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Ekonomik Durum ve Aile Yapıları Genç Kızların Sağlıklı Yaşam Davranışlarını ve Menstürel Semptomlarını Etkiler mi?

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 419 - 430, 29.08.2022


Amaç: Düşük gelir, düşük eğitim, kalabalık veya tek ebeveynli bir ailede yaşama gibi demografik özellikler, genç kızların ağrı, kaygı, kanama gibi premenstürel ve menstürel semptomlarını artırmakta ve sağlıklı yaşam biçimlerini olumsuz etkilemektedir. Araştırmanın amacı, genç kızların sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ile menstürel semptomları arasındaki ilişkiyi ve sosyodemografik özelliklerini incelemektir.
Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tipteki bu araştırma, İstanbul ili Beylikdüzü ilçesinde tam zamanlı eğitim veren dört liseden 3 Şubat 2020 - 1 Mart 2020 tarihleri arasında 1130 öğrenci üzerinde yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya aileleri onam veren gönüllü öğrenciler katılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplamak için Kişisel Tanılama Formu, Menstrüel Semptom Ölçeği ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Tarzı Davranış Ölçeği-II kullanılmıştır. Analizler SPSS İstatistik versiyon 23 kullanılarak yapılmıştır.
Bulgular: Ekonomik durum ve ağrılı adet görmenin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarını olumsuz etkilemiş, çekirdek aile ile yaşamanın sağlıklı yaşam biçimidavranışlarını olumlu yönde etkilemiş; ayrıca kronik hastalık, ağrılı adet görme ve çekirdek aile dışındaki aile tipleri menstrüel semptomları olumsuz yönde etkilemiştir.
Sonuç ve Öneriler : Kötü ekonomik durum ve ağrılı adet görme, sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarını olumsuz etkilerken, kronik hastalık, ağrılı adet görme ve çekirdek aile dışındaki aile tipi adet belirtilerini olumsuz yönde etkilemiştir. Ekonomik durumun ve diğer sosyodemografik özelliklerin menstrüel semptomları nasıl etkilediğinin daha farklı gruplarda araştırılması, literatüre daha fazla katkıda bulunabilir.


  • Abadi, BD., Dolatian, M., Mahmoodi, Z., Akbarzadeh Baghban, A., (2018). A comparison of physical activity and nutrition in young women with and without primary dysmenorrhea. F1000Res, 16: 7, 59.
  • Aïdara, R. Poor access to wash: a barrier for women in the workplace. Social Protection and Human Rights. 16 November 2016. https://socialprotection-humanrights.org/expertcom/poor-access-wash-barrier-womenworkplace/. Accessed 20 July 2020.
  • Al-Matouq, S., Al-Mutairi, H., Al-Mutairi, O., Abdulaziz, F., Al-Basri, D., Al-Enzi, M., AlAltiparmak, S., Koca, KA. (2009). The healthy lifestyle behaviors of 15–49 age group women and affecting factors. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 8: 421-426.
  • Amgain, K., Neupane, S. (2019). Effects of food habits on menstrual cycle among adolescent girls. Europasian J.of Med. Sci, 1: 53-61.
  • Arikan, Ç., Aktaş, AM. (2008). Affecting women's health in Turkey socio-economic factors and poverty. Türkiye’de Kadın Sağlığını Etkileyen Sosyo-Ekonomik Faktörler ve Yoksulluk. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 9: 21-28.
  • Bahar, Z., Beşer, A., Gördes, N., Ersin, F., Kıssal, A. (2008). Sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ölçeği II’nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 12: 1-13.
  • Bolsoy, N., Sevil, Ü. (2006). Sağlık-hastalık ve kültür etkileşimi. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Science, 9: 78-87.
  • Borjigen, A., Huang, C., Liu, M., Lu, J., Peng, H., Sapkota, C., Sheng, J. (2019). Status and factors of menstrual knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and their correlation with psychological stress in adolescent girls. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 32: 584-589.
  • Britto, MT., Garrett, JM., Dugliss, MA., Daeschner, CW., Johnson, CA., Leigh, MW., Konrad TR. (1998). Risky behavior in teens with cystic fibrosis or sickle cell disease. Pediatrics, 101: 250-256. doi: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.101.2.250.
  • Chen, MY., Shiao, YC., Gau, YM. (2007). Comparison of adolescent health-related behavior in different family structures. Journal of Nursing Research, 15: 1-10.
  • Chesney, MA., Donald, L., Tasto. (1975). "The development of the menstrual symptom questionnaire." Behaviour Research and Therapy, 13: 237-244.
  • Cheung, C., Wirrell, E. (2006). Adolescents' perception of epilepsy compared with other chronic diseases: “through a teenager's eyes”. J Child Neurol, 21: 214-222.
  • Erbaba, H., Şahin, S. (2019). Evaluation of effectiveness of training in obese adolescent about nutrition, physical activity and menstrual symptoms on health lifestyle behaviours and menstrual symptoms. Doctoral Thesis. The University of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt, Ankara.
  • Ersoy, B., Balkan, C., Gunay, T., Onag, A., Egemen, A. (2003). Effects of different socioeconomic conditions on menarche in Turkish female students. Early Human Development, 76: 115-125.
  • Fernández-Martínez, E., Onieva-Zafra, MD., Parra-Fernández, ML. (2018). Lifestyle and prevalence of dysmenorrhea among Spanish female university students. PloS One, 13: 8.
  • Gedik, A., Şahin, S. (2017). Determination of the effect on menstruation to hygiene training given to adolescents. Türkiye Klinikleri J Health Sci, 2: 66-75.
  • Güvenç. G., Memnun, S., Aygül, A. (2014). Adaptation of the menstrual symptom questionnaire into Turkish. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 13: 367-374.
  • International Statistical Institute. World Bank country classifications. 31 January 2020. https://www.isi-web.org/ index.php/capacity-building/developing-countries. Accessed 20 July 2020.
  • Kadri, H. (2018). Socio-economic relations and nutrition status with early menarche incidence in school v and vi grade school children in sdn 205 Kota Baru Kota Jambi. Batanghari University Jambi Scientific Journal, 18: 452-460.
  • Karaaslan, M., Çelebioğlu, A. (2018). Determination of healthy lifestyle behaviors of high school students. Journal of Human Sciences, 15: 1355-1361.
  • Matteson, K.A., Zaluski, K.M. (2019). Menstrual health as a part of preventive health care. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, 46: 441-453.
  • Miller, KB., La Greca, AM. (2005). Adjustment to chronic illness in girls. In: Bell DJ, Foster SL, Mash EJ (eds) Handbook of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Girls. Issues in Clinical Child Psychology. Springer, Boston, pp 489-552. doi:
  • Negriff, S., Dorn, L., D, Hillman, J. B., & Huang, B. (2009). The measurement of menstrual symptoms: factor structure of the menstrual symptom questionnaire in adolescent girls. Journal of health psychology, 14: 899-908.
  • Pinar, B. (2019). Life experience, emotion and perception of adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a qualitative study. Master Thesis in Child Health and Diseases Nursing Programme. Pamukkale University, Denizli https:// acikerisim.pau.edu.tr/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11499/3517/Bakiye%20PINAR.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y. Accessed 20 July 2020.
  • Shridhar, A., (2019). Are menstrual cycles a biological determinant of well-being amongst Sierra Leonean schoolchildren? 1201, Master's Theses. https://Repository.Usfca.Edu/Thes/1201. Accessed 20 July 2020.
  • Sollers, III., J. J., Leach-Beale, B., Barker, C. S., Wood, M., Burford, T., Bell, K. Edwards, C. L. (2021). Menstrual Type, Pain and Psychological Distress in Adult Women with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Journal of the National Medical Association, 113(1), 54-58.
  • Sümen, A., Öncel, S. (2017). Factors that affect healthy lifestyle behaviors of high school students in Turkey: A systematic review. Eur J Ther., 23:74-82.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., &Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics. Boston, Pearson.Tibbits, M., Lyons, K., Abresch,C. (2021). The 'A' is the Weakest Link: What Local Health Departments are Doing to Improve Adolescent Health. Matern Child Health J, 25(3):368-376.
  • Taiar, A. (2019). Dysmenorrhea among high-school students and its associated factors in Kuwait. BMC Pediatrics, 19: 1, 80.
  • Thakre, SB., Thakre, SS., Reddy, M., Rathi, N., Pathak, K., Ughade, S. (2011). Menstrual hygiene: knowledge and practice among adolescent school girls of Saoner, Nagpur district. J Clin Diagn Res, 5: 1027-33.
  • Tull, K. (2019). Period poverty impact on the economic empowerment of women. K4D Helpdesk Report 536., Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
  • Turan, T., Ceylan, SS. (2007). Determination of 11-14 year old primary student’s practices and knowledge about menstruation. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, 2: 41-53.
  • Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2018. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr/tnsa2018/rapor/sonuclar_ sunum.pdf. Accessed 20 July 2020.

Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls' Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 419 - 430, 29.08.2022


Aim: Demographic features such as low income, low education, and living in a crowded or single-parent family increase young girls' premenstrual and menstrual symptoms such as pain, anxiety and bleeding, and affect negatively their healthy lifestyle. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between healthy lifestyle behaviors and menstrual symptoms among young girls and their sociodemographic characteristics.
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 1,130 students from four high schools providing full-time education in the Beylikduzu district of Istanbul between February 3, 2020, and March 1, 2020. Volunteer students whose families gave consent participated in the study. A personal identification form, the Menstrual Symptom Scale and the Healthy Lifestyle Behavior Scale-II (HLBS-II) were used to collect data in the study. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Statistics version 23.
Results: It was found that economic status and painful menstruation affected negatively healthy lifestyle behaviors, while living with one’s nuclear family affected positively healthy lifestyle behaviors; furthermore, chronic disease, painful menstruation, and family types other than the nuclear family affected negatively menstrual symptoms.
Conclusions and Suggestions: Poor economic status and painful menstruation affected negatively healthy lifestyle behaviors, and chronic disease, painful menstruation and family type other than the nuclear family affected negatively menstrual symptoms. Researching how economic status and other sociodemographic characteristics affect menstrual symptoms in different groups may contribute to the literature more.


  • Abadi, BD., Dolatian, M., Mahmoodi, Z., Akbarzadeh Baghban, A., (2018). A comparison of physical activity and nutrition in young women with and without primary dysmenorrhea. F1000Res, 16: 7, 59.
  • Aïdara, R. Poor access to wash: a barrier for women in the workplace. Social Protection and Human Rights. 16 November 2016. https://socialprotection-humanrights.org/expertcom/poor-access-wash-barrier-womenworkplace/. Accessed 20 July 2020.
  • Al-Matouq, S., Al-Mutairi, H., Al-Mutairi, O., Abdulaziz, F., Al-Basri, D., Al-Enzi, M., AlAltiparmak, S., Koca, KA. (2009). The healthy lifestyle behaviors of 15–49 age group women and affecting factors. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 8: 421-426.
  • Amgain, K., Neupane, S. (2019). Effects of food habits on menstrual cycle among adolescent girls. Europasian J.of Med. Sci, 1: 53-61.
  • Arikan, Ç., Aktaş, AM. (2008). Affecting women's health in Turkey socio-economic factors and poverty. Türkiye’de Kadın Sağlığını Etkileyen Sosyo-Ekonomik Faktörler ve Yoksulluk. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 9: 21-28.
  • Bahar, Z., Beşer, A., Gördes, N., Ersin, F., Kıssal, A. (2008). Sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ölçeği II’nin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 12: 1-13.
  • Bolsoy, N., Sevil, Ü. (2006). Sağlık-hastalık ve kültür etkileşimi. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Science, 9: 78-87.
  • Borjigen, A., Huang, C., Liu, M., Lu, J., Peng, H., Sapkota, C., Sheng, J. (2019). Status and factors of menstrual knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and their correlation with psychological stress in adolescent girls. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 32: 584-589.
  • Britto, MT., Garrett, JM., Dugliss, MA., Daeschner, CW., Johnson, CA., Leigh, MW., Konrad TR. (1998). Risky behavior in teens with cystic fibrosis or sickle cell disease. Pediatrics, 101: 250-256. doi: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.101.2.250.
  • Chen, MY., Shiao, YC., Gau, YM. (2007). Comparison of adolescent health-related behavior in different family structures. Journal of Nursing Research, 15: 1-10.
  • Chesney, MA., Donald, L., Tasto. (1975). "The development of the menstrual symptom questionnaire." Behaviour Research and Therapy, 13: 237-244.
  • Cheung, C., Wirrell, E. (2006). Adolescents' perception of epilepsy compared with other chronic diseases: “through a teenager's eyes”. J Child Neurol, 21: 214-222.
  • Erbaba, H., Şahin, S. (2019). Evaluation of effectiveness of training in obese adolescent about nutrition, physical activity and menstrual symptoms on health lifestyle behaviours and menstrual symptoms. Doctoral Thesis. The University of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt, Ankara.
  • Ersoy, B., Balkan, C., Gunay, T., Onag, A., Egemen, A. (2003). Effects of different socioeconomic conditions on menarche in Turkish female students. Early Human Development, 76: 115-125.
  • Fernández-Martínez, E., Onieva-Zafra, MD., Parra-Fernández, ML. (2018). Lifestyle and prevalence of dysmenorrhea among Spanish female university students. PloS One, 13: 8.
  • Gedik, A., Şahin, S. (2017). Determination of the effect on menstruation to hygiene training given to adolescents. Türkiye Klinikleri J Health Sci, 2: 66-75.
  • Güvenç. G., Memnun, S., Aygül, A. (2014). Adaptation of the menstrual symptom questionnaire into Turkish. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 13: 367-374.
  • International Statistical Institute. World Bank country classifications. 31 January 2020. https://www.isi-web.org/ index.php/capacity-building/developing-countries. Accessed 20 July 2020.
  • Kadri, H. (2018). Socio-economic relations and nutrition status with early menarche incidence in school v and vi grade school children in sdn 205 Kota Baru Kota Jambi. Batanghari University Jambi Scientific Journal, 18: 452-460.
  • Karaaslan, M., Çelebioğlu, A. (2018). Determination of healthy lifestyle behaviors of high school students. Journal of Human Sciences, 15: 1355-1361.
  • Matteson, K.A., Zaluski, K.M. (2019). Menstrual health as a part of preventive health care. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, 46: 441-453.
  • Miller, KB., La Greca, AM. (2005). Adjustment to chronic illness in girls. In: Bell DJ, Foster SL, Mash EJ (eds) Handbook of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Girls. Issues in Clinical Child Psychology. Springer, Boston, pp 489-552. doi:
  • Negriff, S., Dorn, L., D, Hillman, J. B., & Huang, B. (2009). The measurement of menstrual symptoms: factor structure of the menstrual symptom questionnaire in adolescent girls. Journal of health psychology, 14: 899-908.
  • Pinar, B. (2019). Life experience, emotion and perception of adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a qualitative study. Master Thesis in Child Health and Diseases Nursing Programme. Pamukkale University, Denizli https:// acikerisim.pau.edu.tr/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11499/3517/Bakiye%20PINAR.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y. Accessed 20 July 2020.
  • Shridhar, A., (2019). Are menstrual cycles a biological determinant of well-being amongst Sierra Leonean schoolchildren? 1201, Master's Theses. https://Repository.Usfca.Edu/Thes/1201. Accessed 20 July 2020.
  • Sollers, III., J. J., Leach-Beale, B., Barker, C. S., Wood, M., Burford, T., Bell, K. Edwards, C. L. (2021). Menstrual Type, Pain and Psychological Distress in Adult Women with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Journal of the National Medical Association, 113(1), 54-58.
  • Sümen, A., Öncel, S. (2017). Factors that affect healthy lifestyle behaviors of high school students in Turkey: A systematic review. Eur J Ther., 23:74-82.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., &Fidell, L. S. (2013). Using multivariate statistics. Boston, Pearson.Tibbits, M., Lyons, K., Abresch,C. (2021). The 'A' is the Weakest Link: What Local Health Departments are Doing to Improve Adolescent Health. Matern Child Health J, 25(3):368-376.
  • Taiar, A. (2019). Dysmenorrhea among high-school students and its associated factors in Kuwait. BMC Pediatrics, 19: 1, 80.
  • Thakre, SB., Thakre, SS., Reddy, M., Rathi, N., Pathak, K., Ughade, S. (2011). Menstrual hygiene: knowledge and practice among adolescent school girls of Saoner, Nagpur district. J Clin Diagn Res, 5: 1027-33.
  • Tull, K. (2019). Period poverty impact on the economic empowerment of women. K4D Helpdesk Report 536., Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
  • Turan, T., Ceylan, SS. (2007). Determination of 11-14 year old primary student’s practices and knowledge about menstruation. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi, 2: 41-53.
  • Turkey Demographic and Health Survey 2018. http://www.hips.hacettepe.edu.tr/tnsa2018/rapor/sonuclar_ sunum.pdf. Accessed 20 July 2020.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research

Hülya Tosun 0000-0003-4871-1576

Esra Karaca Çitfçi 0000-0001-7665-472X

Publication Date August 29, 2022
Submission Date January 6, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Tosun, H., & Karaca Çitfçi, E. (2022). Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls’ Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?. Samsun Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 419-430. https://doi.org/10.47115/jshs.1054475
AMA Tosun H, Karaca Çitfçi E. Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls’ Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?. JSHS. August 2022;7(2):419-430. doi:10.47115/jshs.1054475
Chicago Tosun, Hülya, and Esra Karaca Çitfçi. “Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls’ Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?”. Samsun Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7, no. 2 (August 2022): 419-30. https://doi.org/10.47115/jshs.1054475.
EndNote Tosun H, Karaca Çitfçi E (August 1, 2022) Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls’ Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?. Samsun Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7 2 419–430.
IEEE H. Tosun and E. Karaca Çitfçi, “Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls’ Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?”, JSHS, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 419–430, 2022, doi: 10.47115/jshs.1054475.
ISNAD Tosun, Hülya - Karaca Çitfçi, Esra. “Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls’ Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?”. Samsun Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7/2 (August 2022), 419-430. https://doi.org/10.47115/jshs.1054475.
JAMA Tosun H, Karaca Çitfçi E. Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls’ Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?. JSHS. 2022;7:419–430.
MLA Tosun, Hülya and Esra Karaca Çitfçi. “Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls’ Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?”. Samsun Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 2, 2022, pp. 419-30, doi:10.47115/jshs.1054475.
Vancouver Tosun H, Karaca Çitfçi E. Do Economic Circumstances and Family Structures Affect Young Girls’ Healthy Living Behaviors and Menstrual Symptoms?. JSHS. 2022;7(2):419-30.


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