Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 59 - 70, 31.01.2018


In this study, the mutagenic effects of water
and sediment samples taken from 5 stations between Kumkale and Karaköy
locations on the Karamenderes River were investigated with the short time
mutagenicity test system of the Ames test. Different extracts (hexane,
chloroform and dichloromethane) and five different concentrations (100,
10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4) of
water and sediment samples were prepared for testing in the study. Experiments
were performed in the presence and absence of S9, which contains the TA98 and
TA100 mutant strains of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria and microsomal enzymes.
As a result of the mutagenicity studies, it was determined that the water
samples had mutagenic effect causing base pair changes at all the stations for
the chloroform extract. Mutagenicity was determined at the first station for
the hexane extract. It was determined that there are weak mutagenic effects in
the dichloromethane extract and in sediment samples from different stations.


  • REFERENCES ALEEM A., MALIK A., 2005, Genotoxicity of the Yamuna River Water at Okhla (Delhi), India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 61, 404-412. AMES, B.N., MCCANN, J., YAMASAKI, E., 1975, Methods for Detecting Carcinogens and Mutagens with the Salmonella/Mammalian-Microsome Mutagenicity Test. Mutation Research, 31, 347-364. ANONIM, 1991, Review of Potentially Harmful Substances Carcinogens, Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (Gesamp). World Health Organization, Reports And Studies, No. 46, Geneva. ANONIM, 2007, Çanakkale 2006-2007 Yılı İl Çevre Durum Raporu. T.C. Çanakkale Valiliği, İl Çevre ve Orman Müdürlüğü. 74-80. AYAN, T.İ., 2005, Kocabaş Çayında (Çanakkale/Biga) Bazı Bakteriyolojik Kirlilik Parametrelerinin Araştırılması,Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çanakkale. FILIPIC, M., 1995, Mutagenicity and Toxicity of Water Extracts from the Sora River Area. Mutation Research, 342, 1-8. GATEHOUSE, D.G., ROWLAND, I.R., WILLOX, P., DANDER, R.D., FOSTER, R., 1998, Bacterial Mutation Assay, Basic Mutagenic Recommended Procedure (Ed: Kirklandı, D.J.). The Bath Press, Avon Research., 227-234. HONG, C.E., LYU, S.Y., 2011, Genotoxicity Detection of Five Medicinal Plants in Nigeria. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 36 (1), 87-93. KAYACAN, Y.A., 2008, Biga Yarımadası Çanakkale İl Sınırları İçerisindeki Kıyı Sulak Alanların İnsan Çevre Etkileşimi Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Çanakkale. KEIJZER, T.H.J.S., MIDDELDROP,P.F., ALPHEN, M.,VAN DER LINDE, P.R., LOCH, J.P.G., 2000, Desorption Behaviour of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Harbour Sludge from the Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Water Air Soil Pollution, 136, 361-385. KOTELEVTSEV, S.V., STEPANOVA L., 1995, Biochemical and Genotoxicological Monitoring of Ecosystems with Special Reference to Lake Baikal and Northern Black Sea. Nato Advanced Study Institute on Molecular Aspects of Oxidative Drug Metabolizing Enzymes: Their Significance in Environmental Toxicology, Chemical Carsinogenesis and Health, 99-102. LIPPINCOTT, R.L., IBRAHIM, E.A., LOUIS, J.B., ATHERHOLT, T.B., SUFFET, I.H., 1990, Continuous Liquid–Liquid Extraction for the Preparation of Chlorinated Water Samples for the Ames Bioassay. Water Research, 24, 709-716. MACCUBBIN, A.E., ERSING, N., FRANK, M.E., 1991, Mutagenicity of Sediments from the Detroit River. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 17 (3), 314-321. MARON D.R., AMES B.N., 1983, Revised Methods for the Salmonella Mutagenicity Test. Mutation Research, 113, 173-215. MORTELMANS, K., ZEIGER, E., 2000, The Ames Salmonella/Microsome Mutagenicity Test. Mutation Research, 455, 29-60. NIELSEN P.A., 1992, Mutagenicity Studies on Complex Environmental Mixtures: Selection of Solvent System for Extraction. Mutation Research, 276, 117–123. REHANA, Z., MALIK, A., AHMAD, M., 1995, Mutagenic Activity of the Ganges Water with Special Reference to the Pesticide Pollution in the River Between Kachla to Kannauj (U.P.), India. Mutation Research, 343, 137–144. SAKURA, A., SUZUKI, S., SATOH, T., 2004, Improvement of the Ames Test Using Human Liver S9 Preparation. In: Yan Z. ve Caldwell G., Eds. Optimization in Drug Discovery: in Vitro Methods. Humana Press., 325-336. SINGH, K.P., TAKROO, R., RAY, P.K., 1987, Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Water, ITRC Manual No. 1. Industrial Toxicology Research Center, Lucknow. VU, B., ALVES, C.A., GONÇALVES, C., PIO, C., GONÇALVES, F., PEREIRA, R., 2012,Mutagenicity Assessment of Aerosols in Emissions from Wood Combustion in Portugal. Environmental Pollution, 166, 172-181. YILDIRIM, İ., ÖZCAN, H., 2007, Determination of Pesticide Residues in Water and Soil Resources of Troia (Troy). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16 (1), 63-70. ZHAO, Z., ZHANG, L., WU, J., FAN, C., SHANG J., 2010. Assessment of the Potential Mutagenicity of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in Contamined Sediments from Taihu Lake, China. Mutation Research, 696, 62-68.
Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 59 - 70, 31.01.2018



  • REFERENCES ALEEM A., MALIK A., 2005, Genotoxicity of the Yamuna River Water at Okhla (Delhi), India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 61, 404-412. AMES, B.N., MCCANN, J., YAMASAKI, E., 1975, Methods for Detecting Carcinogens and Mutagens with the Salmonella/Mammalian-Microsome Mutagenicity Test. Mutation Research, 31, 347-364. ANONIM, 1991, Review of Potentially Harmful Substances Carcinogens, Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (Gesamp). World Health Organization, Reports And Studies, No. 46, Geneva. ANONIM, 2007, Çanakkale 2006-2007 Yılı İl Çevre Durum Raporu. T.C. Çanakkale Valiliği, İl Çevre ve Orman Müdürlüğü. 74-80. AYAN, T.İ., 2005, Kocabaş Çayında (Çanakkale/Biga) Bazı Bakteriyolojik Kirlilik Parametrelerinin Araştırılması,Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çanakkale. FILIPIC, M., 1995, Mutagenicity and Toxicity of Water Extracts from the Sora River Area. Mutation Research, 342, 1-8. GATEHOUSE, D.G., ROWLAND, I.R., WILLOX, P., DANDER, R.D., FOSTER, R., 1998, Bacterial Mutation Assay, Basic Mutagenic Recommended Procedure (Ed: Kirklandı, D.J.). The Bath Press, Avon Research., 227-234. HONG, C.E., LYU, S.Y., 2011, Genotoxicity Detection of Five Medicinal Plants in Nigeria. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 36 (1), 87-93. KAYACAN, Y.A., 2008, Biga Yarımadası Çanakkale İl Sınırları İçerisindeki Kıyı Sulak Alanların İnsan Çevre Etkileşimi Bakımından Değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Çanakkale. KEIJZER, T.H.J.S., MIDDELDROP,P.F., ALPHEN, M.,VAN DER LINDE, P.R., LOCH, J.P.G., 2000, Desorption Behaviour of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Harbour Sludge from the Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Water Air Soil Pollution, 136, 361-385. KOTELEVTSEV, S.V., STEPANOVA L., 1995, Biochemical and Genotoxicological Monitoring of Ecosystems with Special Reference to Lake Baikal and Northern Black Sea. Nato Advanced Study Institute on Molecular Aspects of Oxidative Drug Metabolizing Enzymes: Their Significance in Environmental Toxicology, Chemical Carsinogenesis and Health, 99-102. LIPPINCOTT, R.L., IBRAHIM, E.A., LOUIS, J.B., ATHERHOLT, T.B., SUFFET, I.H., 1990, Continuous Liquid–Liquid Extraction for the Preparation of Chlorinated Water Samples for the Ames Bioassay. Water Research, 24, 709-716. MACCUBBIN, A.E., ERSING, N., FRANK, M.E., 1991, Mutagenicity of Sediments from the Detroit River. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 17 (3), 314-321. MARON D.R., AMES B.N., 1983, Revised Methods for the Salmonella Mutagenicity Test. Mutation Research, 113, 173-215. MORTELMANS, K., ZEIGER, E., 2000, The Ames Salmonella/Microsome Mutagenicity Test. Mutation Research, 455, 29-60. NIELSEN P.A., 1992, Mutagenicity Studies on Complex Environmental Mixtures: Selection of Solvent System for Extraction. Mutation Research, 276, 117–123. REHANA, Z., MALIK, A., AHMAD, M., 1995, Mutagenic Activity of the Ganges Water with Special Reference to the Pesticide Pollution in the River Between Kachla to Kannauj (U.P.), India. Mutation Research, 343, 137–144. SAKURA, A., SUZUKI, S., SATOH, T., 2004, Improvement of the Ames Test Using Human Liver S9 Preparation. In: Yan Z. ve Caldwell G., Eds. Optimization in Drug Discovery: in Vitro Methods. Humana Press., 325-336. SINGH, K.P., TAKROO, R., RAY, P.K., 1987, Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Water, ITRC Manual No. 1. Industrial Toxicology Research Center, Lucknow. VU, B., ALVES, C.A., GONÇALVES, C., PIO, C., GONÇALVES, F., PEREIRA, R., 2012,Mutagenicity Assessment of Aerosols in Emissions from Wood Combustion in Portugal. Environmental Pollution, 166, 172-181. YILDIRIM, İ., ÖZCAN, H., 2007, Determination of Pesticide Residues in Water and Soil Resources of Troia (Troy). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16 (1), 63-70. ZHAO, Z., ZHANG, L., WU, J., FAN, C., SHANG J., 2010. Assessment of the Potential Mutagenicity of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) in Contamined Sediments from Taihu Lake, China. Mutation Research, 696, 62-68.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Deniz Çakmak This is me

Neslihan Demir

Publication Date January 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 1
