Misurata Ulusal Kanser Enstitüsü Ameliyathanesindeki Libyalı Hemşireler Arasında İş İle İlişkili Stres: Temel Bir Değerlendirme
Year 2022,
Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 793 - 806, 30.12.2022
Fatima Alhamrosh
Ayman Mustafa
Bahtınur Taşcı
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Misurata Ulusal Kanser Enstitüsü ameliyathanesinde çalışan Libyalı hemşireler arasında işle ilgili stres ve mesleki stres faktörleri sıklık ve şiddet açısından araştırılmıştır.
Yöntem: Çalışmanın popülasyonu, Misurata Kanser Enstitüsü ameliyathanesinde çalışan Libyalı Hemşireler grubudur. Araştırmacı, Misurata Kanser Enstitüsü ameliyathane hemşiresi olarak çalışan tüm Libyalı Hemşirelerin katılımcı olarak tanımlandığı amaçlı örnekleme kullanmıştır. Hali hazırda bu kurumda çalışan 14 Libyalı Hemşire bulunmakta olup, anket çalışmasına tümü dahil edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Mesleki stresörlerin en sık görülen alt boyutu “iş yükü” iken, mesleki stresörlerin en şiddetli alt boyutu olarak “diğer hemşirelerle çatışma”, ardından “iş yükü” ve “yetersiz hazırlık” gelmektedir. En sık işaretlenen mesleki stresör maddesi “Hemşirelik bakımı için gerekli ilaç ve ekipman eksikliği” iken, en şiddetli mesleki stresör maddesi ise “yönetici ile çatışma” olup ardından sırasıyla “hastaların ağrılı olarak deneyimledikleri işlemleri yapma” “bir hekim tarafından eleştiri” ve “iyileşmeyen bir hasta durumunda çaresiz hissetmek” gelmektedir.
Sonuçlar ve Öneriler: Elde edilen bulgulara göre, Libyalı hemşirelerin sosyal ve psikolojik açıdan kendilerine daha fazla özen göstermeleri gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu durum için uygun çözüm yollları bulunmalı ve hemşirelerin stres düzeyini iyileştirmek için etkili stres yönetimi programları tasarlanarak onların daha iyi hasta bakım hizmeti sunmaları sağlanmalıdır.
- Abu Alrab, R. (2006). Replication and examination of research data on Job stress and co-worker social support with internet and traditional samples. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38 (2), 200-204. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1547-5069.2006.00101.x
- AbuAlRub, RF. (2004). Job stress, job performance, and social support among hospital nurses. Image J. Nurs. Sch. 34(1), 73-78. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1547-5069.2004.04016.x
- Akkaya, A. & Karadağ, M. (2021). Ameliyathane Hemşirelerinin Çalışma Ortamından Kaynaklanan Mesleki Tranquilitylerinin ve Sağlık Sorunlarının Belirlenmesi. EGEHFD, 37(1), 11-22. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1290540
- Alanaas, O. (2005). Work stress and their relationship with psychology health employers of General Electricity company in Misurata, Libya, M Sc Thesis unpublished University of 7th October.
- Baba, V., & Jamal, M. (2000). Job stress and burnout among Canadian managers and nurses: An empirical examination. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 91 (6), 454-46. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/BF03404828.pdf
- Bhatia, N., Kishore, J., Anand, T., & Jiloha, R. (2010). Occupational stress amongst nurses from two tertiary care hospitals in Delhi. Australasian Medical Journal, 3 (11), 731-738. http://www.amj.net.au/index.php?journal=AMJ&page=article&op=viewFile&path%5B%5D=289&path%5B%5D=681.
- Brunero, S., Cowan D., Grochulski, A. & Garvey, A. (2006). Stress Management for Nurses. (Ed.1). Australia: New South Wales Nurses Association. s.6-32.
- Çam, R., Gezer, N., Boyacıoğlu, N. & Öztürk, M.H. (2020). Ameliyathane Hemşirelerinin Stres Kaynaklarının Belirlenmesi. Hemşirelik Bilimi Dergisi, 3(3), 14-21. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1268849.
- Gök, F. & Koçbilek, Z. D. (2022). Examination of fatigue levels and factors affecting fatigue in operating room nurses. Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management, 26, 100243.
- Gray-Toft, P. & Anderson, J. (1981). The Nursing Stress Scale: Development of an Instrument. Journal of Behavioural Assessment. 3(1), 11-23. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01321348
- Gümüşkaya, O. (2010). Ameliyathane hemşirelerinin eğitim gereksinimi. Cerrahi Hastalıkları Hemşireliği Ana Bilim Dalı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
- Healy, C. & McKay M. (2000). Nursing Stress: The effect of coping strategies and job satisfaction in a sample of Australian Nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31 (3), 681-688. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2648.2000.01323.x
- Kawano, Y. (2008). Association of Job-related stress factors with psychological and somatic symptoms among Japanese hospital nurses: effect of departmental environment in acute care hospitals. J. Occup. Health., 50 (1), 79-85.
- Li, N., Zhang, L., Li, X. & Lu, Q. (2022). Moderated Role of Social Support in the Relationship between Job Strain, Burnout, and Organizational Commitment among Operating Room Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10813.
- Lu, L., Cooper, C., Kao, S., & Zhou, Y. (2003). Work stress, control beliefs and well being in Greater China–An exploration of sub-cultural differences between the PRC and Taiwan. Journal of Mangerial Psychology, 18 (6), 479-510. doi 10.1108/02683940310494359
- McGrath, A., Reid, N., & Boore, J. (2003). Occupational Stress in Nursing. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 40 (5), 555-565. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0020-7489(03)00058-0
- Mohammed, F., Gaafar, Y. & Abd, Alkader, W. (2011). Pediatric nurses’ stresses in intensive care units and its related factors. Journal of American Science, 7 (9), 304-315. http://www.jofamericanscience.org/journals/am-sci/am0709/042_6739am0709_304_315.pdf
- Nakasis, K. & Ouzouni, C. (2008). Factors influencing stress and job satisfaction of nurses working in psychiatric units. Health Science Journal, 2 (4), 183-195. https://www.itmedicalteam.pl/articles/factors-influencing-stress-and-job-satisfaction-of-nurses-working-in-psychiatric-units-a-research-review-105710.html
- Olofsson, B., Bengtsson, C., & Brink E. (2003). Absence of response: a study of nurses’ experience of stress in the workplace. Journal Nursing Management, 11 (5), 351-358. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2834.2003.00384.x
- Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2008). Nursing Research: Principles and Methods (8th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Suzuki, K., Ohida, T., Kaneita, Y., Yokoyama, E., Miyake, T., Harano, S., Yagi, Y., Ibuka, E., Kaneko, A., Tsuitsui, T. & Uchiyama, M. (2004). Mental health status, shift work and occupational accidents among hospital nurses in Japan. Journal of Occupational Health, 46 (6), 448-454 https://doi.org/10.1539/joh.46.448
- Sveinsdottir, H., Biering, P. & Ramel, A. (2006). Occupational stress, job satisfaction and working environment Icelandic nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 43 (7), 875-889. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2005.11.002
- Vokic N.P. & Bogdanic, A. (2007). Individual Diffrences and Occupational Stress Perceived: a Croatian Survey. Working Paper Series, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Wang, J., Mao, F., Wu, L., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Sun, Y. & Cao, F. (2022). Work‐related potential traumatic events and job burnout among operating room nurses: Independent effect, cumulative risk, and latent class approaches. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(7), 2042-2054
- Yılmaz, E. B. (2017). Resilience as a strategy for struggling against challenges related to the nursing profession. Chinese Nursing Research, 4, 9–13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnre.2017.03.004
Year 2022,
Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 793 - 806, 30.12.2022
Fatima Alhamrosh
Ayman Mustafa
Bahtınur Taşcı
Aim: In this the job-related stress among Libyan nurses working at the operating room in Misurata National Cancer Institute and explored the occupational stressors in terms of frequency and severity.
Method: The retrospective study was carried out on Libyan nurses, who work in the operating room at Misurata National Cancer Institute. The researcher used purposive sampling wherein all Libyan nurses who had been working as nurses in the operating room in Misurata National Cancer Institute have been defined as participants. There were 14 Libyan Nurses currently working at Misurata Cancer Institute, and all respondents participated.
Results: The occupational stressors have appeared with the most frequent level to be “Workload”, while much severity level of occupational stressors, appears to be “Conflict with other nurses” followed by “workload” and “Insufficient preparation”. The much frequency occurred for occupational stressors item, which appears to be “Lack of medications and equipment, which required for nursing care”, and yet the much occupational stressors severity item appears to be “Conflict with supervisor”, followed by “Performing procedures that patients experience as painful” and “Criticism by a physician” and last item “feeling helpless regarding a patient who had failed to improve”.
Conclusions and Suggestions: From these findings conclude that Libyan nurses required much attention to deal with their social and psychological conditions. This should provide a suitable pathway and help in designing effective stress management systems, that improve the stress level of nurses and thus enable them to provide gentleness patient care.
- Abu Alrab, R. (2006). Replication and examination of research data on Job stress and co-worker social support with internet and traditional samples. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 38 (2), 200-204. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1547-5069.2006.00101.x
- AbuAlRub, RF. (2004). Job stress, job performance, and social support among hospital nurses. Image J. Nurs. Sch. 34(1), 73-78. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1547-5069.2004.04016.x
- Akkaya, A. & Karadağ, M. (2021). Ameliyathane Hemşirelerinin Çalışma Ortamından Kaynaklanan Mesleki Tranquilitylerinin ve Sağlık Sorunlarının Belirlenmesi. EGEHFD, 37(1), 11-22. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1290540
- Alanaas, O. (2005). Work stress and their relationship with psychology health employers of General Electricity company in Misurata, Libya, M Sc Thesis unpublished University of 7th October.
- Baba, V., & Jamal, M. (2000). Job stress and burnout among Canadian managers and nurses: An empirical examination. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 91 (6), 454-46. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/BF03404828.pdf
- Bhatia, N., Kishore, J., Anand, T., & Jiloha, R. (2010). Occupational stress amongst nurses from two tertiary care hospitals in Delhi. Australasian Medical Journal, 3 (11), 731-738. http://www.amj.net.au/index.php?journal=AMJ&page=article&op=viewFile&path%5B%5D=289&path%5B%5D=681.
- Brunero, S., Cowan D., Grochulski, A. & Garvey, A. (2006). Stress Management for Nurses. (Ed.1). Australia: New South Wales Nurses Association. s.6-32.
- Çam, R., Gezer, N., Boyacıoğlu, N. & Öztürk, M.H. (2020). Ameliyathane Hemşirelerinin Stres Kaynaklarının Belirlenmesi. Hemşirelik Bilimi Dergisi, 3(3), 14-21. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1268849.
- Gök, F. & Koçbilek, Z. D. (2022). Examination of fatigue levels and factors affecting fatigue in operating room nurses. Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management, 26, 100243.
- Gray-Toft, P. & Anderson, J. (1981). The Nursing Stress Scale: Development of an Instrument. Journal of Behavioural Assessment. 3(1), 11-23. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01321348
- Gümüşkaya, O. (2010). Ameliyathane hemşirelerinin eğitim gereksinimi. Cerrahi Hastalıkları Hemşireliği Ana Bilim Dalı. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
- Healy, C. & McKay M. (2000). Nursing Stress: The effect of coping strategies and job satisfaction in a sample of Australian Nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31 (3), 681-688. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2648.2000.01323.x
- Kawano, Y. (2008). Association of Job-related stress factors with psychological and somatic symptoms among Japanese hospital nurses: effect of departmental environment in acute care hospitals. J. Occup. Health., 50 (1), 79-85.
- Li, N., Zhang, L., Li, X. & Lu, Q. (2022). Moderated Role of Social Support in the Relationship between Job Strain, Burnout, and Organizational Commitment among Operating Room Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10813.
- Lu, L., Cooper, C., Kao, S., & Zhou, Y. (2003). Work stress, control beliefs and well being in Greater China–An exploration of sub-cultural differences between the PRC and Taiwan. Journal of Mangerial Psychology, 18 (6), 479-510. doi 10.1108/02683940310494359
- McGrath, A., Reid, N., & Boore, J. (2003). Occupational Stress in Nursing. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 40 (5), 555-565. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0020-7489(03)00058-0
- Mohammed, F., Gaafar, Y. & Abd, Alkader, W. (2011). Pediatric nurses’ stresses in intensive care units and its related factors. Journal of American Science, 7 (9), 304-315. http://www.jofamericanscience.org/journals/am-sci/am0709/042_6739am0709_304_315.pdf
- Nakasis, K. & Ouzouni, C. (2008). Factors influencing stress and job satisfaction of nurses working in psychiatric units. Health Science Journal, 2 (4), 183-195. https://www.itmedicalteam.pl/articles/factors-influencing-stress-and-job-satisfaction-of-nurses-working-in-psychiatric-units-a-research-review-105710.html
- Olofsson, B., Bengtsson, C., & Brink E. (2003). Absence of response: a study of nurses’ experience of stress in the workplace. Journal Nursing Management, 11 (5), 351-358. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2834.2003.00384.x
- Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2008). Nursing Research: Principles and Methods (8th ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Suzuki, K., Ohida, T., Kaneita, Y., Yokoyama, E., Miyake, T., Harano, S., Yagi, Y., Ibuka, E., Kaneko, A., Tsuitsui, T. & Uchiyama, M. (2004). Mental health status, shift work and occupational accidents among hospital nurses in Japan. Journal of Occupational Health, 46 (6), 448-454 https://doi.org/10.1539/joh.46.448
- Sveinsdottir, H., Biering, P. & Ramel, A. (2006). Occupational stress, job satisfaction and working environment Icelandic nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 43 (7), 875-889. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2005.11.002
- Vokic N.P. & Bogdanic, A. (2007). Individual Diffrences and Occupational Stress Perceived: a Croatian Survey. Working Paper Series, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Wang, J., Mao, F., Wu, L., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Sun, Y. & Cao, F. (2022). Work‐related potential traumatic events and job burnout among operating room nurses: Independent effect, cumulative risk, and latent class approaches. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(7), 2042-2054
- Yılmaz, E. B. (2017). Resilience as a strategy for struggling against challenges related to the nursing profession. Chinese Nursing Research, 4, 9–13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnre.2017.03.004