Research Article
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Economic Virus in Our Body Cells: To What Extent Are Gold Prices Immune Against Sectoral Stock Indexes?

Year 2023, Volume: 22 Issue: 4, 1343 - 1360, 20.10.2023


The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has revealed profound and disproportionate effects not only on global financial markets but also on commodity markets. Considering the potential safe-haven role of gold as a vital commodity against economic turmoils and uncertainties; in this study, it has been aimed to investigate the long run impacts and short-run dynamics of the COVID-19 related variables (daily new confirmed cases in the world and U.S., COVID-19 Containment & Health Index) and different macro-financial factors on daily COMEX gold futures contracts prices, especially presenting a comparative analysis with respect to various sectoral stock indexes associated with S&P 500 and Dow Jones -including Health Care, Technology, Medical Equipment, Financials, Industrials, Information Technology and Energy sectors- for the sample period 10.03.2020-22.03.2021 by utilizing from Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach. Analysis results are of great importance in forming crucial policy implications about by which factors and sectoral stocks gold prices are being influenced the most. Consequently; Dow-Jones Financials, S&P 500 Industrials and S&P 500 Energy stock indexes can be said to have a significant impact on gold prices in the long run at 10% significance level. In the models containing these indexes, CBOE volatility index affects gold prices inversely while WTI oil prices have no impact on gold prices. In the long term, the weakest findings in terms of coefficient significancies have been obtained for the model which includes S&P 500 Energy stock index returns. Furthermore, daily new cases in the world -contrary to the cases in U.S.- generally affect gold prices.

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Project Number



  • Akhtaruzzaman, M., Boubaker, S., Lucey, B. M. and Sensoy, A. (2020). Is gold a hedge or safe haven asset during COVID–19 crisis?. Available at SSRN.
  • AlAli, M. S. (2020). Safe haven assets: Are they still safe during COVID-19 pandemic period?. European Journal of Economic and Financial Research, 4 (1), 91-98.
  • Cheema, M. A., Faff, R. and Szulczyk, K. (2020). The 2008 global financial crisis and COVID-19 pandemic: How safe are the safe haven assets?. Covid Economics, Vetted and Real-Time Papers, (34), 88-115.
  • Corbet, S., Larkin, C. and Lucey, B. (2020). The contagion effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from gold and cryptocurrencies. Finance Research Letters, 35, 101554.
  • Dutta, A., Das, D., Jana, R. K. and Vo, X. V. (2020). COVID-19 and oil market crash: Revisiting the safe haven property of gold and Bitcoin. Resources Policy, 69, 101816.
  • Gharib, C., Mefteh-Wali, S. and Jabeur, S. B. (2021). The bubble contagion effect of COVID-19 outbreak: Evidence from crude oil and gold markets. Finance Research Letters, 38, 101703.
  • Han, H., Linton, O., Oka, T. and Whang, Y. J. (2016). The cross-quantilogram: Measuring quantile dependence and testing directional predictability between time series. Journal of Econometrics, 193(1), 251-270.
  • ILO (2021). ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. Seventh edition Updated estimates and analysis”, International Labor Organization, 25 January. Available at, accessed on 20 March 2021.
  • IMF (2020). Tracking the $9 trillion global fiscal support to fight COVID-19, IMF Blog, 20 May, Washington, DC, International Monetary Fund. Available at, accessed on 20 March 2021.
  • IMF (2021, January). Global financial stability report update, January 2021: Vaccines inoculate markets, but policy support is still needed. Available at, accessed on 20 March 2021.
  • Jana, R. K. and Das, D. (2020). Did Bitcoin act as an antidote to the Chinese equity market and booster to Altcoins during the Novel Coronavirus outbreak?. Available at SSRN 3544794.
  • Kumar, A. S. (2020). Testing safe haven property of Bitcoin and gold during Covid-19: Evidence from multivariate GARCH analysis. Economics Bulletin, 40(3), 2005-2015.
  • LePan, N. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 shutdowns on the gold supply chain, 20 July. Available at , accessed on March 21, 2021. Lipsky, J., Moehr, O., Graham, N. and Biyani, N. (2021). How much money is the G20 spending?, Atlantic Council blog website. Available at, accessed on March 20, 2021.
  • Los Angeles Times (2020). S&P 500, Dow end at record highs as tumultuous 2020 ends, 31 December by Associated press. Available at , accessed on March 20, 2021.
  • Manohar, J. M. and Raju, G. A. (2021). Does gold retain its hedge and safe haven role for energy sector indices during COVID-19 pandemic? A crossquantilogram approach. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 11(1), 233.
  • Mariana, C. D., Ekaputra, I. A. and Husodo, Z. A. (2021). Are Bitcoin and Ethereum safe-havens for stocks during the COVID-19 pandemic?. Finance Research Letters, 38, 101798.
  • Pesaran, M. H., Shin, Y. and Smith, R. J. (2001). Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16(3), 289-326.
  • Roy, S. (2020). Gold & stock relation: Investors' reaction during Covid-19 outbreak. Revista Economica, 72(3).
  • Salisu, A. A., Vo, X. V. and Lawal, A. (2020). Hedging oil price risk with gold during COVID-19 pandemic. Resources Policy, 70, 101897.
  • Salisu, A. A., Raheem, I. D. and Vo, X. V. (2021). Assessing the safe haven property of the gold market during COVID-19 pandemic. International Review of Financial Analysis, 74, 101666.
  • Sistla, A. (2020). PRECIOUS-Gold turns negative as dollar strengthens on new virus strain, Article in Thomson Reuters, 21 December. Available at , accessed on March 20, 2021.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2020, 27 April). Archived: WHO timeline - COVID-19. URL: [accessed 2021-03-25].
  • Yousef, I. and Shehadeh, E. (2020). The impact of the COVID-19 on gold price volatility. International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA), 8(4), 353-364.

Economic Virus in Our Body Cells: To What Extent Are Gold Prices Immune Against Sectoral Stock Indexes?

Year 2023, Volume: 22 Issue: 4, 1343 - 1360, 20.10.2023


Yeni koronavirüs (COVID-19), yalnızca küresel finansal piyasalarda değil, aynı zamanda emtia piyasalarında da derin ve orantısız etkiler ortaya koymuştur. Altının ekonomik çalkantılara ve belirsizliklere karşı önemli bir emtia olarak potansiyel güvenli liman rolü dikkate alınarak; bu çalışmada 10.03.2020-22.03.2021 örneklem dönemi için COVID-19 ile ilişkili değişkenlerin (dünyada ve ABD’de günlük yeni vaka sayıları, COVID-19 Containment & Health Endeksi) ve farklı makro-finansal faktörlerin günlük COMEX altın vadeli işlem kontrat fiyatları üzerindeki uzun vadeli etkilerinin ve kısa vadeli dinamiklerinin, Gecikmesi Dağıtılmış Otoregresif (ARDL) yaklaşım kullanılarak ve S&P 500 ve Dow Jones ile ilişkili çeşitli sektörel borsa endeksleri (Sağlık Hizmeti, Teknoloji, Tıbbi Malzeme, Finans, Sanayi, Bilgi Teknolojisi ve Enerji) bakımından karşılaştırmalı analizinin sunularak araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, altın fiyatlarının en çok hangi faktörlerden ve sektörel hisse senetlerinden etkilendiğine dair önemli politika çıkarımlarının oluşturulmasında büyük önem taşımaktadır. Sonuç olarak; Dow-Jones Finans, S&P 500 Sanayi ve S&P 500 Enerji hisse senedi endekslerinin uzun dönemde %10 anlamlılık düzeyinde altın fiyatları üzerinde anlamlı bir etki yarattığı söylenebilir. Bu endeksleri içeren modellerde WTI petrol fiyatlarının altın fiyatları üzerinde hiçbir etkisi bulunmazken CBOE volatilite endeksi altın fiyatlarını ters yönde etkilemektedir. Uzun dönemde katsayı anlamlılıkları açısından en zayıf bulgular S&P 500 Enerji hisse senedi endeksi getirilerini içeren model için elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca ABD'deki günlük yeni vakaların aksine dünyadaki günlük yeni vakalar genel olarak altın fiyatlarını etkilemektedir.

Project Number



  • Akhtaruzzaman, M., Boubaker, S., Lucey, B. M. and Sensoy, A. (2020). Is gold a hedge or safe haven asset during COVID–19 crisis?. Available at SSRN.
  • AlAli, M. S. (2020). Safe haven assets: Are they still safe during COVID-19 pandemic period?. European Journal of Economic and Financial Research, 4 (1), 91-98.
  • Cheema, M. A., Faff, R. and Szulczyk, K. (2020). The 2008 global financial crisis and COVID-19 pandemic: How safe are the safe haven assets?. Covid Economics, Vetted and Real-Time Papers, (34), 88-115.
  • Corbet, S., Larkin, C. and Lucey, B. (2020). The contagion effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from gold and cryptocurrencies. Finance Research Letters, 35, 101554.
  • Dutta, A., Das, D., Jana, R. K. and Vo, X. V. (2020). COVID-19 and oil market crash: Revisiting the safe haven property of gold and Bitcoin. Resources Policy, 69, 101816.
  • Gharib, C., Mefteh-Wali, S. and Jabeur, S. B. (2021). The bubble contagion effect of COVID-19 outbreak: Evidence from crude oil and gold markets. Finance Research Letters, 38, 101703.
  • Han, H., Linton, O., Oka, T. and Whang, Y. J. (2016). The cross-quantilogram: Measuring quantile dependence and testing directional predictability between time series. Journal of Econometrics, 193(1), 251-270.
  • ILO (2021). ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. Seventh edition Updated estimates and analysis”, International Labor Organization, 25 January. Available at, accessed on 20 March 2021.
  • IMF (2020). Tracking the $9 trillion global fiscal support to fight COVID-19, IMF Blog, 20 May, Washington, DC, International Monetary Fund. Available at, accessed on 20 March 2021.
  • IMF (2021, January). Global financial stability report update, January 2021: Vaccines inoculate markets, but policy support is still needed. Available at, accessed on 20 March 2021.
  • Jana, R. K. and Das, D. (2020). Did Bitcoin act as an antidote to the Chinese equity market and booster to Altcoins during the Novel Coronavirus outbreak?. Available at SSRN 3544794.
  • Kumar, A. S. (2020). Testing safe haven property of Bitcoin and gold during Covid-19: Evidence from multivariate GARCH analysis. Economics Bulletin, 40(3), 2005-2015.
  • LePan, N. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 shutdowns on the gold supply chain, 20 July. Available at , accessed on March 21, 2021. Lipsky, J., Moehr, O., Graham, N. and Biyani, N. (2021). How much money is the G20 spending?, Atlantic Council blog website. Available at, accessed on March 20, 2021.
  • Los Angeles Times (2020). S&P 500, Dow end at record highs as tumultuous 2020 ends, 31 December by Associated press. Available at , accessed on March 20, 2021.
  • Manohar, J. M. and Raju, G. A. (2021). Does gold retain its hedge and safe haven role for energy sector indices during COVID-19 pandemic? A crossquantilogram approach. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 11(1), 233.
  • Mariana, C. D., Ekaputra, I. A. and Husodo, Z. A. (2021). Are Bitcoin and Ethereum safe-havens for stocks during the COVID-19 pandemic?. Finance Research Letters, 38, 101798.
  • Pesaran, M. H., Shin, Y. and Smith, R. J. (2001). Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16(3), 289-326.
  • Roy, S. (2020). Gold & stock relation: Investors' reaction during Covid-19 outbreak. Revista Economica, 72(3).
  • Salisu, A. A., Vo, X. V. and Lawal, A. (2020). Hedging oil price risk with gold during COVID-19 pandemic. Resources Policy, 70, 101897.
  • Salisu, A. A., Raheem, I. D. and Vo, X. V. (2021). Assessing the safe haven property of the gold market during COVID-19 pandemic. International Review of Financial Analysis, 74, 101666.
  • Sistla, A. (2020). PRECIOUS-Gold turns negative as dollar strengthens on new virus strain, Article in Thomson Reuters, 21 December. Available at , accessed on March 20, 2021.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) (2020, 27 April). Archived: WHO timeline - COVID-19. URL: [accessed 2021-03-25].
  • Yousef, I. and Shehadeh, E. (2020). The impact of the COVID-19 on gold price volatility. International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA), 8(4), 353-364.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Time-Series Analysis
Journal Section Economics

Sera Şanlı 0000-0002-4827-1032

Project Number -
Publication Date October 20, 2023
Submission Date August 21, 2023
Acceptance Date September 18, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 22 Issue: 4


APA Şanlı, S. (2023). Economic Virus in Our Body Cells: To What Extent Are Gold Prices Immune Against Sectoral Stock Indexes?. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(4), 1343-1360.