VUNDUK,M.C.,TAVLI,Ş., YOL,S., TAVLI,L., YAVUZ,A., GÜNGÖR,S., YILMAZ,O.,2000.Mide karsinomlarında hücre proliferasyon belirleyicisi olarak PCNA, Ki 67 ve agNOR kullanımı. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 53(1): 11-15.
BAKIR,K., KAPUCUOĞLU,N.,BÜLBÜL,H.D.,1996. PCNA (Proliferating Cell Nuclerar Antigene) immunohistokimyasal boyanması ve agNORs’un meme karsinomunda prognozu belirlemedeki rolü. Türk Patholoji Dergisi, 12(1): 35-38.BAT,L,,
GÜNDOĞDU,A., ÖZTÜRK,M., ÖZTÜRK,M., 1999. Copper, zinc, lead and cadmium concentrations in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (L. 1718) from the Sinop coast of the Black Sea. Turk JZool.23; 321-326.
BERG,V.,ERİKSON,G.S., IVERSON,P.E., 1997. Strategies for monitoring of contamiants in marine organisms in Norwegian harbours and fjords. Norwegian State Food Control Reports. 94: 300-321.
DEMİR,N., GEZEN,M.R., BALLI,M., 2011.Çanakkale Boğazı’nın Karacaören Kıyısındaki Deniz Suyu ve Bazı Yumuşakçalarda (Bivalvia ve Gastropoda) Ağır MetalDüzeylerinin Araştırılması. Ekoloji Sempozyumu, P1: 39, Düzce.
DONSC. and BECKP.A., 1993. Priority hazardous substances in Norway. Norwegian State Pollution Control Reports 93:22-115. EGEMEN Ö. Çevre ve Su Kirliliği. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 42, Bornova-İzmir, 2000.
EGEMEN,Ö., ALPARSLAN,M.,SUNLU,U.,2004.Çanakkale’de toplanan midyelerde (Mytilus galloprovincialis) bazı ağır metal düzeylerinin araştırılması. E.Ü. SuÜrünleri Dergisi, 14:189-196.
GEZEN,M.R., DEMİR,N., ÇETİN,M.,2011. Çanakkale Boğazı’nın Umurbey Kıyısındaki Deniz suyu ve Bazı Yumuşakçalarda (Bivalvia ve Gastropoda) Ağır Metal Düzeylerinin Araştırılması. Ekoloji Sempozyumu, P2: 11, Düzce.
GEZEN,M.R., DEMİR,N., ÇETİN,M., BALLI,M.,2011.ÇanakkaleBoğazı’ndaki Deniz Kestanesi (Paracentrotus lividus)’ nin Ağır Metal Düzeyleri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Ekoloji Sempozyumu, P2: 10, Düzce.
GEZEN,M.R., 2017. Histopathological Research and Diagnosis of Important Paiting Methods, Journal of Scientific Perspectives, 1(1): 23-27.GUEVARA,S.R.,
BUBACH,D., VIGLIANO, P., LIPPOLT, G., ARRIBERE,M., 2004.Heavy metal and other traceelements in native mussel Diplodon chilensis from Northern Patagonia Lakes, Argentina. Biol Trace Elem Res 102(1-3):245-263.
GÖKSU,M.Z.L., AKAR,M., ÇEVİK,F.,FINDIK,Ö.,2005. Bioaccumulation of some heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Zn, Cu) in two bivalvia species. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 29:89-93.HU,H.,2000.Exposure tometals. Prim Care, 27; 983-996.
JULSHAMN,K., GRAHL-NİELSEN,O.,1996. Distribution of trace elemets from industrials discharges in the Hardangerfjord, Norway. A multivariate data-analysis of saithe, flounder, and blue mussel as sentinel organisms. MarinePollution Bulletin 32:564-571.
PEMPKOWIAK, J., SIKORA, A., BIERNACKA,E.,1999. Specification of heavy metals in marine sediments, their bioaccumulation by mussels. Chemosphere, 39:313-321.
Year 2018,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 73 - 84, 01.05.2018
Dardanelles is exposed to environmental pollution for many years. The strait is important in terms of fish migration and shellfish farming. Fish and shellfish obtained from the strait is frequently consumed by local people. Mussels serve as useful indicators of temporal trends in environmental quality because they accumulate some contaminants in their tissues at levels many time higher than in the surrrounding water and quickly to changes in contamination. Although there are few data about the toxicity of seafood that is exposed to environmental pollution, there are no animal studies about the gastric toxicity of mussels grown in the Dardanelles. Our previous studies demonstrated that the water and mollusc from certain regions of the Dardanelles contained heavy metal salts. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate the histopathologic changes in the gastric tissues of rats which are fed with mussels that are collected from the Çamburnu region of the Dardanelles. Four groups of rats are included in the study, group 1 (n=6), control group fed with standard rat food, group 2 (n=6), 75% mussels and 25% standard rat food daily, group 3 (n=6), 75% mussels and 25% standard rat food every two days, group 4 (n=6), 75% mussels and 25% standard rat food every three days. After the routine histopathologic processing all gastric tissue samples are evaluated in terms of 8-hydroxy-2' -deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) immunoreactivity with light microscopy and image analysis software. No histopathologic differences found in standard hematoxylin-eosin (H.E.) stained gastric tissue samples of the control group. In the second and third groups, a small amount of mononuclear cell infiltration was detected. In the fourth group, no significant difference was observed in mononuclear cells. In immunohistochemical staining, 8-OHdG immunoreactivity in gastric epithelial cells. 8-OHdG immunoreactivity was negative in gastric tissues in all groups. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups that were fed every day, every other day and every three days with clam (p>0.05).
VUNDUK,M.C.,TAVLI,Ş., YOL,S., TAVLI,L., YAVUZ,A., GÜNGÖR,S., YILMAZ,O.,2000.Mide karsinomlarında hücre proliferasyon belirleyicisi olarak PCNA, Ki 67 ve agNOR kullanımı. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 53(1): 11-15.
BAKIR,K., KAPUCUOĞLU,N.,BÜLBÜL,H.D.,1996. PCNA (Proliferating Cell Nuclerar Antigene) immunohistokimyasal boyanması ve agNORs’un meme karsinomunda prognozu belirlemedeki rolü. Türk Patholoji Dergisi, 12(1): 35-38.BAT,L,,
GÜNDOĞDU,A., ÖZTÜRK,M., ÖZTÜRK,M., 1999. Copper, zinc, lead and cadmium concentrations in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (L. 1718) from the Sinop coast of the Black Sea. Turk JZool.23; 321-326.
BERG,V.,ERİKSON,G.S., IVERSON,P.E., 1997. Strategies for monitoring of contamiants in marine organisms in Norwegian harbours and fjords. Norwegian State Food Control Reports. 94: 300-321.
DEMİR,N., GEZEN,M.R., BALLI,M., 2011.Çanakkale Boğazı’nın Karacaören Kıyısındaki Deniz Suyu ve Bazı Yumuşakçalarda (Bivalvia ve Gastropoda) Ağır MetalDüzeylerinin Araştırılması. Ekoloji Sempozyumu, P1: 39, Düzce.
DONSC. and BECKP.A., 1993. Priority hazardous substances in Norway. Norwegian State Pollution Control Reports 93:22-115. EGEMEN Ö. Çevre ve Su Kirliliği. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 42, Bornova-İzmir, 2000.
EGEMEN,Ö., ALPARSLAN,M.,SUNLU,U.,2004.Çanakkale’de toplanan midyelerde (Mytilus galloprovincialis) bazı ağır metal düzeylerinin araştırılması. E.Ü. SuÜrünleri Dergisi, 14:189-196.
GEZEN,M.R., DEMİR,N., ÇETİN,M.,2011. Çanakkale Boğazı’nın Umurbey Kıyısındaki Deniz suyu ve Bazı Yumuşakçalarda (Bivalvia ve Gastropoda) Ağır Metal Düzeylerinin Araştırılması. Ekoloji Sempozyumu, P2: 11, Düzce.
GEZEN,M.R., DEMİR,N., ÇETİN,M., BALLI,M.,2011.ÇanakkaleBoğazı’ndaki Deniz Kestanesi (Paracentrotus lividus)’ nin Ağır Metal Düzeyleri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Ekoloji Sempozyumu, P2: 10, Düzce.
GEZEN,M.R., 2017. Histopathological Research and Diagnosis of Important Paiting Methods, Journal of Scientific Perspectives, 1(1): 23-27.GUEVARA,S.R.,
BUBACH,D., VIGLIANO, P., LIPPOLT, G., ARRIBERE,M., 2004.Heavy metal and other traceelements in native mussel Diplodon chilensis from Northern Patagonia Lakes, Argentina. Biol Trace Elem Res 102(1-3):245-263.
GÖKSU,M.Z.L., AKAR,M., ÇEVİK,F.,FINDIK,Ö.,2005. Bioaccumulation of some heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Zn, Cu) in two bivalvia species. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 29:89-93.HU,H.,2000.Exposure tometals. Prim Care, 27; 983-996.
JULSHAMN,K., GRAHL-NİELSEN,O.,1996. Distribution of trace elemets from industrials discharges in the Hardangerfjord, Norway. A multivariate data-analysis of saithe, flounder, and blue mussel as sentinel organisms. MarinePollution Bulletin 32:564-571.
PEMPKOWIAK, J., SIKORA, A., BIERNACKA,E.,1999. Specification of heavy metals in marine sediments, their bioaccumulation by mussels. Chemosphere, 39:313-321.
Gezen, M. R. (2018). HISTOPATHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE STOMACH TISSUE OF RATS FED WITH MUSSELS (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Journal of Scientific Perspectives, 2(2), 73-84.