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Tepecik-Çiftlik Topluluğunun Neolitik Dönem Tabakaları Arasında Beslenme Değişimleri

Year 2017, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 594 - 610, 31.07.2017


Organizma için önemli bir mineral kaynağı olan kemiğin
yapısında yer alan elementlerin derişimi beslenmeden etkilenebildiğinden, kemik
diyet gibi geçmiş insan yaşam biçimlerini izlemek için yararlı bir biyolojik
arşiv görevi görür.
Orta Anadolu
Bölgesinde yer alan Tepecik-Çiftliğin C14 tarihlemesine göre yaklaşık 6800-6100
yılları arasına tarihlenen üç farklı Neolitik Tabakasından (Seviye 5, 4 ve 3)
elde edilen kemiklerin element (Ca, P, Mg, Mn, Sr, Zn, Cu ve Pb) içeriği
X-ışını fluoresans (XRF) spektrometrisi yardımıyla incelenmiştir.  Kemiklerin element içeriği mangan ve kurşun
başta olmak üzere gömü sonrası değişime işaret etmektedir. Elementlerin kalsiyum
ile (element/kalsiyum oranı) bivaret analizi yetişkin ile yetişkin yaş altı,
kadın ile erkek bireyler ve tabakalar arasında farklılıklar olduğunu
göstermiştir. Çok değişkenli analizler (PCA ve DA) alt katmanlarda et
tüketiminden ve zengin ekonomiden üst tabakada daha fazla bitki (örneğin tahıl)
tüketimine ve fakir ekonomiye geçiş olduğunu göstermektedir. Çok değişkenli
incelemelerden elde edilen sonuçlar, kazıları gerçekleştiren arkeologların ve
antropologların bulguları ile uyumludur.


  • Ambrose, S. H., & Krigbaum, J. (2003). Bone chemistry and bioarchaeology. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 22(3), 193-199. DOI: 10.1016/S0278-4165(03)00033-3
  • Balkan-Atlı, N. and Binder, D. (2012). Neolithic Obsidian Workshop at Kömürcü-Kaletepe (Central Anatolia) In: Özdoğan M, Başgelen N and Kuniholm P (Eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey (Vol.3), New excavations & New Research, Central Turkey. İstanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, pp.71-88.
  • Beck, L.A. (1985). Bivariate analysis of trace elements in bone, J. Hum. Evol. 14 493–502.
  • Bıçakçı, E. (2001). Tepecik/Çiftlik Höyüğü (Niğde) ışığında Orta Anadolu Tarihöncesi kültürleri ile ilgili yeni bir değerlendirme. Tüba-Ar 4: 25-41.
  • Bıçakçı, E., Godon, M., Çakan, Y.G. (2012). Tepecik-Çiftlik. In: M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen & P. Kuniholm (Eds.) The Neolithic in Turkey (Vol 3), New excavations & New Research, Central Turkey. İstanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, pp.89-134.
  • Bıçakçı, E., Altınbilek, Algül, Ç., Balcı, S, Godon M. (2007). Tepecik-Çiftlik. In: M. Özdoğan & N. Başgelen (Eds.), Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem. İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, pp.237-253.
  • Binder D. (2002). Stone making sense: what obsidian could tell about the origins of the Central Anatolian Neolithic. In: Gerard, F. and Thissen, L. (Eds), The Neolithic of Central Anatolia, Internal developments and external relations during the 9th-6th millennia cal BC. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları, pp.79-90.
  • Buikstra, J.E. and Ubelaker, D.H. (1994). Standards for data collection from human skeletal remains. Arkansas Archeological Survey Research Series No. 44, Arkansas.
  • Busetto, M., Giordani, L., Brandone, A., Cattaneo, C., Mazzucchi, A. (2008). Dietary Investigation by Trace Element Content in Bones of Ancient Inhabitants of Northern Italy. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 275 (2): 355-363. doi:10.1007/s10967-007-7070-x
  • Büyükkarakaya, A.M., Erdal, Y.S., Özbek, M. (2009). Tepecik-Çiftlik İnsanlarının Antropolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı 24: 119-138.
  • Büyükkarakaya, A.M., Erdal, Y.S., Özbek, M. (2012). Tepecik-Çiftlik Höyük’te Bulunan Neolitik Dönem Kolektif Gömünün Paleoantropolojik Analizi. 34. International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, Çorum, 28th May–1st June.
  • Büyükkarakaya, A.M. and Erdal, Y.S. (2014a). Tepecik-Çiftlik Neolitik Topluluğunda Beslenme ve Diş Sağlığı. 36th International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, Gaziantep, 2nd-6th June 2014.
  • Büyükkarakaya, A.M. and Erdal, Y.S. (2014b). New Data on Mortuary Practices from the Early Pottery Neolithic Site of Tepecik-Çiftlik, Central Anatolia. 20th Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists, İstanbul, 10th-14th September, pp.525.
  • Corti, C., Rampazzi, L., Ravedoni, C., Giussani, B. (2013). On the use of trace elements in ancient necropolis studies: Overview and ICP-MS application to the case study of Valdaro site, Italy. Microchemical Journal, 110: 614–623.
  • Çakan, Y.G. (2013). Tepecik-Çiftlik Son Neolitik Dönem Mimarisi. İstanbul (Unpublished MA thesis).
  • Fabig, A., Herrmann, B. (2002). Trace elements in buried human bones: intra-population variability of Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios e diet or diagenesis? Naturwissenschaften, 89: 115-119.
  • Fornaciari, G., Trevisani, E.M., Ceccanti, B. (1984). Indagini Paleonutrizionali e Determinazione del Piombo Osseo Mediante Spettroscopia ad Assorbimento Atomica su Resti Scheletrici di Epoca Tardo Romana (IV sec d.C.) della Villa dei Gordiani (Roma). Archivio per L’Antropologia e L’Etnologia 114 - 149. (In Italian).
  • Elliott, T.A. and Grime, G.W. (1993). Examining the diagenetic alteration of human bone material from a range of archaeological burial sites using nuclear microscopy. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B, 77 (1-4): 537–547.
  • García-Rizo, C., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Pérez-Sirvent, C. (1999). Environment transfer of zinc in calcareous soils in zones near old mining sites with semi-aridic climate. Chemosphere, 39(2): 209–27.
  • González-Reimers, E., Velasco-Vázquez, J., Arnay-de-la-Rosa, M., Alberto-Barroso, V., Galindo-Martín, L., Santolaria-Fernández, F.B. (2003). Cadmium and lead in prehistoric inhabitants and domesticanimals from Gran Canaria. Sci Total Environ, 301: 97–103. DOI: 10.1016/S0048-9697(02)00299-1
  • Giorgi, F., Bartoli, F., Iacumin, P., Mallegni, F. (2005). Oligoelements and isotopic geochemistry: a multidisciplinary approach to the reconstruction of the paleodiet, Human Evolution, 20: 55–82. Doi:10.1007/BF02438898
  • Hedges, R.E.M. (2002). Bone diagenesis: an overview of processes. Archaeometry, 44: 319–28. DOI: 10.1111/1475-4754.00064
  • Janos, I., Szathmary, L., Nadas, E., Beni, A., Dinya, Z., Mathe, E. (2011). Evaluation of elemental status of ancient human bone samples from Northeastern Hungary dated to the 10th century AD by XRF. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B, 269: 2593-2599.
  • Iscan, M.Y, Loth S. R, Wright R. K. (1984). Age estimation from the rib by phase analysis: White males, Journal of Forensic Science, 29; 1094–1104.
  • Iscan, M.Y., Loth, S. R., Wright R. K. (1985). Age estimation from the rib by phase analysis: White females, J. Forensic Sci., 30; 853–863.
  • Kyle, J.H. (1986). Effect of post-burial contamination on the concentrations of major and minor elements in human bones and teeth. The implications for palaeodietary research. Journal of Archaeological Science, 13:403–16.
  • Klepinger, L.L. (1984). Nutritional assessment from bone. Annual Review Anthropology, 13: 75–96. Lambert, J.B., Szpunar, C.B., Buikstra, J.E. (1979). Chemical analysis of excavated human bone from Middle and Late Woodland sites. Archaeometry, 21: 115–129.
  • Lovejoy, C.O., Meindl, R.S., Pryzbeck, T.R., Meinsforth, R.P. (1985). Chronological metamorphosis of the auricular surface of the ilium: a new method for the determination of adult skeletal age at death. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 68: 15-28. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.1330680103
  • Martínez-García, M.J., Moreno, J.M., Moreno-Clavel, J., Vergara, N., García-Sánchez, A., Guillamón, A., Portí, M., Moreno-Grau, S. (2005) Heavy metals in human bones in different historical epochs. Sci Total Environ 348:51-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.12.075
  • Mays, S. (2003). Bone strontium: calcium ratios and duration of breastfeeding in mediaeval skeletal population. Journal of Archaeological Science, 30: 731-741. doi:10.1016/S0305-4403(02)00247-9
  • Meindl, R.S., Lovejoy, C.O. (1985). Ectocranial Suture Closure: a revised method for the determination of skeletal age at the death based on the lateral-anteior sutures. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 68: 57-66. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.1330680106
  • Nelson, D.A., Sauer, N.J. (1984). An evaluation of postdepositional changes in the trace element content of human bone. American Antiquity, 49 (1): 141–147.
  • Nicholson, R.A. (1996). Bone degradation, burial medium and species representation: debunking the myths, an experiment-based approach. Journal of Archaeological Science, 23: 513–33.
  • Özdemir, K. (2008). İkiztepe Tunç Çağı Topluluğunda Element Analizleriyle Beslenme Yapısının Belirlenmesi, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara. (In Turkish with English abstract).
  • Özdemir, K., Erdal, Y.S., Demirci, Ş. (2010). Arsenic accumulation on the bones in the Early Bronze Age İkiztepe Population, Turkey. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37 (5); 1033–1041.
  • Price, T.D., Blitz, J., Burton, J., Ezzo, J.A., 1992. Diagenesis in prehistoric bone: problems and solutions. J. Archaeol. Sci. 19, 513-529.
  • Radosevich, S.C. (1993). The six deadly sins of trace element analysis: a case of wishful thinking in science. In: Sandford MK, editor. Investigations of ancient human tissue. Chemical analyses in anthropology. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers; p. 269–332.
  • Salmon, M.E. (1970). An X-Ray Fluorescence Method for Micro-Samples, IIC-American Group Technical Papers from 1968 through 1970; IIC-American Group: New York, 31-46.
  • Sandford, M.K. (1992). A reconsideration of trace element analysis in prehistoric bone. In: Saunders R, Katzenberg A, editors. Skeletal biology of past peoples: research methods. New York: Wiley-Liss; 79–103.
  • Sevdin, E.E. (2017). Farkli Arkeolojik Kemik Türlerinde Element Birikiminin Değerlendirilmesi: Tepecik-Çiftlik Örneği (Determination of Elemental Accumulation on the Different Archaeological Bone Types: Tepecik-Çiftlik Example). Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi (Unpublished Master Thesis), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Shafer, M.M., Siker, M., Overdier, J.T., Ramsl, P.C., Teschler-Nicola, M., Farrell, P.M. (2008). Enhanced methods for assessment of the trace element composition of Iron Age bone. Science of Total Environment, 401: 144-161.
  • Szostek, K., Glab, H., Lorkiewicz, W., Grygiel, R., Bogucki, P. (2005). The diet and social paleostratigraphy of Neolithic agricultural population of the Lengyel culture from Oslonki (Poland). Przeglad Antropologiczny – Anthropological Review, 68: 29 – 41.
  • Şevketoğlu. M. (2006). Cypro-Anatolian relations in the 9th millenium B.C.: Akanthou / Tatlısu Rescue Excavation. Anatolia, 30: 119-136.
  • Şevketoğlu, M. (2008). Early settlements and precurement of raw materials-new evidence based on research at Akanthou-Arkosykos (Tatlısu-Çiftlikdüzü), Northern Cyprus. TÜBA-AR XI, 63-72.
  • Ubelaker, D.H. (1989). Human skeletal remains (2nd ed.). Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
  • Zapata, J., Pérez-Sirvent, C., Martínez-Sánchez, M.J., Tovar, P. (2006). Diagenesis, not biogenesis: Two late Roman skeletal examples. Science of Total Environment, 369: 357–368. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.05.021

Dietary Changes across the Neolithic Levels of the Tepecik-Çiftlik Population

Year 2017, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 594 - 610, 31.07.2017


an important mineral source for the entire organism, bone serves as a useful
bioarchive for monitoring past human lifeways like diet, since the
concentration of the elements in its structure is influenced by the individual
diet. Bones from three different Neolithic Levels (Level 5, 4, and 3) dated to
6800 and 6100 cal. BC according to the C14 found in Tepecik–Çiftlik, Central
Anatolia, were elementally (Ca, P, Mg, Mn, Sr, Zn, Cu, and Pb) investigated by
the help of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry. The element content of bones
refers to post-mortem alteration (diagenesis), especially for manganese and
lead. Bivariate treatment of the element with calcium (element/calcium ratio) seems
to demonstrate some differences between adult and subadult, male and female,
and among levels. Multivariate analysis (PCA and DA) suggest a shift from meat
consumption and rich economy in the lower levels to more vegetable (cereal)
consumption and poor economy in the upper level. The results obtained from
multivariate treatments are in agreement with the findings of archaeologists
and anthropologists who conducted the excavations. 


  • Ambrose, S. H., & Krigbaum, J. (2003). Bone chemistry and bioarchaeology. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 22(3), 193-199. DOI: 10.1016/S0278-4165(03)00033-3
  • Balkan-Atlı, N. and Binder, D. (2012). Neolithic Obsidian Workshop at Kömürcü-Kaletepe (Central Anatolia) In: Özdoğan M, Başgelen N and Kuniholm P (Eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey (Vol.3), New excavations & New Research, Central Turkey. İstanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, pp.71-88.
  • Beck, L.A. (1985). Bivariate analysis of trace elements in bone, J. Hum. Evol. 14 493–502.
  • Bıçakçı, E. (2001). Tepecik/Çiftlik Höyüğü (Niğde) ışığında Orta Anadolu Tarihöncesi kültürleri ile ilgili yeni bir değerlendirme. Tüba-Ar 4: 25-41.
  • Bıçakçı, E., Godon, M., Çakan, Y.G. (2012). Tepecik-Çiftlik. In: M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen & P. Kuniholm (Eds.) The Neolithic in Turkey (Vol 3), New excavations & New Research, Central Turkey. İstanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, pp.89-134.
  • Bıçakçı, E., Altınbilek, Algül, Ç., Balcı, S, Godon M. (2007). Tepecik-Çiftlik. In: M. Özdoğan & N. Başgelen (Eds.), Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem. İstanbul: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, pp.237-253.
  • Binder D. (2002). Stone making sense: what obsidian could tell about the origins of the Central Anatolian Neolithic. In: Gerard, F. and Thissen, L. (Eds), The Neolithic of Central Anatolia, Internal developments and external relations during the 9th-6th millennia cal BC. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları, pp.79-90.
  • Buikstra, J.E. and Ubelaker, D.H. (1994). Standards for data collection from human skeletal remains. Arkansas Archeological Survey Research Series No. 44, Arkansas.
  • Busetto, M., Giordani, L., Brandone, A., Cattaneo, C., Mazzucchi, A. (2008). Dietary Investigation by Trace Element Content in Bones of Ancient Inhabitants of Northern Italy. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 275 (2): 355-363. doi:10.1007/s10967-007-7070-x
  • Büyükkarakaya, A.M., Erdal, Y.S., Özbek, M. (2009). Tepecik-Çiftlik İnsanlarının Antropolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı 24: 119-138.
  • Büyükkarakaya, A.M., Erdal, Y.S., Özbek, M. (2012). Tepecik-Çiftlik Höyük’te Bulunan Neolitik Dönem Kolektif Gömünün Paleoantropolojik Analizi. 34. International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, Çorum, 28th May–1st June.
  • Büyükkarakaya, A.M. and Erdal, Y.S. (2014a). Tepecik-Çiftlik Neolitik Topluluğunda Beslenme ve Diş Sağlığı. 36th International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry, Gaziantep, 2nd-6th June 2014.
  • Büyükkarakaya, A.M. and Erdal, Y.S. (2014b). New Data on Mortuary Practices from the Early Pottery Neolithic Site of Tepecik-Çiftlik, Central Anatolia. 20th Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists, İstanbul, 10th-14th September, pp.525.
  • Corti, C., Rampazzi, L., Ravedoni, C., Giussani, B. (2013). On the use of trace elements in ancient necropolis studies: Overview and ICP-MS application to the case study of Valdaro site, Italy. Microchemical Journal, 110: 614–623.
  • Çakan, Y.G. (2013). Tepecik-Çiftlik Son Neolitik Dönem Mimarisi. İstanbul (Unpublished MA thesis).
  • Fabig, A., Herrmann, B. (2002). Trace elements in buried human bones: intra-population variability of Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios e diet or diagenesis? Naturwissenschaften, 89: 115-119.
  • Fornaciari, G., Trevisani, E.M., Ceccanti, B. (1984). Indagini Paleonutrizionali e Determinazione del Piombo Osseo Mediante Spettroscopia ad Assorbimento Atomica su Resti Scheletrici di Epoca Tardo Romana (IV sec d.C.) della Villa dei Gordiani (Roma). Archivio per L’Antropologia e L’Etnologia 114 - 149. (In Italian).
  • Elliott, T.A. and Grime, G.W. (1993). Examining the diagenetic alteration of human bone material from a range of archaeological burial sites using nuclear microscopy. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B, 77 (1-4): 537–547.
  • García-Rizo, C., Martínez-Sánchez, J., Pérez-Sirvent, C. (1999). Environment transfer of zinc in calcareous soils in zones near old mining sites with semi-aridic climate. Chemosphere, 39(2): 209–27.
  • González-Reimers, E., Velasco-Vázquez, J., Arnay-de-la-Rosa, M., Alberto-Barroso, V., Galindo-Martín, L., Santolaria-Fernández, F.B. (2003). Cadmium and lead in prehistoric inhabitants and domesticanimals from Gran Canaria. Sci Total Environ, 301: 97–103. DOI: 10.1016/S0048-9697(02)00299-1
  • Giorgi, F., Bartoli, F., Iacumin, P., Mallegni, F. (2005). Oligoelements and isotopic geochemistry: a multidisciplinary approach to the reconstruction of the paleodiet, Human Evolution, 20: 55–82. Doi:10.1007/BF02438898
  • Hedges, R.E.M. (2002). Bone diagenesis: an overview of processes. Archaeometry, 44: 319–28. DOI: 10.1111/1475-4754.00064
  • Janos, I., Szathmary, L., Nadas, E., Beni, A., Dinya, Z., Mathe, E. (2011). Evaluation of elemental status of ancient human bone samples from Northeastern Hungary dated to the 10th century AD by XRF. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B, 269: 2593-2599.
  • Iscan, M.Y, Loth S. R, Wright R. K. (1984). Age estimation from the rib by phase analysis: White males, Journal of Forensic Science, 29; 1094–1104.
  • Iscan, M.Y., Loth, S. R., Wright R. K. (1985). Age estimation from the rib by phase analysis: White females, J. Forensic Sci., 30; 853–863.
  • Kyle, J.H. (1986). Effect of post-burial contamination on the concentrations of major and minor elements in human bones and teeth. The implications for palaeodietary research. Journal of Archaeological Science, 13:403–16.
  • Klepinger, L.L. (1984). Nutritional assessment from bone. Annual Review Anthropology, 13: 75–96. Lambert, J.B., Szpunar, C.B., Buikstra, J.E. (1979). Chemical analysis of excavated human bone from Middle and Late Woodland sites. Archaeometry, 21: 115–129.
  • Lovejoy, C.O., Meindl, R.S., Pryzbeck, T.R., Meinsforth, R.P. (1985). Chronological metamorphosis of the auricular surface of the ilium: a new method for the determination of adult skeletal age at death. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 68: 15-28. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.1330680103
  • Martínez-García, M.J., Moreno, J.M., Moreno-Clavel, J., Vergara, N., García-Sánchez, A., Guillamón, A., Portí, M., Moreno-Grau, S. (2005) Heavy metals in human bones in different historical epochs. Sci Total Environ 348:51-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.12.075
  • Mays, S. (2003). Bone strontium: calcium ratios and duration of breastfeeding in mediaeval skeletal population. Journal of Archaeological Science, 30: 731-741. doi:10.1016/S0305-4403(02)00247-9
  • Meindl, R.S., Lovejoy, C.O. (1985). Ectocranial Suture Closure: a revised method for the determination of skeletal age at the death based on the lateral-anteior sutures. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 68: 57-66. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.1330680106
  • Nelson, D.A., Sauer, N.J. (1984). An evaluation of postdepositional changes in the trace element content of human bone. American Antiquity, 49 (1): 141–147.
  • Nicholson, R.A. (1996). Bone degradation, burial medium and species representation: debunking the myths, an experiment-based approach. Journal of Archaeological Science, 23: 513–33.
  • Özdemir, K. (2008). İkiztepe Tunç Çağı Topluluğunda Element Analizleriyle Beslenme Yapısının Belirlenmesi, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara. (In Turkish with English abstract).
  • Özdemir, K., Erdal, Y.S., Demirci, Ş. (2010). Arsenic accumulation on the bones in the Early Bronze Age İkiztepe Population, Turkey. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37 (5); 1033–1041.
  • Price, T.D., Blitz, J., Burton, J., Ezzo, J.A., 1992. Diagenesis in prehistoric bone: problems and solutions. J. Archaeol. Sci. 19, 513-529.
  • Radosevich, S.C. (1993). The six deadly sins of trace element analysis: a case of wishful thinking in science. In: Sandford MK, editor. Investigations of ancient human tissue. Chemical analyses in anthropology. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers; p. 269–332.
  • Salmon, M.E. (1970). An X-Ray Fluorescence Method for Micro-Samples, IIC-American Group Technical Papers from 1968 through 1970; IIC-American Group: New York, 31-46.
  • Sandford, M.K. (1992). A reconsideration of trace element analysis in prehistoric bone. In: Saunders R, Katzenberg A, editors. Skeletal biology of past peoples: research methods. New York: Wiley-Liss; 79–103.
  • Sevdin, E.E. (2017). Farkli Arkeolojik Kemik Türlerinde Element Birikiminin Değerlendirilmesi: Tepecik-Çiftlik Örneği (Determination of Elemental Accumulation on the Different Archaeological Bone Types: Tepecik-Çiftlik Example). Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi (Unpublished Master Thesis), Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Shafer, M.M., Siker, M., Overdier, J.T., Ramsl, P.C., Teschler-Nicola, M., Farrell, P.M. (2008). Enhanced methods for assessment of the trace element composition of Iron Age bone. Science of Total Environment, 401: 144-161.
  • Szostek, K., Glab, H., Lorkiewicz, W., Grygiel, R., Bogucki, P. (2005). The diet and social paleostratigraphy of Neolithic agricultural population of the Lengyel culture from Oslonki (Poland). Przeglad Antropologiczny – Anthropological Review, 68: 29 – 41.
  • Şevketoğlu. M. (2006). Cypro-Anatolian relations in the 9th millenium B.C.: Akanthou / Tatlısu Rescue Excavation. Anatolia, 30: 119-136.
  • Şevketoğlu, M. (2008). Early settlements and precurement of raw materials-new evidence based on research at Akanthou-Arkosykos (Tatlısu-Çiftlikdüzü), Northern Cyprus. TÜBA-AR XI, 63-72.
  • Ubelaker, D.H. (1989). Human skeletal remains (2nd ed.). Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
  • Zapata, J., Pérez-Sirvent, C., Martínez-Sánchez, M.J., Tovar, P. (2006). Diagenesis, not biogenesis: Two late Roman skeletal examples. Science of Total Environment, 369: 357–368. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2006.05.021
There are 46 citations in total.


Subjects Anthropology
Journal Section Archaeology

Kameray Özdemir

Ali Akın Akyol This is me

Ali Metin Büyükkarakaya

Publication Date July 31, 2017
Submission Date May 12, 2017
Acceptance Date July 29, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 16 Issue: 3


APA Özdemir, K., Akyol, A. A., & Büyükkarakaya, A. M. (2017). Tepecik-Çiftlik Topluluğunun Neolitik Dönem Tabakaları Arasında Beslenme Değişimleri. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(3), 594-610.