. Cardiol. 96(suppl.):3D-9D.
  • Gylling, H. and T.A.Miettinen, 1999. Cholesterol reduction by different plant stanol mixtures and with variable fat intake. Metabolism 48:575580.
  • Hallikainen M.A. and M.I.J.Uusitupa, 1999. Effects of 2 low-fat stanol ester-containing margarines on serum cholesterol concentrations as part of a low-fat diet in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 69:403-410.
  • Hallikainen M.A, E.S.Sarkkinen and M.I.J. Uusitupa, 2000. Plant stanol eaters affect serum cholesterol concentrations of hypercholesterolemic men and women in a dose-dependent manner. J. Nutr. 130(4):767776.
  • Hyun Y.J., O.Y.Kim, J.B.Kang, J.H.Lee, Y.Jang, L.Liponkoski and P.Salo, 2005. Plant stanol esters in low-fat yogurt reduce total and lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein oxidation in normocholesterolemic and mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects Nutr. Res. 25(8):743-753.
  • Jones P.J., M.Raeini-Sarjaz and F.Y.Ntanios, 2000. Modulation of plasma lipid levels and cholesterol kinetics by phytosterol versus phytostanol esters. J. Lipid Res. 41(5):697-705.
  • Jong, A., J.Plat and R.P.Mensink, 2003. Metabolic effects of plant sterols and stanols. J. Nutr. Biochem. 14:362-369.
  • Katan, M.B., SM.Grundy, P.Jones, M.Law, T.Miettinen and R.Paoletti, 2003. Efficacy and safety of plant stanols and sterols in the management of blood cholesterol levels. Mayo Clin. Proc. 78:965-978.
  • Kritchevsky, D. and S.C.Chen, 2005. Phytosterolshealth benefits and potential concerns: a review. Nutr. Res. 25:413-428.
  • Law, M. 2000. Plant sterol and stanol margarines and health. Br. Med. J. 320:861-864.
  • Lees, A.M., H.Y.I.Mok, R.S.Lees, M.A.McCluskey and S.M.Grundy, 1977. Plant sterols as cholesterol-lowering agents: clinical trials in patients with hypercholesterolemia and studies of sterol balance. Atherosclerosis 28:325-338.
  • Lorenz, R.T. 1989. Analysis of steryl esters. In: Nes WD., Parish EJ. (eds) Analysis of sterols and other biologically significant steroids. Academic Press Inc., San Diego, USA.
  • Maki, K.C, M.H.Davidson and D.M.Umporowicz, 2001. Lipid responses to plant-sterol-enriched reduced-fat spreads incorporated into a National Cholesterol Education Program Step I diet. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 74(1):33-43.
  • Mensink, R.P., S.Ebbing, M.Lindhout, J.Plat and M.M.Heugten, 2002. Effects of plant stanol esters supplied in low-fat yoghurt on serum lipids and lipoproteins, non-cholesterol sterols and fat soluble antioxidant concentrations. Atherosclerosis 160:205-213.
  • Miettinen, T.A., P.Puska, H.Gylling, H.Vanhanen and E.Vartianen, 1995. Reduction of serum cholesterol with sitostanol ester margarine in a mildly hypercholesterolemic population. New Engl. J. Med. 333:1308-1312.
  • Moghadasian, M.H. 2000. Pharmacological properties of plant sterols: in vivo and in vitro observations. Life Sci. 67:605-615.
  • Moreau, R.A., B.D.Whitaker and K.B.Hicks, 2002. Phytosterols, phytostanols, and their conjugates in food: structural diversity, quantitative analysis, and health-promoting uses. Prog. Lipid Res. 41:457-500.
  • Nguyen, T.T. 1999. The cholesterol-lowering action of plant stanol esters. J. Nutr. 129(12):21092112.
  • Normen, L., M.Johnsson, H.Andersson, Y.Gameren and P.Dutta, 1999. Plant sterols in vegetables and fruits commonly consumed in Sweden. Eur. J. Nutr. 38:84-89.
  • Normen, L., S.Bryngelsson, M.Johnsson, P.Evheden, L.Ellegard, H.Brants, H.Andersson and P.Dutts, 2002. The phytosterol content of some cereal foods commonly consumed in Sweden and in the Netherlands. J. Food Comp. Anal. 15:693-704.
  • Ostlund, R.E. 2002. Phytosterols in human nutrition. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 22:533-549.
  • Piironen, V., J.Toivo and A.M.Lampi, 2000. Natural sources of dietary plant sterols. J. Food Comp. Anal. 13:619-624.
  • Phillips, K.M., D.M.Ruggio, J.I.Toivo, M.A.Swank and A.H.Simpkins, 2002. Free and esterified sterol composition of edible oils and fats. J. Food Comp. Anal. 15(2):123-142.
  • Plat, J. and R.P.Mensink, 2000. Vegetable oil based versus wood based stanol ester mixtures: effects on serum lipids and hemostatic factors in nonhypercholesterolemic subjects. Atherosclerosis 148:101-112.
  • Plat, J. and R.P.Mensink, 2005. Plant stanol and sterol esters in the control of blood cholesterol levels: Mechanism and safety aspects. Am. J. Cardiol. 96(suppl.):15D-22D.
  • Pollak, O.J., 1953. Reduction of blood cholesterol in man. Circulation 7:702-706.
  • Quilez, J., P.Garcia-Lorda and J.Salas-Salvado, 2003. Potential uses and benefits of phytosterols in diet: present situation and future directions. Clin. Nutr. 22(4):343-351.
  • Rao A.V. and R.Koratkar, 1997. Anticarcinogenic effects of saponins and phytosterols. ACS Symposium Series 662:313-324.
  • Salo, P.M.D. and I.M.S.Wester, 2005. Low-fat formulations of plant stanols and sterols. Am. J. Cardiol. 96(suppl.):51D-54D.
  • Slesinski, R.S., D.Turnbull, V.H.Frankos, A.P.M.Wolterbeek and D.H.WaalkensBerendsen, 1999. Development toxicity study of vegetable oil-derived stanol fatty acid esters. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 29:227-233.
  • Venkatramesh, M., B.Karunanandaa, B.Sun, C.A.Gunter, S.Boddupalli and G.M.Kishore, 2003. Expression of a streptomyces 3hydroxysteroid oxidase gene in oilseeds for converting phytosterols to phytostanols. Phytochemistry 62:39-46.
  • Vries, J.H.M., A.Jansen, D.Kromhout, P.Bovenkamp, A.Staveren, R.P.Mensink and M.B.Katan, 1997. The fatty acid and sterol content of food composites of middle-aged men in seven countries. J. Food Comp. Anal. 10:115141.
  • Weihrauch, J.L. and J.M.Gardner, 1978. Sterol content of foods of plant origin. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 73:39-47.
  • Wester, I. 1999. Dose responsiveness to plant stanol esters. Eur. Heart J. Suppl. 1(suppl.S):104-108.
  • Weststrate, J.A. and G.W.Meijer, 1998. Plant sterolenriched margarines and reduction of plasma total- and LDL-cholesterol concentrations in normocholesterolemic and mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 52:334-343.

Phytosterols as Functional Food Ingredients

Year 2006, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 153 - 159, 01.06.2006


engelleyerek, kandaki toplam ve LDL kolesterol seviyelerini düşürücü etkiye sahiptirler. Bu yüzden, fitosteroller yaklaşık yarım asırdan beri kolesterol düşürücü ajanlar olarak bilinmektedirler. Fitosteroller bitkisel ürünlerde özellikle bitkisel yağlarda doğal halde bulunurlar. Normal diyetle alınan günlük fitosterol miktarı, tüketim alışkanlıkları ve gıda çeşidine bağlı olarak 170 mg’dan 360 mg’a kadar değişmektedir. Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar, kolesterol düşürücü etkiyi en üst seviyede oluşturan miktarın günlük 2–3 g olması gerektiğini göstermektedir. Bu seviyedeki fitosterol tüketimi, fitosterollerle zenginleştirilmiş gıda alımını gerektirmektedir


  • Anon., 1989. Analysis of steryl glycosides. In: Nes WD., Parish EJ. (eds) Analysis of sterols and other biologically significant steroids. Academic Press Inc., San Diego, USA.
  • Anon., 2000. Scientific Committee on Food: European Commission. Opinion of SCF on a request for the safety assessment of the use of phytosterol esters in yellow fat spreads. Available: en.pdf.
  • Anon., 2002. EU Scientific Committee on Food. General view on the long-term effects of the intake of elevated levels of phytosterols from multiple dietary sources, with particular attention. Available: _en.pdf.
  • Anon., 2003a. Functional foods fact sheet: Plant stanols and sterols. Available: publications/factsheets/sterolfs.cfm.
  • Anon., 2003b. Food and Drug Administration. Letter regarding enforcement discretion with respect to expanded use of an interim final rule about sterol/stanol esters and reduced risk of coronary heart disease. Available at:
  • Anon., 2004. Commission Regulation (EC) No.608/2004 of March 2004 concerning the labeling of foods and food ingredients with added phytosterols, phytosterols esters, and phytostanols and/or phytostanol esters. Available: 2004/ l_097/l_09720040401en00440045.pdf.
  • Anon., 2005. Phytosterol esters (plant sterol and stanol esters). Available: hottop29.htm.
  • Akihisa, T., W.Kokke and T.Tamura, 1991. Naturally occurring sterols and related compounds from plants. In Physiology and Biochemistry of Sterols (G.W.Peterson and W.D.Nes, Eds.), pp.172-28. AOCS, Champaign, IL.
  • Awad, A.B. and C.S.Fink, 2000. Phytosterols as anticancer dietary components: evidence and mechanism of action. J. Nutr. 130:2127-2130.
  • Bean, G.A. 1973. Phytosterols. Adv. Lipid Res. 11:193-218.
  • Berger, A., P.J.H.Jones and S.S.Abumweis, 2004. Plant sterols: factors affecting their efficacy and safety as functional food ingredients. Lipids Health Dis.3:1-54.
  • Clifton, P. 2002. Plant sterol and stanols-comparison and contrasts. Sterol versus stanols in cholesterol-lowering: is there a different? Atherosclerosis 3:5-9.
  • Clifton, P.M., M.Noakes, D.Sullivan, N.Erichsen, D.Ross, G.Annison, A.Fassoulakis, M.Cehun and P.Nestel, 2004. Cholesterol-lowering effects of plant sterol esters differ in milk, yoghurt, bread and cereal.
  • Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 58:503-509.
  • Dutta, P.C. and L.A.Appelqvist, 1996. Saturated sterols (stanols) in unhydrogenated and hydrogenated edible vegetable oils and in cereal lipids. J. Sci. Food Agric. 71:383-391.
  • Fenton, M. 1992. Chromatographic separation of cholesterol in foods. J. Chromatogr. 624:369388.
  • Ferrari, R.A., W.Esteves, K.D.Mukherjee and E.Schulte, 1997. Alteration of sterols and steryl esters in vegetable oils during refining. J. Agric. Food Chem. 45:4753-4757.
  • Gilbert, R., M.D.Thompson and S.M.Grundy, 2005. History and development of plant sterol and stanol esters for cholesterol-lowering purposes. Am. J. Cardiol. 96(suppl.):3D-9D.
  • Gylling, H. and T.A.Miettinen, 1999. Cholesterol reduction by different plant stanol mixtures and with variable fat intake. Metabolism 48:575580.
  • Hallikainen M.A. and M.I.J.Uusitupa, 1999. Effects of 2 low-fat stanol ester-containing margarines on serum cholesterol concentrations as part of a low-fat diet in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 69:403-410.
  • Hallikainen M.A, E.S.Sarkkinen and M.I.J. Uusitupa, 2000. Plant stanol eaters affect serum cholesterol concentrations of hypercholesterolemic men and women in a dose-dependent manner. J. Nutr. 130(4):767776.
  • Hyun Y.J., O.Y.Kim, J.B.Kang, J.H.Lee, Y.Jang, L.Liponkoski and P.Salo, 2005. Plant stanol esters in low-fat yogurt reduce total and lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein oxidation in normocholesterolemic and mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects Nutr. Res. 25(8):743-753.
  • Jones P.J., M.Raeini-Sarjaz and F.Y.Ntanios, 2000. Modulation of plasma lipid levels and cholesterol kinetics by phytosterol versus phytostanol esters. J. Lipid Res. 41(5):697-705.
  • Jong, A., J.Plat and R.P.Mensink, 2003. Metabolic effects of plant sterols and stanols. J. Nutr. Biochem. 14:362-369.
  • Katan, M.B., SM.Grundy, P.Jones, M.Law, T.Miettinen and R.Paoletti, 2003. Efficacy and safety of plant stanols and sterols in the management of blood cholesterol levels. Mayo Clin. Proc. 78:965-978.
  • Kritchevsky, D. and S.C.Chen, 2005. Phytosterolshealth benefits and potential concerns: a review. Nutr. Res. 25:413-428.
  • Law, M. 2000. Plant sterol and stanol margarines and health. Br. Med. J. 320:861-864.
  • Lees, A.M., H.Y.I.Mok, R.S.Lees, M.A.McCluskey and S.M.Grundy, 1977. Plant sterols as cholesterol-lowering agents: clinical trials in patients with hypercholesterolemia and studies of sterol balance. Atherosclerosis 28:325-338.
  • Lorenz, R.T. 1989. Analysis of steryl esters. In: Nes WD., Parish EJ. (eds) Analysis of sterols and other biologically significant steroids. Academic Press Inc., San Diego, USA.
  • Maki, K.C, M.H.Davidson and D.M.Umporowicz, 2001. Lipid responses to plant-sterol-enriched reduced-fat spreads incorporated into a National Cholesterol Education Program Step I diet. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 74(1):33-43.
  • Mensink, R.P., S.Ebbing, M.Lindhout, J.Plat and M.M.Heugten, 2002. Effects of plant stanol esters supplied in low-fat yoghurt on serum lipids and lipoproteins, non-cholesterol sterols and fat soluble antioxidant concentrations. Atherosclerosis 160:205-213.
  • Miettinen, T.A., P.Puska, H.Gylling, H.Vanhanen and E.Vartianen, 1995. Reduction of serum cholesterol with sitostanol ester margarine in a mildly hypercholesterolemic population. New Engl. J. Med. 333:1308-1312.
  • Moghadasian, M.H. 2000. Pharmacological properties of plant sterols: in vivo and in vitro observations. Life Sci. 67:605-615.
  • Moreau, R.A., B.D.Whitaker and K.B.Hicks, 2002. Phytosterols, phytostanols, and their conjugates in food: structural diversity, quantitative analysis, and health-promoting uses. Prog. Lipid Res. 41:457-500.
  • Nguyen, T.T. 1999. The cholesterol-lowering action of plant stanol esters. J. Nutr. 129(12):21092112.
  • Normen, L., M.Johnsson, H.Andersson, Y.Gameren and P.Dutta, 1999. Plant sterols in vegetables and fruits commonly consumed in Sweden. Eur. J. Nutr. 38:84-89.
  • Normen, L., S.Bryngelsson, M.Johnsson, P.Evheden, L.Ellegard, H.Brants, H.Andersson and P.Dutts, 2002. The phytosterol content of some cereal foods commonly consumed in Sweden and in the Netherlands. J. Food Comp. Anal. 15:693-704.
  • Ostlund, R.E. 2002. Phytosterols in human nutrition. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 22:533-549.
  • Piironen, V., J.Toivo and A.M.Lampi, 2000. Natural sources of dietary plant sterols. J. Food Comp. Anal. 13:619-624.
  • Phillips, K.M., D.M.Ruggio, J.I.Toivo, M.A.Swank and A.H.Simpkins, 2002. Free and esterified sterol composition of edible oils and fats. J. Food Comp. Anal. 15(2):123-142.
  • Plat, J. and R.P.Mensink, 2000. Vegetable oil based versus wood based stanol ester mixtures: effects on serum lipids and hemostatic factors in nonhypercholesterolemic subjects. Atherosclerosis 148:101-112.
  • Plat, J. and R.P.Mensink, 2005. Plant stanol and sterol esters in the control of blood cholesterol levels: Mechanism and safety aspects. Am. J. Cardiol. 96(suppl.):15D-22D.
  • Pollak, O.J., 1953. Reduction of blood cholesterol in man. Circulation 7:702-706.
  • Quilez, J., P.Garcia-Lorda and J.Salas-Salvado, 2003. Potential uses and benefits of phytosterols in diet: present situation and future directions. Clin. Nutr. 22(4):343-351.
  • Rao A.V. and R.Koratkar, 1997. Anticarcinogenic effects of saponins and phytosterols. ACS Symposium Series 662:313-324.
  • Salo, P.M.D. and I.M.S.Wester, 2005. Low-fat formulations of plant stanols and sterols. Am. J. Cardiol. 96(suppl.):51D-54D.
  • Slesinski, R.S., D.Turnbull, V.H.Frankos, A.P.M.Wolterbeek and D.H.WaalkensBerendsen, 1999. Development toxicity study of vegetable oil-derived stanol fatty acid esters. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 29:227-233.
  • Venkatramesh, M., B.Karunanandaa, B.Sun, C.A.Gunter, S.Boddupalli and G.M.Kishore, 2003. Expression of a streptomyces 3hydroxysteroid oxidase gene in oilseeds for converting phytosterols to phytostanols. Phytochemistry 62:39-46.
  • Vries, J.H.M., A.Jansen, D.Kromhout, P.Bovenkamp, A.Staveren, R.P.Mensink and M.B.Katan, 1997. The fatty acid and sterol content of food composites of middle-aged men in seven countries. J. Food Comp. Anal. 10:115141.
  • Weihrauch, J.L. and J.M.Gardner, 1978. Sterol content of foods of plant origin. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 73:39-47.
  • Wester, I. 1999. Dose responsiveness to plant stanol esters. Eur. Heart J. Suppl. 1(suppl.S):104-108.
  • Weststrate, J.A. and G.W.Meijer, 1998. Plant sterolenriched margarines and reduction of plasma total- and LDL-cholesterol concentrations in normocholesterolemic and mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 52:334-343.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

M. Taşan B. Bilgin Ü. Geçgel A.Ş. Demirci This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2006
Submission Date November 3, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Demirci, M. T. B. B. Ü. G. A. (2006). Phytosterols as Functional Food Ingredients. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(2), 153-159.
AMA Demirci MTBBÜGA. Phytosterols as Functional Food Ingredients. JOTAF. June 2006;3(2):153-159.
Chicago Demirci, M. Taşan B. Bilgin Ü. Geçgel A.Ş. “Phytosterols As Functional Food Ingredients”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 3, no. 2 (June 2006): 153-59.
EndNote Demirci MTBBÜGA (June 1, 2006) Phytosterols as Functional Food Ingredients. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 3 2 153–159.
IEEE M. T. B. B. Ü. G. A. Demirci, “Phytosterols as Functional Food Ingredients”, JOTAF, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 153–159, 2006.
ISNAD Demirci, M. Taşan B. Bilgin Ü. Geçgel A.Ş. “Phytosterols As Functional Food Ingredients”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 3/2 (June 2006), 153-159.
JAMA Demirci MTBBÜGA. Phytosterols as Functional Food Ingredients. JOTAF. 2006;3:153–159.
MLA Demirci, M. Taşan B. Bilgin Ü. Geçgel A.Ş. “Phytosterols As Functional Food Ingredients”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 2, 2006, pp. 153-9.
Vancouver Demirci MTBBÜGA. Phytosterols as Functional Food Ingredients. JOTAF. 2006;3(2):153-9.