Research Article
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Year 2022, , 125 - 138, 20.12.2022



  • Boyer, E. & Mitgang, L. (1996) Building Community: A New Future for Architectural Education and Practice. Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
  • Camilli, G. & Hopkins, K.D., (1978) Applicability of chi-square to 2× 2 contingency tables with small expected cell frequencies. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp.163-167.
  • Connelly, L.M. (2016) 'Fisher's exact test', MedSurg Nursing, Vol. 25, No.1 (online), Available at: (accessed 25 March 2022).
  • Çopur, M. (2017) İMMİB Endüstrivel Tasarım Yarışmalarının Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of İMMİB Industrial Design Competitions). Unpublished MSc thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • de-Juan, A., Fernandez del Rincon, A., Iglesias, M., Garcia, P., Diez-Ibarbia, A. & Viadero, F., (2016) Enhancement of mechanical engineering degree through student design competition as added value. Considerations and viability. Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 27, No.8, pp.568-589.
  • Dilek, İ. & Kaygan, P. (2018) Different goals, different criteria: Perspectives of jury members in industrial design competitions in turkey. A/Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Vol. 15, No.3, pp.13-27.
  • Er, H.A., Özcan, C., Ertem, H. (2021) I'm design chat 10 memleketten tasarım manzaraları: “Tasarım Yarışmaları” (online), Available at: (accessed 23 March 2021).
  • Fawcett, J., & Garity, J. (2009) Evaluating Research for Evidence Based Practice. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
  • Frascara, J. (2002) Preface, in Frascara, J (Ed) Design and Social Sciences: Making Connections. London: Taylor and Francis.
  • Gelmez, K. (2011, December) İMMİB Endüstriyel Tasarım Yarışmaları Üzerine Bir Inceleme: 2005–2009 (An Analysis on İMMİB Industrial Design Competitions: 2005–2009), In Endüstride, Tasarımda, Eğitimde 40 Yıl Conference, pp. 339-353.
  • Gottschling, P. (2018) Where design competitions matter: Architectural artefacts and discursive events, Journal of Material Culture, Vol. 23, No, 2, pp.151-168.
  • Haupt, P., Wijas, M., Mochocka, S., & Chyb, A. (2019) Teaching architectural design through competition, motivation and challenge. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, Vol. 17, No.3, pp. 338-342.
  • Hermand, S., & Rajeb, S. B. (2019, June) Using Design Competition Calls in a “Design Studio” Course. In AMPS Conference 17.1, pp. 167-176.
  • Irkdaş Doğu, D., Timur Öğüt, Ş. & Er, H.E. (2015) Characterizing industrial design education in turkey: A current synthesis for future directions. Yedi. Vol.14, pp. 39-50.
  • Kreiner, K. (2009) Architectural competitions empirical observations and strategic implications for architectural firms, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, Vol. 21, No. 2/3.
  • Khorbotly, S. & Al-Olimat, K. (2010, October) Engineering Student-Design Competition Teams: Capstone or Extracurricular?. In 2010 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pp. F1C-1.
  • Lampel, J., Jha, P. P., & Bhalla, A. (2012) Test-driving the future: How design competitions are changing innovation. Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.71-85.
  • Lobo, M.L. (2005) Descriptive research is the bench science of nursing. Western Journal of Nursing Research, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp.5-6.
  • Meir, I.A., Erell, E., Etzion, Y. & Pearlmutter, D. (1996) Are design ideas competitions hitting the target? Comments on the International Design Ideas Competition for a resort hotel by the Dead Sea, Israel. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp.299-306.
  • Nassaji, H. (2015) Qualitative and descriptive research: Data type versus data analysis. Language Teaching Research, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.129-132.
  • Pasin, B. (2017) Rethinking the design studio-centered architectural education. A case study at schools of architecture in Turkey. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), pp. S1270-S1284.
  • Popovic, V. (2005) Building a Collaborative Culture between Design Research and Practice Through Graduate Education. In Giard, J & Pijawka, D (Eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth Conference Doctoral Education in Design. 4th Doctoral Education in Design, United States of America, pp. 119-128.
  • Raffeor, W. S., Pung, C. P., & Joo, S. H. (2013, June) Using The ASME Student Design Competition as the Culminating Design and Build Experience in a Freshman Level Cad-Cam Course. In 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, pp. 23-1341.
  • Ratner, B. (2009) The correlation coefficient: Its values range between +1/−1, or do they? Journal of Targeting Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 139–142.
  • Salama, A. M. (2015) Spatial design education: New directions for pedagogy in architecture and beyond: Routledge.
  • Senior, B. A., & Holt, R. J. (2014) Student Perceptions about Their Participation in the ASC Regions 6 and 7 Student Competition, 50 th Annual International Conference Proceedings.
  • Stebbins, R. (2001) Exploratory Research in the Social Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, Vol. 48.
  • Strong, J. (1976) Participating in architectural competitions: A guide for competitors, promotors and assessors. London: The Architectural Press Ltd.
  • Toprak, İ., & Hacihasanoglu, O. (2019) Terms and Concepts on Design Studio in the Research Articles of 2010’s. Journal of Design Studio, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.13-22.
  • Volker, L. (2010, July) Designing a Design Competition: The Client Perspective, In Durling, D., Bousbaci, R., Chen, L, Gauthier, P., Poldma, T., Roworth-Stokes, S. and Stolterman, E (eds.), Design and Complexity – DRS International Conference, Montreal, Canada.
  • Wang, S. F. (2019, July) The impact of design competition on design education. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 573, No. 1, pp. 012060.
  • Wankat, P. C. (2005) Undergraduate student competitions. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 343-347.
  • Zhang, F., & Wang, W. (2018, December) Research on the Method of Improving the Innovation Ability of Industrial Design Students Based on Design Competition. In 2nd International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education (ICASSEE 2018), pp. 875-878.

The Analysis of the School Factor in Industrial Design Competitions: 2015-2020 İMMİB* Competition Student Category Winners

Year 2022, , 125 - 138, 20.12.2022


Turkish Steel Exporters’ Association (İMMİB) Industrial Design Competition is important both for professionals and students among Turkish designer community for many reasons. In addition to its nationwide recognition, the winners are awarded with many monetary and non-monetary benefits. Particularly the international scholarship for graduate education is a major motivating factor for students for participating to the competition. The main objective of this study is to reveal school related factors that affect İMMİB Industrial Design Competition student category results. For this reason, data on 2015-2020 İMMİB Industrial Design Competition winners have been analysed. The analysis has been carried out by doing document analysis from secondary sources and applying an on-line survey to the winners. A total of 92 prizes have been distributed between 2015-2020 to 84 students. Out of 84 students, 42 participated to the survey and 40 valid responses were obtained. Results reveal that i) the older the department, the higher the frequency of winners coming from that particular university, ii) for students coming from universities adopting the central examination system, the majority of students have relatively high entrance exam scores, iii) the majority of the projects are done during course hours at school, particularly in the case of privately owned universities. This paper discusses the reasons and the outcomes of working competition projects during course hours particularly design studio courses. Ethics and privacy are revealed as potential problem areas as an outcome of carrying out the competition preparation during course hours.


  • Boyer, E. & Mitgang, L. (1996) Building Community: A New Future for Architectural Education and Practice. Princeton, NJ: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
  • Camilli, G. & Hopkins, K.D., (1978) Applicability of chi-square to 2× 2 contingency tables with small expected cell frequencies. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 85, No. 1, pp.163-167.
  • Connelly, L.M. (2016) 'Fisher's exact test', MedSurg Nursing, Vol. 25, No.1 (online), Available at: (accessed 25 March 2022).
  • Çopur, M. (2017) İMMİB Endüstrivel Tasarım Yarışmalarının Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of İMMİB Industrial Design Competitions). Unpublished MSc thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • de-Juan, A., Fernandez del Rincon, A., Iglesias, M., Garcia, P., Diez-Ibarbia, A. & Viadero, F., (2016) Enhancement of mechanical engineering degree through student design competition as added value. Considerations and viability. Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 27, No.8, pp.568-589.
  • Dilek, İ. & Kaygan, P. (2018) Different goals, different criteria: Perspectives of jury members in industrial design competitions in turkey. A/Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Vol. 15, No.3, pp.13-27.
  • Er, H.A., Özcan, C., Ertem, H. (2021) I'm design chat 10 memleketten tasarım manzaraları: “Tasarım Yarışmaları” (online), Available at: (accessed 23 March 2021).
  • Fawcett, J., & Garity, J. (2009) Evaluating Research for Evidence Based Practice. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
  • Frascara, J. (2002) Preface, in Frascara, J (Ed) Design and Social Sciences: Making Connections. London: Taylor and Francis.
  • Gelmez, K. (2011, December) İMMİB Endüstriyel Tasarım Yarışmaları Üzerine Bir Inceleme: 2005–2009 (An Analysis on İMMİB Industrial Design Competitions: 2005–2009), In Endüstride, Tasarımda, Eğitimde 40 Yıl Conference, pp. 339-353.
  • Gottschling, P. (2018) Where design competitions matter: Architectural artefacts and discursive events, Journal of Material Culture, Vol. 23, No, 2, pp.151-168.
  • Haupt, P., Wijas, M., Mochocka, S., & Chyb, A. (2019) Teaching architectural design through competition, motivation and challenge. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, Vol. 17, No.3, pp. 338-342.
  • Hermand, S., & Rajeb, S. B. (2019, June) Using Design Competition Calls in a “Design Studio” Course. In AMPS Conference 17.1, pp. 167-176.
  • Irkdaş Doğu, D., Timur Öğüt, Ş. & Er, H.E. (2015) Characterizing industrial design education in turkey: A current synthesis for future directions. Yedi. Vol.14, pp. 39-50.
  • Kreiner, K. (2009) Architectural competitions empirical observations and strategic implications for architectural firms, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, Vol. 21, No. 2/3.
  • Khorbotly, S. & Al-Olimat, K. (2010, October) Engineering Student-Design Competition Teams: Capstone or Extracurricular?. In 2010 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pp. F1C-1.
  • Lampel, J., Jha, P. P., & Bhalla, A. (2012) Test-driving the future: How design competitions are changing innovation. Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.71-85.
  • Lobo, M.L. (2005) Descriptive research is the bench science of nursing. Western Journal of Nursing Research, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp.5-6.
  • Meir, I.A., Erell, E., Etzion, Y. & Pearlmutter, D. (1996) Are design ideas competitions hitting the target? Comments on the International Design Ideas Competition for a resort hotel by the Dead Sea, Israel. Energy and Buildings, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp.299-306.
  • Nassaji, H. (2015) Qualitative and descriptive research: Data type versus data analysis. Language Teaching Research, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.129-132.
  • Pasin, B. (2017) Rethinking the design studio-centered architectural education. A case study at schools of architecture in Turkey. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), pp. S1270-S1284.
  • Popovic, V. (2005) Building a Collaborative Culture between Design Research and Practice Through Graduate Education. In Giard, J & Pijawka, D (Eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth Conference Doctoral Education in Design. 4th Doctoral Education in Design, United States of America, pp. 119-128.
  • Raffeor, W. S., Pung, C. P., & Joo, S. H. (2013, June) Using The ASME Student Design Competition as the Culminating Design and Build Experience in a Freshman Level Cad-Cam Course. In 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, pp. 23-1341.
  • Ratner, B. (2009) The correlation coefficient: Its values range between +1/−1, or do they? Journal of Targeting Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 139–142.
  • Salama, A. M. (2015) Spatial design education: New directions for pedagogy in architecture and beyond: Routledge.
  • Senior, B. A., & Holt, R. J. (2014) Student Perceptions about Their Participation in the ASC Regions 6 and 7 Student Competition, 50 th Annual International Conference Proceedings.
  • Stebbins, R. (2001) Exploratory Research in the Social Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, Vol. 48.
  • Strong, J. (1976) Participating in architectural competitions: A guide for competitors, promotors and assessors. London: The Architectural Press Ltd.
  • Toprak, İ., & Hacihasanoglu, O. (2019) Terms and Concepts on Design Studio in the Research Articles of 2010’s. Journal of Design Studio, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.13-22.
  • Volker, L. (2010, July) Designing a Design Competition: The Client Perspective, In Durling, D., Bousbaci, R., Chen, L, Gauthier, P., Poldma, T., Roworth-Stokes, S. and Stolterman, E (eds.), Design and Complexity – DRS International Conference, Montreal, Canada.
  • Wang, S. F. (2019, July) The impact of design competition on design education. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 573, No. 1, pp. 012060.
  • Wankat, P. C. (2005) Undergraduate student competitions. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 94, No. 3, pp. 343-347.
  • Zhang, F., & Wang, W. (2018, December) Research on the Method of Improving the Innovation Ability of Industrial Design Students Based on Design Competition. In 2nd International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education (ICASSEE 2018), pp. 875-878.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Hayriye Yasemin Soylu 0000-0001-8701-3573

Berrak Karaca Şalgamcıoğlu 0000-0003-0544-798X

Kübra Bıyuk Öksüz 0000-0002-3112-7640

Publication Date December 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Soylu, H. Y., Karaca Şalgamcıoğlu, B., & Bıyuk Öksüz, K. (2022). The Analysis of the School Factor in Industrial Design Competitions: 2015-2020 İMMİB* Competition Student Category Winners. Journal of Design Studio, 4(2), 125-138.

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