The Journal of Academic Tourism Analysis (Journal ATA) aims to contribute to the development of the tourism discipline by publishing studies focused on tourism or interdisciplinary research with tourism-related subjects and/or applications. The journal seeks to provide scientific insights for practitioners in the tourism sector and contribute to the advancement of the tourism industry through scholarly work.
The Journal of Academic Tourism Analysis (Journal ATA) will consider studies related to tourism, particularly those in the fields of Tourism Management, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Tourism Guidance, and Recreation Management, as well as interdisciplinary, theoretical, empirical, and/or case studies within the tourism sector.
Journal of Academic Tourism Analysis (Journal ATA) accepts submissions such as research notes, article/book reviews, article/book critiques and academic opinions (academic opinions are only with the approval and/or invitation of the editor) in addition to articles. Submissions to the Journal ATA are initially subjected to a preliminary review by the editorial board for format and content. If deemed appropriate, they are then sent to reviewers.
All submissions to the Journal ATA must be written using the “Journal ATA Article Template” in Microsoft Word. Additionally, the mandatory documents listed below must be included with the submission. Please do not alter the templates. If the journal template is not used or if files are missing, the submission will be returned to the authors for correction before the review process begins.
Studies can be written in Turkish or English. Regardless of the language of the paper, it must include both a Turkish (Öz) and an English (Abstract) summary (those who do not know Turkish can receive free assistance from the journal’s secretariat to write the Turkish summary). The summary should be between 150-200 words. The word count for the paper should be between 4000 and 7000 words for the initial submission and between 4000 and 8000 words in the final version after revisions (including tables, figures, and references). If the word limits are not adhered to, the submission will be returned for adjustment before the review process begins.
Keywords should be written in both Turkish and either American or British English (not a mix of both), avoiding general and plural terms, multiple concepts (e.g., “and”, “/”), and should be a maximum of 5. Abbreviations should be avoided (only well-established abbreviations in the literature can be used). These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.
Author information should not be included in the paper text. This information should be filled out in the “Title Page” in the submission files. Authors are responsible for ensuring the information is correctly filled out.
Empirical studies should consist of the sections “Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Findings (for Empirical Studies), Conclusion, and References”. No subheadings should be used in the Introduction section. All papers written in Turkish should include an “Extensive Summary” in American or British English (not a mix of both) of 800-1200 words after the “References” section.
The writing rules for the full text of the paper are detailed in the journal article template. The journal’s font, font usage styles, Table, Figure, Footnote, Equation, etc., visual material usage, and citation and reference formatting should adhere to the guidelines specified in the article template. The journal article templates are provided below:
The Journal ATA is indexed in various databases and is applying for new indexes. To be indexed, certain information about the publishing process and the author(s) must be included in the papers. This information is added to the publication’s full text by the layout editor before printing. The documents that need to be filled out for this information are provided below:
Additionally, every study submitted for publication in the Journal ATA is subjected to a plagiarism/similarity check. Authors can obtain a similarity report through the “” system via the DergiPark System during the submission stage. The acceptable similarity rate for papers submitted to the journal is 20% excluding references. Editors may use any plagiarism detection program they deem appropriate for plagiarism checks.
Finally, for some studies submitted for publication in the Journal ATA, an Ethics Committee Approval is mandatory according to the journal’s Ethical Principles and Publication Policy. Information on when this document is required can be found on the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy page.
The Journal of Academic Tourism Analysis (Journal ATA) adopts universal scientific and publishing ethics standards, including the RESPECT Guidelines for Socio-Economic Research in the EU, the “Best Practices in Academic Publishing and Transparency” and the “Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers” established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Additionally, journal complies with the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Guidelines. Based on these principles and rules, specific responsibilities and guidelines have been established for the parties involved in our publication processes. These responsibilities are detailed under the headings “Journal Roles and Responsibilities,” “Editor Roles and Responsibilities,” “Reviewer Roles and Responsibilities,” and “Author Roles and Responsibilities.”
Journal ATA is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.