Irkların Korunmasında Moleküler İşaretler
Year 2005,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 44 - 49, 01.03.2005
- Alderson, L. 1998. The chance to survive, Pilkington Press Ltd. 164 p.
- Brufo rd, M. W., Brad ley, D.G., and Luikart, G. 2003. Co mple xity of Livestock Domestication. Nature Review Genetics 4: 900-910.
- Brufo rd, M.W. and Towsend, S.J. 2004. Case studies domestication: sheep in: Zeder, M., Decke r-Walkers, D., Bradley, D., Smith, B.D (eds): Docu menting Do mestication: New genetic and archaeological pa radig ms, Ca lifornia University press. of animal
- Die z-Tascon, C., Little john, R.P., Almeide, P.A.R.,Crawford, A.M. 2000. Genetic variation eithin the Merino sheep breed: analysis of closely related populations using microsatellites. Animal Genetics . 31: 243-251.
- Ed ing, H., Crooijmans, R.P.M.A., Groenen M.A.M, Assessing the contribution of breeds to T.H.E. 2002. Resources Brochure (2)
- Hiendleder, S., Kaupe, B., Wassmuthic, R., Janke, A. 2002. Molecula r analysis of wild and domestic sheep are derived from two ancestral maternal sources: no evidence for contributions from urial and argali sheep. Journal of Heredity. 89: 113-120.
- Loftus, R. T., Ertugrul, O., Harba, A. H., El- Barody, M. A. A., Machugh, D. E., Park, S. D. E., Bradley, D. G. 1999. A microsatellite survey of cattle fro m a centre of origin: the Near East. Molecular Ecology 8: 2015–2022.
- MacHugh, D.E., Lo ftus, R.T., Bradley, D.G., Sharp, P.M ., Microsatellites DNA variation within and among European cattle breeds. Procedings of Royal Society London B. 256: 25-31.
- MacHugh, D.E., Shriver, M .D., Loftus, R.T., Cunningham, P., Brad ley, D.G. 1997. Microsatellite DNA variat ion and the evolution, phylogeography of taurin and zebu cattle (Bos taurus and Bos Indicus). Genetics 146: 1076-1086. and
- Pritchard, J.K., Stephens, M., Donneşy, P. 2000. Inference of population structure using microsatellite genotype data. Genetics. 155: 155: 945-959.
- Roosen, J., Fad laoui, A., Bertaglia, M. 2003. Economic evaluation and biodiversity conservation of anima l genetic resources (
- Simianer, H., Marti, S.B., Gibson, J., Hanotte, O., Rege, J.E.O. 2003. An approach to the optima l a llocation of conservation funds to minimize loss of genetic diversity in
- livestock breeds. Ecological Economics 45: 377- 392.
- Troy, C.S., Mac Hugh, D.E., Ba lley, J.F., Magee, D.A., Lo ftus, T.R., Cunningham, P., Cha mberlain, A.T., Sykes, B.C., Bradley, D. G. 2001. Genetic evidance for Near- Eastern orig ins of European cattle. Nature. 410: 1088-1091.
- Toro, M., Silio, L., Rodriganez J., Rodriguez, C. 1998. The use of molecular marke rs in conservation programs of live anima ls. Genetics Selection Evolution 30:585-600.
- Wang, J and Hill, W.G. 2000. Ma rke r-Assisted Selection to Increase Effective Population Size by Reducing Mendelian Segregation Variance. Weitzman, S. 1992. On d iversity. The Quarterly Journal of Econo mics 107: 363- 405. 154: 475– 489.
Irkların Korunmasında Moleküler İşaretler
Year 2005,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 44 - 49, 01.03.2005
azalmayı mo leküler işaretlerle en az düzeye indirmek mü mkündür, bu konuda simulasyon çalışmaları yapılmaktadır, ancak uygula mak için gerekli teknoloji henüz ço k pahalıdır
- Alderson, L. 1998. The chance to survive, Pilkington Press Ltd. 164 p.
- Brufo rd, M. W., Brad ley, D.G., and Luikart, G. 2003. Co mple xity of Livestock Domestication. Nature Review Genetics 4: 900-910.
- Brufo rd, M.W. and Towsend, S.J. 2004. Case studies domestication: sheep in: Zeder, M., Decke r-Walkers, D., Bradley, D., Smith, B.D (eds): Docu menting Do mestication: New genetic and archaeological pa radig ms, Ca lifornia University press. of animal
- Die z-Tascon, C., Little john, R.P., Almeide, P.A.R.,Crawford, A.M. 2000. Genetic variation eithin the Merino sheep breed: analysis of closely related populations using microsatellites. Animal Genetics . 31: 243-251.
- Ed ing, H., Crooijmans, R.P.M.A., Groenen M.A.M, Assessing the contribution of breeds to T.H.E. 2002. Resources Brochure (2)
- Hiendleder, S., Kaupe, B., Wassmuthic, R., Janke, A. 2002. Molecula r analysis of wild and domestic sheep are derived from two ancestral maternal sources: no evidence for contributions from urial and argali sheep. Journal of Heredity. 89: 113-120.
- Loftus, R. T., Ertugrul, O., Harba, A. H., El- Barody, M. A. A., Machugh, D. E., Park, S. D. E., Bradley, D. G. 1999. A microsatellite survey of cattle fro m a centre of origin: the Near East. Molecular Ecology 8: 2015–2022.
- MacHugh, D.E., Lo ftus, R.T., Bradley, D.G., Sharp, P.M ., Microsatellites DNA variation within and among European cattle breeds. Procedings of Royal Society London B. 256: 25-31.
- MacHugh, D.E., Shriver, M .D., Loftus, R.T., Cunningham, P., Brad ley, D.G. 1997. Microsatellite DNA variat ion and the evolution, phylogeography of taurin and zebu cattle (Bos taurus and Bos Indicus). Genetics 146: 1076-1086. and
- Pritchard, J.K., Stephens, M., Donneşy, P. 2000. Inference of population structure using microsatellite genotype data. Genetics. 155: 155: 945-959.
- Roosen, J., Fad laoui, A., Bertaglia, M. 2003. Economic evaluation and biodiversity conservation of anima l genetic resources (
- Simianer, H., Marti, S.B., Gibson, J., Hanotte, O., Rege, J.E.O. 2003. An approach to the optima l a llocation of conservation funds to minimize loss of genetic diversity in
- livestock breeds. Ecological Economics 45: 377- 392.
- Troy, C.S., Mac Hugh, D.E., Ba lley, J.F., Magee, D.A., Lo ftus, T.R., Cunningham, P., Cha mberlain, A.T., Sykes, B.C., Bradley, D. G. 2001. Genetic evidance for Near- Eastern orig ins of European cattle. Nature. 410: 1088-1091.
- Toro, M., Silio, L., Rodriganez J., Rodriguez, C. 1998. The use of molecular marke rs in conservation programs of live anima ls. Genetics Selection Evolution 30:585-600.
- Wang, J and Hill, W.G. 2000. Ma rke r-Assisted Selection to Increase Effective Population Size by Reducing Mendelian Segregation Variance. Weitzman, S. 1992. On d iversity. The Quarterly Journal of Econo mics 107: 363- 405. 154: 475– 489.