Research Article
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Güvenliğin Dönüşümü Kapsamında Özel Askerî Güvenlik Şirketleri

Year 2023, Volume: 22 Issue: 4, 1424 - 1445, 20.10.2023


Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde özel askerî güvenlik şirketleri birçok silahlı çatışma bölgesinde giderek artan şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Özellikle bu dönemde dünyanın birçok yerinde meydana gelen düşük yoğunluklu silahlı çatışmalarda özel askerî şirketlerin kullanımı buralardaki sorunlarla baş edebilmek için geliştirilmiş hâl tarzlarından biri olmuştur. Bu şirketlerin kullanımı hukuki ve siyasal yönleri itibariyle son derecede tartışmalı olmakla birlikte kullanım alanları giderek artış göstermektedir. Bazı hâllerde silahlı çatışma işlevleri de üstlenen bu yapıların genellikle lojistik alan ve çeşitli koruma hizmetlerinde etkin olarak kullanıldığı gözlenmektedir. Bu şirketler özellikle profesyonellik, uzmanlık ve iyi bir örgütlenme yapısı içinde olmaları nedeniyle kısa zamanda beğeni kazanarak 1980’lı yıllardan itibaren yaygın bir şekilde, devletlerin yanı sıra Birleşmiş Milletler gibi uluslararası örgütler ile diğer uluslararası insani yardım örgütleri ve çok uluslu şirketler tarafından sıkça kullanılmaya başlamıştır. Birbirinden çok farklı formatlarda faaliyet gösteren ve farklı amaçlarla kurulmuş bulunan bu şirketlerin uluslararası güvenlik mimarisi içinde etkin roller almaya devam edeceği tahmin edilmektedir. Ayrıca bu sektörün mali hacmi de son dönemde büyük boyutlara ulaşmaktadır. Bu durumda bu yapıların incelenmesi ve anlaşılmasında yarar olacaktır. Bu çalışmada güvenlik ortamının değişen yapısı içinde geniş bir yelpazede faaliyet gösteren özel askerî ve güvenlik şirketlerinin tarihsel gelişimi, bu kapsamda günümüzdeki yapıları ile tercih edilme nedenleri ile birlikte üstlendikleri roller ve mevcut uluslararası hukuk kapsamındaki yerleri incelenmiştir.


  • ASDReports. (2020, 19 Şubat). Private Military Security Services (PMSCs) Market Report 2020-2030. (erişim tarihi: 29.12.2021.
  • Avant, D. D. (2008). Private security. In Security Studies (pp. 462-476). Routledge.
  • Avant, D. D. ve De Nevers, R. (2011). Military contractors & the American way of war. Daedalus, 88-99.
  • Avant, D. D. ve Sigelman, L. (2010). Private security and democracy: Lessons from the US in Iraq. Security Studies, 19(2), 230-265.
  • Ballard, K. M. (2007). The privatization of military affairs: a historical look into the evolution of the private military industry. In private military and security companies (pp. 37-53). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Bijos, L. ve de Souza, R. (2020). Private military companies and the outsourcing of war: a spark of destabilization to the Global Security. In Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul (No. 69, pp. 87-118).
  • Brayton, S. (2002). Outsourcing War: Mercenaries and the Privatization of Peacekeeping. Journal of International Affairs, 55(2), 303–329. (erişim tarihi: 23.9.2023)
  • Bukkvoll, T. ve Østensen, Å. G. (2020). The emergence of Russian private military companies: a new tool of clandestine warfare. Special Operations Journal, 6(1), 1-17.
  • Cameron, L. (2006). Private military companies: their status under international humanitarian law and its impact on their regulation. International Review of the Red Cross, 88(863), 573-598.
  • Cameron, L. ve Chetail, V. (2013). Privatizing war: private military and security companies under public international law. Cambridge University Press.
  • Fitzsimmons, S. (2013). Wheeled Warriors: Explaining variations in the use of violence by private security companies in Iraq. Security studies, 22(4), 707-739.
  • Franke, V. ve Von Boemcken, M. (2011). Guns for hire: Motivations and attitudes of private security contractors. Armed Forces & Society, 37(4), 725-742.
  • Fulloon, M. (2015). Non-state actor: defining private military companies. Strategic Review for Southern Africa, 37(2), 29.
  • Gillard, E. C. (2006). Business goes to war: private military/security companies and international humanitarian law. International Review of the Red Cross, 88(863), 525-572.
  • Hockenos, P. (2018). Homeland calling. In homeland calling. Cornell University Press.
  • ICRC. 2008. The Montreux Document on Private Military and Security Companies. International Committee of the Red Cross. (erişim tarihi: 29.05.2022)
  • Jefferies, I. D. (2002). Private military companies – A Positive role to play in today’s International System. Connections, 1(4),103–125. (erişim tarihi: 28. 2.2022)
  • Karagiannis, E. (2021). Russian surrogate warfare in Ukraine and Syria: understanding the utility of militias and private military companies. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 23(4), 549-565.
  • Krahmann, E. (2013). The United States, PMSCs and the state monopoly on violence: leading the way towards norm change. Security Dialogue, 44(1), 53-71.
  • Krahmann, E. (2016). NATO contracting in Afghanistan: the problem of principal–agent networks. International Affairs, 92(6), 1401-1426.
  • Kruck, A. (2014). Theorizing the use of private military and security companies: a synthetic perspective. Journal of International Relations and Development, 17, 112-141.
  • Leander, A. (2005). The market for force and public security: The destabilizing consequences of private military companies. Journal of Peace Research, 42(5), 605-622.
  • Linti, T. (2016). UN’s use of private military and security companies in peacekeeping operations: is there a legal basis? Politikon: The IAPSS Journal of Political Science, 29, 140–152.
  • Machiavelli, N. ve Atkinson, J. B. (2008). The Prince (Atkinson Edition). Hackett Publishing.
  • Maogoto, J. N. ve Sheehy, B. (2009). Private military companies & international law: building new ladders of legal accountability & responsibility. Cardozo J. Conflict Resol., 11, 99.
  • Marius, H. R. A. B. (2019). Reducing the logistic footprint‒A desideratum of past and future military operations. Bulletin of” Carol I” National Defence University (EN), (02), 24-29.
  • Moore, A. (2017). US military logistics outsourcing and the everywhere of war. Territory, Politics, Governance, 5(1), 5-27.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (1948). The problem of sovereignty reconsidered, The. Colum. L. Rev., 48, 341.
  • O'Brien, K. A. (2000). PMCs, myths and mercenaries: the debate on private military companies. The RUSI Journal, 145(1), 59-64.
  • OHCHR. (t.y.) Protocol Additional to Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts, (Protocol I), 8 June 1977 (erişim tarihi: 25. 2.2022)
  • Ortiz, D. J. (2012). Contracting effects on logistics capabilities and readiness. Army Command and General Staff Coll Fort Leavenworth Ks School of Advanced Military Studies.
  • Ortiz, J. C. (2010). Private armed forces and global security: a guide to the issues. ABC-CLIO.
  • Østensen, Å. G. (2011). UN use of private military and security companies: practices and policies (Vol. 3). Ubiquity Press.
  • Parker, G. (2017). Mutiny and discontent in the Spanish army of Flanders 1572–1607. In warfare in early modern Europe 1450–1660 (pp. 219-233). Routledge.
  • Pawelczyk, M. (2018). Contemporary challenges in military logistics support. Security and Defence Quarterly, 20(3), 85-98.
  • Petersohn, U. (2017). Private military and security companies (PMSCs), military effectiveness, and conflict severity in weak states, 1990–2007. Journal of conflict resolution, 61(5), 1046-1072.
  • Pilbeam, B. (2020). The rise of private military and security companies. In International Security Studies (pp. 188-204). Routledge.
  • Priest, D. (2004). Private guards repel an attack on US headquarters. Washington Post, 6(04). (erişim tarihi: 21. 2.2022)
  • Poutvaara, P., ve Wagener, A. (2011). Ending military conscription. CESifo DICE Report, 9(2), 36-43.
  • Raphael, S. ve Stokes D., (2017), Enerji güvenliği, Collins, A. (Ed). Çağdaş güvenlik çalışmaları, içinde (306-319) Uluslararası İlişkiler Kütüphanesi.
  • Reynolds, N. (2019). Putin's not-so-secret Mercenaries: Patronage, geopolitics, and the Wagner Group (Vol. 8). Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • Sarıbeyoğlu, M. (2013). Uluslararası insancıl hukuk perspektifinden vatandaşlık: geleneksel sonuçların dönüşümü. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 71(1), 1021-1049.
  • Sarre, R. ve Prenzler, T. (2000). The relationship between police and private security: models and future directions. International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice, 24(1), 91-113.
  • Scahill, J. (2008). Blackwater: The rise of the world's most powerful mercenary army. Hachette UK.
  • Singer, P. W. (2003). War, profits, and the vacuum of law: privatized military firms and international law. Colum. J. Transnat'l L., 42, 521.
  • Singer, P. W. (2005). Outsourcing war. Foreign Aff., 84, 119.
  • Singer, P. W. (2007a). Can't win with'em, can't go to war without'em: private military contractors and counter-insurgency. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. (erişim tarihi: 06.12.2021)
  • Singer, P. W. (2007b). Corporate warriors: the rise of the privatized military industry. New York: Cornell University Press.
  • Spearin, C. (2001). Private security companies and humanitarians: a corporate solution to securing humanitarian spaces? International Peacekeeping, 8(1), 20-43.
  • Spearin, C. (2017). Private military and security companies and states: force divided. Springer International Publishing.
  • Swed, O., & Crosbie, T. (2017). Private security and military contractors: A troubling oversight. Sociology Compass, 11(11), e12512. (erişim tarihi: 21.9.2023).
  • Tangör, B. ve Yalcinkaya, H. (2010). Güvenlik yönetişimi çerçevesinde özel askerî şirketler. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 7(25), 127-154.
  • The Report of the CWC (Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq & Afghanistan (US)). (2011). Transforming Wartime Contracting: Controlling Costs, Reducing Risks: Final Report to Congress: Findings and Recommendations for Legislative and Policy Changes. Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. (erişim tarihi: 30.12.2021)
  • Tonkin, H. (2011). State control over private military and security companies in armed conflict (Vol. 80). Cambridge University Press.
  • UNDSS. (2012) Guidelines on the use of armed security services from private security companies. UN Department of Safety and Security. (erişim tarihi: 25.3.2023)
  • Vaux T, Seiple C, Nakano G. ve Van Brabant K, (2001) Humanitarian action and private security companies. Opening the debate, London: International Alert.
  • Vinnel Arabia. (2023) About Us, (erişim tarihi: 25.3.2023).
  • Weber, M. (1946) Politics as a vocation. In (H.H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills, eds.) Essays in sociology, 26-45.
  • Weitzel, M. (2011) History of army contracting, (erişim tarihi: 25.2.2023). of army contracting
  • Welch, M. (2009). Fragmented power and state-corporate killings: a critique of Blackwater in Iraq. Crime, law, and social change, 51(3), 351-364.
  • Wells, J., Meyers, J. ve Mulvihill, M. (2001). US Ties to the Saudi elite may be hurting the war on terrorism. Boston Herald, 10. aktaran Collins, A. (2017). Çağdaş Güvenlik Çalışmaları, Uluslararası İlişkiler Kütüphanesi.
  • White, N. D. ve MacLeod, S. (2008). EU operations and private military contractors: issues of corporate and institutional responsibility. European Journal of International Law, 19(5), 965-988.
  • Yıldız, M. ve Ekmekçioğlu, A. (2018). Özel askerî şirketlerin savunma politikaları açısından incelenmesi. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 51(3), 27-59.
  • Zabyelina, Y. ve Kustova, I. (2015). Energy and conflict: security outsourcing in the protection of critical energy infrastructures. Cooperation and Conflict, 50(4), 531-549.

Private Military Security Companies within the Scope of Security Transformation

Year 2023, Volume: 22 Issue: 4, 1424 - 1445, 20.10.2023


In the post-Cold War era, private military security firms are increasingly used in many areas of armed conflict. Especially in this period, using private military companies in low-intensity armed conflicts in many parts of the world was one of the modes developed to cope with the problems in these regions. Although the use of these companies is highly controversial in terms of legal and political aspects, their areas of service are increasing. It is observed that these structures, which also undertake armed conflict functions in some cases, are generally used effectively in the logistics area and various protection services. These companies gained appreciation quickly due to their professionalism, expertise, and sound organizational structure. Since the 1980s, they have been widely used by states and international organizations such as the United Nations other international humanitarian organizations, and multinational companies. It is estimated that these companies, which operate in very different formats and have been established for various purposes, will continue to take active roles in international security architecture. In addition, the financial volume of this sector has recently reached significant dimensions. In this case, examining and understanding these structures will be helpful. In this study, the historical development of private military and security companies operating in a wide range within the changing system of the security environment, in this context, their current structures and the reasons for their preference, the roles they undertake, and their place within the scope of existing international law are examined.


  • ASDReports. (2020, 19 Şubat). Private Military Security Services (PMSCs) Market Report 2020-2030. (erişim tarihi: 29.12.2021.
  • Avant, D. D. (2008). Private security. In Security Studies (pp. 462-476). Routledge.
  • Avant, D. D. ve De Nevers, R. (2011). Military contractors & the American way of war. Daedalus, 88-99.
  • Avant, D. D. ve Sigelman, L. (2010). Private security and democracy: Lessons from the US in Iraq. Security Studies, 19(2), 230-265.
  • Ballard, K. M. (2007). The privatization of military affairs: a historical look into the evolution of the private military industry. In private military and security companies (pp. 37-53). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Bijos, L. ve de Souza, R. (2020). Private military companies and the outsourcing of war: a spark of destabilization to the Global Security. In Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul (No. 69, pp. 87-118).
  • Brayton, S. (2002). Outsourcing War: Mercenaries and the Privatization of Peacekeeping. Journal of International Affairs, 55(2), 303–329. (erişim tarihi: 23.9.2023)
  • Bukkvoll, T. ve Østensen, Å. G. (2020). The emergence of Russian private military companies: a new tool of clandestine warfare. Special Operations Journal, 6(1), 1-17.
  • Cameron, L. (2006). Private military companies: their status under international humanitarian law and its impact on their regulation. International Review of the Red Cross, 88(863), 573-598.
  • Cameron, L. ve Chetail, V. (2013). Privatizing war: private military and security companies under public international law. Cambridge University Press.
  • Fitzsimmons, S. (2013). Wheeled Warriors: Explaining variations in the use of violence by private security companies in Iraq. Security studies, 22(4), 707-739.
  • Franke, V. ve Von Boemcken, M. (2011). Guns for hire: Motivations and attitudes of private security contractors. Armed Forces & Society, 37(4), 725-742.
  • Fulloon, M. (2015). Non-state actor: defining private military companies. Strategic Review for Southern Africa, 37(2), 29.
  • Gillard, E. C. (2006). Business goes to war: private military/security companies and international humanitarian law. International Review of the Red Cross, 88(863), 525-572.
  • Hockenos, P. (2018). Homeland calling. In homeland calling. Cornell University Press.
  • ICRC. 2008. The Montreux Document on Private Military and Security Companies. International Committee of the Red Cross. (erişim tarihi: 29.05.2022)
  • Jefferies, I. D. (2002). Private military companies – A Positive role to play in today’s International System. Connections, 1(4),103–125. (erişim tarihi: 28. 2.2022)
  • Karagiannis, E. (2021). Russian surrogate warfare in Ukraine and Syria: understanding the utility of militias and private military companies. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 23(4), 549-565.
  • Krahmann, E. (2013). The United States, PMSCs and the state monopoly on violence: leading the way towards norm change. Security Dialogue, 44(1), 53-71.
  • Krahmann, E. (2016). NATO contracting in Afghanistan: the problem of principal–agent networks. International Affairs, 92(6), 1401-1426.
  • Kruck, A. (2014). Theorizing the use of private military and security companies: a synthetic perspective. Journal of International Relations and Development, 17, 112-141.
  • Leander, A. (2005). The market for force and public security: The destabilizing consequences of private military companies. Journal of Peace Research, 42(5), 605-622.
  • Linti, T. (2016). UN’s use of private military and security companies in peacekeeping operations: is there a legal basis? Politikon: The IAPSS Journal of Political Science, 29, 140–152.
  • Machiavelli, N. ve Atkinson, J. B. (2008). The Prince (Atkinson Edition). Hackett Publishing.
  • Maogoto, J. N. ve Sheehy, B. (2009). Private military companies & international law: building new ladders of legal accountability & responsibility. Cardozo J. Conflict Resol., 11, 99.
  • Marius, H. R. A. B. (2019). Reducing the logistic footprint‒A desideratum of past and future military operations. Bulletin of” Carol I” National Defence University (EN), (02), 24-29.
  • Moore, A. (2017). US military logistics outsourcing and the everywhere of war. Territory, Politics, Governance, 5(1), 5-27.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (1948). The problem of sovereignty reconsidered, The. Colum. L. Rev., 48, 341.
  • O'Brien, K. A. (2000). PMCs, myths and mercenaries: the debate on private military companies. The RUSI Journal, 145(1), 59-64.
  • OHCHR. (t.y.) Protocol Additional to Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts, (Protocol I), 8 June 1977 (erişim tarihi: 25. 2.2022)
  • Ortiz, D. J. (2012). Contracting effects on logistics capabilities and readiness. Army Command and General Staff Coll Fort Leavenworth Ks School of Advanced Military Studies.
  • Ortiz, J. C. (2010). Private armed forces and global security: a guide to the issues. ABC-CLIO.
  • Østensen, Å. G. (2011). UN use of private military and security companies: practices and policies (Vol. 3). Ubiquity Press.
  • Parker, G. (2017). Mutiny and discontent in the Spanish army of Flanders 1572–1607. In warfare in early modern Europe 1450–1660 (pp. 219-233). Routledge.
  • Pawelczyk, M. (2018). Contemporary challenges in military logistics support. Security and Defence Quarterly, 20(3), 85-98.
  • Petersohn, U. (2017). Private military and security companies (PMSCs), military effectiveness, and conflict severity in weak states, 1990–2007. Journal of conflict resolution, 61(5), 1046-1072.
  • Pilbeam, B. (2020). The rise of private military and security companies. In International Security Studies (pp. 188-204). Routledge.
  • Priest, D. (2004). Private guards repel an attack on US headquarters. Washington Post, 6(04). (erişim tarihi: 21. 2.2022)
  • Poutvaara, P., ve Wagener, A. (2011). Ending military conscription. CESifo DICE Report, 9(2), 36-43.
  • Raphael, S. ve Stokes D., (2017), Enerji güvenliği, Collins, A. (Ed). Çağdaş güvenlik çalışmaları, içinde (306-319) Uluslararası İlişkiler Kütüphanesi.
  • Reynolds, N. (2019). Putin's not-so-secret Mercenaries: Patronage, geopolitics, and the Wagner Group (Vol. 8). Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • Sarıbeyoğlu, M. (2013). Uluslararası insancıl hukuk perspektifinden vatandaşlık: geleneksel sonuçların dönüşümü. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 71(1), 1021-1049.
  • Sarre, R. ve Prenzler, T. (2000). The relationship between police and private security: models and future directions. International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice, 24(1), 91-113.
  • Scahill, J. (2008). Blackwater: The rise of the world's most powerful mercenary army. Hachette UK.
  • Singer, P. W. (2003). War, profits, and the vacuum of law: privatized military firms and international law. Colum. J. Transnat'l L., 42, 521.
  • Singer, P. W. (2005). Outsourcing war. Foreign Aff., 84, 119.
  • Singer, P. W. (2007a). Can't win with'em, can't go to war without'em: private military contractors and counter-insurgency. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. (erişim tarihi: 06.12.2021)
  • Singer, P. W. (2007b). Corporate warriors: the rise of the privatized military industry. New York: Cornell University Press.
  • Spearin, C. (2001). Private security companies and humanitarians: a corporate solution to securing humanitarian spaces? International Peacekeeping, 8(1), 20-43.
  • Spearin, C. (2017). Private military and security companies and states: force divided. Springer International Publishing.
  • Swed, O., & Crosbie, T. (2017). Private security and military contractors: A troubling oversight. Sociology Compass, 11(11), e12512. (erişim tarihi: 21.9.2023).
  • Tangör, B. ve Yalcinkaya, H. (2010). Güvenlik yönetişimi çerçevesinde özel askerî şirketler. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 7(25), 127-154.
  • The Report of the CWC (Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq & Afghanistan (US)). (2011). Transforming Wartime Contracting: Controlling Costs, Reducing Risks: Final Report to Congress: Findings and Recommendations for Legislative and Policy Changes. Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. (erişim tarihi: 30.12.2021)
  • Tonkin, H. (2011). State control over private military and security companies in armed conflict (Vol. 80). Cambridge University Press.
  • UNDSS. (2012) Guidelines on the use of armed security services from private security companies. UN Department of Safety and Security. (erişim tarihi: 25.3.2023)
  • Vaux T, Seiple C, Nakano G. ve Van Brabant K, (2001) Humanitarian action and private security companies. Opening the debate, London: International Alert.
  • Vinnel Arabia. (2023) About Us, (erişim tarihi: 25.3.2023).
  • Weber, M. (1946) Politics as a vocation. In (H.H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills, eds.) Essays in sociology, 26-45.
  • Weitzel, M. (2011) History of army contracting, (erişim tarihi: 25.2.2023). of army contracting
  • Welch, M. (2009). Fragmented power and state-corporate killings: a critique of Blackwater in Iraq. Crime, law, and social change, 51(3), 351-364.
  • Wells, J., Meyers, J. ve Mulvihill, M. (2001). US Ties to the Saudi elite may be hurting the war on terrorism. Boston Herald, 10. aktaran Collins, A. (2017). Çağdaş Güvenlik Çalışmaları, Uluslararası İlişkiler Kütüphanesi.
  • White, N. D. ve MacLeod, S. (2008). EU operations and private military contractors: issues of corporate and institutional responsibility. European Journal of International Law, 19(5), 965-988.
  • Yıldız, M. ve Ekmekçioğlu, A. (2018). Özel askerî şirketlerin savunma politikaları açısından incelenmesi. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 51(3), 27-59.
  • Zabyelina, Y. ve Kustova, I. (2015). Energy and conflict: security outsourcing in the protection of critical energy infrastructures. Cooperation and Conflict, 50(4), 531-549.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Security
Journal Section Political Science and International Relations

Suat Dönmez 0000-0002-9621-389X

Publication Date October 20, 2023
Submission Date June 20, 2023
Acceptance Date October 2, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 22 Issue: 4


APA Dönmez, S. (2023). Güvenliğin Dönüşümü Kapsamında Özel Askerî Güvenlik Şirketleri. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(4), 1424-1445.